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"Are you ... green with envy?"
Kirk: Wait, this is your roommate’s bed?
Gaila: I owe her after she got drunk and vomited on mine.
Gaila: “But my roommate will be back in a minute!”
Kirk: “What color is SHE?"
Gaila: “But my roommate will be back in a minute!”
Kirk: “Hmmm... Is she over 18?"
Gaila is lucky, Kirk is not Neelix.
"Head & Shoulders? I didn't know you had dandruff!"
Kirk: "Protection?? Why don't you just let big Jim protect you!"
"Kiss me, you fool."
Kirk: Right… I forgot to tell you I have a colostomy bag…
Kirk is a huge proponent of consent. The problem is when he says something stupid, consent gets revoked faster than he can process it.
I see England, I see France, I see Jimmy's underpants.
Gaila: (thinks) He had garlic at lunch again. I need a better agent.
When Kirk fails to perform, his ego drops off a cliff.
Kirk, his probe malfunctioned.
Gaila, her disappointment evident.
The hidden boyfriend from Wicked.
"The name's Kirk. James Kirk. 1701. Licenced to thrill."
Commitment fears.
Booby Trap
Gaila: "Jim, do you know that Orion females have the power to make males do anything they want?"
Kirk: "That may work elsewhere, but not on 'Planet Kirk'."
Gaila: "Jim, do you know that Orion females have the power to make males do anything they want?"
Kirk: "I always do anything I want."
Gaila: "Jim, do you know that Orion females have the power to make males do anything they want?"
Kirk: "Is there something you wanted me to do?"
Not every species keeps their genitals in the same place.
Scotty: "If he gives her any more she'll ... No, foget it, I'm not going there!"
Gaila: “What’s the matter, Jim?”
Kirk: “I can’t help but wonder what color our kids might be.”
Scotty [off screen]: “He’s giving her all he’s got!!.”
"Ho ho ho, little elf! Santa's here!"
Kirk: I just had a joke regarding your ‘green thumb’ skills. I won’t say it because it makes me want to punch myself.
Question. Does Gaila have a side job as green-screen?
Don't call me tiny.
Search for (G) Spot
Bond had Goldfinger…
Kirk had the Green Goblin…
After being informed of Kirk’s dating history, Gaila is wondering if he is too inexperienced for.
Not in frame: McCoy listing off all of Kirk’s past relationships.
"Was that you?"
(offscreen) "It was the intimacy coordinator. Carry on."
Chris Pine: I just want you to know that I consider the specifics of this scene to be entirely too much.
Rachel Nichols: Don’t worry, the director is into you, not me.
The morning after. You swear off alcohol only to realize you overdid it the night before.
Kirk with his shirt off... again.
Kirk: “Are you like 30...32?”
Gaila: "More like a 34D."
When your copper spray tan oxidises ...
Gaila: Your body, my choice.
Kirk: What?
Gaila: Orion culture. The women are in charge.
Gaila: Your body, my choice.
Gaila: “But my roommate will be back in a minute!”
Kirk: “Is she bringing the Mallomars?”
Gaila: “But my roommate will be back in a minute!”
Kirk: “She’ll just have to wait her turn.”
Gaila: “But my roommate will be back in a minute!”
Kirk: “There’s plenty of me to go around.”
Gaila: “But my roommate will be back in a minute!”
Kirk: “I enjoy a challenge.”
Gaila: “But my roommate will be back in a minute!”
Kirk: “That’s all the time I need.”
Bond had Goldfinger…
Kirk has Greenweenie…
Compared to a male Orion....
Gaila: "Well, it was like, OK, y'know, sort of."
Romeo and Juliette… in Spaaaaaaace…..
"Lie back and think of Orion!"
"Is that really the best line you can come up with?"
Kirk just made the worst mistake possible in this situation. He said “I’ve had better.”
Gaila lost all interest when Kirk mentioned her choice of clothes.
Gaila: "No I didn't! I voted for Jill Stein!"
Trump victory..It's not just Gaila that's F*****.
Kirk: So, just to make sure I understand, you are doing this just to get back at your roommate. Am I right?
Gaila: Yes. Is that a problem?
Kirk: No problem, I just don’t think we are doing enough.
Kirk: Wait, I lost track. Are you my rebound relationship or am I your’s?
When dating the daughter of the Incredible Hulk, ‘protection’ takes on a whole new meaning.
When dating the daughter of the Incredible Hulk, make sure you keep both happy.
"Hey! You're not the Jolly Green Giant!"
"No, but I'm big and I'm tender!"
“My apologies miss. This is a transporter accident you can’t plan for.”
"So while we wait for the director to shout 'Action' ... did you see the game last night?"
Kirk was a very enthusiastic student of biology.
Kirk’s definition of a ‘study group.’
"I might be in, I might be out.
That's what random access is all about."
"Talking of business, have you met my agent?"
"Is that what you call it?"
Nurses say "oooooooh!"
Engineers say "aaaaaaah!"
Gaila says "James, the ceiling needs painting."
"Have you been eating garlic?"
This is the ... Kirk Directive!
"Doesn't Starfleet have a sexual harassment at work policy?"
"Yes. But the scriptwriters ignore it like they do with the Prime Directive."
Into Green-ness.
A classic. Kirk called out the wrong name in bed.
Gaila: “It’s not easy being green.”
Kirk: “I always heard green girls WERE easy!”
Gaila: “It’s not easy being green.”
Kirk: “You should see it from my perspective.”
Gaila: “It’s not easy being green.”
She is so jealous, her entire body turned green.


© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 104,384 Release date : 1 Dec 2024