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Caption Competition

EnterEntriesHonour Roll
PreviousLast monthVote
# Name Winner Special Mention
1 Frankie Chestnuts 40 1500
2 The Geek 31 346
3 Bird of Prey 23 488
4 Mr. President 20 350
5 Chromedome 18 336
6 nerd86 16 339
7 jg 12 240
8 Captain 8472 10 210
9 drow 10 180
10 Miss Marple 9 497
11 Mikey 9 177
12 DBB 9 162
13 Bryan Moore 9 100
14 mwhittington 8 125
15 McFortner 8 116
16 Bodhi 8 41
17 Hisrak 7 59
18 Foxbat 6 140
19 AJ 6 101
20 Silent Bob 6 84
21 Niall Johnson 6 75
22 Tiberius 6 53
23 epclarkson 6 42
24 N'tran DS 12 5 90
25 Cyrus Ramsay 5 67
26 EMH_MkI 5 51
27 tlbs101 5 47
28 Horta not Vorta 5 44
29 PegasusJF 4 86
30 ThomasJBryant 4 69
31 Lobster 4 53
32 Guybrush 4 46
33 Sondak 4 38
34 Tsukiyumi 4 34
35 Wacky 4 23
36 RedDwarfian 3 64
37 =NoPoet= 3 36
38 Lynn Campbell 3 28
39 Rat Boy 3 24
40 Brian Phillips 3 16
41 Sulu 3 14
42 Graeme A Carter 3 12
43 SlartyBardFast 3 7
44 Mr. Worf 2 71
45 Merat 2 59
46 Admiral ED 2 52
47 DanielB 2 52
48 MetalHead 2 49
49 MLCoolJ 2 46
50 The Steve 2 36
51 ktasay 2 32
52 11001001 2 30
53 Kevin P. 2 26
54 Zeke Thorne 2 26
55 Jack 2 25
56 Q 2 24
57 OlderThanTOS 2 23
58 SlideMan 2 22
59 Capt. Jethro 2 22
60 Admiral Dunsel 2 19
61 Nerd907 2 18
62 Rylan Sato 2 14
63 Fuzzy 2 13
64 Kalor 2 13
65 Obama3rdterm 2 12
66 Game Guru GG 2 9
67 Scott Bates 2 7
68 HJSalberg 2 6
69 ilandra 2 6
70 Jason F. 2 2
71 Stevo 2 2
72 Lt Hey 2 1
73 ZebulaNebula 1 55
74 BC1 1 51
75 Griddles 1 47
76 Blaston Phools 1 42
77 Xela 1 40
78 Lucky Strike 1 34
79 HungryHungarian 1 33
80 Dennie Hebels 1 30
81 UnknownCaptioneer 1 30
82 kent 1 28
83 Pinky & the Brain 1 25
84 James 1 24
85 Merlin 1 23
86 David Salberg 1 22
87 The Wormhole 1 22
88 AdmiralM 1 22
89 Schizo-Hal 1 22
90 Hugh Jass 1 21
91 pravda 1 20
92 Jonesy 1 18
93 Sir Joseph Bazooka 1 18
94 sentinel64 1 15
95 Researcher 1 15
96 BikerWolf 1 14
97 Nick C. 1 13
98 Bill L. 1 12
99 Premonition_45 1 12
100 MarkB 1 11
101 TThomaso 1 11
102 Captain Reynolds 1 11
103 blurb23 1 9
104 Chaos4700 1 9
105 Dougurasu 1 9
106 Scion Ninja 1 9
107 Brian G 1 8
108 unixrevolution 1 8
109 J. J. Biggs 1 8
110 Drags 1 7
111 Turgon 1 7
112 LeSmurf 1 7
113 Samus 1 7
114 OptimusKR 1 7
115 CaptnQuantum 1 6
116 Broccili 1 6
117 Craig 1 6
118 Helmsman #3 1 5
119 NASCARtographer 1 4
120 Praximusatrilajeyuoz 1 4
121 N'tran  DS 12 1 4
122 Kostmayer 1 4
123 Fat Tony 1 4
124 laclone 1 3
125 me,myself and I 1 3
126 Sylvester 1 3
127 Wolfman 1 3
128 Royston Vasey 1 3
129 Kulatu 1 3
130 timblewee 1 3
131 Auston 1 3
132 Borg 1 3
133 mknote 1 2
134 Wiech 1 2
135 glen 1 2
136 Drewflav 1 2
137 Gonzo 1 2
138 Kenny 1 2
139 Ensign Pryce 1 2
140 Wodball 1 2
141 Bob6800 1 2
142 Admiral Rupert 1 2
143 Big Bear 1 2
144 SilentEd 1 2
145 Pwn Believable 1 1
146 Dahie 1 1
147 GrueMaster 1 1
148 Zak Arranda 1 1
149 Jez 1 0
150 John Luc 1 0
151 Matthew Petersen 1 0
152 Matt Groenig 1 0
153 IAmNotSpock 1 0
154 USS Renown 1 0
155 cudmr 1 0
156 cq 1 0
157 Richard 1 0
158 pike 1 0
159 Admiral  Dunsel 1 0
160 Cyd 1 0
161 J.Wilder 1 0
162 Jackie 1 0
163 hfs.aphelion 1 0
164 Del LaSure 1 0
165 TimB 1 0
166 Mr. Dog 1 0
167 Ron Johnston 1 0
168 Phill 1 0
169 The Good Knight Fartsalot 1 0
170 Dee 1 0
171 BADScarab 1 0
172 Mike 1 0
173 KurdtLives 1 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 122,425 Last updated : 1 Nov 2024