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Caption Competition

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28 Aug 2005

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Q there once was a guy named Geordi
the Enterprise he went aboardy
"Riker" said Red
I'm afraid that he's dead
'cause a yellow shirt he coudn't afordy

Special Mention

Name Caption
Michael C. Fortner Crusher: Well, he should be up and working, but something is keeping him unconcous.
Riker: So what is it?
Crusher: It is the English third person neuter singular pronoun, but that is not important right now....
f00f CSI:Starfleet
DanielB Will: "Are you *sure* Tasha's a witch?"
Geordi: "She turned me into a newt!"
Beverly: "A newt?"
Geordi: "......I got better."
=NoPoet= Crusher: "The headband appears to be attached to his face. We tried cutting it off but it bled acid. And it's laid some kind of egg inside him."
Riker: "If he wakes up, make sure you do NOT feed him spaghetti bolognese."
woodside "Next time, Geordi, go with the technical explanation, rather than just telling the security chief you can see through her clothes."
Q Geordi: (in a British accent) I'm not dead yet!
Captain Nathan Lt. Le Forge collapses after reading his orders to change the ship's computer operating system to Microsoft Windows 2365.
Mikey Geordi: "Wait a minute - I didn't have the salmon mousse!"
liquidcross Crusher: "Butterflies in the stomach..."
Riker: "Don't touch the edges, or his nose'll light up!"
Nick C. "It's alright, Commander, he's just spending a year dead for income tax purposes."
Researcher Crusher: Would you like anything for pain?
Geordi: Nah, I already have a lot of pain, thanks.
Jesse Riker: What's wrong with him, Doctor?
Crusher: He's fainted from shock. He actually got a date.
Riker. I feel woozy...
FL Riker: We were in an away team mission back to the 1990s. Some vulcan came out of nowhere and phasered us.
Amir look, never mind how it happened...just tell me how to get my hand out of his thigh!
Strike Eagle Not learning anything from the last century, Starfleet Command just sticks by both redshirts and redheads.
TThomaso Crusher: Hmmm, not looking good...
Geordi: It's NOT?!?
Crusher: Mmm, nope, not good at all.
Riker: Just tell him doc...
Crusher: Yup it's had it
Geordi: No!
Crusher: Yes, the tricorder has had it, better get another one.
Griddles Riker: What's wrong with Geordi?
Crusher: He had the fish.
Gil Rodriguez LaForge: "This is the LAST straw. Tell the Captain I refuse to go on one more away mission until I am issued a yellow uniform!"
Drake "And what have we learned today?"
"Never give Worf a gag can of peanuts."
"If you like keeping your stomach in your body."
Bryan Moore "What is wrong with him, Doctor?"
"Oh nothing, he's just too tired from moving house"

Entries : 558People : 143

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,108 Last updated : 28 Aug 2005