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Caption Competition

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1 Jul 2021

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Phlox: "Mr. Tucker... Are you sure T'Pol uses the Sonic Shower every day at this time?"
Trip: "Like clockwork. Remember... She's a Vulcan."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Captain 8472 When you are waiting to see if your caption won.
Cyrus Ramsay Trip: "If this is Klingon porn, why is everyone fully clothed?"
Phlox: "Believe me, they're much more attractive this way."
Chromedome "Noooo! No way! She can't be! No, really ... oh, that's gross, I mean ... she's going for it ... look, her hand is going down ... Ohhhhh ... I can't believe she puts that much garlic in the stew!"
Frankie Chestnuts Trip: "Whoa... Transporter malfunction?"
Phlox: "Transporter malfunction."
PegasusJF Seeing just how deep the rabbit hole really gets...
Chromedome Phlox: "Who is the being with the bald, square head?"
Trip: "That's Kryten the Mechanoid."
Phlox: "Pwhoar! He's a looker alright!"
Chromedome "So where is this planet Galifrey? I would like to meet this Dr. Who."
Miss Marple Despite the zoom call pandemic of the 21st century, some people never learned to appropriately fear the wrath of “Room Raters.”
MR. WORF Trip : Phlox ! Hurry up and finish your census form !!!
Phlox : I'm trying to but , your making me lose count of how many wives I have.
Frankie Chestnuts Trip: “What seems to be the issue, doctor?”
Phlox: “I notice a neutrino surge in the hyper sensitive ray flinger. We should magnatize the containment generator. I'm also detecting a slight field variance in the revolving microfilament autosequencers. We should increase power to the ion energy core.”
Trip: “You have no clue, do you?”
Phlox: “Nope.”
Chromedome Phlox: "Oh no! Something's wrong."
Trip: "What is it?"
Phlox: "This isn't going to be good."
Trip: "What isn't? What are you looking at? I don't see anything on the screen."
Phlox: "Oh, the screen is fine, but the curry I had for lunch has caused a containment failure in my pants!"
Bird of Prey Phlox: "This is simply astonishing! It's the perfect apex predator! I've never seen such a lifeform before! How did you call it again?"
Trip: "That's Pac-Man!"
AdmiralM Watching people in the d-con chamber was a great way to pass time in sickbay.
Miss Marple Trip; I don't understand why ALL my sign-in passwords are compromised.
Phlox: Perhaps, SeXXXyBeast38, because you use the same password for all your accounts...
Voice off camera: And your vanity license plates...
Second Voice off camera: and that tattoo...
Hacker: and using it both for your "User Name" AND password.
MR. WORF Phlox : Damn these Windows updates take way to long to install.
Miss Marple Phlox: You REALLY miss a lot if you don't watch the Harry Potter movies with the captions on. Here... let me cue it up for you...
Trip: Wait, who the hell is Death Eater Ethan?
Captain 8472 Phlox: How can she bend like that?
Trip: It’s a cat.
Phlox: The spinal structure must be incredible.
Trip: It’s a cat...
Phlox: I wonder, what kind of musculature is required for such a range of motion?
Trip: It’s a CAT!
Chromedome "42? Four-ty two? What the hell do you think we asked you computer?"
Captain 8472 Phlox: Wait until you meet my friend. His name is Biggus Dickus.
Trip: What?
Phlox: He also has quite the lovely wife. Her name is Inctinentia Buttus.
Frankie Chestnuts Phlox: “So what you’re saying is that Frankie Chestnuts is actually Joe Pesci playing Tommy DeVito in Goodfellas, based real life mobster Tommy DeSimone… I thought it was just a funny, made up name!”
Frankie Chestnuts Phlox: " what you are saying is that it's the quality of the captions, not the number of entries?"
Chromedome (Janeway's voice offscreen) "Phlox, how many times have I told you not to wear your pyjamas for video conferences?"
Cyrus Ramsay Trip: "So this thing will enable us to travel through time?"
Phlox: "Yes, it's my own invention. I call it the Phlox Capacitor."
Chromedome The dangers of online gambling still persisted even in Starfleet.

Entries : 147People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 10,809 Last updated : 1 Jul 2021