Name |
Caption |
janewayophile |
Torres " Hard drive huh, looks more like a floppy to me " |
Drew |
B'Elanna: All right Marvin, activate the Infinate Improbability Drive." |
Drewbacca |
Voyager once visited a planet composed entirely of street performers. |
3of9 |
Lore infiltrated voyager by captivating B'elanna while hiding a chunk of the crystalline entity behined the door. |
SlideMan |
"Klatuu, Barada, Nikto! Klatuu, Barada, Nikto!" |
SlideMan |
"Bite my shiny metal ass! |
Bryan Moore |
"I may be known as 6263, but my porno name is 6969. Yeahhhhh baby!" |
SlideMan |
"Danger! Danger B'Lanna Torres! Danger!" |
Silent Bob |
"It's not my fault I'm evil, I've got a Microsoft operating system!" |
Silent Bob |
B'Elanna: "Tonight Mathew, I'm going to be Shirley Bassey" |
ELProphet |
I thought Robin Williams was shorter than that... |
The Pfeiff |
A terminator endoskelton and Torres share a tender moment over the smells of burning human flesh. |
Adol |
Robot : So why did you replace the warp core with a lava lamp? |
Assassin |
Tom! One of your silly Captain Proton Hologramms escaped! |
CornMaster |
No! I'm not lubricating your control shaft. |