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Caption Competition

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13 Nov 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Mr. President Reed: "What on earth?"
Archer: "What is it?"
Reed: "A little paperclip has just appeared on my screen. It says, 'It looks like you're trying to lock phasers - would you like help?'"

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek "...alright... Caption Competition... okay, Miss Marple, DBB... hey! Where the hell is The Geek?!?"
The Geek T'Pol showercam: Best. Idea. Ever.
The Geek FREECELL: More addictive than crack.
Frankie Chestnuts Reed: "T'Pol... I can arrange for next day delivery... Where are we going to be all day tomorrow?"
Frankie Chestnuts Reed: "WOW! Trip... Look at this site: Articles, Reviews, Weaponry, Species, Personnel... They even have recreation... Here's a "Weekly Poll" and - "Caption Competition".
Frankie Chestnuts Reed: "WOW! Trip... Look at this site: Articles, Reviews, Weaponry, Species, Personnel... They even have recreation... Here's a "Weekly Poll" and - "Caption Competition"... This is amazing... These guys have GOT to be Brits."
Miss Marple He was able to overcome his "stiff upper lip" problem... he just hadn't read the side effect warnings of 80% possibility of developing "slack jaw".
Miss Marple He was able to overcome his "stiff upper lip" problem... he just hadn't read the side effect warnings of 80% possibility of developing "slack jaw". Most Brits with this affliction were eventually deported... his life would always suck!
Miss Marple It seems to be a series of tubes...
Frankie Chestnuts Reed: "Wait a sec... Trip, come here... It really looks like Han shot first!"
Miss Marple Shortly after joining an internet dating service, Reed gets dumped by some Swedish chick called "Børg".
Apparently she was not interested in his biological or his technological distinctiveness.
Miss Marple Shortly after joining an internet dating service, Reed gets dumped by some Swedish chick called "Børg".
Apparently she was not interested in his biological or his technological distinctiveness.
RedDwarfian Archer: REED! Stop looking at lolcats and arm torpedos!
Miss Marple Unfortunately, Malcolm did not realize:
1) that his searches would come back to haunt him as "targeted advertising" and
2) people can not actually die of embarrassment.
Frankie Chestnuts Scott... Jolene... Did you guys get this email: 'Dear Mr. Keating. It is with great regret that we must inform you that this will be the final season of Star Trek Enterprise...'.
Mr. President "Good god, my hair looks FABULOUS!"
The Geek Cheer up, Reed! After all, hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way...
Miss Marple Santorum means what?!?!?!
DBB Reed: *reading email* "would you like to increase the size of your manhood?" Increase the size of my manhood? Sure, I suppose.
*click link*
*crashes main computer with cascades of malware*
DBB Reed tattooed eyes on his eyelids so he could sleep on the bridge with no one knowing. But since his snoring sounds like a screaming Klingon death-rattle, no one was fooled.
DBB "Reformat discs."
"Warning. Reformatting will erase all data. Would you like to continue?"
"Yes. *clicks* ...wait, no! Oh...crap."
DBB "Reformat discs."
"Warning. Reformatting will erase all data. Would you like to continue?"
"Yes. *clicks* ...wait, no! Oh...crap. I am so fired.
Frankie Chestnuts Roofied... IN SPAAAAACE!
Mr. President Archer: "What is it, Lieutenant?"
Reed: "It's a wibbly wobbly swirly whirly thing, captain."
Archer: "Tell the truth, you flunked the academy, didn't you, you're just here 'cause your daddy and Admiral Forrest are golf buddies?"

Entries : 208People : 44

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,375 Last updated : 13 Nov 2011