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Caption Competition

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23 Oct 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Miss Marple Picard: "THERE... ARE... POOR... LIGHTS!!"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Miss Marple It was a dark and scary night -IN SPAAACE!
Frankie Chestnuts On the left we see Normal Universe, Picard.
On the right is Alternate Universe, Evil Picard.
Or do I have those mixed up?
Miss Marple I hate it when they put these damn, big mirrors above the urinals!
Frankie Chestnuts Riker: "Dear Lord!!! Who does his lighting??? And why can't I get me some of that?
Miss Marple Actually these full length mirrors in the urinals aren't that bad. I look GOOD! does he...
Miss Marple To save money as the series wound down Patrick Stewart was often required to stand just off set to reflect lighting back into certain scenes.
Miss Marple A residual from his time with the Borg was that he could sleep standing up with his eyes open.
Miss Marple A residual from his time with the Borg was that he could sleep standing up with his eyes open. Kinda creeps you out when you realize some of your co-workers often look the same way.
The Geek "Captain's Log, supplemental. As my first order of business as the master of this vessel- (cracks shin on coffee table) - I will have more lights installed throughout the ship."
Miss Marple I am not a "Frenchie" -I am a "Belgie"
Miss Marple Picard to self: The Geek... I hate him soooo much!
katefan 300 years in the future and drivers license photos still make you look like a criminal.
Miss Marple In the depths of his heart he had a place for Lwaxana Troi; a deep, dark, lonely, scary place.
Frankie Chestnuts Picard: "I am Locutus of Borg. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile...
And has anyone seen my eye implant? It was around here earlier. I really should not have removed it when I regenerated...
Despite this... Resistance IS futile. It really is."
Mr. President You can take Picard out of the Stargazer, but you can't take the stargazer out of Picard.
Frankie Chestnuts One too many cups of Earl Grey.
Bird of Prey Is this room half full with photons, or half empty?
Mr. President That's no moon ... that's a space captain.
Frankie Chestnuts Deanna: "I'm worried about him, Will..."
Riker: "Are you able to perceive anything?"
Deanna: "I'm sensing confusion... A juvenile mind... Hunger??? He's thinks my outfit should be more revealing... He has to pass gas... The trombone?
Will... Would you mind stepping out for a few minutes?"
Frankie Chestnuts I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the
Miss Marple Sometimes he regretted doing this role bald, but at those moments he reminded himself that at least he would always be remembered, immortalized by "The Picard Maneuver" and not as the captain with the rug.
Miss Marple His greatest fear was that, one day, people would realize that the SNL SEXY CAKES/Erotic Bakery "humor skits" were not made up...
Mr. President The Picard pumpkin head was surprisingly realistic.
Miss Marple Actually these full length mirrors in the urinals aren't that bad. I look GOOD! does he... eyes forward... eyes FORWARD!

Entries : 142People : 41

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,638 Last updated : 23 Oct 2011