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Caption Competition

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8 May 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Trip: 'The sign says WHAT?'
T'Pol: 'Caution: Exhaust Vent Below.'
Trip: 'That damn Malcolm!'

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Trip: 'Let me get this straight... The Vulcan Relaxation Techniques have to be taught while in your PAJAMAS?'
Mr. President T'Pol was glad to see the back of Tucker.
nerd86 It says Malcolm was here. Why does it say Malcolm was here? Trip?
ZebulaNebula T'Pol: Who is Kilroy, and what interest would he have with the back of your neck?
sentinel64 This so unfair... son unfair... she gets to grope me, but when I go for a grope.... She gives me a damn Vulcan neck pinch... Vulcans!
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: 'Why didn't the tag come off with your shirt?'
Sovereign Chinese water torture, sensory depravation techniques, electrical shocks or plain simple beatings.
All are good ways to make people talk.
But in the end, the most effective method of torture was... blue balls.
Bird of Prey T'Pol: 'So much hair... Tell me, your species' descent from apes was how many years ago?'
Frankie Chestnuts Trip (to self): 'Wow... T'Pol really needs to have her quarters repainted.'
jg Trip: I jusr hope one of us doesn't end up pregnant.
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: 'I do not know what a 'Happy Ending' is, I do not want to know what it is, and I DO NOT wish to give you one.'
The Geek T'Pol (thinking): 'At least I do not have to give Neelix a foot massage.'
Mr. President T'Pol: 'So it's true: not everybody keeps their genitals in the same place after all.'
Mr. President T'Pol: 'What's this tattoo? 'Small parts may be a choking hazard'?'
Tucker: 'Damn frat parties.'
Frankie Chestnuts Trip: 'I'm really not sure you are doing this Vulcan Nerve Pinch thing correctly... I don't feel any-'
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: 'Risa... Vegas... Shanghai... Wrigley's Pleasure Planet... What do these tattoos signify?'
Mr. President T'Pol: 'Ah, there's Waldo.'
Mr. President This is the third caption competition in as many weeks in which the picture has one person touching another. What would Freud say, apart from 'Caption competition? Star Trek? I've been dead for seventy years, what the hell are you talking about?'
Mr P T'Pol- How does that feel?
Trip- Not bad, try going abit lower.
*T'Pol's voice deepens*
T'Pol- Is that better?
DBB T'pol: I can see the head now. The fetus is emerging.
Trip: Dammit, if I get impregnanated by an alien on one more away mission, I'm gone.
Mr. President Trip: 'Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape! (embarrassed pause) Sorry. Reflex. I had a tough time at the academy.'
DBB T'pol: Allow yourself to completely relax.
Trip: *passes gas*
T'pol: Okay, don't relax too much.
Schrodinger's Hat Tucker: Is that... is Mayweather sitting on your ceiling?
Kent T'Pol tried to only rub his shoulders, but couldn't keep her eye's off his bacne...

Entries : 112People : 31

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,519 Last updated : 8 May 2011