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Caption Competition

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12 Sep 2004

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Admiral ED --Bud--- ---Wise--- ---Errr---

Special Mention

Name Caption
James Worf: NO NO! This uniform is not is...merely stained with the blood of slain warriors!
Silent Bob "Words come later. It is the bulging tights which first speak of love."
Silent Bob Worf: "Sir, I would suggest that it is my coiffeured hair and neatly trimmed beard that makes me the merriest of men."
Coen Worf to Transporter Room; if this is your idea of a practical joke, IT IS NOT FUNNY!
Lord David Geordi, take that visor off! You're drawing attention!
Eric Worf: " when I said I wanted to wear red, I meant I want to be promoted to a command function."
Steve Worf: I'm in Security and wearing a red shirt--(looks around nervously)--one second thought, it's pink....manly pink.
Sandwich "Truly, a warrior's garb! Now, where's my prune juice?"
LeSmurf revenge is a dish best served merry
Silent Bob "Nobody expects the Federation Inquisition! Our chief weapons are knives, knives and lutes - our TWO chief weapons are knives and lutes... and lovely red uniforms!"
Tim W How can I be merry when my tights are riding up into subspace
janewayophile A priest, a rabbi, and a balding android walk into a bar...
Bryan Moore "I feel pretty... oh so pretty... I feel pretty, and witty, and bright... And I pitty, yes I pitty, any Klingon who isn't me tonight"

Entries : 448People : 129

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,308 Last updated : 12 Sep 2004