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Caption Competition

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13 Sep 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Premonition_45 Beverly: So where is Wesley?
Picard: Oh, I've got a *gut* feeling Wesley's around here someplace (chuckling). After all, isn't there a little Wesley in all of us (chuckling)? In fact, you could say we ate Wesley and he's in our stomachs right now (laughing)! Wait, scratch that last one.

Special Mention

Name Caption
nerd86 The taxidermist was right: breakfast is more peaceful this way.
nerd86 Picard: I like to masticate thoroughly every morning.
Crusher: I used to be the same way, but the chaffing just got to bad after awhile.
Picard: What?
Jack We reserve the right to regurgitate any entries that we find offensive.
Captain Redbeard Doctor, I hope that's a hypospray under your napkin. If not it means you're happy to see me!
booyah Patrick swore to himself if she ever discussed the time she worked with Alec Baldwin again, she was going to die.
drow Crusher: "All I'm saying is, the next time you're running your Dune program in the holodeck, I'd love to join you. I could be Lady Jessica."
drow Picard: "Computer. Woman, Medical Officer, hot."
[ Beverly Crusher appears]
Picard: "Lovely."
Bird of Prey Starfleet uniforms: Not colourfast at all...
74656 Crusher- for the last time, my hair is not going to eat you
Bill L. Oh yes, Doctor, I am indeed quite fond of it. In fact, I'm having Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, raktajino, Spam, Spam and Spam!
Sulu Doctor, that cloth appears to have fallen in quite an unfortunate manner on the table, such that a camera crew positioned over here might interpret it as a large erection and distribute the image to caption competitions everywhere.
Will Deker SCONES!! IN SPAAACE!!!!
Admiral ED Beverly: Some people said you're gay!
Picard: I'm not gay... I'm British, eh sorry French!
Frankie Chestnuts Picard: "Beverly, explain this to me again - What is this Civit Cat Coffee?"
Tiberius THERE - ARE - FOUR - MUFFINS! And three croissants, five spoonfulls of suger in the bowl, and a little dish full of jam.
Skipbear Beverly: "just who do I have sleep with to win the caption competition just once...pleeze!"
Joel Wright Crusher: is that a new shirt?
Picard: Yes, do you like, it's my new Earl Grey T..... You get it?
Crusher: Just stick to being a captain.
Chromedome Picard: Errr, Doctor, if you're sitting there ... then who's hands are those under the table?
BC1 Crusher: what do you mean "like in fan fiction"!?!
Ithekro Wesley aged rapidly from the genetic flaw in his DNA. This unfortunately lead to Beverly discovering who Wesley's real father was....
Frankie Chestnuts Picard: "This is delicious! Such a unique flavor.. I can't place it. By the way, I haven't seen Wesley around recently. Is he in trouble?"
Crusher: "Wellll... He's been in some hot water."
nerd86 If you give me a raise, I'll give you one.
The Geek Crusher: "Jean- Luc? Eyes up here, alright?"
The Geek Picard: "I just don't want you to feel restricted by the shackles of authority on board the Enterprise. Unless, of course that's what you're into! In that case, I got some shackles in the back! Hahaha! But seriously. I've got 'em."
Hugh Jass Jean Luc when I wanted us to have breakfast in the morning, this isn't what I had in mind. I meant to stay over night, and have a good f...
I get the picture Beverley
Lucky Strike Beverly: Not to worry captain, in fourty years or so, you'll be remastered to have hair.
Lucky Strike Beverly: ...and so the butcher, bloody cleaver in hand, said to his customer "we call it the aristocrats".
nerd86 Are they still watching?
I can't swallow when people are watching me eat.
Well, I'm watching you eat.
That's different, I KNOW you. They're just, just, so weird! Look at them with their comic books and Aquabats cds, quoting Monty Python and making Douglas Adams and Doctor Who references. They're like a bunch of Wesleys!
Now, now captain... let's not say things we can't take back later.
You're right. That was a bit low. I'm sorry.
Frankie Chestnuts Picard, his Earl Grey cold.
Crusher, her muffins deflated.
Will Deker Episode 181: The Schizoid Ham

Entries : 336People : 108

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,042 Last updated : 13 Sep 2009