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Caption Competition

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23 Aug 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
drow The declining budgets of the show became obvious, as funny-forehead aliens were replaced with people with funny little drawings on their face and a towel over their heads. Even worse, it was often the same towel.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Foxbat (Enterprise Haiku)
Immortal swordsman
Looking for the writer who
gave Mayweather lines.
Marlin Back I am NOT falling for the old "There's a Tholian Death Spider on your chin" ploy!
Pudabudigada As you can see, this actor's really dedicated, he can even play two roles simultaneously. Here he's doing stereotypical bad guy with goatee and prat with a towel on his head- AT THE SAME TIME!!!
Will Deker Body art gone horribly awry...IN SPAAAACE
drow "Great Bird, what have you done with the Inkian ambassador?"
Percy Pissflaps "Archer...broken bow...get it?"
Frankie Chestnuts Zorbal: "So Captain, do you like gladiator movies?"
Q You can tell he's an alien. Clearly, humans don't have tatoos...
Bodhi Worst. Mirror. Ever.
Unixrevolution Yes, it's a very nice tattoo...but that doesn't change the fact that you can't take the towels from your stateroom.
Captain 8472 "T'Pol to Archer. The sensors are detecting a large ego in your area."
Sylvester Tell me again...what is this "Oil" you spoke of?
Mr. President "And I suggest to you, captain, that whoever smelt it dealt it."
lexxonnet Yes, my species is incapable of growing any facial hair.
Frankie Chestnuts Archer finally confronts the Smug-beast of Pompous IV.
Skipbear Archer, "Guess the I-pod was a bad gift choice"
Skipbear "Ok I admitt it. My only reason for me being here is to see you and Trip shirtless and sweaty".
Bird of Prey Very important alien ambassador: "I have feared beforehand that some imbecile out of your crew will step into my quarters and disturb me during my hair washing day - but I never would have thought that it will me THE CAPTAIN HIMSELF! Now GET OUT! If it's something important you have to say, at least wait until I am done toweling my hair!"
Frankie Chestnuts Zorbal: "Wellll.... First I had about twelve Romulan ales. Then they broke out the Saurian Brandy..."
nerd86 Just look at that smug expression on his face. He either thinks he's better than us or he's drunk. Or both.
Frankie Chestnuts Archer: "DUDE! Wait 'til your parents see that!"
C.J.Jackal Archer: I'm Jonathan Archer, captain of the Enterprise.
Zorbal: My name is Zorbal, and I am a cheap stereotype.
Rob Yes, after the Highlander movies I have to hold my head on with a towel
Frankie Chestnuts "I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Any terrorist who isn't me tonight."

Entries : 230People : 79

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,242 Last updated : 23 Aug 2009