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Caption Competition

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17 May 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
epclarkson "GERONI(SPLAT!)"

Special Mention

Name Caption
UnknownCaptioneer I'm BLIND! The lens flare!
Drakey Wow. That must've been one hell of a fart.
Bill L To celebrate the success of the new "Star Trek" movie, JJ Abrams buys all of Rick Berman's cars and, one at a time, drives them all off the highest cliff in Iowa.
Pudabudigada DON'T WORRY!!! The cushioning effect of a massive ego will pprotect him.
Scion Ninja Hello, GEICO... I'd like to report a claim
Tsukiyumi This is a great shot of GM's last investor bailing out.
UnknownCaptioneer When I said "Jump for joy, the new movie is awesome", I don't think this is what I meant.
Frankie Chestnuts Q: "007, I told you not to touch that button."
McFortner Young Kirk: Reboot? I don't want to be in any crappy reboot. See Ya!
MetalHead When you told me that your son throws himself at any woman by the side of the road Mrs. Kirk, I really didn't think you meant it literally...
MetalHead The product placement was so tacky that James Kirk decided to kill himself
HungryHungarian This is the reaction of every single people to hearing 'Faith of the Heart' on their car's radio.
epclarkson Playing a young James T. Kirk took a leap of faith.....
HungryHungarian Kirk (moments before kicking the car into the chasm): 'THIS!!! IS!!! IOWA!!!!!'
nerd86 Kirk: My foot's stuck! ARGHHHHH!
Mr. President Kirk didn't believe in the no-win scenario. Except when it came to making a claim on the car insurance.
nerd86 And then Kirk reverse dropkicked the car clear off the cliff.
Mr. President "What's this media player? Nokia??!! NOOO!!!"
Redwarf Realizing he was in a Star Trek movie, and then realizing that he was in a RED car, the young actor made the wise choice of leaping for his life.
epclarkson When learning orbital skydiving, it's necessary to start 'small'.
epclarkson When they said Star Trek XI was going to 'jumpstart' the franchise, I don't think this was what they had in mind....
tlbs101 And, at the bottom of the quarry 'red matter' would be created.
TIberius In the future, hood ornaments will be very much larger. And not on hoods....
lexxonnet Future Red Bull doesn't quite give you wings.
Lucky Strike And if his chest had been a cannon, it would have blown him back into the gorge.
Ty.G Another fortunate escapee of Michel Jackson's Neverland Ranch.
Drakey Kirk clearly doesn't believe in the no-brakes scenario.
nerd86 Juvenile Delinquency... in SPAA-er-on EAAARTH!!!
nerd86 The last thing the car thought before hitting the ground was "Oh no. Not again."
Samus To infinity and....aghhhh!!! a cliff!!!

Entries : 405People : 125

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,998 Last updated : 17 May 2009