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Caption Competition

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15 Mar 2009

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Name Caption
Pwn Believable This is not the caption comp anymore its the camp-tion comp.

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek This week's Caption Competition is proudly sponsored in part by LGBT. Have you hugged your effette space cowboy racketeer lately?
The Geek Biggus Dickus' distant cousin, Homo Eroticus.
Odinson It's true when they say everyone loves the smell of their own brand...
mwhittington Mudd: Why does everyone ask if I'm from San Francisco?
Drakey Though Worf was not, Mudd clearly was: a merry man.
No way? Yawhey! "Oh but captain, I assure you. I *am* the very model of a modern minor criminal."
Capt. Jethro A tribble in your front pocket feels oh soooo gooood!!
Demotox A one man YMCA song.
Acid Hello my name is Big Gay Al, and this is my Big Gay boat ride, Super!
HungryHungarian Mudd: 'I'm the only man whom even J.J. Abrams didn't dare to change for his reboot!'
nerd86 A man sooo gay a new word for gay had to be invented that was even gayer than gay just to describe how gay he was. That word was... Tom Cruise.
HungryHungarian It is a well known fact that it took the police two days to take a single mug shot of Mudd.
Tobias Shortly after this "Wanted" poster arrived on Bajor, all Bajoran men gave up wearing earrings.
katefan Pirates of the Caribbean, gay man's package.
Tobias Excuse me, is this the audition for Trek! The Musical?
nerd86 Cowboy Hat: 90 credits.
Obscenely large earring: 120 credits.
Looking Absolutely Fabulous: Priceless.
Kostmayer Harry was in such a state of bliss he forgot to notice that the Patio door was closed.
DBB The character cut from Brockback Mountain
MarkB The film 'Brokeback Mountain' has had a profound effect on the popular conception of the cowboy. By the twenty-third century it will be almost unrecognisable...
DBB Mudd moved to southern California. He blended in completely.
Rexan Get my from my good side... It makes me look FABULOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUS!

Entries : 258People : 92

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,360 Last updated : 15 Mar 2009