Name |
Caption |
IllogicalVirgo |
Water pistol fights with Klingons are serious business. |
TThomaso |
The T-22 Terminator was somewhat less advanced than later iterations. |
Schizo-Hal |
When I get home, I'm definitely inventing a sonic shower. |
Niall Johnson |
I hate Big Brother! |
Bryan Moore |
There was a young hero named Tucker Who beat the everloving hell out of some guy trying to write a limerick about him... |
drow |
"The first rule of Fight Club is that you don't crash land a shuttlepod on Mars, actually." |
Skifreak |
Conner Trineer's reaction to learning that not only was Enterprise to be cancelled without warning, but that two has-beens from a 20 year old Trek show would actually be the stars of the series finale. And he would be killed. In flashback, no less. |
BC1 |
Trip vs wave, after wave after wave, after wave, after wave of excitied female fans... |
tlbs101 |
Being as this is a 44 Kilowatt Magnum, the most powerful phaser on the planet, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? |
drow |
"Klaatu... Barada... NIC*COUGH*" |
Blaston Phools |
Director: Ok, now i really want you to ham up this scene, im mean cheesy to the point where you can hardly keep a straight face, got it? Ok aaannnd ACTION! |
nerd86 |
Die Hard 27: McClane in Space!!! |
Acid |
I want to Introduce you to my little friend! |
Skipbear |
Dirty, dirty, boy! |
Steamrunner92 |
The lone survivor from a Vulcan Death Fart. |
Dennie Hebels |
I am.......THE LAW!!!! |
Sulu |
I sweat pure filth and it's soaking through my shirt. |
Frankie Chestnuts |
Well, THAT'S a lesson I won't forget soon. |
Caption |
Fanfiction: The line MUST be drawn HERE! |
Royston Vasey |
Listen I was I supposed to know it was T'Pols time of the month. |
RedDwarfian |
Ohhh, so THAT's what it does. |