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Caption Competition

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16 Mar 2008

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Name Caption
Foxbat Ah, Ensign Narcolepsy again I see...

Special Mention

Name Caption
Picard>Sisco Picard: Who is this man?
Riker: He looks like that mean chef from that TV show.
6789 This is Natasha Yar's long lost bother. He died just as quickly.
The Geek Crusher: "We need to get him to Sickbay."
Riker: "Sickbay? What is it?"
Picard: "It's a place where sick people go, Number One, but that's not important right now."
BigMac1212 When you mix Star Trek and Weekend at Bernie's, you get the latest Star Trek movie:
"Three Officers and a Corpse"
Foxbat "Well, at least he wasn't turned into a cube and crushed."
Capt. Jethro Being a 'Sudden Death' high scorer has its risks.
Kilrai The President of Hairclub for Men succumbed to his own toupe.
Hisrak David Bowie's gig on the Enterprise was over before it began.
Steamrunner92 Riker: "I think it was Mr. Worf, with the laser scalpal, in the corridor."
nerd86 Crusher: He's dead captain.
Crewman: No I'm not.
Riker: He was a good crewman. Terrible loss.
Crewman: I've never even seen you before.
Picard: Well... have the body cremated and send our condolences to his family.
Crewman: But I'm really not dead, in fact I think I'm alright to continue the mission.
Picard: It's sitting up!
Riker: Zombie!! Kill it.
Crusher:... oh look at that. The tricorder's battery is what's dead. Hehe. Oops.
Picard: Well... have the body cremated and send our condolences to his family.
MetalHead Riker's ego is so powerful it can be used for percise sniper shots.
ZebulaNebula The world's funniest joke claims another victim.
Drakey "I'm sorry, doctor, could you repeat that? I was staring at your breasts."
ZebulaNebula Crusher: I *TOLD* him not to take those sleeping pills until he got back to his quarters.
Foxbat Ensign Fletch was pronounced dead. Or at least 'very sleepy'.
Foxbat "I'm not sure captain, but I think it's a band member from 'Flock of Seagulls'."
igr56uk picard - what happened to him doctor ?
doctor - he tried to grab my breasts and he accidently ran his groin into my knee several times

Entries : 331People : 96

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,285 Last updated : 16 Mar 2008