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Caption Competition

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16 Sep 2007

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Name Caption
Bodhi Riker: "Greetings. The Master Control Program has chosen you to serve your system on the Game Grid."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Greger and yet again, Worf dies a little bit more inside.
mwhittington Yar: A word of advice, commander: Don't try the new gum at Willy Wonka's factory.
Yearling During Yar's drive to recruit for the role of the Seven Dwarfs, Worf misconstrued the name "Bashful" as being something entirely more pugilistic.
smart alec baldwin Tasha: I've been DYING to wear this.
jg Tasha: Yeah, you just keep smiling about our outfits Billy Boy, at least we won't direct the Thunderbirds and ruin other people's series finale.
pravda In the future, safe sex is taken to whole new levels.
igr56uk Riker - I have now read all your fortunes, Crewman, you will last 1 season, crew woman, you will last 1 week, worf, you will marry a hot chick with a worm inside her and Tasha, well ahem, you will meet a tall dark stranger
Cpt Bocroft One of these things is not like the others...
mwhittington Worf: What did Riker mean by "camel toes and tent poles"?
AJ "Hey Tasha, Guess what: You're normal uniform may be gold and now your wearing blue, but you're still going to be the first main character to die on this show!"
DBB Riker: Mr. Worf, isn't it established later in DS9 that Klingons have some sort of sternum ridging. Where's yours?
Worf: We do not discuss it with outsiders.
Exodore Tasha: Have you seen the movie TRON?
Riker: No...
Worf: Then it is way too complicated to explain...
Jason T Despite his protests and after much discussion it was decided that, based upon this outfit, Worf was indeed a merry man.
Xavier We’re men, we’re men in tights.
We roam around all of space looking for fights.
We’re men, we’re men in tights.
We solve many crimes and poke fun at weasley, that’s right!
We may look like sissies, but watch what you say or else we’ll put out your lights!
We’re men, we’re men in tights,
Always on guard defending the people’s rights!
Merat Good Lord, in this picture, the only one without weird hair is WORF! WORF, for Pete's sake!
Merat Trek viewers everywhere miss William Ware Theiss. Of course, if he had designed these for TOS, there would have been huge holes in strategic places.
ThomasJBryant Unison: "Trick or treat!"
Tsukiyumi " Okay, Turtle-shell head... chack.
Muffin-head... check.
Poodle-head... check.
Captain Decker wannabe... check."
Foxbat Riker: "What's in the canisters?"
In unison: "Our dignity..."
BC1 worf: i hate fan fiction...
TThomaso "It's part of the anti-redshirt protocal, we may look stupid but away team survival rates are up 600%!"
Admiral Ed Smurf program on the Holodeck?!?!?!?!

Entries : 231People : 82

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,209 Last updated : 16 Sep 2007