Invent a stupid law

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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by stitch626 »

Oh, dear, what have I started! :lol:
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

stitch626 wrote:Oh, dear, what have I started! :lol:
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Nickswitz »

Actually since tribbles reproduce exponentionly they would make good food they would never run out
The world ended

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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Mark »

:::in Bubba's voice:::

You can boil 'em, you can broil 'em, you can sautee 'em, your can stir fry'em

Tribble cocktail
Tribble sandwiches
Tribble salad
Tribble burger

And the list goes on!!!!
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by shran »

Federation Charter 1423 section C: At no point is any parent allowed to call his/her/hir/its blue-skinned offspring any name related to "the smurfs", as that would signify copyright infringement and is not acceptable by the Federation charter of Author's rights protection.
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Mark »

Captain Picard's Hair wrote:DITL Code Section 1: Committing suicide is punishable by death

DITL Code Section 1 subsection B: Attempted suicide will be prosectued as under the same criminal code, and will also be punishable by death.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Mark »

Away Team Procedure Operational Code 187

"At no time will any member of an away team issued an extra communicator, extra tricorder, or extra phaser. That would violate article 143 of the Quartermasters Handbook (last revisied 2240)"
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by JudgeKing »

All Consoles will have mortar and C-4 planted in them.
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Captain Seafort »

Mortar? What is this strange and unheard of item you speak of? :wink:
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Mark »

Starfleet Uniform Regulations Section 12 Paragraph 24:

If an officer is off duty and dressed in something other than his or her standard uniform and an alert situation arises, said officer MUST take time to change into an appropriate uniform before reporting to their duty station.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Grundig »

Mark wrote: "On any ship carrying families, Holo-deck doors are to be locked at all times while running any holodeck programs with anything over an R rating"
This reminds me of TNG's The Perfect Mate, when Riker barely resists Famke Jansson's advances while showing her her quarters, and immediately after tells Worf, "If you need me, I'll be on Holodeck 3."

DITL Code Section 12 (The Continuity Law): Any hot women involved with a high-ranking official must immediately be dumped at the nearest planet or starbase, no later than 46 minutes after arrival
DITL Code Section 13: Worf must never laugh.
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Mark »

schizo-hal wrote:
Mark wrote: "On any ship carrying families, Holo-deck doors are to be locked at all times while running any holodeck programs with anything over an R rating"
This reminds me of TNG's The Perfect Mate, when Riker barely resists Famke Jansson's advances while showing her her quarters, and immediately after tells Worf, "If you need me, I'll be on Holodeck 3."

DITL Code Section 12 (The Continuity Law): Any hot women involved with a high-ranking official must immediately be dumped at the nearest planet or starbase, no later than 46 minutes after arrival
DITL Code Section 13: Worf must never laugh.
DITL Code Section 13A: Dr Crusher must never show cleavage.
DITL Code Section 13B: Counsler Troi must always show cleavage.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Mark »

Starfleet Security Operations Handbook Section 3 Paragraph 2 reads

At no time shall any Security Officer don any kind of protective armor when entering a known hostile or potientally hostile area, so as not to cause unneeded or unwarrented damage to said armor.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Mark »

Shipboard Regulations Regarding the Storage of Hand Phasers reads

At no time will small arms, to include standard issue hand phasers be locked or secured in any way that would impede the rapid arming of any and all crew. Weapons are to be stored in all centeral locations such as the Bridge, Main Engineering, Lounges, Gallies, Shuttlebays, Recreation Areas, Personal Quarters, and in general use Heads.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
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Re: Invent a stupid law

Post by Mark »

DITL Code 44 section B

"The use of co-ed showers by tri-gendered or quad-gendered species must be supervised by no less that two officers at all times."
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
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