
I loved writing the Spokc/Bones dialogue.
Sonic Glitch-LOL, like I said. That was pre-Jedi.
Here we go!
USS Enterprise,
en route to Waypoint Station
Deanna Troi-Riker stood in the middle of the gym, lightsaber held in the traditional guard position. She wore a simple pair of white slacks and a matching shirt, with shin-high boots and gloves. Her hair was tied back and she steadied her aura.
With a simple sliding of her thumb along the activation trigger, her lightsaber activated, sending forth an orange blade. The blade hummed and whined as she shifted her stance and began a series of basic katas, slicing through the air, thrusting forth and waving it about. She brought it up in an overhead slash, cutting through the air. "The lightsaber is more than a weapon," she said. "It is our symbol, of a line against the darkness." She stood up straight and deactivated the blade before turning to the side and smiling. "Somewhat poetic, don't you think?"
Off on the sides, Captain Picard nodded. He wore his fencing uniform, with protective face mask tucked under his left arm and his epee in his right hand. "Very poetic Deanna. Lieutenant Lusa has given demonstrations before, but she's always been a bit nervous while doing them, especially if I'm one of the spectators." He shook his head and sighed. "I often don't attend and watch videos after the fact."
Deanna glanced off to the side in thought. "I've never really gotten to know Lusa. While she was off at the Academy on Betazed, I was off at the Praxeum on Yavin IV." She suddenly chuckled. "Our paths are simultaneously parallel and perpendicular."
Picard smiled and shook his head. "Lusa has been an exemplary officer these past two years. I am glad she followed Data's advice and joined Starfleet." He looked Deanna over. "And even though I miss your services as counselor, I'm glad you followed the path of the Jedi."
Deanna practically lit up the room with her smile. "Thank you." She stepped back a few paces and reactivated her lightsaber. She then twisted a dial on it, solidifying the blade and putting it into 'training mode'. "Are you sure about this?" she asked as Picard walked over to face her. "I
am a fully-trained Jedi Knight, after all."
Picard smirked as he slid his mask on with one hand. "Pride goeth before the fall, Counselor," he taunted. He raised his epee and saluted Deanna. "And I've never lost to Mara Jade Skywalker, for your information."
Deanna paused before returning the salute. "Mara didn't train me," she teased. "My Master was Kirana Ti, Actually. A tough, no-nonsense Dathomiri who took no lip." She held her blade straight out at chest level, spreading her feet apart. "She did wonders for me," Deanna said before thrusting her blade straight out.
Picard batted her initial strike away, parrying two more strikes away. He held his left arm up and away for balance as he backed up a few steps, holding his own blade up.
Deanna reached out with the Force, letting herself sink into it... and finding Picard nigh-impossible to read through it.
His self-control is immense, she thought as she pressed her attack. Her next thrust was skillfully blocked before her lightsaber was parried away. Before she could bring it back into line, she felt the light touch of the blunted tip touch her breastbone.
The Captain leaned back from the blow and removed his helmet. "Let me guess, Deanna. You attempted to use the Force to predict my movements?"
There was silence for a moment before Deanna nodded. "How did you know?" she asked, dark-colored eyes widening.
A faint smile crossed Picard's lips. "Mara has tried-or rather attempted-such a feat each and every time we've sparred. She commented that I seemed to be almost protected from such mental intrusions." He lowered his epee and locked eyes with Deanna. "I'm also curious as to why you didn't use any other techniques. Telekinesis, for example."
Deanna's face fell. "That wouldn't be very fair to you," she commented. "This isn't a fight. It's a simple sparring match."
The smile turned into a smirk. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair," Picard quoted, raising his epee in another salute and readying his stance once more.
Deanna raised her own blade once more, returning the salute. "If you say so," she said, "but that is not the way of the Jedi. Such acts could lead to the Dark Side."
Picard grunted. "I've seen the Dark Side and its effects upon beings. Lusa has also spoken about its effects upon sapient beings." His eyes clouded over somewhat. "Such a fate I would not wish upon my worst enemy."
Deanna nodded, lowering her guard. "I spent half a year on Dathomir, living among the Singing Mountain Clan. I heard many stories about the Nightsisters and other fallen Witches."
Picard's eyebrows shot up. "'Witches'?" he repeated. He lowered his epee. "Were they standing around a pot, waiting for Macbeth to appear?"
Picard held up a hand. "Sorry, Deanna. Old habits die hard."
The Jedi Knight shifted her stance and brought her blade to bear. "You know what we Jedi say about the Force, Captain?"
There was silence before Picard raised his epee and brought himself back to position. "That there is no death, only the Force. Something which I have personal experience with."
Deanna nodded before lunging forward once more...
Tenel Ka's foot lashed out, the heavy boot she wore slowing her down not one second. She kicked the air above her head a few times before dropping and targeting an imaginary midsection. She moved to the calf and then shin before going to a two-footed stance and punching with both hands, slicing through the air. Sweat beaded off her forehead and stung her eyes, but she paid it no mind.
The door of the gym she was training in slid open and she stopped, panting slightly with flushed cheeks. "Hello?" Tenel Ka called out. "Who is it?"
Lieutenant Commander Tirsek walked in, clad in a black jumpsuit and carrying a small gray case. She looked Tenel Ka over, antennae twitching. "You couldn't tell when I was outside?" she asked, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth.
Tenel Ka grunted and motioned to the armband right above her left elbow. "I cannot touch the Force with this on, and that is a fact," she stated. She leaned back slightly, eyeing Tirsek. "Why are you here?"
Tirsek set the case down and flipped the locks open. She opened it and pulled out two small, handheld weapons. They resembled slightly-flattened half-circles, with elongated tips at the end and a razor-sharp cutting surface. The metal shone in the light, but had a bit of wear to it. Tirsek took hold of the handles, sliding the blades over her knuckles. "An ushaan, she said, looking over the blade for any damage. "It's an old ice-miner's tool, but many of my people have adapted it for use on the front lines." She jabbed the air a few times. "This pair has been in my family for twelve generations."
"A fine weapon," Tenel Ka commented, looking them over. Her hand strayed to her rancor-tooth lightsaber at her belt. "How skilled are you in their use?"
Tirsek paused before going back to her case. She took off the ushaan, set them aside and pulled out a pair of metal crescents. She snapped them over her weapons, dulling the blades. "They'll still hurt when they hit," she commented, standing up and grabbing her weapons.
"A bit overconfident?" Tenel Ka asked. She held out her hand and her lightsaber flew into it, activating and sending forth a turquoise plasma blade. She gripped it with both hands and let a feral grin cross her mouth. "My blade it in training mode. It will...
sting when it hits you."
The two circled each other, only the scraping of their feet and the humming of Tenel Ka's lightsaber breaking the silence. No words were exchanged as Tenel Ka thrust her blade forward, each one deflected by Tirsek batting it away. The Andorian suddenly brought both ushaan in front of her chest, locking up Tenel Ka's lightsaber and pushing it off. With two steps, she brought herself inside Tenel Ka' guard and thrust her right arm up, catching Tenel Ka with a glancing uppercut.
Tenel Ka's head rocked back, blood streaming from her left cheek. She turned her head and spat bloodied saliva out before locking eyes with Tirsek. She slashed at the Andorian from overhead, forcing both ushaan up to block. Tenel Ka quickly let go with her left hand and thrust out her arm, catching Tirsek in the chest and sending her stumbling back.
Tirsek coughed slightly. "I think you broke a rib," she muttered. A few curses in Old High Andorian escaped her lips as she massaged the impacted area. She snarled, baring her teeth in a grin. "I'm going to enjoy this."
Tenel Ka simply held her hand out and waggled her fingers at Tirsek before resuming her stance.
Tirsek rushed Tenel Ka, throwing punches with her ushaan-equipped hands. Tenel Ka batted the first few away, but one landed on her chest, breaking several scales off of her lizard-hide armor. She let go of her lightsaber, grabbing Tirsek's arm before the Andorian could retract it. Tenel Ka fell back, planting her feet in Tirsek's gut and flipping her over onto the lightly-padded mat.
Tirsek grunted as she landed, but her body was already in motion as she rolled onto her belly, springing forward at Tenel Ka's feet and legs. Tenel Ka hopped to the side, though, avoiding the attack. The Dathomiri brought her booted foot down in an attempt to smash Tirsek's hand.
Tirsek tucked her appendage under her body, scrambling out of the way. She kipped up and turned just as Tenel Ka approached her. "You have fire!" she exclaimed. "Why haven't you been showing it lately?"
Tenel Ka moved in, lightsaber slashing and jabbing. "My lover is in the hands of the Collective!" she cried. "The family of my heart, imprisoned in their foul nest! And what can I do to help them?" She forced Tirsek back, battering away her ushaan and forcing her against the bulkhead. Her teeth were bared and her gray eyes that of a storm.
Tirsek stood against the bulkhead, her arms down and a lightsaber against her throat. Even in training mode, a hard enough slash could be fatal. So she did the only thing she could.
She smiled.
"Good. Now take your passion and use it! Fight for them, in any way you can!" She relaxed as Tenel Ka lowered the blade. "Starfleet needs you, Tenel Ka. Will you fight with us?" she asked, extending her hand.
Tenel Ka panted slightly. She looked Tirsek over before extinguishing her lightsaber and clipping it to her belt. She took Tirsek's proffered hand, pumping it twice. "You did this on purpose, and that is a fact," she observed.
Tirsek's grin softened. "Yes," she admitted. She tapped her chest. "Like me, you are a warrior, one with passion and fire. You needed something to reignite the fire, so to speak."
Tenel Ka's mouth quirked up in a smile. "Thank you," she said. She suddenly held up her hand and coughed into it. "This is not good," she said as she saw a bit of blood.
Tirsek suddenly groaned and grabbed at her back. "I believe a visit to Doctor Crusher is in order," she said, wincing.
Tenel Ka nodded, groaning. "An excellent idea. I do not wish to be in pain when facing off against the Collective..." Her eyes suddenly hardened. "Jacen will need me at my best to rescue him."
Tirsek's smile fell away. "Indeed he shall, Tenel Ka. As we all must be to even survive the coming storm."
Tenel Ka glanced back at her. "We will, Tirsek. We will. Jacen proposed to me, and nothing will cancel our wedding."
Palais de la Concorde. Paris, Earth
Federation President Nanietta 'Nan' Bacco sighed as she walked down a corridor to one of the more important meetings of her administration. The eighty-nine year old former governor of Cestus III grunted as aides and other administrators buzzed about. Finally, the white-haired woman stopped before a large door that led to a rather large holodeck. She looked to everyone and her piercing eyes narrowed. "Okay, everyone. I'm sure you
all have better things to do than bother a great-grandmother, I'm assuming."
The various beings stopped talking and waving PADDs around, retreating. All but one. "Not very nice," Chief of Staff Esperanza Piniero said, crossing her arms.
Bacco groaned. "We're facing the worst crisis in Federation history, Espy. The Romulan Star Empire is
gone and the Borg have crossed dimensions to attack the New Republic. It's the bottom of the ninth and bases are loaded." She turned on her heel and the doors opened. "Now, let's go."
They entered an enlarged holodeck, twice as large as a normal one. There were various Starfleet admirals and a rather large table inside. "Computer, activate real-time feed and program Conference One," Bacco announced.
The black squares and yellow grid were suddenly replaced by a rather large and ornate stateroom. The conference table doubled in length with all chairs occupied, bringing the total number of beings to close to a hundred. Hypercomm feeds from the New Republic allowed even those from the Defense Force, the Imperial Navy and Hapan fleets to attend. Small little titles with everyone's name, rank, position and other information appeared in translucent lettering in front and below their heads-or above their bodies, in the case of Commandant Nahrat, a Horta.
The admirals physically present sat down, with Bacco taking the head of the table and Esperanza on her left. Bacco looked out at everyone and once more wished she was simply the governor of Cestus III and not the leader of the largest nation-state in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. "All right, everyone," she said, her voice magnified so everyone down the table could hear. "We're facing the greatest crisis in our history... sort of. The Borg are parked on both our doorsteps and... Gilad?" Bacco eyed the Grand Admiral sitting down a few places. "Are you all right?"
Pellaeon reached out and tentatively rapped his knuckles on the table. His mustache twitched as they made contact. "Did I get transported to Earth?" he finally asked.
Bacco smiled. "No, Admiral. It's simply a marriage of your communication technology and our holographic technology. We've now got real-time communication with even the farthest corners of the Federation and your old-style blue-tinged holograms will become a thing of the past."
"Stronger together, as the Jedi say," Pellaeon murmured. His head suddenly shot up and he looked around. "My apologies."
Bacco waved him off before looking down her left. "Bill, what do you have for us?"
Admiral William Ross cleared his throat and pressed a few buttons on a small control pad mounted in the table. A disc mounted in the holographic wood glowed and a map of the former Romulan Neutral Zone appeared. Small icons representing ships, starbases, outposts, Borg cubes and assimilated ships appeared. "The Borg have retreated behind the Neutral Zone and haven't made a peep since. We've brought up the Seventh and Tenth Fleets, but if the Borg come through in a giant wave..." He trailed off and shook his head, letting the fatigue show for a moment.
"You're doing your best," Bacco said. Sahe held up a PADD. "Information about Project: Kenobi has been sent to all of you, so I don't have to reiterate anything." She looked to Ackbar and Sisko sitting farther down the table. "All right, so how
is the
Kenobi? We didn't spend an ungodly amount of credits to have the thing blow up on its first mission. I don't want Offenhouse having a stroke."
Sisko's mouth twitched. "The ship's running fine, Madam President. We'll be arriving at Waypoint Station and crossing the gateway to Starbase Babylon in a day at the most. Then, onto the Delta Quadrant and the Unicomplex itself."
Admiral Owen Paris snorted. The commander of Starbase 234, the nerve center of anti-Borg research, crossed his arms. "Would someone mind telling me what such a mission can accomplish?" he asked.
General Wedge Antilles of Rogue Fleet spoke up. "Rescuing Luke and the other Jedi," he replied, as if the answer was obvious. "Who knows what the Borg will do to them?"
"You mean 'did' to them," Paris responded, scowling. "I'm sorry, General, but reports from a Lieutenant Hox of the MACO squad attached to the
Defiant clearly indicate he was injected with nanoprobes and the antivenin injector was damaged, preventing him from stopping infection." He shook his head and sighed. "I'm sorry, but Luke Skywalker is a drone and those taken with him are undoubtedly drones as well."
Wedge's lips peeled back as he returned the scowl with a snarl. " You don't know that. None of you know that! We owe it to them to at least
try." His eyes narrowed. "And even if they have been assimilated, there's still a chance we can rescue them. You did the same for Picard!"
"That brings up a rather good point," Admiral Elizabeth Shelby, also of Starbase 234, said. She looked around with her piercing blue eyes. "So far the Borg haven't shown any evidence of Force powers after assimilating Skywalker and possibly the rest. Why not?"
Admiral Sitak, a dark-skinned Vulcan in charge of the 'Home Fleet' protecting the Core Worlds of the Federation, spoke up. "Is it possible to artificially imbue someone with the Force if their sensitivity is naturally low?" he asked Wedge.
Wedge rubbed his chin and thought back. "There was the Empire Reborn, and the shavit Luke's told me about Sith alchemy tell me it's possible... but if the Borg can do it is anyone's guess."
Sitak nodded his thanks and looked to Paris, his right eyebrow arching. "Then if for nothing else, we must go and ascertain what the Borg's intentions are. And if possible, enact rescue operations so the Borg do not gain access to the Force."
Paris' mouth opened and he raised a hand, but lowered it. "I concede the point," he finally said. He then looked to Sisko and Ackbar. "Although one ship against the Collective? Even if you avoid the majority of their fleet, you're storming the Unicomplex itself-if that's where they even are!"
Sisko's eyes narrowed. He leaned forward and locked eyes with the older man. "I can confirm, Owen, that the Jedi are there. They arrived one week after being captured and are
still there, for reasons unknown."
Shelby looked at him, eyes wide. "A vision from the Force, Admiral? I didn't know you were trained."
"A vision from the Prophets," Sisko corrected. "From my time in the Wormhole." He looked down the table to Bacco. "They're there, and we can save them... if it's not too late."
Bacco met his gaze and nodded. "Then continue," she said before motioning to Paris. "Owen's right, though. One ship can't make a difference, even if it's got the
Enterprise and
Defiant with it."
Wedge spoke up again. "But what can the rest of Starfleet do? Far as I know, you folks haven't implemented hyperdrives into your ships yet."
Sitak shook his head. "On the contrary, General, we have." He pressed a few buttons on a control panel in front of him. The hologram changed from a map of the Federation and Borg positions to one of a class-one hyperdrive unit. "Manufacturing such a device and installing it aboard our ships is rather simple. Our replicators can build far more complex devices easily."
Ackbar eyed the hologram with one eye while the other one swiveled and looked to Sitak. "Then why have you not installed them aboard all your ships?" he asked, incredulity coloring his voice.
Sitak paused. "We have the device... but we need a map."
There was silence before Wedge spoke up. "A coordinate system. You need to convert all your maps and coordinates to a hyperspace equivalent, or else you'll fly right into a star or some other particle that would mutate you into fish!"
Paris snorted, but it quickly turned into a scowl. "He's right. Warp drive is slower and more complex to build and maintain than hyperdrive, but it's a lot more forgiving when it comes to courses and if the thing fails. It won't leave you stranded in another dimension, possibly forever."
Wedge grunted. "Good points," he conceded.
Bacco looked around at everyone. "Okay, so how far along is this hyperspace map?"
Shelby picked up a PADD and looked it over. She inputted some commands and passwords before speaking. "We have almost all the Federation, Klingon Empire, Ferengi Trade Alliance and Gorn Hegemony mapped, but the farther out you go from the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, the worse it gets. Even with the data
Voyager collected, the Delta Quadrant has a lot of holes that could rip hyperspace-traveling ships apart."
Ackbar shook his head, the barbs on his chin quivering slightly. "Not if you do short hops," he told Shelby. "That's our plan for the
Kenobi. And we can send back telemetry to any ships following in our wake."
Bacco glanced around the table at all the various Starfleet admirals. "What's the closest starbase to the Delta Quadrant?"
"Starbase 312," Sitak said after a moment.
Bacco nodded. "Thank you." She leaned forward and clasped her hands together. "I want all available starships sent there. And I mean every
single one we can spare." Bacco looked to Sisko. "How long before you pass 312?"
Sisko glanced at something out of range of the holo-projector and tapped some buttons on his armrest. "Two days at the most after entering the Milky Way."
"All right, then. The fleet launches in forty hours." Bacco looked down the table and sighed. "Martok, Tomalak, sorry. Didn't mean to ignore you in any way."
Chancellor Martok grinned and fixed his one eye on Bacco, one of the few politicians he respected. "No insult, Nan Bacco," he said, inclining his head. "We held."
Bacco smiled at his simple statement. "I know, Martok." She lightly tapped her chest with her fist. "How is the Defense Force?"
Martok glanced to his right and General Klag, son of M'Raq, spoke up. "We incurred moderate losses, especially near Narendra and Nimbus III, but we held!" he shouted, thrusting his balled-up right hand into the air. Other Klingons there joined in subdued cheers and chest-thumping, some drinking flagons of bloodwine and spilling holographic drops of it onto the table.
Martok held up a hand and shouted in Klingon, quieting them down. He then stood and paced about the stateroom, stopping behind Tomalak. "Stand and face me," he said.
Tomalak slowly rose from his chair, turning and facing Martok. "What?" he asked, confusion on his face.
Martok grunted before thrusting a gloved hand forward. "You and your fleet fought with honor, helping us hold the line. Whatever else happens, you have my thanks."
Tomalak nodded and accepted the hand, pumping it three times. "If I die and meet the Great Brothers... then I shall have this, at least."
The two broke the handshake and Martok sat down once more. He looked to Bacco and bared his teeth. "We shall send as many ships as possible, Nan Bacco. Including my flagship, the
Sword of Kahless." He looked to Pellaeon. "Even the
Thrawn shall be made ready."
Thrawn?" Ackbar asked.
Pellaeon grinned slightly. "Oh please, Ackbar. Don't tell me the Federation and New Republic are the only ones to think of a cooperative build." He looked to Martok. "Yaga Minor was conquered, along with several other systems, but I can make it on a courier before the fleet moves out." He looked back at the Chancellor. "At Ty'Gokor?"
Martok nodded once.
Bacco sighed. "I don't want to know, but I'll find out soon enough." She looked around. "General Antilles, how goes things at Coruscant and Corellia?"
Wedge paled and slumped in his chair. "The Corellia Sector is gone," he reported, rubbing his temple. "They also occupied Nabatu-the last planet in the Coruscant System." He let out a sigh. "Only a dozen ships in orbit... might as well be a kriffin' Death Star."
Bacco closed her wizened eyes for a moment. "Wedge. I'm sorry. I know Corellia is your home, but-"
"Don't feel sorry for me," he suddenly said, straightening up. "Feel sorry for the Borg." Wedge's eyes flashed as he continued. "You go for the head of the snake, right? Then count Rogue Fleet in on the attack."
Ackbar's head turned sharply at that. "Wedge, I need you back on Coruscant."
Wedge shook his head at his old friend. "Won't make much of a difference, Ackbar. In the pilot's seat or on the bridge of the
Lusankya, they'll still take us out any time they wish. At least at the Unicomplex, I can make a difference."
Ackbar shook his head at that. "May the wind be at your back, then," he said to his old friend.
Admiral Sslaag of the Gorn Hegemony, silent throughout the meeting, raised a clawed hand. [We shall send as many ships as possible,] he hissed, his hisses and grunts translated for everyone else. He turned his large head to Bacco, faceted eyes glittering. [The debt of Cestus III-]
"-Has been paid off for a long time," Bacco said, waving him off. She bowed her head. "Thank you." The president then looked around. "Anything else? No? All right, then. We've all got a lot of work to do, so let's get to it." She pressed a button on the control panel in front of her, terminating the link.
The admirals and generals not physically present vanished, along with half the table and the room itself. Sitak and others bade their farewells to Bacco, leaving her alone with Esperanza. "That went well," Esperanza said.
Bacco snorted. "You could've said that or
anything during the meeting, you know."
The Chief of Staff shrugged. "You were doing so well, I knew just to let you keep knocking them out of the field."
"That's 'park'," Bacco corrected. The ghost of a smile crossed her lips. "Remind me again why I ran for this office?"
"Because you were the best qualified at the time," Esperanza replied, smiling and patting her old friend on the forearm.
Bacco smiled back. "Thanks." She stood up from the chair. "And I was right, too. No time to be procrastinating. Let's go," she said before heading to the exit.
Esperanza smiled at her as she left, falling into step besides Bacco. "Lead on, and I shall follow."
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