Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-done! Survey on page 9

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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Sonic Glitch wrote:
Lusa's head shook violently. She trotted over ands grabbed Jag by his left shoulder. With one tug, she had him facing her. "No!" she half-shouted. "That's the way the Borg work, but it's not our way!" She placed two hands on his shoulders and locked eyes with him. "One life for billions or even trillions is not worth it."

Jag smiled and placed a hand over Lusa's. "Thank you," he said. "I am glad for your words."

Spock nodded to Lusa. "Excellent, Lusa. Your words reflect the Jedi Code and Starfleet well."

I only have 1 issue with this: Wasn't it Spock himself who said "The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few; or the one."?
That was before Spock became a Jedi, though. ;)
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Stitch626-Thanks. :) I loved writing the Spokc/Bones dialogue.

Sonic Glitch-LOL, like I said. That was pre-Jedi. ;)

Here we go!

USS Enterprise, en route to Waypoint Station
Deanna Troi-Riker stood in the middle of the gym, lightsaber held in the traditional guard position. She wore a simple pair of white slacks and a matching shirt, with shin-high boots and gloves. Her hair was tied back and she steadied her aura.

With a simple sliding of her thumb along the activation trigger, her lightsaber activated, sending forth an orange blade. The blade hummed and whined as she shifted her stance and began a series of basic katas, slicing through the air, thrusting forth and waving it about. She brought it up in an overhead slash, cutting through the air. "The lightsaber is more than a weapon," she said. "It is our symbol, of a line against the darkness." She stood up straight and deactivated the blade before turning to the side and smiling. "Somewhat poetic, don't you think?"

Off on the sides, Captain Picard nodded. He wore his fencing uniform, with protective face mask tucked under his left arm and his epee in his right hand. "Very poetic Deanna. Lieutenant Lusa has given demonstrations before, but she's always been a bit nervous while doing them, especially if I'm one of the spectators." He shook his head and sighed. "I often don't attend and watch videos after the fact."

Deanna glanced off to the side in thought. "I've never really gotten to know Lusa. While she was off at the Academy on Betazed, I was off at the Praxeum on Yavin IV." She suddenly chuckled. "Our paths are simultaneously parallel and perpendicular."

Picard smiled and shook his head. "Lusa has been an exemplary officer these past two years. I am glad she followed Data's advice and joined Starfleet." He looked Deanna over. "And even though I miss your services as counselor, I'm glad you followed the path of the Jedi."

Deanna practically lit up the room with her smile. "Thank you." She stepped back a few paces and reactivated her lightsaber. She then twisted a dial on it, solidifying the blade and putting it into 'training mode'. "Are you sure about this?" she asked as Picard walked over to face her. "I am a fully-trained Jedi Knight, after all."

Picard smirked as he slid his mask on with one hand. "Pride goeth before the fall, Counselor," he taunted. He raised his epee and saluted Deanna. "And I've never lost to Mara Jade Skywalker, for your information."

Deanna paused before returning the salute. "Mara didn't train me," she teased. "My Master was Kirana Ti, Actually. A tough, no-nonsense Dathomiri who took no lip." She held her blade straight out at chest level, spreading her feet apart. "She did wonders for me," Deanna said before thrusting her blade straight out.

Picard batted her initial strike away, parrying two more strikes away. He held his left arm up and away for balance as he backed up a few steps, holding his own blade up.

Deanna reached out with the Force, letting herself sink into it... and finding Picard nigh-impossible to read through it. His self-control is immense, she thought as she pressed her attack. Her next thrust was skillfully blocked before her lightsaber was parried away. Before she could bring it back into line, she felt the light touch of the blunted tip touch her breastbone.

The Captain leaned back from the blow and removed his helmet. "Let me guess, Deanna. You attempted to use the Force to predict my movements?"

There was silence for a moment before Deanna nodded. "How did you know?" she asked, dark-colored eyes widening.

A faint smile crossed Picard's lips. "Mara has tried-or rather attempted-such a feat each and every time we've sparred. She commented that I seemed to be almost protected from such mental intrusions." He lowered his epee and locked eyes with Deanna. "I'm also curious as to why you didn't use any other techniques. Telekinesis, for example."

Deanna's face fell. "That wouldn't be very fair to you," she commented. "This isn't a fight. It's a simple sparring match."

The smile turned into a smirk. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair," Picard quoted, raising his epee in another salute and readying his stance once more.

Deanna raised her own blade once more, returning the salute. "If you say so," she said, "but that is not the way of the Jedi. Such acts could lead to the Dark Side."

Picard grunted. "I've seen the Dark Side and its effects upon beings. Lusa has also spoken about its effects upon sapient beings." His eyes clouded over somewhat. "Such a fate I would not wish upon my worst enemy."

Deanna nodded, lowering her guard. "I spent half a year on Dathomir, living among the Singing Mountain Clan. I heard many stories about the Nightsisters and other fallen Witches."

Picard's eyebrows shot up. "'Witches'?" he repeated. He lowered his epee. "Were they standing around a pot, waiting for Macbeth to appear?"


Picard held up a hand. "Sorry, Deanna. Old habits die hard."

The Jedi Knight shifted her stance and brought her blade to bear. "You know what we Jedi say about the Force, Captain?"

There was silence before Picard raised his epee and brought himself back to position. "That there is no death, only the Force. Something which I have personal experience with."

Deanna nodded before lunging forward once more...
Tenel Ka's foot lashed out, the heavy boot she wore slowing her down not one second. She kicked the air above her head a few times before dropping and targeting an imaginary midsection. She moved to the calf and then shin before going to a two-footed stance and punching with both hands, slicing through the air. Sweat beaded off her forehead and stung her eyes, but she paid it no mind.

The door of the gym she was training in slid open and she stopped, panting slightly with flushed cheeks. "Hello?" Tenel Ka called out. "Who is it?"

Lieutenant Commander Tirsek walked in, clad in a black jumpsuit and carrying a small gray case. She looked Tenel Ka over, antennae twitching. "You couldn't tell when I was outside?" she asked, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth.

Tenel Ka grunted and motioned to the armband right above her left elbow. "I cannot touch the Force with this on, and that is a fact," she stated. She leaned back slightly, eyeing Tirsek. "Why are you here?"

Tirsek set the case down and flipped the locks open. She opened it and pulled out two small, handheld weapons. They resembled slightly-flattened half-circles, with elongated tips at the end and a razor-sharp cutting surface. The metal shone in the light, but had a bit of wear to it. Tirsek took hold of the handles, sliding the blades over her knuckles. "An ushaan, she said, looking over the blade for any damage. "It's an old ice-miner's tool, but many of my people have adapted it for use on the front lines." She jabbed the air a few times. "This pair has been in my family for twelve generations."

"A fine weapon," Tenel Ka commented, looking them over. Her hand strayed to her rancor-tooth lightsaber at her belt. "How skilled are you in their use?"

Tirsek paused before going back to her case. She took off the ushaan, set them aside and pulled out a pair of metal crescents. She snapped them over her weapons, dulling the blades. "They'll still hurt when they hit," she commented, standing up and grabbing her weapons.

"A bit overconfident?" Tenel Ka asked. She held out her hand and her lightsaber flew into it, activating and sending forth a turquoise plasma blade. She gripped it with both hands and let a feral grin cross her mouth. "My blade it in training mode. It will... sting when it hits you."

The two circled each other, only the scraping of their feet and the humming of Tenel Ka's lightsaber breaking the silence. No words were exchanged as Tenel Ka thrust her blade forward, each one deflected by Tirsek batting it away. The Andorian suddenly brought both ushaan in front of her chest, locking up Tenel Ka's lightsaber and pushing it off. With two steps, she brought herself inside Tenel Ka' guard and thrust her right arm up, catching Tenel Ka with a glancing uppercut.

Tenel Ka's head rocked back, blood streaming from her left cheek. She turned her head and spat bloodied saliva out before locking eyes with Tirsek. She slashed at the Andorian from overhead, forcing both ushaan up to block. Tenel Ka quickly let go with her left hand and thrust out her arm, catching Tirsek in the chest and sending her stumbling back.

Tirsek coughed slightly. "I think you broke a rib," she muttered. A few curses in Old High Andorian escaped her lips as she massaged the impacted area. She snarled, baring her teeth in a grin. "I'm going to enjoy this."

Tenel Ka simply held her hand out and waggled her fingers at Tirsek before resuming her stance.

Tirsek rushed Tenel Ka, throwing punches with her ushaan-equipped hands. Tenel Ka batted the first few away, but one landed on her chest, breaking several scales off of her lizard-hide armor. She let go of her lightsaber, grabbing Tirsek's arm before the Andorian could retract it. Tenel Ka fell back, planting her feet in Tirsek's gut and flipping her over onto the lightly-padded mat.

Tirsek grunted as she landed, but her body was already in motion as she rolled onto her belly, springing forward at Tenel Ka's feet and legs. Tenel Ka hopped to the side, though, avoiding the attack. The Dathomiri brought her booted foot down in an attempt to smash Tirsek's hand.

Tirsek tucked her appendage under her body, scrambling out of the way. She kipped up and turned just as Tenel Ka approached her. "You have fire!" she exclaimed. "Why haven't you been showing it lately?"

Tenel Ka moved in, lightsaber slashing and jabbing. "My lover is in the hands of the Collective!" she cried. "The family of my heart, imprisoned in their foul nest! And what can I do to help them?" She forced Tirsek back, battering away her ushaan and forcing her against the bulkhead. Her teeth were bared and her gray eyes that of a storm.

Tirsek stood against the bulkhead, her arms down and a lightsaber against her throat. Even in training mode, a hard enough slash could be fatal. So she did the only thing she could.

She smiled.

"Good. Now take your passion and use it! Fight for them, in any way you can!" She relaxed as Tenel Ka lowered the blade. "Starfleet needs you, Tenel Ka. Will you fight with us?" she asked, extending her hand.

Tenel Ka panted slightly. She looked Tirsek over before extinguishing her lightsaber and clipping it to her belt. She took Tirsek's proffered hand, pumping it twice. "You did this on purpose, and that is a fact," she observed.

Tirsek's grin softened. "Yes," she admitted. She tapped her chest. "Like me, you are a warrior, one with passion and fire. You needed something to reignite the fire, so to speak."

Tenel Ka's mouth quirked up in a smile. "Thank you," she said. She suddenly held up her hand and coughed into it. "This is not good," she said as she saw a bit of blood.

Tirsek suddenly groaned and grabbed at her back. "I believe a visit to Doctor Crusher is in order," she said, wincing.

Tenel Ka nodded, groaning. "An excellent idea. I do not wish to be in pain when facing off against the Collective..." Her eyes suddenly hardened. "Jacen will need me at my best to rescue him."

Tirsek's smile fell away. "Indeed he shall, Tenel Ka. As we all must be to even survive the coming storm."

Tenel Ka glanced back at her. "We will, Tirsek. We will. Jacen proposed to me, and nothing will cancel our wedding."
Palais de la Concorde. Paris, Earth
Federation President Nanietta 'Nan' Bacco sighed as she walked down a corridor to one of the more important meetings of her administration. The eighty-nine year old former governor of Cestus III grunted as aides and other administrators buzzed about. Finally, the white-haired woman stopped before a large door that led to a rather large holodeck. She looked to everyone and her piercing eyes narrowed. "Okay, everyone. I'm sure you all have better things to do than bother a great-grandmother, I'm assuming."

The various beings stopped talking and waving PADDs around, retreating. All but one. "Not very nice," Chief of Staff Esperanza Piniero said, crossing her arms.

Bacco groaned. "We're facing the worst crisis in Federation history, Espy. The Romulan Star Empire is gone and the Borg have crossed dimensions to attack the New Republic. It's the bottom of the ninth and bases are loaded." She turned on her heel and the doors opened. "Now, let's go."

They entered an enlarged holodeck, twice as large as a normal one. There were various Starfleet admirals and a rather large table inside. "Computer, activate real-time feed and program Conference One," Bacco announced.

The black squares and yellow grid were suddenly replaced by a rather large and ornate stateroom. The conference table doubled in length with all chairs occupied, bringing the total number of beings to close to a hundred. Hypercomm feeds from the New Republic allowed even those from the Defense Force, the Imperial Navy and Hapan fleets to attend. Small little titles with everyone's name, rank, position and other information appeared in translucent lettering in front and below their heads-or above their bodies, in the case of Commandant Nahrat, a Horta.

The admirals physically present sat down, with Bacco taking the head of the table and Esperanza on her left. Bacco looked out at everyone and once more wished she was simply the governor of Cestus III and not the leader of the largest nation-state in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. "All right, everyone," she said, her voice magnified so everyone down the table could hear. "We're facing the greatest crisis in our history... sort of. The Borg are parked on both our doorsteps and... Gilad?" Bacco eyed the Grand Admiral sitting down a few places. "Are you all right?"

Pellaeon reached out and tentatively rapped his knuckles on the table. His mustache twitched as they made contact. "Did I get transported to Earth?" he finally asked.

Bacco smiled. "No, Admiral. It's simply a marriage of your communication technology and our holographic technology. We've now got real-time communication with even the farthest corners of the Federation and your old-style blue-tinged holograms will become a thing of the past."

"Stronger together, as the Jedi say," Pellaeon murmured. His head suddenly shot up and he looked around. "My apologies."

Bacco waved him off before looking down her left. "Bill, what do you have for us?"

Admiral William Ross cleared his throat and pressed a few buttons on a small control pad mounted in the table. A disc mounted in the holographic wood glowed and a map of the former Romulan Neutral Zone appeared. Small icons representing ships, starbases, outposts, Borg cubes and assimilated ships appeared. "The Borg have retreated behind the Neutral Zone and haven't made a peep since. We've brought up the Seventh and Tenth Fleets, but if the Borg come through in a giant wave..." He trailed off and shook his head, letting the fatigue show for a moment.

"You're doing your best," Bacco said. Sahe held up a PADD. "Information about Project: Kenobi has been sent to all of you, so I don't have to reiterate anything." She looked to Ackbar and Sisko sitting farther down the table. "All right, so how is the Kenobi? We didn't spend an ungodly amount of credits to have the thing blow up on its first mission. I don't want Offenhouse having a stroke."

Sisko's mouth twitched. "The ship's running fine, Madam President. We'll be arriving at Waypoint Station and crossing the gateway to Starbase Babylon in a day at the most. Then, onto the Delta Quadrant and the Unicomplex itself."

Admiral Owen Paris snorted. The commander of Starbase 234, the nerve center of anti-Borg research, crossed his arms. "Would someone mind telling me what such a mission can accomplish?" he asked.

General Wedge Antilles of Rogue Fleet spoke up. "Rescuing Luke and the other Jedi," he replied, as if the answer was obvious. "Who knows what the Borg will do to them?"

"You mean 'did' to them," Paris responded, scowling. "I'm sorry, General, but reports from a Lieutenant Hox of the MACO squad attached to the Defiant clearly indicate he was injected with nanoprobes and the antivenin injector was damaged, preventing him from stopping infection." He shook his head and sighed. "I'm sorry, but Luke Skywalker is a drone and those taken with him are undoubtedly drones as well."

Wedge's lips peeled back as he returned the scowl with a snarl. " You don't know that. None of you know that! We owe it to them to at least try." His eyes narrowed. "And even if they have been assimilated, there's still a chance we can rescue them. You did the same for Picard!"

"That brings up a rather good point," Admiral Elizabeth Shelby, also of Starbase 234, said. She looked around with her piercing blue eyes. "So far the Borg haven't shown any evidence of Force powers after assimilating Skywalker and possibly the rest. Why not?"

Admiral Sitak, a dark-skinned Vulcan in charge of the 'Home Fleet' protecting the Core Worlds of the Federation, spoke up. "Is it possible to artificially imbue someone with the Force if their sensitivity is naturally low?" he asked Wedge.

Wedge rubbed his chin and thought back. "There was the Empire Reborn, and the shavit Luke's told me about Sith alchemy tell me it's possible... but if the Borg can do it is anyone's guess."

Sitak nodded his thanks and looked to Paris, his right eyebrow arching. "Then if for nothing else, we must go and ascertain what the Borg's intentions are. And if possible, enact rescue operations so the Borg do not gain access to the Force."

Paris' mouth opened and he raised a hand, but lowered it. "I concede the point," he finally said. He then looked to Sisko and Ackbar. "Although one ship against the Collective? Even if you avoid the majority of their fleet, you're storming the Unicomplex itself-if that's where they even are!"

Sisko's eyes narrowed. He leaned forward and locked eyes with the older man. "I can confirm, Owen, that the Jedi are there. They arrived one week after being captured and are still there, for reasons unknown."

Shelby looked at him, eyes wide. "A vision from the Force, Admiral? I didn't know you were trained."

"A vision from the Prophets," Sisko corrected. "From my time in the Wormhole." He looked down the table to Bacco. "They're there, and we can save them... if it's not too late."

Bacco met his gaze and nodded. "Then continue," she said before motioning to Paris. "Owen's right, though. One ship can't make a difference, even if it's got the Enterprise and Defiant with it."

Wedge spoke up again. "But what can the rest of Starfleet do? Far as I know, you folks haven't implemented hyperdrives into your ships yet."

Sitak shook his head. "On the contrary, General, we have." He pressed a few buttons on a control panel in front of him. The hologram changed from a map of the Federation and Borg positions to one of a class-one hyperdrive unit. "Manufacturing such a device and installing it aboard our ships is rather simple. Our replicators can build far more complex devices easily."

Ackbar eyed the hologram with one eye while the other one swiveled and looked to Sitak. "Then why have you not installed them aboard all your ships?" he asked, incredulity coloring his voice.

Sitak paused. "We have the device... but we need a map."

There was silence before Wedge spoke up. "A coordinate system. You need to convert all your maps and coordinates to a hyperspace equivalent, or else you'll fly right into a star or some other particle that would mutate you into fish!"

Paris snorted, but it quickly turned into a scowl. "He's right. Warp drive is slower and more complex to build and maintain than hyperdrive, but it's a lot more forgiving when it comes to courses and if the thing fails. It won't leave you stranded in another dimension, possibly forever."

Wedge grunted. "Good points," he conceded.

Bacco looked around at everyone. "Okay, so how far along is this hyperspace map?"

Shelby picked up a PADD and looked it over. She inputted some commands and passwords before speaking. "We have almost all the Federation, Klingon Empire, Ferengi Trade Alliance and Gorn Hegemony mapped, but the farther out you go from the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, the worse it gets. Even with the data Voyager collected, the Delta Quadrant has a lot of holes that could rip hyperspace-traveling ships apart."

Ackbar shook his head, the barbs on his chin quivering slightly. "Not if you do short hops," he told Shelby. "That's our plan for the Kenobi. And we can send back telemetry to any ships following in our wake."

Bacco glanced around the table at all the various Starfleet admirals. "What's the closest starbase to the Delta Quadrant?"

"Starbase 312," Sitak said after a moment.

Bacco nodded. "Thank you." She leaned forward and clasped her hands together. "I want all available starships sent there. And I mean every single one we can spare." Bacco looked to Sisko. "How long before you pass 312?"

Sisko glanced at something out of range of the holo-projector and tapped some buttons on his armrest. "Two days at the most after entering the Milky Way."

"All right, then. The fleet launches in forty hours." Bacco looked down the table and sighed. "Martok, Tomalak, sorry. Didn't mean to ignore you in any way."

Chancellor Martok grinned and fixed his one eye on Bacco, one of the few politicians he respected. "No insult, Nan Bacco," he said, inclining his head. "We held."

Bacco smiled at his simple statement. "I know, Martok." She lightly tapped her chest with her fist. "How is the Defense Force?"

Martok glanced to his right and General Klag, son of M'Raq, spoke up. "We incurred moderate losses, especially near Narendra and Nimbus III, but we held!" he shouted, thrusting his balled-up right hand into the air. Other Klingons there joined in subdued cheers and chest-thumping, some drinking flagons of bloodwine and spilling holographic drops of it onto the table.

Martok held up a hand and shouted in Klingon, quieting them down. He then stood and paced about the stateroom, stopping behind Tomalak. "Stand and face me," he said.

Tomalak slowly rose from his chair, turning and facing Martok. "What?" he asked, confusion on his face.

Martok grunted before thrusting a gloved hand forward. "You and your fleet fought with honor, helping us hold the line. Whatever else happens, you have my thanks."

Tomalak nodded and accepted the hand, pumping it three times. "If I die and meet the Great Brothers... then I shall have this, at least."

The two broke the handshake and Martok sat down once more. He looked to Bacco and bared his teeth. "We shall send as many ships as possible, Nan Bacco. Including my flagship, the Sword of Kahless." He looked to Pellaeon. "Even the Thrawn shall be made ready."

"The Thrawn?" Ackbar asked.

Pellaeon grinned slightly. "Oh please, Ackbar. Don't tell me the Federation and New Republic are the only ones to think of a cooperative build." He looked to Martok. "Yaga Minor was conquered, along with several other systems, but I can make it on a courier before the fleet moves out." He looked back at the Chancellor. "At Ty'Gokor?"

Martok nodded once.

Bacco sighed. "I don't want to know, but I'll find out soon enough." She looked around. "General Antilles, how goes things at Coruscant and Corellia?"

Wedge paled and slumped in his chair. "The Corellia Sector is gone," he reported, rubbing his temple. "They also occupied Nabatu-the last planet in the Coruscant System." He let out a sigh. "Only a dozen ships in orbit... might as well be a kriffin' Death Star."

Bacco closed her wizened eyes for a moment. "Wedge. I'm sorry. I know Corellia is your home, but-"

"Don't feel sorry for me," he suddenly said, straightening up. "Feel sorry for the Borg." Wedge's eyes flashed as he continued. "You go for the head of the snake, right? Then count Rogue Fleet in on the attack."

Ackbar's head turned sharply at that. "Wedge, I need you back on Coruscant."

Wedge shook his head at his old friend. "Won't make much of a difference, Ackbar. In the pilot's seat or on the bridge of the Lusankya, they'll still take us out any time they wish. At least at the Unicomplex, I can make a difference."

Ackbar shook his head at that. "May the wind be at your back, then," he said to his old friend.

Admiral Sslaag of the Gorn Hegemony, silent throughout the meeting, raised a clawed hand. [We shall send as many ships as possible,] he hissed, his hisses and grunts translated for everyone else. He turned his large head to Bacco, faceted eyes glittering. [The debt of Cestus III-]

"-Has been paid off for a long time," Bacco said, waving him off. She bowed her head. "Thank you." The president then looked around. "Anything else? No? All right, then. We've all got a lot of work to do, so let's get to it." She pressed a button on the control panel in front of her, terminating the link.

The admirals and generals not physically present vanished, along with half the table and the room itself. Sitak and others bade their farewells to Bacco, leaving her alone with Esperanza. "That went well," Esperanza said.

Bacco snorted. "You could've said that or anything during the meeting, you know."

The Chief of Staff shrugged. "You were doing so well, I knew just to let you keep knocking them out of the field."

"That's 'park'," Bacco corrected. The ghost of a smile crossed her lips. "Remind me again why I ran for this office?"

"Because you were the best qualified at the time," Esperanza replied, smiling and patting her old friend on the forearm.

Bacco smiled back. "Thanks." She stood up from the chair. "And I was right, too. No time to be procrastinating. Let's go," she said before heading to the exit.

Esperanza smiled at her as she left, falling into step besides Bacco. "Lead on, and I shall follow."


Please read and review. Thanks! :)
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by Vic »

So the Federation has it's own Iron Lady, cool. 8)
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
.................................................Billy Currington
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Vic-Aye. She's from the novels. A pretty cool president, there.

*Looks around* Hello? :( Hope you people are still enjoying this fic.

Hinata is from the Naruto anime. And I got the stats for Starbase babylon right from ditl.org. :)

*Ahem* Here we go!

Tenel Ka entered the Enterprise's largest gathering area and looked around, quickly spotting her target. "Lusa!" she half-shouted, waving at a table near the outer edge.

Lusa glanced up from a small group of fellow officers. She smiled and motioned to Tenel Ka. "Good to see you," she said. The Chironian stood up on all four hooves and hugged Tenel Ka. "How are you holding up?" she asked, concern lacing through her voice.

A sigh escaped Tenel Ka's lips. "I am... doing better," she said. She pulled a chair over from an empty table and sat down while Lusa knelt beside her, lowering her hindquarters so not to tower over. "I received a bit of a pep talk from your tactical officer, Tirsek," she said, massaging her jaw slightly.

One of the other officers glanced over. "And Doctor Crushed did a wonderful job of stitching you back together," she deadpanned.

Tenel Ka gazed over at the officer. She speared to be human, with dark, shimmering hair, pale skin and piercing violet eyes. Like Lusa, she wore the blue trim of the science/medical division, but had only a single rank pip. "And you are?" she asked the young ensign.

"Hotaru Tomoe," she answered. She held a hand out across the table. "Lusa's told me a lot about you."

Tenel Ka accepted the hand. "All good things, I hope." A faint smile graced her lips, but it fell away as she looked to Lusa. "They were all... good things, yes?"

Lusa smiled back. "I don't have anything else to say about you," she said. She motioned to the third officer there. "And this is Hinata Hyuga, of the Byakugan Clans."

Tenel Ka looked to her. She was humanoid, but decidedly not human. Her hair was violet, and her eyes were a solid gray, with no evidence of pupils or sclera. Veins surrounded her eyes, pulsing slightly. "An honor," Tenel Ka said, shifting slightly in her seat at the stare.

Hinata bowed her head slightly, breaking contact. "Sorry," she said. "My people got a lot more information through sight than other means." She pointed to her small nose and ears. "We're called living tricorders by some, but it's a bit of an exaggeration."

Tenel Ka waved her off. "It's all right." She looked back to Lusa and smiled. "A junior-grade lieutenant already in charge of a science team? I'm impressed, Lusa."

Lusa shook her head. "Not exactly in charge. I'm just the most senior of the little group. We report to a full-grade lieutenant, but it changes so familiarity and stagnation's not bred." She sighed. "Raynar said he'd throw a big party when I got my second solid pip..." Lusa wiped at her eyes and shuddered slightly. "I miss him so much," she half-whispered.

A lump formed in Tenel Ka's throat, preventing her from speaking. So she simply stood up, leaned over and wrapped her arms around Lusa's upper body, pulling her in. One of Lusa's snaked around Tenel Ka's midsection and the other one draped across her shoulders as she returned the hug. "We will get them back," Tenel Ka finally said.

The two friends broke the embrace and Tenel Ka sat back down. Tenel Ka looked to Hotaru and Hinata. "So, do you two have any embarrassing stories about Lusa in her duties? I believe such tales might break the tension here that has formed."

Lusa swallowed and opened her mouth, but Hinata spoke up. "An excellent idea," she said, smirking. She leaned forward and took a sip from a glass in front of her before continuing. "About three months ago, one of the MACO's-"

"Captain Picard!" Lusa blurted out, waving as the wise captain of the Enterprise walked into ten-forward. "A pleasure to see you here, sir."

Picard walked over to the quartet. He paused and waved at some others calling out to him, but made his way over to Lusa's table. "Lieutenant," he said. "Ensigns, and Princess Djo. Good to see you up and about. I hear you and Tirsek had quite a row yesterday."

Tenel Ka shifted in her seat a bit and clenched her right hand, cracking her knuckles. "It was necessary for me to snap out of the despair ensnaring my soul." She tapped her chest above her heart, wrinkling her blouse slightly. "For me, combat is a good way to exorcise demons."

Picard arched an eyebrow. "That does not sound very Jedi-like to me, Tenel Ka. Wouldn't you agree, Lusa?" he asked, looking to the young lieutenant.

Lusa blinked. She glanced to Tenel Ka, then to Picard, then to Hinata and Hotaru. She opened her mouth, then closed it again. Sweat beaded on her forehead before she finally spoke. "I think... the path of the Jedi can take many forms. And the path of the Jedi is only one route for the Force, one current in the ocean, as Master Skywalker has said. I've heard the Vulcans are contemplating founding their own Order. So... I don't think Tenel Ka getting her aggressions out is necessarily a bad thing... right?" She looked to Tenel Ka. "As long as you didn't... enjoy it too much. Did you? Enjoy it too much, I mean."

A small smile formed on Tenel Ka's mouth. "I did not enjoy it, per se, Lusa. I merely found it... stimulating."

Picard nodded to the Chironian. "Excellent thoughts, Lusa. You give yourself far too little credit sometimes." He looked back at Tenel Ka. "Although past experiences color my judgment, I do hope your friends can be saved from the Collective. Such a fate I would not wish on anyone, especially them."

Tenel Ka blinked and looked askance. "From what I have seen, neither would I. Which is why I'm glad we're going to the Unicomplex, if only to ascertain their condition."

Picard grunted. "A rather... interesting coincidence, our conversation and then Ackbar calling me." He eyed Tenel Ka. "Far be it from me to accuse someone of possible collusion, but the timing was just too... perfect."

Tenel Ka scowled. "I would never pull rank or use my influence in such a manner!" she shouted, drawing stares. She stepped forward and jabbed a finger at Picard. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing! I would never put your crew at risk for that, no matter my feelings about Jacen and his family. That would be of the Dark Side, and that is a fact!"

Picard stared at her before the tiniest hint of a smile cracked his visage. "I apologize," he said. "The thought was gnawing at the back of my mind. I knew it was dishonorable of you, but still... politics can twist anyone. And I've met your grandmother..." He trailed off at the end, face flushing.

Tenel Ka blanched. "Oh... I suppose I can see why you'd think such things after meeting my father's side of the family." She looked away and took a step back to the table. "I apologize for my outburst, Captain."

The Captain held up a hand. "On the contrary, it is I who should apologize for the goading, Princess. My crew is my family; I simply wished to make sure they were not put in harm's way without due cause."

Tenel Ka wiped at her eyes. "I cannot connect to the Force with the armband on," she choked out. "Yet, the thoughts of what I would do were Jacen to be assimilated most certainly are of the Dark Side." She shuddered slightly, willing the tears to stop.

Lusa stood up. She reached out, but hesitated. A look from Picard, though, and she wrapped her arms around Tenel Ka, pulling her in for a hug. "We'll get them back," she reassured the princess. "Raynar, Jacen, even Em Teedee and Threepio!"

Hotaru slid out of her chair and walked over. She grabbed the one Tenel Ka was sitting in and pushed it over. Hinata motioned for a waiter while Lusa and Hotaru lowered Tenel Ka into the chair. A Denobulan in civilian attire walked over, putting a glass of ice water down for Tenel Ka before walking off.

Tenel Ka sat down. She sipped at the water and sighed. "Thank you," she said hoarsely. She clenched her prosthetic hand until the servos whined. "Why can I not get over this? Why am I lurching from one extreme to the other?" She suddenly slammed her fist into the transparent aluminum table, denting the ultra-hard alloy. "WHY?"

Hinata stared at her for a few seconds. "Because you're a good person who doesn't like to see good people get hurt," she finally said.

"And that's a fact," Lusa quipped.

Tenel Ka eyed her before she shuddered once more. This time of repressed laughter rather than tears. "Thank you," she said, patting Lusa on the forearm. "Thank you all."

Picard nodded. "You are welcome. And perhaps... when all is said and done, your hope shall be rewarded. It springs eternal, after all."

The comm system chirped. "Captain Picard, Admiral Sisko, please report to the Kenobi's bridge."

Picard tapped his combadge. "Acknowledged." He bowed to Tenel Ka and nodded to Lusa, Hotaru and Hinata before leaving Ten-Forward.

Ten minutes later, he and Sisko emerged onto the Kenobi's bridge. Captain Logk glanced over from his command chair. "We'll be leaving hyperspace about... now."

At his words, the reddish smear of hyperspace fractured, splintering into millions of bright lines that shortened into stars. The black void of space became visible, along with a large, swirling vortex in space-the Gateway, path to the Milky Way Galaxy.

A comm officer spoke up. "Sir, Waypoint Station sending out acknowledgements."

The Zabrak nodded. "Send them back," Logk said. "Set course for the Gateway. Full impulse."

The Kenobi's starboard impulse engines and thrusters flared, turning the MC-90 cruiser. It flew past Waypoint Station, a large core with a docking ring surrounding it. Various other ships, some native and some from the Milky Way, flew by as the Kenobi approached the swirling vortex. It touched the edge and stretched slightly...

The ship appeared in Federation territory, as if it was there all the time. It flew by Starbase Babylon, a Lya-class space station. It resembled an elongated top, with a cap-shaped docking facility at top and antennae jutting out from the sphere-shaped bottom. At over ten thousand, seven hundred-twelve meters tall and with a diameter of eight thousand, seven hundred eighty-one meters at its widest, it dwarfed most ships and other stations.

Logk rubbed his tan-hued forehead right below his horns. "I didn't know you built them that big," he quipped.

Sisko smirked. "There's over thirty of them in the Federation at strategic points. If the Borg make it this far, they'll have one hell of a fight on their hands."

Logk nodded as he stood up. He reached up and grabbed the front of his uniform jacket, but stopped. He looked down at his hands. "Why did I do that?" he asked. He looked up, eyes wide. "Oh, no! It's started already!"

Picard and Sisko exchanged a glance. "What?"

Logk walked over to them and held up his hands. "I've never had an urge to tug on the front of my uniform, but I just did now! What else will happen here? I've never been to the Federation before, but the stories I've heard, especially the Tschel Incident make me wonder if-"

"Captain Logk!" Picard barked, silencing the Zabrak. He held up a hand. "Contrary to popular belief, we do not find omnipotent energy beings, odd particles or weird subspace phenomena every week. I am fairly certain the New Republic has its own share of oddities just waiting to be discovered."

Logk swallowed. He backed off and nodded. "I see... sorry." He turned and faced the main viewport. "Helm, set course for Starbase 312. Sensors... keep an eye out for anything unusual."

There was a flurry of acknowledgments as the mighty ship readied itself. Off to the side, Sisko turned to Picard. "Nice job with him," he said. "I was about ready to yell at him."

Picard half-smiled. "Well, it is true. We don't encounter such things every week. More like... every other week."
Ty'Gokor, the Klingon Empire, Beta Quadrant
A flash of light blazed at the edge of the Ty'Gokor System, heralding the arrival of a Spitfire-class courier. Little more than an engine with a life pod, it flew across the system, impulse engines pushing the ship forward at dizzying speeds.

It quickly approached the fifth planet, the only one habitable by most humanoid life. The rest of the system was made up of gas giants, an asteroid belt and large airless planets-all bursting with precious minerals and ores, enough to supply the Klingon Defense Force for a century ten times over. Space stations bristling with weapons and drydocks all loaded with ships hung in orbit, but one ship stood out even amongst them.

An Imperial-class star destroyer hung in orbit, several tugs and EVA maintenance vehicles hovering about. Warp grilles had been placed on the ventral hull, flanking the main power core. Disruptor turrets had been added at strategic locations, while the command tower had been lowered, the entire structure rebuilt so it presented less of a target. A Vor'cha-class attack cruiser sat on the dorsal bow, docked and integrated with the Thrawn but able to launch with a moment's notice. The IKS Sword of Kahless, the imperial flagship, sat off its port flank in formation.

The courier flew under and to the main hangar, passing two other docked Klingon ships-D-12 birds of prey. It passed through a force field before landing on the main deck. White-armored imperial stormtroopers and silver-armored Klingon beq's lined up in parade formation along the courier's flanks. Two people stood between the rows of soldiers, Chancellor Martok and a young woman in an imperial uniform.

The courier settled slightly on its landing gear. The engine died down and gas vented. The main hatch opened and four stormtroopers emerged, the armor gleaming in the bright lights of the hangar bay. They lined up as Grand Admiral Pellaeon emerged, walking stick in hand. He smoothed out his white uniform and walked down the row, nodding to the soldiers there.

Martok thumped his chest with his right hand. "Hail Gilad Pellaeon, son of the Empire!" he bellowed.

Pellaeon touched his own hand to his chest and smiled. "Hail Martok, son of Urthog." He smiled faintly as he looked up at the one-eyed chancellor. "I do believe this is the first time we've actually met in the flesh."

Martok tossed his head back again and laughed once more. He motioned to the woman next to him, a fiery redhead with a serious expression. "Captain Pryl here has impressed me greatly with her work on getting the Thrawn ready. I'd say she has Klingon in here," he said, baring his sharpened teeth in a grin.

Captain Tanda Pryl locked eyes with Pellaeon. "Sir, the Empire... we held?"

The Old Man nodded. "We held, but the Chimaera will be spending the better part of a year in drydock... and Vana Dorja will be needing a new arm." He looked down at his right hand and sighed. "It's no secret we lost much, but it could've been worse." He looked back up, fire once more in his eyes. "A quick tour before we get underway?"

Martok thumped his chest again. "I shall see you on the field of battle, then." He touched a communicator mounted on his left sleeve and barked several orders in Klingonese. A red-tinted transporter field enveloped him and he disappeared.

Pellaeon and Tanda walked down the row of soldiers. "I won't lie to you," Pellaeon said. "You've got some big shoes to fill, Captain. Vana was a month away from promotion to admiral. She and I worked well together, too." He stopped walking and looked Tanda in the eyes. "I've read your file, and I believe you can fill those shoes," he said, reaching out and patting her on the forearm.

Tanda let a smile play over her lips before her usual serious mien took hold once more. "Thank you, sir." She motioned to the aft doors that led to the rest of the ship. "If you'll follow me, we'll begin our tour in the engine room..."

Chapter Three: Distractions
Unicomplex, Delta Quadrant
"... And Chewie opened the door, the bucket of water tipping over and dousing him. I swear, he smelled like a damp rug for a week!"

Queen Jaina reared her head back and laughed, her face contorting with glee. She wiped her eye with her hand, her pale cheeks almost gaining some color. "W-what did you do to Wes?" she asked Chewie, who was standing near Lowie in the back.

Chewie looked up and bared his fangs. [I did some... 'modifications' to his communicator so he sounded like an Ewok whenever he spoke. Unfortunately, he liked it and kept it as another setting.] He shook his furry head and growled. [Should've gone with the Hutt setting.]

Another laugh came from Queen Jaina. "Oh, of course! My Wes had the same Ewok fascination as yours." She sighed and her shoulders drooped slightly, the black armor shifting. "During one encounter with the Vong, he accidentally flirted with me, then commented about thinking I was still nine-years old." Her hand clenched. "If he could only see me now," she muttered. The scanner over her right eye flashed and brightened. "If only they could all see me, all grown up."

Han looked her over. "Wouldn't it be the same thing I'd say?"

Queen Jaina shook her head. "No, silly man. You're similar, but not the same. I doubt you'd shun Anakin or get drunk or... well, maybe you would." She leaned forward and rubbed her chin with her hand. "How would you react to Chewie dying so Anakin could live?"

Han looked away. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and composed his thoughts. "You're right. That wouldn't be me. How could..." He looked back to Chewie, then to his youngest child as he stood next to Tahiri. He blinked in a vain attempt to stop the moisture forming in his eyes. "I just-how-"

Chewie strode up to Han and rubbed his paw over Han's hair, ruffling it up even more. [If that was my fate, then dying to save the Cub's life would be a great way to go into the Shadowlands.]

Han swallowed. "But I wouldn't want you to die," he whispered.

Chewie whined slightly before enveloping Han in a hug. [Better me than the Cub, Honor Brother.] He let go of Han and turned to Queen Jaina. He bared his fangs, roared and growled. [Why did you tell him that?]

"Why not?" Queen Jaina responded. She waved her hand about. "You should know about the differences in the realities, if you hope to understand me." She glanced to Anakin. "Didn't matter, though. Anakin died on Myrkr, gutted by a Vong in some heroic last stand." He brow wrinkled, casting shadows over her eye. "He died so I could live, so the Voxyn could be stopped... and I hate him for it." She tapped her chest on the armor, right above where her heart was replaced by a literal pump.

Han could only voice a single word. "Why?"

"Because he died... and let me live," Queen Jaina said. Silence permeated the throne room before her head cocked to the side. "If you will excuse me, there are matters of the Collective I must attend to." She rose from her chair, cables disconnecting once more from her spinal column and snaking back into her chair. She turned and walked back to the aft hatch, pausing at Jaina. "He died for you," she half-whispered before leaving.

Han waited until the hatch sealed before he walked back to Chewie. Threepio walked over, his new joints enabling him to keep up better. "There are passive monitoring devices active when Queen Jaina is not here," the protocol droid reported.

Han nodded. "Of course." He looked to Lowie's syren-fiber belt and the small lumpy translator droid attached there. "Em-Teedee, what do you think? Any chance of hacking their mainframe?"

Em Teedee's optics brightened, then dimmed. "I am afraid not, Captain Solo," he said in a tinny voice. "My wireless interface has neither the transmitting strength nor the processing power to even begin to hack the Collective."

Han swayed slightly and wiped his brow with his already-soaked sleeve. "Damn, it's hot in here." He stepped back walked over to a slot in the wall. "Water, cold." The replicator hummed before a bottle of water formed from a swirl of molecules. He took it, unscrewed the top and took a long gulp from it. "Why do the Borg like it so hot?"

Chewie grunted and held out his arms. [You think you've got it bad? I grew up in a jungle and think it's uncomfortable!]

Han paused, then smirked. "You've got a point," he admitted. He looked to Threepio, then down to Em Teedee. "What about you two? How are your circuits?"

Threepio's optics brightened. "Oh, how kind of you to ask, Captain Solo! My internal fans and other cooling systems are operating at a higher level than normal, but it is a relatively small drain."

"I can concur," Em Teedee chirped. "And I have even less problems, although if I were to engage my repulsorlifts, I would experience worse problems than Threepio."

Han crossed his arms and paced a bit, his boots clomping on the deck plating. His wandering eventually took him in front of Leia. He looked up at her and into her blank eyes. "I'm reaching her, but there are so many questions!" His arms snaked out and he took his wife by the upper arms. "How can I find out more?" His eyes suddenly broke the gaze. "And do I want to?"

Leia's arms suddenly shifted in his arms. Her eyes focused and narrowed. Her mouth opened slightly. "Hhhhhhhhhh..." she groaned out. Her teeth clenched together. "Hhhhhaaaaa..."

"Come on!" Han shouted, tightening his grip. "Break through, your worshipfulness! There's no way this alternate Jaina can beat you."
"You can do it, Leia! Feel the Force, like I taught you and you learned!"

Anakin Skywalker approached Luke as both stood in the blue ether of the Force. He reached out to his son and patted him on the shoulder. "I know how hard this must be, Luke, but you
can't interfere. Queen Jaina would know something was up and clamp down even harder!"

Luke turned to Anakin, his eyes stricken. "I know, I know! I just wish..." He trailed off and looked down, unable to complete his thoughts.

A young woman approached him. She had her hair done up in an elaborate style, contrasting the simplicity of her dress. "Ani's right," Padme Amidala-Skywalker said. She took her husband's hand with her right and caressed Luke's cheek with her left. "Striking too soon would ultimately accomplish nothing-and hand Queen Jaina total control over you."

Luke brushed his hand against Padme's, still in awe of being able to touch and see his mother. "I know." He looked up at her, then to Anakin. "I still can't believe I can see you, or talk to you!" He smiled slightly. "Probably the only good thing coming out of this."

Ben Kenobi and James Kirk approached from Luke's right. "One of them, but not all," Ben said. He looked to the window into the living and Han's group. "He has the same hope you had, all those years ago. Turning someone from the Dark Side is one of the hardest tasks in the galaxy-either galaxy."

Jim spoke up. "And you being here has other benefits, Luke. If Queen Jaina had been able to fully assimilate you while your soul was still in its body, she'd be able to project the Hive Mind into every Jedi in both realities."

Luke shuddered. He looked to the window into the living and narrowed his eyes. The image faded out, wavering and rippling before reforming into the image of a gas giant with over thirteen moons orbiting it. "I have to know..."
Yavin IV

Twenty Defense Force shuttles descended through the atmosphere, the boxy landing craft circling around a small grass field in front of the Great Temple. They touched down in circular formation, laser turrets swiveling around. The main hatches popped open and Defense Force soldiers poured out.

Each one sported heavy armor, blaster rifles and wore a backpack with piping along the top. A fur-covered ysalamiri was wound across the pipes, claws sunk into holes in the frame for nutrients.

Colonel Judder Page emerged from one of the shuttles. He looked up to the Great Temple's entrance as a grizzled man in Jedi robes emerged. "Kam!" he shouted.

Kam Solusar marched down the steps, robe fluttering behind. "Good to see you," he said, reaching Page. He wavered slightly as he entered the 'dead zone' of the Force created by the ysalamari. "We're all right, relatively speaking. But is it true about the others?"

Page nodded. "Luke was assimilated by the Borg, and through him..." He trailed off and shook his head. "Those closest to him, like drones themselves." He looked back up at Kam. "What about here?"

"We felt a tugging on our minds," Kam said. "Streen nearly had an aneurism from it, but it suddenly cut off." He shrugged. "Good thing, too. Some of us were starting to utter things about assimilation and resistance."

Page breathed out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad to hear. We've got other teams headed to Dagobah, Ossus and Dantooine, as well as a team at the Temple on Coruscant."

Kam glanced back at the Temple as an older man with a wild beard and a muscular woman wearing lizard-hide armor walked up. "Wise precautions," he admitted. He shuddered slightly. "Tionne..."

Streen placed a hand on Kam's shoulder. "They'll get her back, Kam. I'm sure of it."

Kirana Ti bobbed her head. "Where there is life, there is hope."
Luke wiped his eyes. A small smile crossed his mouth. "They're all right." He looked back to Ben and Jim. "You were right."

Jim shrugged. He drifted over, his feet never moving. "I wish I wasn't," he said. He held out his hand and a glass of water appeared in it. "Here, drink this."

Luke took the glass. He looked it over before drinking some of it. "How does this work?"

"Your mind creates it," Ben explained. He smirked. "Don't think about it too much. You'll just get a headache."

"Despite not technically having a head?" Luke quipped.

Anakin barked a laugh. "It seems being married to Mara has sharpened your tongue."

Luke smiled. "She's kept me on my toes throughout." His smile softened. "I wish you could've met her."

Padme reached out a hand to him. "She's a good woman, Luke. Perhaps..."


Padme bit her lip slightly. "Sorry, spoke a bit too much there." She waved her hand at her son. "You don't want to ask anymore about that."

Anakin looked down at her and arched an eyebrow. "Padme?"

His wife looked at her hand before tucking it into a pocket. Even through the blue tinge, everyone could see her blush. "Sorry. Well, everyone else around here does it, even James!"

The late Captain of the
Enterprise flashed her a smile. "Well, when you've talked enough malfunctioning computers into destroying themselves..."

Anakin chuckled and shook his head. "That one with NOMAD was particularly good, Jim. I wonder how you would've fared in a sparring match with Palpatine."

Jim opened his mouth, then closed it again, his eyebrows rising slightly. "I think I'll pass on that one," he said, half-smiling.


Please read and review. Up!
Last edited by RK_Striker_JK_5 on Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by Vic »

Star Trek Phenomena #1; Firmly grasp front of shirt and pull once with authority.

:laughroll: :laughroll:
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
.................................................Billy Currington
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Vic-That's only the beginning... ;)

Sorry for the lengthy absence. RL problems. Hope any lurkers are enjoying this. :)

Here we go!

Starbase 312, edge of the Federation
Ships from Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force, Cardassian Militia, Gorn navy, Imperial Navy, New Republic Defense Force, Hapan Navy and Romulan Imperial Fleet gathered at one of the last outposts of civilization before the unknown Delta Quadrant-Starbase 312.

An enormous Lya-class space station orbited the fourth planet of the system, along with drydock facilities, defense satellites and over fifty Starfleet starships permanently assigned to the system. Close to four billion people lived in the system, which bore the name 'Omega'-the last letter in the Greek alphabet. If the rest of the Federation fell, the Omega System would carry on to rebuild.

The outer edge of the Omega System lit up as over two hundred Defense Force vessels exited hyperspace, spreading out. Nebula-class destroyers, Nebulon-B escort frigates and Defender-class assault carriers formed a loose sphere with smaller ships around the edge. And at the center was the RSS Lusankya, an Executor-class star destroyer and flagship of Rogue Fleet, a special fleet answerable only to General Wedge Antilles, General Traest Kre'fey and Ackbar himself.

Wedge stood on the Lusankya's bridge, hands clasped behind him as he looked out the massive viewport. His eyes looked to the right as Wes, Tycho and Hobbie approached. "Report."

Wes held out a datapad. The normally grinning pilot was frowning. "All ships have arrived, although the Dawnstar reports encountering a temporal anomaly and arriving ten minutes ahead of schedule."

Wedge sighed as he took the datapad and scrolled down it. "Only one ship? Luck is with us." He turned to his friends. "We'll need more than that, though, if we're to survive the Borg."

Tycho nodded. "There's talk in the galleys and the hangars. You know the type. Some people don't think they'll be coming home."

Hobbie snorted. He looked back at the bridge, the aft stations, the crew pits and stations lining the bulkheads. "That's not good. People talking like they're gonna die tomorrow usually end up making sure it comes to pass."

A Twi'lek lieutenant approached the group, a datapad in hand. "Sir, reports from department heads." She held out the thin piece of rectangular plastic, screen side up.

Wedge reached over and took it from her. "Thanks," he mumbled. He pressed a button on the pad's control panel and the information scrolled down. The general then pressed his thumb onto a small square in the lower right corner before handing it back to the lieutenant. "Send out a message to all heads. We ship off in twelve hours-right after the Kenobi arrives. We have to be ready for... anything."

The Twi'lek nodded. Her lekku twitched as she took back the pad. "In the Milky Way? If we're ready for anything, then won't nothing happen?" she asked, smiling and chuckling.

Wes turned his head to her and glared. "No time for jokes, Lieutenant," he snarled. "We launch in twelve hours against one of the deadliest enemies this side of the Empire at its height. We'll be on unfamiliar ground with a hastily-devised plan against an enemy that makes it preferable to be killed than captured. All the while following a trail of ryshcate crumbs left by the Kenobi into the Delta Quadrant-described by Admiral Janeway as the 'wildest and most untamed region of the Milky Way Galaxy' if I remember her after-mission report."

The Twi'lek swallowed and her blue skin flushed a slight purple. "Y-yes, sir," she stammered out before turning and walking off. Within a few steps, her gait had quickened into a run.

Tycho's right eye twitched. "Stang, Wes. What crawled up your exhaust pipe?"

Wes' nostrils flared. "Tycho... I'm me. I'm Wes Janson, lady's man and biggest fan of the Ewoks back home." He patted himself on the chest, right next to his rank insignia. "What happens if I get assimilated? What happens if I become a drone?"

Realization dawned on Tycho, Hobbie and Wedge's faces. Hobbie shook his head. "No matter what, you will always be Wes Janson. Nothing they do to you will change that."

"Until I become Thirteen of Two-hundred," Wes countered. He turned to Hobbie. "Ever read Picard's briefing on what happened when he was turned into Locutus? I thought becoming a Sith was scary, but all they like to do are tattoos and piercings!"

"And the whole destruction of your soul," Tycho said, half-smiling. He held up a hand. "The Borg and the Sith. Two sides of the same credit, it seems. Let's just try and avoid both, shall we?"

Wes' face contorted slightly and he cracked a grin. "Yes, let's. Two-for-one deals are rarely true deals, after all."

Wedge nodded. "Wes is joking once more. All's right with the universe... universes..." He scratched his head. "What does Starfleet call it?"

"An alternate quantum reality," Hobbie said. He rolled his eyes. "Figures they'd have a standardized term for a different universe."

Wedge shrugged. "They need it. Could be worse, though. They could have a standardized term for evil. Wep have that-the Dark Side."
RSS Kenobi
"And reversion in three, two, one... back in normal space, sir."

Captain Logk nodded as hyperspace changed to the void of 'real' space outside the bridge's main viewport. He paced slightly on the command walkway above the crew pits. "Location?"

A female Mon Calamari looked up from her console. Her eyes swiveled around as she addressed Logk. "Right outside the Omega System, Captain. We're on course and engineering reports we're all set for the next jump when you give the word."

Logk bowed his head and gave thanks to the gods before looking back and down. "Please send a message to Starbase 312 that we've arrived and will be leaving shortly."

The comm officer acknowledged his order and looked down. He pressed a few buttons, but stopped and adjusted his headset. "Message coming in from Starbase 312," the Benzite reported, his respirator bobbing slightly in front of the prominent nasal lobe and whiskers.

Logk nodded. "Patch it through." He walked over to a small sectioned-off area near the port side and stepped in, a holographic comm tank for personal communications. Several spotter lasers shone over him before a humanoid female in Starfleet admiral's dress appeared. Logk stood up straight as the hologram solidified. "Admiral," he said, nodding.

The dark green-skinned female, a native of Orion, returned the nod. "Safe journeys, Captain," Vice-Admiral Gaila said. She reached up and pushed a lock of light-red hair away from the wrinkles and crow's feet around her eyes. Well over a century old, and she looked half the age, keeping in good shape.

Logk smiled. "Thank you. Please send the time of our departure to the fleet so they know when to head out."

Gaila glanced to the side at something out of range of the holo-cam before looking back and nodding. "Done. Good luck, and please send Captain Picard and Admiral Sisko my regards," she said before she disappeared.

Logk stepped out of the holo-tank and back to the command walkway. "Helm, set course for the Delta Quadrant. And make sure to download all navigational information to the comm station so we can send it to the fleet as it follows."

There was a flurry of acknowledgments from the crew. Logk turned back to the main viewport as the bright star of the Omega System's primary disappeared to starboard, followed by all the stars in the sky turning to lines as the Kenobi sidestepped the laws of physics and entered hyperspace.

One of the aft turbolift doors opened and Admiral Sisko stepped out. He walked up to Logk. "Captain, drop out of hyperspace in fifteen minutes on my mark... mark."

Logk's eyebrow quirked slightly. "Why?" he asked simply.

Sisko blew out a breath and spread his arms slightly. "I have a feeling that will be a good time to stop. Call it a vision."

The Zabrak hung his head. "And far be it from me to ignore a vision." His eyes went to Sisko's belt. "Wait, where is it? I know Starfleet allows them."

Sisko glanced down where his uniform jacket was belted, right at the waist. "Excuse me?"

"Your lightsaber," Logk clarified, smirking slightly. "You sounded rather like a Jedi, there."

Sisko's eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared slightly. He stepped forward and began speaking. "I spent nearly nine months with the Prophets of Bajor in the Celetial Temple. Not the same training as Luke's, but it's allowed me to begin the beginning of understanding. At some times, the path becomes clear."

Logk turned around and looked at the viewport and the swirl of hyperspace beyond. "I hope this time is one of those times. I'd prefer to avoid some of the more infamous denizens of the Milky Way, no matter Picard's assurances."
"... And if we attune the combadge to this frequency, the Borg Collective's influence will be reduced. Not eliminated, but reduced." Spock looked up from the partially-disassembled combadge sitting on a work bench in a science lab on the Enterprise at everyone around him. "Does this seem logical?"

Bones, sitting in a chair at the desk, leaned over and examined Spock's work. He nodded, his head shaking a bit more than normal. "Nice job, Spock. It'll give us time to get to any infected and prevent assimilation." He smiled slightly. "Thanks for reminding us why we keep you around."

Spock let out the tiniest of sighs. "Of course, Doctor. This, with your condensed antivenin will be two potent weapons against the Borg." His eyebrow raised slightly. "How many injections does it contain?"

Lusa piped up from a station mounted on the bulkhead. "We're at six, now, Captain. Force willing we'll break double digits before encountering any cubes." The Chironian sighed and rolled her shoulders. "Stang, I feel like I've run across Coruscant."

Bones turned around in his chair. "Well for god's sake, Lusa! You've been at that blasted console for who knows how long! Go get some rest, kid!" he said, waving her off.

Lusa opened her mouth to protest, but a long and loud yawn came out instead. She covered her mouth and turned away from everyone, cheeks turning a bright crimson. "I am so sorry," she finally said, looking back at Spock and Bones.

Spock paused a moment before talking. "Lieutenant, you are temporarily without access to the Force due to the armband projecting the ysalamiri field. Therefore, you are at a reduced capacity. Jagged Fel has already retired, while Doctor McCoy and I shall be doing the same. It is not logical to push oneself so hard. Nor is it wise to disobey the order of an admiral." He walked over to Lusa, feeling the 'void' in the Force around her. "Please, get some sleep."

Lusa opened her mouth, but stopped short before speaking. "Yes, sir," she finally said. She shut down her station before standing up on all four legs and trotting out.

Bones shook his head as he watched her go. "I remember being that young. Those were the days, when the galaxy was the limit to what you could do." He held up a paper-thin hand and looked at it, almost looking through it. "Now look at me. All used up and almost gone."

Spock tilted his head slightly. "That is... illogical, Doctor. You still have much to offer. Your years of experience and knowledge are invaluable to the Federation."

Bones chuckled, coughing slightly before speaking, "A shame it took me so long to get said knowledge and experience." he slowly rose from his chair. "I miss Jim, Spock. I miss Tonia. What's so damned good about growing old if the people you love aren't there to enjoy it with you?"

Spock shook his head and tapped his lower abdomen. "They still exist, Doctor. And they always shall."

Bones snorted. "I never took you for the sentimental type, Spock. Are those your emotions showing?"

Spock shook his head. "No need to be insulting, Doctor. I am merely stating a fact." He motioned to the lightsaber hanging from his belt. "And as you must remember, I have died before."

Bones' mouth turned down slightly in a frown. "Would you being Force-sensitive explain how the hell that worked?" He scratched his head. "I never figured that out. Not sure I wanna start now, either."

Spock placed a hand on Bones' shoulder and the two old friends walked to the hatch leading out into the corridor. "No need to, Doctor. The will of the Force is logically the correct answer."
Unicomplex, Delta Quadrant
Han paced in the throne room, sweat beading on his brow. He marched up to Anakin and placed two hands on his youngest son's shoulders. "I would never blame you for Chewie's death like that. No matter what, you're my son, damn it!" He suddenly leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Anakin in a hug. "I love you."

He let go and shook his head before walking over to Jacen. "So, I abandoned you, ordered Jaina to kill you?" He groaned and looked to Chewie. "Chewie, what did I want most in life?"

Chewie bared his teeth and roared. [A family, Honor Brother. Someone to call your own!]

Han walked over to the other side and Jacen, his oldest son. "I told Jaina to kill you. I abandoned by own flesh and blood. You're not Thracken. You're not some three-times removed cousin I'm not even sure I share blood with. You're my son!"

The door in the back behind the throne suddenly opened and Queen Jaina entered. "My apologies," she said. "Matters of the Collective take up much time. Especially with the addition of new territories in the Beta Quadrant and your home galaxy take up much time." She focused her eye on Han and her brow furrowed. "You feel a bit... different." She shifted her stance and placed her hand on her hip. "Do you have something to say to me?"

Han clenched his hands, causing his knuckles to crack. "Oh, I've got a few 'choice' words in mind, Queenie." A feral grin crossed his face. "Although they might not be the ones you wanna hear."

Queen Jaina snorted. "I have heard much in my time, Father. What do you have to say to me?" she said as she sat down on her throne. Cables shot from the chair, connecting with the ports in her spinal column.

The smuggler and scoundrel backed up a bit to where Chewie and Threepio stood, near Lowie and Em Teedee. He turned to them and leaned close. "Don't say anything," he half-whispered, gesturing to Queen Jaina behind his back. "If she gets angry, I want her to get angry only at me. Get it?"

Chewie growled slightly and bared his fangs, but nodded. Threepio's head bobbed slightly and his arms waved up and down.

Han turned and walked back to the throne and his alternate-universe daughter. "Interesting what you just called me there-'Father'. I'm not your father." He jerked a thumb in the direction of Jaina, next to Zekk. "I'm her father, but not yours. Your father basically ordered you to kill Jacen, which you did. No daughter of mine would do that."

Queen Jaina bristled, but sat still. "But you would, if in his place,' she said, scanner over her right eye brightening. "You and he are so alike, and you never experienced tragedy like he did."

"But I've experienced tragedy," Han retorted, crossing his arms. "I'm no stranger to it, believe me. Dewlanna, Jarik Solo, Mako Spince, three months as Jabba's wall ornament..." His right hand went up and rubbed the old scar on his chin. "I've been beaten down, but I keep getting back up. This other Han? Don't make me laugh. He curled up into a ball."

The scanner over Queen Jaina's right eye flashed and her left hand curled into a fist. "Do not dare to mock him!" she shouted, her face twisting in rage. "You have no idea what he went through when he had to sever his bonds with Jacen."

Han shook his head, eyes wide. "He abandoned his son. At the time, his only son. After Anakin's death. There's no way any version of Han Solo would do that!"

A mocking laugh came from Queen Jaina. "There a googleplex number of Han Solo's across the multiverse, Father. In some, you make Palpatine look like a rank amateur. In others, you had no family. Do not think yourself above everyone else."

Han waved her off. "I'm not talking about them-too stupid, remember?" he said, flashing her a smirk and wink before continuing. "This Han Solo, your father, is too close to me for you to so easily dismiss with talk of alternate realities and the multiverse. I can examine him and his actions, as well as your own."

Queen Jaina's fist trembled, but she willed it to be still. "And what are your findings?" she asked. Her teeth flashed and her breath came in shorter and shorter gasps as Han talked. "What does your Force-less insight tell you?"

"That he's pathetic," Han finally said. "His son goes Dark Side and he doesn't lift a finger, disowns him like that? Let's him go off on several journeys without even trying to keep tabs on him?"

Queen Jaina waved him off with her right arm and pincer. "You've never seen anyone fall to the Dark Side before! You have no idea what it entails."

Han shook his head. "No, I have. Luke, when Palpatine came back or whatever the hell happened. Don't worry. You were only one at the time, so I can overlook you not remembering." He stepped forward. "I did everything I could to help Leia and Luke. And you know what? I say Luke's my brother, and I mean it. But in reality, biologically speaking, he's not." He pointed to his chest. "In my heart, he's my brother, and my best friend, and I'd got to the ninth level for him. Why wouldn't I do the same for my son?"

Queen Jaina shifted in her throne. "Why didn't you?" she finally said, a feral grin crossing her pale features. "Why didn't you help him when he needed it the most?"

Han shrugged. "If I ever meet him, I'll ask him. After beating him within a centimeter of his life." He looked around, holding his hand up to his forehead. "Seen any dimensional portals around? We're a long way from the Alpha Quadrant."

Queen Jaina smirked. "How do you think I got to your reality?"

There was a pause before Han turned back to her from his 'searching' and changed the angle of his hand into a salute. "Thanks for the info."

"Like it would do you any good," Queen Jaina replied. She waved him off, servos mounted in her left arm whirring. "Our own portal into your galaxy is in space, like the Gateway. How will you get there, by holding your breath?"

Han waved her off and turned around. "Rule one, kiddo. Never give your enemy any information. No matter how trivial."

The High Queen reared back. She suddenly stood, the cables tugging on her back before disengaging. "You are NOT my enemy!' she yelled. "I have done everything for your benefit, Father! All of this is to bring everyone together, so they can be safe! So there can be no more wars, no more fighting and dying!"

Han's mouth opened for a moment. "You... you took over the Cyber League, betrayed Zekyag after he helped you out and committed multiple genocides... for me? For us?" he asked, motioning to the still forms all around, standing like statues. He pointed to Chewie and Threepio, still silent. "I have no idea how in the Nine Hells you reached that conclusion, Jaina. But if you really think that way... then there's no hope for you."

And with that, he turned and walked back to Chewie and Threepio.

Queen Jaina held out her hand. "Stop!" she shouted, reaching out with the Force and telekinetically grabbing Han. She spun her around and dragged him back, teeth gritted. "You know nothing about my pain!"

Chewie roared, but Han held up a hand. "Back off!" he shouted. "Don't go against me on this, Chewie!"

[But Honor Brother, she-]

Hen turned his head around even as he stumbled forward, his boots clanking on the metal deck plating. "Don't, Chewie! This is my bed, and I'm pretty tired." He skidded to a halt centimeters from Jaina. He looked down at her, into her dead eye. "So, when do I get it?"

Queen Jaina's sole organic eye blinked. "Get what?"

Han flashed his trademark smile. "The nanoprobes, your hignessness." He tilted his head back. "Come on, right in the neck. Isn't that the usual spot?" He reached up and tapped his skin, right above the carotid artery. "Come on!"

Jaina's eye widened. "Why do you wish for me to assimilate you?"

"Isn't that what you want to do?" Han asked, cocking his head to the side. He spread his arms out wide. "Why else bring us here?"

"To keep you safe," Queen Jaina mumbled. She stepped back and shook her head. "I just want... I want everyone to be safe, that's all. Why can't everyone be safe?"

Han slowly shook his head. "Jaina, that's life. It's dangerous, and none of us get out alive." He reached out a hand to her. "Please, don't do this. Let us go. Stop the invasion. Stop the Collective. Remember who you were, kid. You can be her again."

The High Queen reached out and gently pushed Han's hand away. "I..." She turned from him, organic eye wide and shining with tears. "I have duties to perform!" she shouted before running from the room.

Chewie and Threepio walked up to Han. [That was foolish,] Chewie growled. He crossed his arms and shook his head. [It's a dangerous game you're playing.]

Han glanced at him before walking over to Leia. He stood off to the side and waited. "Come on, Leia. Look at me."

Leia's head slowly turned and she blinked. Her mouth opened slightly and her face pinched. The princess' breathing increased. "Han," she finally spat out. "Help me! Help us! Help her!"

Han looked to Chewie. "I have her right where I want her."


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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by Vic »

Holy snot! Givin' that kid one hell of a rough road to travel. :grave:
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by stitch626 »

I almost feel sorry for Queen Jaina... almost.
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Vic-I assume you're talking about Queen Jaina?

Stitch-Excellent. That's precisely how you're supposed to feel about her. :)

Here we go!

"Reversion in three, two, one... entering normal space!"

Logk stood up from his chair and looked out the main viewport as the bluish smear changed to the inky void. He looked back at Sisko. "So, what are we looking for?"

The admiral shook his head. "I only know the time, not what it entails."

A sensor officer in the crew pit glanced up in alarm. "Captain, we have Borg cubes exiting transwarp!" she shouted.

Logk snarled. "Activate the cloaking device," he shouted before sitting back down. Lights dimmed and klaxons sounded as he pulled the right armrest down and inputted some commands.

Sisko stood behind him. "You have a cloaking device?"

A smile crossed Logk's features. "The New Republic never signed the Treaty of Algernon. And considering the demise of their empire, I believe that treaty's null and void with you as well." He looked down. "Did they see us?"

The sensor officer glanced down at her console again and shook her head. "No, sir," the Andorian female reported. Her antennae flattened. "I don't understand, though. They came out of nowhere."

Logk looked down from his chair. "Isn't that what usually happens?"

The sensor officer shook her head. "No, sir. What I mean is Starfleet sensors are usually able to detect if a Borg cube or one of your ships are approaching from hyperspace a few minutes before. These two, though, appeared out of nowhere!"

Something tickled the back of Logk's mind. He looked to Sisko. "Benjamin, don't the Borg have transwarp conduits?

Sisko nodded. "A network of them throughout the Milky Way. They reached into the Alpha Quadrant before Voyager collapsed that node when she returned home."

Logk's hands clenched. He rubbed his chin. "Can we use it?" He looked back to Sisko as the admiral stood there, hands clasped behind his back. "Should we?"

Sisko motioned to the fore of the bridge. "Up to you, Captain. I can only guide you, not make the decision. The Kenobi, after all, is your ship."

Logk stared straight ahead at the cubes as they floated by. "Communications, send a coded message to the Omega System about this location and our route, Helm, take us in."

The Borg cubes moved off, each one with a specific purpose. Their sensors swept all around, catching almost everything. Some of their beams caught errant tachyon emissions, but they blended into the background radiation too well. Priorities and mission statements overrode any need to investigate, and they moved onto their targets.

Chapter Four: Message in a Bottle
Omega System, allied fleet
Flashes of light dominated the edge of the Omega System as ship after ship either dropped out of hyperspace or left warp. They quickly received instructions from command ships in the fleet, either the RSS Lusankya, the Ambassador-class USS Sputnik, the IKS Sword of Kahless, RIS D'Deridex or the ISS Thrawn. The five ships hung in loose formation near the center of the armada as they prepared for battle.

Aboard the upgraded and refit Sputnik, Admiral Edward Jellico paced as the time counted down. "Any message from the Kenobi?" he barked out.

The comm officer near the aft of the bridge turned from his station. "Negative, Admiral. We have more ships inbound, though. The Hellbender and Amaranth, as well as elements of the Eleventh Fleet."

Jellico nodded. "Good ships, there. I served aboard the Hellbender during the Federation/Dominion War as its captain." A feral smile crossed his grizzled features. "We blew up a hell of a lot of Dominion fighters back then."

The comm officer swallowed slightly and his forehead glowed with sudden perspiration forming on it. "Yes, sir," he said.
On the Thrawn, Pellaeon and Captain Pryl sat near the fore of the bridge I their command chairs. Pellaeon looked back at the bridge crew. "This is a bit... odd."

Tanda smirked slightly as she pressed buttons on her armrest. "Klingon commanders lead from the front, Admiral. It's tradition." She looked back over her head at the mixed crew of Klingons and imperial personnel milling about at various stations. "Still, eliminating the crew pits was a good idea. My neck was hurting from looking down," she quipped, rubbing her neck with a gloved hand.

Pellaeon smiled and nodded. "I will admit an old man like myself needed all the help he could get not to tumble over the sides during battle."

Tanda chuckled, but stopped as a Klingon officer approached her. "Ensign?"

"Captain, the ISS War Cry and her squadron approaches. Rear Admiral Tschel wishes to speak to the Admiral," he said, thumping his chest in salute.

Pellaeon rose and nodded to the young beq before walking over to the comm tank at the side. He stood there, leaning slightly on his cane as spotting lasers flashed before Admiral Tschel, Pellaeon's old comrade, appeared.

Tschel stood there, hands behind his back. He leaned forward and narrowed his eyes. "What was your real age when you entered the academy?"

Pellaeon's grip in his cane tightened. His teeth ground together as he counted backwards from ten before speaking. "Sixteen, Tschel. Don't make me regret promoting you-at your home, by the way. My son was in attendance, too."

Tschel breathed out and his shoulder slumped. "Thank the gods it's you, Gilad. I had feared you'd been replaced by an alternate reality clone or a changeling or something else." He suddenly arched his eyebrows. "Have you had a blood test recently?"

Pellaeon's mustache twitched. "Tschel, I promoted you because, against all odds, you got your ship and crew home in relatively one piece. Don't make me regret that decision."

Tschel nodded. "Understood, Admiral. And thank you. I won't let you down."

The internal speakers let out a chime and Tanda's voice sounded. "Admiral, we've received a transmission from the Kenobi and the other fleet commanders are requesting a conference call."

Pellaeon nodded to the empty air. "Understood." He looked back to Tschel. "Good luck."

Tschel drew himself up straight and saluted before his hologram vanished. The room flickered slightly before Wedge, Jellico, Martok and Tomalak appeared. "We have coordinates," Wedge said. "It's only fifteen minutes away by hyperdrive."

Pellaeon spoke up. "Computer, decode message from RSS Kenobi and display map and route."

A large translucent screen appeared in front of him, an identical one appearing in front of the other fleet commanders. A map of the space surrounding Starbase 312 appeared, with a bright red line showing the Kenobi's course. It trailed up, closing in on the border between the Beta and Delta Quadrants before vanishing. Text scrolled down the right side of the screen.

Martok's eye widened. "A transwarp node! We'll show up right at their doorstep!" He grinned and balled up his right fist, smashing it into his left hand. "A perfect opportunity!"

Jellico squinted slightly as he read the text. "Sisko recommends we use cloaking devices to slip through. Smart man, there." He looked up and turned his head to Tomalak. "With your permission?" he asked, smirking.

Tomalak's lips twitched. "As leader of the Romluan... Diaspora, I rescind the ban on Starfleet using cloaking devices. And while I'm at it, I ban the Neutral Zone as well."

Jellico looked over his shoulder. "Get on the horn to every ship in the fleet and have them replicate cloaking devices and get them installed. I want every ship equipped with one in one hour. Now, get it done!" He looked back and glanced at Wedge and Pellaeon. "What about you two? Can your ships build cloaking devices?"

Wedge blinked. "We don't have stygium crystals! And the hibridium models will leave us blind to the outside!"

Martok smiled slightly. "Our models do not have such a disadvantage, General. The sensors are limited, but you can still navigate. Messages can be sent over short distances, too, making it easy to coordinate fleet movements." He looked off to the side, out of range of the holo-cam. "Send the schematics of our cloaks to the New Republic and imperial fleets!" He looked back at Pellaeon. "The Thrawn, though, has a cloaking device already installed."

Pellaeon touched his fingers to the side of his forehead in a salute. "How wise of you, Chancellor." He looked to the others. "So, an hour before the cloaks are ready?"

Martok tilted his head back and laughed. "Gilad, we have Starfleet engineers! Fifteen minutes on the outside." He thumped his chest with his fist. Qapla'!" he said before his hologram vanished.

Wedge, Jellico and Tomalak vanished soon after. Pellaeon exited the comm tank and sat back down next to Tanda. "Productive conference?" she asked.

Pellaeon nodded. "Contact all imperial ships, Captain. Send them the schematics for the Thrawn's cloaking device and have them build and install them. Ask the Klingons, Romulans and Starfleet for help if you have to, but I want every ship with a functional cloak within the hour."

Tanda nodded and saluted. "Aye, sir," she said before jumping out of her chair and racing to the aft of the bridge. She stopped at the aft comm station and the ensign stationed there. "Pull up a list of all our ships and open communications with them." She waited until confirmation was received and she cleared her throat. "All ships, this is Captain Tanda Pryl. Be prepared to receive instructions."
Thirty minutes later
Tanda looked over a datapad and nodded before handing it back to the Klingon female standing at attention. "All ships throughout the fleet report ready," she reported, smiling. "The Starfleet engineers really helped out."

Pellaeon stiffled a chuckle as he stood up. "All ships, this is the Thrawn. Form up along assigned vectors and move out. Remember, we fight together or we die together." He suddenly straightened and thumped his chest. "Qapla!"

One of the Klingon ensigns bared her teeth at Pellaeon's salute. "He's a feisty one," she said.

An imperial lieutenant sighed and rolled his eyes. "He's the Old Man of the Empire, Ensign. I'd follow him into the Ninth Level of hell itself."

A bark of laughter came from her lips and she thumped the lieutenant on his back, sending him staggering. "I like you!"

The lieutenant coughed and cracked his spine. "Thanks, I think."

The ensign smiled again, this time with more warmth behind it. "We go into battle together, and forge our path in history. If we must die in two days, what better way to go?"

The lieutenant smiled back and nodded slightly. "I can think of one or two, but this is a good way to die."

A white-haired Klingon stepped away from his tactical console and spread his arms. He began singing in Klingonese, about battle and honor and glory. Soon, every Klingon on the bridge joined in. The imperial officers nodded along and hummed a bit, some even attempting to sing along.

The Thrawn, Lusankya, Sputnik, Sword of Kahless and D'Deridex exited orbit, the rest of the allied fleets splitting off and forming into groups. Space around Starbase 312 quickly emptied as the ships moved to the edge of the system. Once there, they began vanishing, shimmering out of existence as their cloaking devices engaged. The surrounding space rippled as multiple hyperdrives were engaged, sending the fleet to its destiny.
Captain's Log, supplemental. The Enterprise lies inside the Kenobi's ventral docking station, like Jonah inside the whale. In forty hours, we emerge from transwarp into the heart of the Collective. I do not doubt my crew, nor the crews of the Defiant and Kenobi, but against the awesome might of the Borg, our resistance might ultimately and finally prove futile.

Picard set his PADD down and massaged his temple. He glanced around the ready room, his eyes eventually lighting upon a small case that held the ancient flute from the village of Ressik on the long-dead world of Kataan. He stood up and walked over to it, opening the case up and picking the tin-colored flute up.

He held it to his lips, but stopped and set it back down. He glanced to the door a scant second before the chime sounded. "Come," he said.

The door slid open and Spock entered. He wore his Starfleet uniform with his lightsaber hung on his belt. "I apologize if I am disturbing you," he said, inclining his head somewhat.

Picard waved him off. "None necessary, Ambassador." He walked over to the wall-mounted replicator. "Can I get you anything?"

Spock shook his head. "I am fine, thank you."

The Captain nodded and cleared his throat. "Tea, earl gray. Hot." As his order materialized in a swirl of white, he looked back. "The calm before the storm," he said, half-smiling. He took his cup and saucer and walked back to his desk. Both men waited a beat before sitting down.

Picard took a sip from his cup and sighed. "I dread what we will find," he admitted. "Hope was dim when they were captured. After all this time, Skywalker and the others must be drones by now."

Spock arched an eyebrow. "Then why have the Borg shown no Force powers? Logically, if they have assimilated him or the others, then they would have access to the Force."

"If the Force is truly able to be assimilated," Picard replied, sipping his tea again. He set it back down and seemed almost to shrink. "Even the Jedi know so little of it. As if it's not meant to be understood."

Spock nodded. "During my time at the Praxeum, Master Skywalker emphasized faith in the Force rather than concrete, empirical data. He said we would 'know' when the Force was with us. And he reiterated for his students to 'believe' in themselves. He often sited an incident during his Dagobah training, where his lack of faith in the Force prevented him from levitating an X-wing out of a marsh."

Picard smiled and leaned forward slightly. "He did? When was this?"

"Approximately twenty-nine years, three months and two days ago." Spock pursed his lips slightly. "I am afraid I cannot give you any more of an exact date, though."

Picard nodded and held up a hand. "Exact enough for me. I assume this was when he was with Yoda?" At Spock's nod, he half-smiled. "I've read about him. What scant information they know of him paints quite the picture."

Spock nodded. "Indeed." He straightened up. "Captain, I shall not be on the bridge when we arrive at the Unicomplex. I request permission to beam to the Unicomplex with Deanna, Lusa, Tenel Ka and Artoo-Detoo to search for the kidnapped people."

Picard started. "What?"

Spock arched an eyebrow. "I thought the meaning was clear, Captain."

The Captain shook his head. "No, I understood them. I simply could not believe you were saying them. Spock, I need you on the bridge."

The Jedi Master frowned slightly. "You have an excellent first officer, and no need for a science officer. There shall be no negotiating with the Borg, therefore I shall be quite useless there. However, Deanna and I can use the Force to track down those captured and effect a rescue attempt."

Picard shifted in his chair. "Spock... I need you." He sighed and leaned back, tugging on the front of his uniform. "During the incident at First Contact, I became obsessed with punishing the Borg. They became my 'white whale', so to speak."

Spock nodded and his eyes shone somewhat with a smile. "Captain, I sense the conflict within you. The very fact that there is conflict is actually encouraging, since last time I assume there was none." He held up a hand. "You will not be alone, Captain. The Kenobi and Defiant stand ready, along with your crew and an ally that you did not have before."

Picard's eyes narrowed. "And what ally would that be?"

The corners of Spock's mouth quirked up slightly. "The Force."


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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by Vic »

AHHHEM..........Got some more? Hint, hint.
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.................................................Billy Currington
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Vic-Sorry. I was waiting for some reviews.

Here we go!

Sick bay was barely under control as Doctor Beverly Crusher ran from station to station, barking orders. "Make sure the medkits are all stocked in the shuttle bays. We'll need them for triage. Have MACO's at the ready, in case the Borg board and try anything." She stopped in midstride as one of the doors slid open and someone entered. "Tenel Ka?"

Tenel Ka entered sick bay and strode over to Crusher. "Doctor, if there is time, I wish for a full physical."

Crusher's mouth opened, then closed, then opened again before she spoke. "Of course," she finally said. She took Tenel Ka by the forearm and led her over to an unoccupied bed. She pulled out a tricorder from her belt, flipped it open and pulled out a small sensor wand from the device. "Sorry. Not many people aboard the Enterprise volunteer for an exam. It's almost a novelty for me not to have to pull rank," she said, smiling.

Tenel Ka nodded as she sat on the edge of the bed. "When we arrive, I shall be part of a team going there to rescue Jacen and the others. I must be in fighting condition to free him from the Collective."

Crusher nodded as she ran the wand over Tenel Ka, taking in readings. "I remember when Jean-Luc was captured by the Borg. I went aboard the cube and saw him, mutilated and turned into a drone. I know you believe you can rescue him, but it will be hard at best. We nearly lost Jean-Luc, and the Federation as well."

Tenel Ka's hands clenched. "I know, and that is a fact. Still, if even someone as Seven of Nine can be rescued, then Jacen can as well." She looked up and over, meeting Crusher's gaze as if daring her to disagree.

Crusher met her eyes and nodded. "If he's there, he can be unplugged," she said. She ran the wand over Tenel Ka, then again. And once more. "Tenel Ka, I don't mean to be indelicate, but you and Jacen. How far has your relationship progressed?"

The Jedi blinked twice. "We have been intimate." A small smile graced her lips. "No need to be shy, Doctor. Hapan and Dathomiri cultures are rather open concerning such relations."

Crusher sighed and closed her tricorder. "Well, your basal body temperature's increased and you're showing several other signs, including human chorionic gonadotropin in your blood." She shook her head. "Tenel Ka, you're pregnant."
"... What precisely did you tell her, Beverly?"

"I just told her the news, Jean-Luc! I didn't know it'd be that much of a shock to her." There was a pause before, "She's waking up."

Tenel Ka's eyes fluttered open slightly and she groaned. Her prosthetic left hand rubbed her forehead as she sat up-and promptly fell back down onto the bed. "What happened?"

Crusher forced a smile onto her face. "Tenel Ka, you're pregnant."

The words echoed in the redhead's mind, bouncing back and forth. I have a child with Jacen. A son-or daughter. Or possibly twins. Life, inside me. His and mine combined into something new. She looked up at Crusher and Picard. "How far along am I?"

Crusher looked at the tricorder's small screen. "About a week and a half."

"The last time we were together," Tenel Ka murmured. She looked to the ceiling and her shoulders drooped slightly. "This changes much, but not my mission." She turned her body around and slid off the bed. "I must still board the Unicomplex and find Jacen. And the others," she added quickly.

Picard's jaw tightened. "In your condition? Absolutely not."

Tenel Ka's gaze hardened and she crossed her arms. "Will it matter if I am assimilated here or on the Unicomplex, Captain? There, I can make a difference with the MACO's and Lusa. Here, I can do nothing." She spread her arms out. "Please, let me help them."

Picard shifted his stance. "You have a point." He glanced over at Crusher. "I'm afraid I'm not entirely-"

"I'm barely able to detect it now," she assured him, placing a hand on his forearm. "It won't affect her."

The Captain sighed and looked back to Tenel Ka. His eyes washed over the armband isolating her from the Force. "I'd say the Force will be with you, but I'm not sure on that."

Tenel Ka smirked and tilted her head forward, casting shadows over her eyes. "It will be with me, and that is a fact. It must be with us all, if we are to even make it out alive."
Ezri Dax-Bashir sat in the Defiant's command chair, leaning back and rolling her eyes. "Status?" she asked, looking around the dimly-lit bridge.

Lieutenant Prinn Tenmai looked back from the helm station. "No change, like the last ten times you asked!" The slim human officer turned around in her chair and stared at the Trill, looking down her nose slightly. "Honestly, Ezri. Unless someone needs counseling, there's not much you can do. Just like there's not much I can do here until we reach the Unicomplex."

Ezri wrinkled her nose. "I've been on the command track for four years, Prinn. I'm not a counselor anymore."

"Unless Quark is too busy to hear our story," Prinn countered, smirking slightly. "So, how was Julian handling being left behind?"

A sigh came from Ezri. "He, Nog, Nerys, and others weren't happy. I mean, how did Elias take it when he was told to stay behind on Deep Space Nine?"

Prinn thought on her formerly-estranged father and shook her head. "He wasn't happy and I think that he thinks it's because he's over a century. Even though Bones is here. I think he's just mad he was on the missions to Corellia, but Admiral Sisko sent him back to the station."

Ezr nodded, but started as the aft turbolift doors slid open. "Admiral on the bridge!" she shouted, jumping to her feet.

Sisko waved her down. "At ease," he said. He walked over to his chair and sat down, instinctively leaning forward and staring at the viewscreen. "One thing I don't like about NRDF vessels, no viewscreen. Just a big window!"

Prinn's brow wrinkled and she swiveled around in her seat to look at the Defiant's viewscreen. "Then how do they know what's going on?"

Sisko shrugged. "Most bridges have a rather large holo-projector in the aft sections, although it has to be distracting to have to look back at that thing whenever you need to see what's going on outside the ship." He looked up and over to port as Ezri took her place at one of the outer stations. "How's the crew holding up, Old Man?"

Ezri looked up from one of the screens and shrugged. "No one's availed me of my former specialty, if that's what you mean." She scratched the side of her head, ruffling her pageboy haircut slightly. "Benjamin, what are we going to do when we get there? I've seen Hox and his MACO squadron doing practice runs in the Enterprise's holodeck along with some of their soldiers!"

Sisko shook his head. "We're arriving under cloak, but some will be going onto the Unicomplex to track down what happened to Skywalker and the others. If they've been assimilated, simply held prisoner or just dead." He sighed and rubbed his goatee in thought. "I don't doubt something's happened to them, but what is the question." He looked to Prinn. "I wonder what the answer will be."

Prinn shrugged. "I always thought the answers was 42, Admiral."

Sisko's brow furrowed before he shook his head. "Anyway, we should run some battle drills just in case."

Ezri's mouth quivered slightly. "In case what, Ben? We get caught by the Borg in the heart of the Collective, we're dead." Her expression suddenly changed. "Wait, do you have any inside information?"

Sisko shook his head. "Nothing from the Prophets, I'm afraid. As long as they don't wait until the bottom of the ninth, it won't be too bad. Better no information than information too late to mean a damn," he growled, face twisting slightly.

Ezri chuckled nervously and turned back to her console. "Tobin was like that... or was it Curzon?" she asked herself, glancing at the ceiling and biting her lip. "Damn it, you'd think after seven years of being joined I'd get my past lives straightened out!"

Prinn looked over from the helm. "Ezri, humans have enough trouble with one life, let alone nine."

Sisko nodded, his gaze turning distant as he seemed to peer outside the Kenobi-and outside time. "You will sort things out, Ezri. You and Julian shall move on, assuming we survive the Borg."

Ezri sighed. "And there's the problem. The Borg. Still nothing about them?"

The Admiral scowled. "Nothing, Old Man. If I do get any insights about them, I'll let you know."
Logk paced a bit as he studied a tactical hologram on the Kenobi's bridge. The two-meter wide image of the Unicomplex hovered above the concave emitter while lines of text and various graphs surrounded the image. "I doubt we'll be able to do much more than simple recon," he murmured.

Admiral Ackbar nodded, rubbing his chin with a flippered hand. "Agreed. We can drop the cloak long enough for transport, but beyond that I'm not sure until the fleet shows up." His head canted up. "The signal did get through, right?"

A comm officer from one of the outer stations typed in commands. "The signal went through loud and clear at least until we entered transwarp," the female Bolian announced.

Ackbar's right eye swiveled around to look at her. "Thank you," he said before it looked back at Logk. "Smooth sailing, clear skies. How are the engines?"

The Zabrak scratched his forehead, right below his horns. "Engine room, status report?"

A scratchy voice came over the comm. "Everything's looking up, sir. The wee bairns gave us a fit o' trouble, but 'tis now right as rain."

Logk and Ackbar both smiled. "Thank you, Scotty. Please put Lieutenant Taral on, though. I'd like-"

"Begging yer pardon, sir, but I'm Lieutenant Taral. Scotty's gone down te' the Enterprise ta check on Geordi."

Logk's jaw clicked open, shut, then he cleared his throat. "I... see. Good to hear, Lieutenant. Logk out." He waited until the comm system beeped before looking to Ackbar. "If you need me, I'll be in my ready room practicing tugging on my uniform, drinking earl gray tea and trying to figure out the proper tenses for time travel." And with that, he walked off to the aft turbolifts.
Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge walked around the Enterprise's warp core, cybernetic optics scanning the pulsing tube for any problems. He turned and walked back to the master diagnostics station, pausing as an old friend approached.

Scotty walked up to Geordi, pausing to let two technicians pass. He extended his hand and smiled. "Good to see yah, lad," he said. The old engineer looked around at the chaos and shook his head. "Maybe another time."

Geordi shook his head. "No, Scotty. Now's the perfect time. How are things at the Kenobi?"

Scotty shrugged as the two craftsmen walked around the heart of the Enterprise. "Taral's a good lad, just needed some seasoning. The rest aren't too shabby themselves, although I wonder how they'd fare against some o' the odder things I encountered back in tha' day."

Geordi paused as a technician handed him a PADD. He looke dit over before pressing his thumb to a scanner and handing it back to the human. "Like Redjac, or Trelane?"

"Or a space baby orphan or two-dimensional things tryin' ta' get home." Scotty paused in front of the warp core and sighed. "It's gonna be the devil's luck to get out of this one. Han and Chewie captured by those Borg, not to mention the others. And all we have are three starships at the moment."

Geordi shook his head and flashed Scotty a toothy grin. "Yeah, but aboard those three starships we have Leonard McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Ackbar, Spock, Logk, Benjamin Sisko and Jean-Luc Picard. We'll get through."

Scotty chuckled. "If Jim Kirk were alive, he'd probably be able ta' talk the Collective into disassembling itself."

Geordi tilted his head back slightly as he laughed. "Or maybe Captain Picard can use his debate skills against the Queen!"

Scotty nodded, then shook his head. "Aye, I'm getting too old for this."

"No, you're not," Geordi protested, shaking his head. "You're still the best, Scotty. No one will ever be a better engineer than you."

Scotty held up a hand. "In my day, I was the best. But that was a hundred-twenty years ago." He turned his head and let his gaze sweep across main engineering, finally stopping at Geordi. "Right now, I'm looking at the best." He extended his hand. "To the best."

Geordi clasped Scotty's hand and pumped it twice. "If you're seeing the best, then you're looking in a mirror, Scotty. May the wind be at your back and your engines at peak efficiency."

Scotty smiled before breaking the handshake. He tossed Geordi a salute before turning and walking back. "Oh," he suddenly said, stopping and turning. "I've got a bottle of whiskey, for after. Share a drink?"

Geordi nodded. "I'd be honored."

Chapter Five: Preparations
The Defense Force soldiers moved down the dimly-lit corridor, the sounds of their boots clanging against the deck grating muffled by the omnipresent hum of machinery, by whirs and clicks. Alcoves lined the bulkheads, broken up by occasional consoles and other pieces of machinery.

The soldier in front knelt down and held up his hand as a Borg drone detached itself from its alcove and began striding forward, its gaze turned inward. The soldiers stepped to the side, allowing the drone to pass. One of the soldiers, a Duros, pulled a small locator beacon from his backpack and stuck it to a wall. The fusion piton at the end of the gray stick fused it to the bulkhead while a small transmitter at the other end began beeping.

Lieutenant Hox stepped out of the shadows of one of the alcoves. "Computer, freeze program." The Suliban waited for the team to stop before speaking. "Okay, what went wrong?"

A human female raised her hand. "The beacon?"

Hox nodded. He walked over and pulled the beacon from the bulkhead. "Borg ships have begun displaying a nasty tendency to reconfigure themselves on the fly. Take a corridor, look back and there's a solid wall there instead of a path. The beacon gets absorbed into the ship and you've now alerted them to your presence."

The Duros took the beacon back from Hox. "Then how can we tell where we are?"

Hox raised his left arm and pointed to a rectangular section on his armor. "We have tricorders built into our armor that allows us to keep track of where we are inside the cube. Don't you have sensing devices?"

The Duros nodded and pulled a small Koensayr DFC-5000 portable scanner. He flipped a switch on it and it sprang to life, beeping. The small screen lit up, displaying his immediate surroundings. The screen wavered and he smacked the side of it.

Hox looked at the squad and paced a bit, locking his reptilian eyes with each one in turn. "It's not certain if you'll be beaming aboard the Unicomplex. The higher-ups want to send small teams to ascertain the condition of those captured and set about an extraction. The Jedi will be there, too."

Another soldier straightened up. "Then we might not be necessary," he quipped.

Hox focused on the Corellian male. "Jedi aren't indestructible. You of all people should know that." He shook his head. "Against the Borg, it will take everything we have to stop them."

The Corellian sighed and shook his head. "I keep thinking about them taking Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker!" He threw his hands up into the air. "Can you believe it?"

The Suliban blinked twice. "About as much as when Captain Picard was taken by them."

There was silence before the squad leader raised her 'borrowed' TR-116. "Computer reset from time index 0045." The simulated Borg corridor dissolved around them, reforming into an earlier version.

Hox stepped back and turned around. He stepped into an alcove and tugged on a handle in the back wall, pulling open a hidden door and stepping into another corridor. A team of MACO's moved through a similar corridor. Some of them twitched, jumping at literal and metaphorical shadows. The squad leader, an Andorian male, raised his hand at an intersection. He held up a single finger and pointed to port, then two fingers and motioned to the starboard corridor.

Hox stepped forward. "Sure you want to split up?"

The Andorian straightened. "Computer, freeze program." He looked back to Hox. "Only a few meters down the corridor. You're not the only one to have fought the Borg on their home turf."

Hox walked forward past the MACO's. He feinted a punch at the Andorian before straightening out and grinning. "When I heard you were aboard, I knew the Collective's days were numbered," he said, shaking the hand of MACO Captain Thereq.

Thareq returned the handshake, his antennae straightening out. "Haven't seen you since Chin'Toka, Hox. How'd you get such a cushy job at Deep Space Nine?"

Hox leaned his head back and laughed. "Family connections. How did you get posted on the flagship?"

Thereq smirked. "The same." he motioned to his squad. "The best of the best. We'll turn the Unicomplex inside out and find those kidnapped. Assuming of course they haven't been assimilated."

Hox looked away and shook his head. "That's what we'll find out."
Tenel Ka leaned back, allowing Tirsek's ushaan to pass over her head. She jabbed at the Andorian's midesction, tapping Tirsek with her lightsaber right abover her stomach. "You're dead, and that's a fact!" she shouted.

Tirsek grunted and stepped back, covering her stomach with one arm while holding out the other. "Even in training mode, those hurt!" She swished her melee weapon back and forth, the curved blade catching the light. "You're not hesitant anymore, Tenel Ka. Your blood sings out! Are you ready to save your beloved?"

A feral grin crossed Tenel Ka's face. She swung her rancor-tooth lightsaber back and forth, the hum from the plasma blade increasing. "I am, Tirsek. I shall find Jacen and save him from the Collective. Nothing will stop me."

Tirsek straightened out and bent her wrists back, 'holstering' her weapons. "Despair no longer fuels you. But be careful, Tenel Ka. Andorians are a passinaote species, and we know passion burning too long can consume oneself."

Off to the side of the training room, Lusa spoke up. "She's right. Even with our connection to the Force suppressed, we can still Fall."

Tenel Ka looked to her friend and bobbed her head. "You are right, Lusa. I must remain vigilant." She looked back to Tirsek and bowed. "Thank you for your help, Tirsek."

Tirsek returned the bow, but winced as she bent over. "Damn, Tenel Ka. When you're on your game, you don't let up."

Lusa tapped the deck plating with her right foreleg and smiled. "And that is a fact."
Coruscant, Fleet Command
Traest Kre'fey paced, his white fur rippling. He occasionally glanced at the five-meter wide tactical hologram of the Coruscant System and the Borg presence at the last planet. His eyes flashed and his fingers clenched, the gloves preventing his claws from digging into the palms of his hand. "What are those bastards waiting for?"

Admiral Janeway approached him, walking away from one of the outer monitoring stations. "I'm as confused as you are, Traest. It's not like them to wait on the kill."

The Bothan glanced back at Janeway and nodded curtly. "They're hovering on the edge of the system, like some vast predatory bird. One false move and we'll be picked apart and assimilated."

Janeway nodded and half-smiled. "The Federation's made it through, Traest. So will the New Republic. You're a lot bigger than us, after all."

Traest bared his fangs in a sardonic smile. "More for them to swallow and gain strength from, dear Kathryn. They'll whittle us down, using our own soldiers and ships against us until we're no more. There shall be no sending them to sleep, like Commander Data did above the skies of Earth."

Janeway reached out and placed a hand on Traest's shoulder. "The Federation faces the same threat you do, and we've faced the Borg before. And we've won against them, or at least survived. I know what it's like to face off against them. I've been to the Unicomplex itself and barely survived. I thought the intervention of my future self had ended or at least curtailed their threat, but it seems I was wrong."

"Future self?" Traest asked, furry eyebrows shooting up.

"Time travel."

"Of course," he said, groaning. He looked back at the hologram. "Wait, what is that?" He stepped forward and pointed to a small dot heading away from Coruscant. "Get me a reading on that ship leaving orbit. We're under lockdown for the moment."

There was a smattering of confirmations before a human male spoke up. "General, the transponder matches with Senator Borsk Fey'lya's personal shuttle!"

Traest wheeled around and ran to the station, Janeway close behind. The officer jumped back as Traest sat down and held a headset up to his twitching ear. His free hand pushed several buttons. "Senator, what are you doing?" he finally asked.

The Bothan senator's voice came over the headset, scratchy and static-laced. "Getting out, General. I suggest you do the same. Coruscant will fall, but I won't go down like a mynock clinging to the hull."

Traest snarled. "This is cowardice at best, treason at worst. They'll never let you back here, Borsk."

"Since there will be nothing left of the planet when the Borg are through, I won't be coming back. Farewell, Traest." And with that, the transmission ceased.

Both Traest and Janeway walked back to the tactical hologram. "Focus on sector 12-A. Magnify," he ordered. The hologram of the Coruscant System zoomed in, focusing on a small shuttle. Various readouts and graphs surrounded it. "Their exit vector is opposite that of the Borg on Nabatu. Smart thinking, you bastard."

Janeway glanced to Traest. "I'm guessing there's a history between you two?"

The Bothan shrugged. "Time travel," he said, smiling slightly.

The Starfleet admiral nodded. "Gotcha." She sighed and walked over to a small replicator mounted in the wall. "Coffee, black." She waited for the cup of fuel to materialize before picking it up and sipping it. "Ugh, not the best," she said, grimacing.

Traest paid her no mind as he stared at the hologram. "Was he right?" he muttered. "Should we just pull out?"

Janeway shook her head. "No. Picard was right when he said a line must be drawn. The galaxy may be big, but we'll eventually run out of places to hide from the Collective. We stop them now or die running."

Traest sighed and his shoulders slumped. "You are right. I simply wish I knew how the Collective got here, or even why. Jedi? Our territory? Our technology?" He shook his head, fur flattening. "It doesn't make sense."

Janeway shrugged. "The Collective makes little sense. First our technology, then us to our entire civilization. They want perfection, to raise our quality of life. But if that's elevation, I'll stick with the ground floor."

Traest nodded. "Agreed. And I shall stay here until the walls tumble down and the lights go out." He clenched his fist. "Join me on the Ralroost?"

Janeway smiled. "Why, delighted to."

Please read and review. :)
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

*Looks around* Hello?


Here we go!

USS Titan, border with Borg territory
William Riker paced, walking five steps before turning on his heel and retreading the path on the bridge of his ship. His hands were clasped and back bent as he glanced at the command area and the empty seat next to his. He then stopped and looked at the main viewscreen before resuming his pacing.

Tuvok looked over from his tactical station. "Captain, there are easier ways to get to deck two."

Riker paused and looked over at the Vulcan. "Is that sarcasm I detect?"

The dark-skinned tactical officer shook his head. "Merely a statement of fact, sir. And no, the situation behind the Neutral Zone has not changed. The Borg ships are staying on their side."

"That'll change," Riker said. He looked over to the port turbolift alcove as the door slid open and Admirals William Ross and Leonard James Akaar stepped out. "Sirs," he said, straightening.

Ross waved him off. "No change with the Collective's forces, at least not yet. They're in a holding pattern, assimilating and mopping up any remnants of the Romulan Empire left behind."

Akaar glanced at the viewscreen, his visage set in stone. "They'll move out, eventually. Why they halted is beyond me. They could've broken through. Perhaps the capture of those Jedi?" He shook his head, steel-gray ponytail swishing slightly. "Doesn't matter, though. It's given us the time we need to gather our forces and strike back." His visage cracked and a predatory smile formed. "Not smart. Not smart at all."

Riker nodded. "No, sir. Although perhaps a few more ships sent to the Unicomplex would've helped, say one of the newest models?" he said, eyebrows waggling slightly.

Akaar smirked, a downright frightening image. "Sorry, Will, but you're needed here and Deanna's needed on the Kenobi. And we need one of the 'newest models' as our flagship." he reached over and patted Riker on the shoulder, sending him stumbling slightly. "She'll be all right."

Riker regained his footing and rubbed the spot where Akaar had 'petted' him. His eyes half-closed as he focused on the bond he shared with his Imzadi. Though not Force-sensitive, the bond was nevertheless strong. Be safe, my love.

He paused and stopped as he felt something... someone ruffle his hair. His hand went up and he smiled. Okay, I will too.

Chapter Six: Arrival
Pluto blinked into existence in the afterlife, startling Luke, Ben and Jim. "Be prepared," she said to Luke. "The time draws near for you to return."

Luke straightened and floated over to her. His eyes flashed and his hands clenched. "When?"

"Soon," Pluto replied. She looked to Ben and Jim. "Guide and watch over him. He shall need it." She reached out and grasped Jim's hand before vanishing once more into the mists.

Ben straightened himself up and held out his hand. The blue peeled back, revealing the Unicomplex. "I wish we could've acted sooner," he admitted, frowning.

Luke winced slightly at the sight of Han standing in front of Leia, gesticulating wildly. "He got through to her. Force bless him, he got through to her."

Jim patted Luke on the shoulder. "Good luck," he said.

A smile crossed Luke's face. "I've found luck is... fleeting."

"Oh?" Jim rejoined, smiling crookedly. "I've found luck to be capricious, but also something I desperately needed at times."

Luke chuckled and shook his head before turning back to the scene playing before him...

"She killed her own brother, Han. This version of Jaina killed Jacen on our orders," Leia said through gritted teeth. "I don't know how exaggerated Queen Jaina's memories are after five thousand years, but even token similarities paint a frightening picture."

Han shook his had as he paced the throne room. "Where were we?" he finally asked, spinning on his heel to face Leia. "What were you and I doing?"

Leia's eyes half-closed. "You disowned him, and said you'd prefer to think he had died over Myrkr during some mission. I was simply silent throughout the whole mess." She held out her hand. "Don't blame yourself, Han. It wasn't you."

Chewie roared his assent. [Listen to her, Honor Brother. You didn't cast Jacen out. This other Han did, loathe am I to give him your name,] he growled, shaking his furry head and planting his paws on his hips.

A shuddering sigh escaped Han's mouth. "Maybe, but it was still some version of me. How he could do that..." He shook his head, not willing or even able to finish the thought.

Leia opened her mouth again, but clamped it shut as a hatch opened and Queen Jaina stepped inside. The cyborg walked over to Leia and looked her over. "Don't bother trying to talk to her," she said, glancing at Han. "My control is too powerful."

Han clamped down on his lower lip with his teeth and nodded. "Of course," he mumbled. He walked over. "So, why are you back?"

Queen Jaina walked over to her throne and sat, the cable attaching to her spine. "No reason we can't talk, is there? I had things to do for the Collective, a species known as the Chakat to exterminate, but those things are passed." She crossed her legs and leaned back. "So, what would you wish to discuss now?"

Han shrugged and walked about the throne room. He paused at the replicator. "Water, cold," he said. A second later, he removed a cup of water and drained it dry. "Why do you keep it so humid and warm in here?" he asked, wiping his forehead with his sleeve. "Hot enough to fry a nerf steak on the deck plating."

Queen Jaina smirked. "best conditions for the nanoprobes to work in. So, Father. You think me bringing everyone under the banner of the Collective is bad? The Delta Quadrant is a sea of tiny nation-states warring with one another. The Collective brings order to chaos, stopping genocidal wars that would otherwise raze entire sectors."

Han snorted. "You've replaced one form of genocide with another. Smooth, kid."

The Queen snorted. "All information about assimilated species is stored, and the drones still exist. They live on, through me. Through the Collective." Queen Jaina smiled, but suddenly shot out of her chair, the cables snapping back into the chair. "They dare send a ship here?"

Threepio straightened from his low-power mode, his optics brightening. "A ship? Here? We're saved!" he half-shouted, arms flailing.

Queen Jaina's eye narrowed. "No, you're not. All forces, converge on section 333-omega. Detain for assimilation." She turned, but stopped. "Wait, I sense something. Holes in the Force..." She stood up straight and her eye widened. "They're here!"
The Kenobi flew through the transwarp tunnel, the pulsing orange almost blinding. The invisible ship eventually passed through a 'gate', emerging into normal space-and the heart of the Collective.

Logk and Ackbar stood in front of the tactical holo-projector on the bridge, observing an incomplete schematic of the Unicomplex. The Zabrak captain paced around, his eyes never leaving the seemingly haphazard array of slate-gray constructs and cubes. "I thought it'd be more orderly," he admitted.

Ackbar shook his head. "Clean lines, but an ugly engine room. They hide behind their supposed order with more chaos."

Logk nodded before glancing off to the side. "Reports from the Enterprise and Defiant?"

A technician looked up from her station and adjusted her headset. "Both ships report full readiness, sir."

Logk scratched his forehead right below his horns. "Hopefully this will not be too difficult." He turned from the hologram. "Move to the nearest section of the Unicomplex and prepare transporters. Have the MACO and Jedi teams ready for transport and-"

"Sir, we have Borg cubes moving to intercept! They are surrounding our position and scanning the area!"

Logk's blood turned cold. "Impossible," he breathed out. He looked to Ackbar. "How?"

A Benzite male looked up. "Sir, they are haling us," he said, his respirator bouncing slightly in front of his prominent nasal lobe.

The deck plating beneath Logk's feet tilted slightly, and he swallowed back bile. "Put it on," he finally said.

The voice of the legion echoed through the Kenobi, unsettling all. "Alien ship, we are the Borg. You will stand down and prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile."

Logk's face scrunched up. He balled his left fist up and smashed the into the palm of his right hand. "no-no!" He strode forward, looking up at the speakers recessed into the bulkheads and out past the hull. "We will not surrender, nor will we give in! We will fight you and stop you. Here and now!" His head whipped around. "Admiral?"

Ackbar's eyes swiveled about and he motioned to the outer stations along the bulkheads with his flippered hands. "Arm all batteries and prepare to release the Enterprise and Defiant. Lower shields enough for the to pass through before reinforcing them. Have all soldiers prepare for possible boarding action and move us in close enough to deposit our own boarding parties." The ship rocked slightly. "Tractor beams?"

A tactical officer nodded. "Aye, sir!"

Ackbar's chin barbs twitched. "Knock them out." He walked over to his command chair and sat down, Logk right beside him. He flipped a control console down and a small tactical hologram of local space appeared. "Now, let's see if those turbolaser/ion cannon emplacements work."

The Kenobi shimmered into existence right in the midst of a pack of cubes. Greenish tractor beams lanced out from the irregular surfaces, washing over the Kenobi's shields. Recessed ion engines flared to life, pushing the Kenobi forward even as the dorsal and ventral clamshell doors began sliding open. Turrets along the hull rotated, lining up before spitting out cerulean ion bolts and blood-red turbolaser plasma.

The ion bolts struck several cubes, blue-white lightning radiating out from the point of impact. The green lights and aura surrounding the cubes dimmed, in some places turning off completely. Two seconds later, the turbolasers struck unshielded hull. Huge plumes of ejecta and vaporized metal burst forth, leaving behind gaping holes in the superstructure. Two cubes disintegrated under the barrage, rent apart from numerous blows.

The Enterprise dropped from the ventral docking bay, impulse engines firing and sending the comparatively-smaller ship forth. Phasers lashed forth from the saucer and engineering section arrays, the bright orange-red beam hitting their targets with pinpoint accuracy.

Captain Picard sat in his chair on the Enterprise's bridge, an island of calm. "Get us as close to the Unicomplex as possible!" he ordered. "I want all MACO teams standing by for transport." He turned his head to the right and looked to Data. "We should prepare in case we're boarded."

The android first officer nodded, blinking his golden eyes twice. He looked over his shoulder to port aft. "Lieutenant Commander, prepare surgical strikes for insertion."

Tirsek nodded, her antennae flattening. Her hands danced across her tactical console as she chose targets along the Unicomplex. "Ready at 415 mark 772," she announced. "Firing."

Phaser beams lashed out, striking the Unicomplex at various points while transphasic torpedoes shot from the ventral saucer launcher, the white, pulsing globes slicing through Borg shields to impact the hull itself. The torpedoes penetrated the hull a few meters before exploding, tearing out great chunks of the superstructure and, in one instance, completely obliterating a section.

Tirsek glanced up from her console. "MACO teams are transporting aboard with their equipment. Shields are going back up." The Enterprise suddenly bucked slightly. "Shields at 89%. Minor damage to secondary hull and deflector dish. Repair crews on their way." She flashed a predatory grin. "Now here's where the fun begins."

The Defiant's impulse engines sent the tough little ship 'down' and to starboard, pulse phasers mounted right on the recessed nacelles blazing away. Several cubes chased after it, cutting beams and tractor beams lancing out and trying to track the small and nimble target.

Prinn's hands moved across her console as she sent the Defiant into twists, turns and corkscrews. "Would've been nice for the New Republic to get a cloaking device that worked!"

Sisko shook his head as he held onto the command chair's armrests. "It did work-right up until we reached the Unicomplex." His eyes narrowed slightly. "It feels wrong, somehow."

Ezri glanced back from her sensors at her old friend. "The Force?"

Sisko shook his head. "If I had training in such an area..." He growled and snapped his fingers. "Bottom of the ninth, Old Man. Get Hox and his MACO's aboard that Unicomplex!"
Drones moved about the Unicomplex, orders and tasks streaming into their cerebral cortex's through their implants. Several of them stopped as a high-pitched whine filled the air and several columns of light appeared. They turned to face soldiers in full armor and holding some rather nasty weapons.

The MACO's-the soldiers of Starfleet-materialized in several corridors, arrayed in a circle around an anti-grav sled piled with crates and weapons drawn. As soon as the beam-in process was complete, they opened fire with their slugthrowers. Explosive-tipped rounds shot from their rifles, slicing through Borg armor and blowing them back. One of the MACO's turned and grabbed the handle of the sled. She looked to the Andorian standing next to her. "Sir, orders?"

Theraq held up his left hand and activated the tricorder mounted in the forearm armor. He swept the area as tiny little holograms appeared in his visor's HUD. "We find the nearest vinculum and set up shop there. That's one of the few areas on a Borg structure that doesn't change." He hefted his rifle and did a quick visual inspection before walking a few steps up to the lone non-MACO in the group. "You all right?"

Tenel Ka glanced at him, the movement of her head somewhat hidden by her own armor and helmet. Her prosthetic hand rubbed her belly, right over the abdomen plating and the new life inside. "I am fine, thank you." A faint smile crossed her lips. "I have been in warzones before."

Theraq smiled and nodded. "I know. That's why I asked for you to accompany my team personally." he motioned down the corridor with his rifle. "Sense anything?"

Tenel Ka bounced her left arm slightly. "The armband prevents me, and that is a fact. Since I cannot lead us anywhere with the Force, I shall be led by you." She unclipped her rancor-tooth lightsaber from her belt and ignited it, driving away shadows as it hummed and sliced through the air.

The Andorian shook his head. "You take point with me." He looked back at his squad. "All right, listen up! Formation Alpha-Two, you minnows! Watch your six and everyone else's six. Pusher in the center, weapons at the ready and shoot to kill. When we reach the vinculum, we bunker down and hold." He held up his hand and clenched it before bringing it down. "Go!"
Images of MACO's and Jedi transporting onto the Unicomplex appeared in Queen Jaina's right eye. She tossed her head back and laughed. "They have brought my prizes to me!" She motioned to the Jedi lining the throne room. "Raynar, Jaina, go collect Lusa. Jacen, Aunt Mara, bring me Tenel Ka."

Han's head darted back and forth at the four stepped forward and thumped their chest in salute before walking off. "NO!" he yelled, lunging forward-only to rebound off a barrier of the Force. He landed on the deck plating-hard. "Ow..."

Chewie ran forward, but stopped short of the barrier. He balled his mighty fists up and banged on the telekinetic field, howling. [Stop this! Stop this NOW!]

Queen Jaina calmly sat back on her throne and rolled her eye. "You cannot stop me. No one can stop me." She chuckled, clenching her left hand. "And after they are here, I shall bring order to the rest of the Milky Way galaxy, and your galaxy... whether you want it or not."
USS Titan
Tuvok glanced up from his tactical console. "Captain, we have movement along the border."

Riker swore several Klingonese, Romulan and Ferengi invectives as he turned to face the main viewscreen. "Tactical overlay," he barked, walking forward to right behind the helm and ops consoles.

The main viewscreen flickered, changing from a shot of immediately in front of the Titan's bow to a map of the border with the former Romulan Empire. Tiny red dots, each one indicating a Borg ship, began massing and moving across from right to left.

The aft turbolifts opened and both Admirals Ross and Akaar stepped out. "Signal the fleet to engage," Ross said. He looked at the viewscreen and shook his head. "Damn it, we are not ready."

Akaar's grimace somehow seemed to deepen. "Would we ever be?" the towering Capellan said. He also looked to the viewscreen before looking to Tuvok. "Contact the Mizuno and Kino and have them stand ready. Send word out to other sector commands for offensive action. We take the fight to them!"

The scattered groups of Starfleet, Klingon Defense Force and other allied ships moved out, engaging their warp engines and flying off. On the 'opposite' side of the border, slate-gray cubes and assimilated vessels approached, seemingly blase about the upcoming battles.

The fleets quickly met up, the void of space lit up by flashes of phaser fire, the silent explosions of torpedoes and the sundering of hulls.
Near Outpost Ten, the Saber-class Johnston darted around cubes, phasers lashing out. Captain Sito gripped his command chair's armrests as the ship bucked and heaved against tractor beams and cutting lasers. "Keep firing!" he shouted over the din and roar of battle.

A console shot out sparks near the aft. "Shields at fifty percent and falling," the first officer reported from her station next to him. On the main viewscreen, three cubes loomed. Phaser fire from the Johnston lashed out, scoring the hull but doing little beyond that. "Looks like I'll finally be able to meet the Prophets."

Sito gritted his teeth as smoke drifted across his field of vision. "And I shall, as well, Kathryn." he glanced over his shoulder at the tactical console. "Lieutenant, divert all power to shields and phasers. Load all torpedo bays and-"

"Sir!" Kathryn half-shouted. "We have incoming starships!"

The Intrepid-class Paladin roared in, transphasic torpedoes spitting from the double launchers right below its hull. The starboard phaser bank mounted on its elongated saucer fired, frequencies causing the beam to almost shimmer as it bit into the hull. The transphasic torpedoes impacted, blowing apart a corner of one while reducing another to free-floating debris.

Three more cubes advanced, along with assimilated Romulan ships. Two Meret-class incursion cruisers, their sweptback hulls barely recognizable under Borg armor and technology, turned to port and flew at the Paladin's group.

The Excelsior-class Temeraire was bracketed and quickly ensnared by shield-draining tractor beams. The shields changed from white to yellow, quickly failing. A single white cutting beam lanced out, striking the port nacelle and slicing it in two. Three torpedoes struck the Temeraire-one in the saucer section and two in the engineering section. The saucer was nearly snapped in two while the comparatively smaller engineering hull was almost obliterated, sending the nacelles off in different directions.

Starships died while cubes were blown apart, lines in space shifting with every second. No quarter or mercy was asked for, given or expected.
IKS Lukara, edge of the Klingon Empire
Worf chafed as he sat in theLukara's command chair, the mighty Nehg'var-class warship at the spearpoint of a Klingon fleet. I should be at Martok's side, helping to rescue Chewbacca, he thought. "Status!" he barked, glancing over his shoulder.

One of the tactical officers looked up, baring her sharpened teeth. All force report ready, Ambassador. We are ready to engage."

Worf shot up and turned around, his metal cassock rustling and jangling. "I am to be addressed as 'Captain'!" he bellowed, eyes blazing.

The officer stood up straight, thumping her chest in salute. "Apologies, Captain." She leaned forward on her console, fingers hovering over the fire button. "Borg ships within range. Orders?"

Worf swept his arm out, moving his cloak of office out of the way as he sat down once more. "Kill them," he snarled. "Release them from their enslavement."

The Lukara's main disruptors mounted at the fore of the nacelles fired, stitching the hull of the nearest cube and penetrating deeply. K'vort-class birds of prey shot forward, the avian-like starships spitting plasma from wing-mounted disruptors and a multitude of torpedoes from forward-mounted launchers.

Three K'vorts were blown out of space within the first few moments, but Vor'cha-class attack cruisers advanced behind them, fortifying the line as best they could. The Borg cubes advanced, heedless of casualties.
RSS Ralroost, Coruscant Home Guard
The bridge bucked and heaved, Traest holding onto the railing around the huge holo-projector near the aft. "Send reinforcements to sector G-83!" he shouted above the din. "I want our right flank shored up and I want it shored up now!"

A console exploded nearby, throwing an officer away and into a bloody heap. Traest's fur stood on end as he turned to his right. "What happened? What sent them against us?"

Janeway shrugged, the motion somewhat lost by the motion of the Ralroost. "Haven't a damned clue, Traest." She glanced to her right. "Are they in range of planetary ion cannons?"

"No," he responded, baring his fangs. "And a good thing, too. If they were, we'd be dead."

The admiral paused before bobbing her head. "Good point."

Borg cubes swarmed around Coruscant as they spoke, surrounding the city-covered planet. They stayed out of range of planet-bound defenses, choosing instead to destroy the fleet and Golam Arms stations surrounding it. A pair of cubes approached one such station, shield-draining tractor beams lashing out.

The Golan Arms, a mark-III space defense novagun, returned fire, its fifty turbolasers sending out waves of blood-red plasma. The bolts impacted the cubes, cutting through but doing less and less damage with each hit. One cube fell back, its gray hull pockmarked, while the other moved forward, providing cover fire.

The novagun's shields failed and its hull was quickly sliced by cutting lasers. The central command tower vanished as multiple torpedoes impacted, penetrating the armor and detonating internally. Drones began beaming aboard from the cube... and the guns fell silent.
The Kenobi shuddered once more as Borg ships converged on the Mon Cal cruiser. Tractor beams lashed out from recessed emitters, washing over the ship as it flew on. Greenish disruptor bolts and torpedoes flew out, striking the Kenobi and doing more damage than the tractor beams.

Ion cannon and turbolaser bolts flew from the Kenobi's turrets in reprisal, the former shorting out systems while the latter punctured hull and vaporized superstructure. Transphasic torpedoes blew through Borg shields

A tactical officer glanced up from his console. "Shields holding, but weakening!" he shouted over the rumbling. "Borg cubes moving to surround us and cut us off from Enterprise and Defiant!"

Ackbar's left eye swiveled around and back. "The shields will hold, Lieutenant. Those are Mon Cal shield generators, built at Coral City itself." His right eye looked down and he patted his armrest. "Do you hear me?" he murmured. "Hold together."

Logk tapped some buttons on his armrest and a small hologram appeared in front of him, right above his lap. "Get us back to the Enterprise and Defiant. Scotty, we need more power!"

Scotty's voice came over the comm system, frantic. "I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain! I canna break the laws o' physics!"

Logk bared his teeth. "Then get me more power!" His eyes landed on the hologram and he groaned. "They're launching fighters. Tactical, use phaser banks for point-defense and I want every fighter we've got in space in thirty seconds or less."

Hangar bay doors along the Kenobi's flank slid open and starfighters streamed out under the cover of phaser beams and flak bursts. Ancient Y-wings and B-wings took point, their ion cannons spitting sapphire lightning at the incoming Borg spheres. X-wings and E-wings followed in their wake, mopping up the shorted-out spheres and reducing them to floating scrap.

A trio of cubes approached the Kenobi from the rear. Each one fired off multiple tractor beams, the greenish beams washing over the shields and draining energy with each pass. The ion engines fired, sending the Kenobi away-and right at another group of cubes.

A communications officer turned from her station. "Sir, we are receiving a signal from the Unicomplex. The Queen wishes to discuss terms with us."

Logk and Ackbar exchanged a glance. "Contact the Enterprise and Defiant."

The communications officer nodded and inputted some commands. The hologram above Logk's lap faded out, to be replaced by a split-shot of Picard's head and shoulders and Sisko's head and shoulders.

Picard glanced up and shook his head. "Better to die than surrender, Logk. Help's too far away, anyway. Believe me when I say it'd be a fate worse than death."

Sisko shook his head. "Help's a lot closer than you think, Jean-Luc. I think the fleet left earlier than we thought." He made eye contact with Logk. "We must stall for time, and give the MACO's time to breathe."

Ackbar looked over from his chair. "We should listen, at any rate. If there's a chance to avoid more bloodshed, we should take it." He focused both eyes on Picard. "Correct?"

Picard's face scrunched up, but he suddenly glanced offscreen. "Yes, yes. You-you are right. We should. Conference mode, I presume?"

Logk nodded. "We'll patch it through our main holo-projector in the back. Logk out." The Zabrak pushed a few more buttons and the two holograms faded out. He and Ackbar stood up. "Tell all fighters to stand down for now," he ordered. "Make sure the MACO teams are receiving this as well," he said as he and Ackbar walked down to the main holo-projector in the aft portion of the bridge.

The tactical hologram of space surrounding the Kenobi flickered and died before being replaced by the image of a drone seated on a high-backed throne. It had a feminine form, accentuated by the body armor rather than hidden by it. "You will give me Lusa and Tenel Ka," she said. Her head moved up slightly, but her face was hidden in shadow from an overhead light source.

The image of Picard's head appeared to the right of the image, with Sisko showing up to the left. "What do they have to do with anything?" Picard asked. "Is it related to the others captured by you nearly three weeks ago?" His head bobbed slightly. "Why did you do that?"

The Queen stood up and walked forward. Her face came into view and Queen Jaina sneered. "I did it to save them, Jean-Luc Picard. Just as I attempted to save you and the Federation. You reject me, thus you reject my peace."

Please read and review. I'm putting up a new post right now! :D
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Yeah, a bit of Picard's speech in the beginning is taken from Theoden. I figure he'd quote a classic. ;)

Here we go!

On the Enterprise's bridge, Captain Picard slowly stood and walked forward. His eyes widened slightly and he shook his head. "Peace?" he mumbled, his gaze hardening. "You offer us peace?" He chuckled slightly. "Oh, we shall have peace. When you have answered for the slain at Wolf 359 and Typhon Sector, we shall know peace. When you talk of those taken along the border with the Romulan Star Empire, we shall have peace. When you have answered for the slain and assimilated of three quadrants, we shall have peace. When your crimes against sapience and free will themselves have been addressed, then we shall have peace!"

He stopped and sucked in a breath, but stopped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He glanced to his right and saw Data standing there, a concerned look on his pale face. "Captain?"

Picard closed his eyes and shuddered slightly. "Thank you, Mister Data." He turned back to the viewscreen and the Borg Queen. "There shall be no peace, not until you answer for your crimes. Starting with the assimilation of that brave young woman I see before me."

Queen Jaina tossed her head back and laughed. "Assimilation, my dear Jean-Luc? I am the Borg! I am the original Queen, the founder!"
Sisko stood up from his chair and paced forward. "You. You're not the same." His eyes narrowed and the image of the Queen became hazy, indistinct. A green line shot from her slipping between the walls of reality. "You're not the same Jaina Solo. You're from some alternate reality!"

Queen Jaina glanced askance at him, eye widening. "How do you know?" Her head bobbed about a bit. "I cannot read you. You're there, but not there."

Sisko took a step back and sat back down. His left hand strayed to a control panel on the armrest and he began drumming on it. On Prinn's console, a small message began scrolling across one of the helm station screens. Steer the ship twenty-seven degrees starboard and angle the nose down ten degrees. Be ready to hit full impulse.

Prinn straightened slightly and let her right hand drop down to an auxiliary console near her lap. She typed in several commands and felt the Defiant shift ever so slightly as it reoriented itself. "I'm here, but also in the Celestial Temple. A place you will never visit. For we will stop you here and now."

Queen Jaina smirked. "We shall see, Emissary."
Five minutes earlier
A MACO soldier knelt down and hoisted a missile launcher on her shoulder. A spotting laser shone out from a smaller tube mounted on the larger one and reticules lit up on her helmet's visor, highlighting several drones along the corridor. "Fire in the hole!" she yelled before pressing the firing stud.

The soldier shuddered as a missile shot from the launcher. Tiny charges along seams detonated, peeling back armor and allowing multiple warheads to shoot forth, each one tracking a target. The micro-missiles blew open the chests of several drones, while the rest destroyed alcoves and shook the bulkheads.

MACO soldiers and a lone Jedi rushed forward to the end of the corridor and a relatively clear section. A single pylon dominated the area, wider in the middle, with a pulsing green crystal at either end. Captain Theraq placed a gloved hand on the vinculum. "Set up camp," he ordered, looking around.

The MACO's moved about, pulling crates off of the anti-grav sled and opening them up. Drones swarmed around the outer perimeter, but did not stray across the metal grating surrounding the vinculum. Portable force-field projectors and heavy-weapon emplacements were set up around the area, with a large portable comm unit in the middle, protected by two M-200 machine guns.

Tenel Ka approached Theraq and looked the vinculum over. "What does this do?"

Theraq glanced at her through his visor, his antennae wiggling under the helmet. "It suppresses the free will of the drones and transmits the messages and will of the Collective itself, Tenel Ka. " The warrior's shoulders shuddered slightly. "We are safe, here. The drones won't dare damage it." He hefted his T-116 and aimed it at a pair of four-armed tactical drones at the edge. "Come on over!"

A pair of humanoid drones approached the vinculum. Several of the MACO's tensed, but the drones kept their arms down. One of them had both eyes replaced by prosthesis. The crystalline coverings glowed and the image of a Borg drone on a throne appeared. At the same time, Theraq's combadge chirped. "Theraq," he said, tapping the Cochrane Delta.

"MACO teams,stand down but remain at alert. We are conducting negotiations."

Theraq's helmeted head bobbed slightly. "Verification?"

"Alpha-two Echo Five."

One of the MACO's looked over from her kneeling position. "That's the code, sir."

Theraq nodded as the hologram projected by the drone changed. He and Tenel Ka approached it, even as the drone stood up and walked forward. "I did it to save them, Jean-Luc Picard. Just as I attempted to save you and the Federation. You reject me, thus you reject my peace."

The deck below Tenel Ka's feet yawned open and she stumbled. "Jaina... no. Not you!" She surged forward, only to be stopped by Theraq and another MACO. "Let me go!" she screeched. "I must save her!"

Theraq and the MACO, a Benzite, struggled against her as she clawed at the air. "Hold her back!" Theraq shouted.

The drones surrounding the MACO's suddenly stepped back as the hologram of Queen Jaina disappeared. The area around the vinculum quickly emptied of drones. "I have a bad feeling about this," the Benzite murmured.

Two figures walked down the corridor, their footfalls heavy in the silence. Both wore identical black bodysuits and identical blank expressions on their faces. Tenel Ka's heart shattered as Jacen and Mara came into view. "No..."

Jacen and Mara halted at the edge of the vinculum and they held their hands up. Lightsaber blades extended with snap-hisses, an emerald blade for Jacen and a sapphire one for Mara. "Give us Tenel Ka, and you may leave," Jacen intoned, his voice emotionless.

Theraq stepped forward. He reached behind his back and his hands emerged with ushaan slid across his knuckles. "No," he said, brandishing his knuckle blades.

Tenel Ka blinked, and her lightsaber was in her hands, ignited. "Jacen, please don't," she said, tears streaming from her eyes.

Jacen paused. His body wavered before he ran forward, striking at Tenel Ka while Mara ran at Theraq, lightsaber slashing.

"I did it to save them, Jean-Luc Picard. Just as I attempted to save you and the Federation. You reject me, thus you reject my peace."

Lieutenant Hox turned to his fellow Starfleet officer and Jedi. "What do you think?"

Lusa stamped the deck plating of the Unicomplex with her hoof, shaking her helmeted head. "Gotta be a clone, or some time travel. Alternate reality clone?"

Sisko's voice came over. "You're not the same Jaina Solo. You're from some alternate reality!"

The Suliban turned to Lusa and motioned to her left arm with his free hand. "You sure that armband of yours is working?"

Lusa snorted as the drones surrounding the MACO team parted. She gasped as black-suited Raynar and Jaina approached from the corridor. Lusa held up her left arm and aimed the scanners from the tricorder built into her armor at them. "No implants. The suits are just clothing," she commented, reading off information from holograms projected onto her helmet's visor. "Is this Jaina controlling them?"

As if in response, Raynar and Jaina ignited their lightsabers and shifted into a combat stance. "Give us Lusa and you shall remain unharmed," Jaina said.

Lusa blinked and her lightsaber suddenly appeared in her hand, ignited. "Don't do this," she whispered.

Hox was beside her, TR-116 at his shoulder. "You will not take her," the Suliban MACO snarled out. He waved his gun back and forth at Raynar and Jaina. "Don't even-"

He was cut off as Jaina waved her hand at him. The rifle flew out of his grip, pinwheeling around in the air before landing with a thunk halfway down a corridor.

There was silence, save for some random beeping and whirring. Richardson glanced at Hox, then down the corridor at the TR-116. "Umm, sir, did you-"

"Shut up," Hox growled. He narrowed his slitted eyes and stared at Jaina. He let his arms hang limply at his side, near his belt and the equipment hooked onto the loops...

Jaina ran forward and brought her lightsaber up before bringing it down in a vertical slash. The plasma blade sliced through the air at Hox's midsection, but came to a screeching halt as the MACO brought up two tonfa-style batons, gripping them by the midpoint shaft and holding them up in a cross pattern, blocking her swing.

Hox chuckled as Jaina's eyes widened. The air was filled with the screech of her violet blade against Hox's weapons. "What? You really thought we wouldn't develop anti-lightsaber technology?" he taunted. "Please. Starfleet is optimistic, not naive."

His arms tensed before bringing the batons down and to the right, leading the blade away from his torso. Hox kept the right baton down, blocking Jaina's blade while bringing the left one up. His arm reared back and he thrust the weapon at Jaina's unguarded chest.

The baton struck Jaina and a loud crack reverberated. The young woman grunted and stumbled back, her free hand clutching at the bruise forming over her dented armor. She looked up at Hox and her eyes glinted. "Resistance is futile."

Richardson held up his rifle and aimed it at Jaina, but Hox held his arm up and clenched his fist around the baton's handle. "Don't," he ordered, looking back over his shoulder. "They're under control, not assimilated. We might be able to free them."

The Tellarite snorted. "But sir, we can-"

"That's an order!" Hox barked, twisting at the waist. "And don't leave the area around the vinculum, either." He turned back and held his batons up, crouching. "All right, kid. Let's see what you've got."

Off to the side, Lusa held her own lightsaber up as Raynar approached. "Don't do this," she said, eyes watery. "You have to fight it! You helped me after the Diversity Alliance, but how can I help you?"

Raynar swung his blade at Lusa, who blocked the pewter-colored plasma and parried it away. "Surrender and no one will be harmed."

Lusa panted and canted from side to side. "I'm already harmed."
Spock advanced along the catwalk and brought his lightsaber blade up. Several four-armed drones met him and raised their arms, each one mounted with a heavy disruptor cannon. The Vulcan raised his weathered hand and reached out with the Force. "You do not wish to fight me," he intoned.

The drones hesitated, but only for a moment before the targeting sensors mounted in their heads lit up. Silvery disruptor bolts spat from the emitters at Spock, but he held his lightsaber blade high in a two-handed grip, deflecting each one back. The bolts struck the black armor of the drones, sending out sparks as they penetrated the duraplast sheeting-and the flesh and more delicate machinery beneath.

Deanna stood behind Spock, her own orange blade swinging in wild arcs and leaving strobe effects trailing behind. "What's your plan?" she yelled over her shoulder.

Spock arched an eyebrow. "I do not believe I said I had a plan, Deanna. Did I say I had a plan, Artoo?"

Between the two Jedi, the astromech droid rocked slightly on his stubby legs. [We have a plan? Man, this brings up some old memory files. Any chance of disguising ourselves as drones and sneaking into the detention center?]

Deanna rolled her eyes, but her danger sense flared as a pair of drones approached. Each one held up their arms as blood-red plasma blades sprung from their arms. "Looks like they're adapting," she observed. She held out her hand and pushed, sending out a telekinetic wave that battered them back.

Spock turned his gaze out with his eyes and the Force across the chasm that separated the sections of the Unicomplex they were in. "There," he said, motioning with his green-colored lightsaber at an obscure deck nearly ten meters away and three levels down. "A vinculum is close to that landing area. We should be able to make the jump."

Artoo's head spinned around. [And how do I get-Oh, yes. This is definitely deja vu,] he blatted as his cylindrical body began floating off the deck plating.

Spock turned around even as Deanna got into the guard of one of the drones, stabbing it through the chest. The other drone stabbed at her side, but her lean body maneuvered between the plasma blades, allowing her to slash at its neck and decapitate it. She looked up at Spock as the headless body collapsed and wiped her sweat-slicked forehead. Her eyes half-closed for a moment. "All clear," she reported.

The Jedi Master nodded. "Go, first. If I and Artoo cannot make it over, you will be able to more readily assist us."

Deanna nodded. She backed up and tensed slightly before running forward. At the last possible second, she leapt, putting all her energy into her legs. Her limbs flailed for a moment as she flew, landing on an empty catwalk with a thud. She rolled with the impact and stood up on shaky legs.

Spock waited for her to appear on the other side of the chasm before raising his hand. He centered himself and breathed deeply before telekinetically lifting Artoo, sending the chirping and whistling droid over the gap. His face scrunched slightly, but he felt Artoo lighten as Deanna added her own Force powers, allowing Artoo to arrive safely.

Spock summoned his strength as he backed up. He mimicked Deanna's stance as he ran at the edge of the catwalk, Jedi robe billowing out behind him. He jumped out into the open air, flying across... and falling about three meters short of his goal.

Deanna let out a cry as she reached out, latching onto Spock's aura and pulling. She dropped to her knees and scrunched her face up as she lifted, pulling him up deck by deck. She felt his own powers mingle with her own, aiding her. Finally Spock floated up to the edge of the catwalk.

Spock stepped onto the metal grating and slumped, panting slightly. "Thank you," he said as Deanna knelt beside him. "It appears I am not as young as I used to be."

The half-Betazoid barked a laugh and wiped her dark eyes. "So, we make a stand at the vinculum?' she asked, standing up and holding out her hand.

Spock shook his head as he took Deanna's hand and stood up. "I shall use my programming expertise to attempt to propagate my anti-Collective signal through the subspace signals connecting the drones to the Collective itself. With aid from the Force, I should be able to affect a sizable number of them."

Deanna blinked and her mouth opened slightly. "You're going to hack the Collective with... the tools you have and Artoo?"

Spock shrugged slightly. "Yes."

Deanna snorted as they began walking down the catwalk. "It's impossible to hack a vinculum!"

The Jedi Master paused and turned his ancient eyes to the Knight. "I am afraid 'impossible' is not part of the Jedi's lexicon, Deanna." He looked to his right as Artoo rolled up. "Artoo, I shall require your assistance."

Artoo chirped and whistled, rocking on his legs. [Oh, this is gonna be good.]

Please, please read and review.
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by stitch626 »

From the one before this:
a species known as the Chakat to exterminate
YES!!!! :laughroll:

I'll read the rest later, and review then too. I just couldn't stop laughing after that bit.
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Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart

Post by Vic »

I'm given' 'er all she's got Captain..... and ..... I can't break the laws o' physics..... in the same sentence? You rock! I'm gettin' a real Charge of the Light Brigade feeling here.
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
.................................................Billy Currington
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