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Name | Caption |
CaptnQuantum | Hoshi: So how long do we have to stay in here? T'Pol: Just until the end of sweeps week. |
Name | Caption |
Captain 8472 | Hoshi: One Risian made dog enlarger pump. Archer: It's not mine. Hoshi: One credit card recipt for Risian made dog enlarger pump, signed by Johnathan Archer. Archer: I'm telling you baby, it's not mine. Hoshi: One warranty card for Risian made dog enlarger pump, filled out by Johnathan Archer. Archer: I don't even know what this is, this sort of thing isn't my bag baby. Hoshi: One book: 'Risian made Dog Enlarger Pump and Me, This sort of thing is my bag baby', by Johnathan Archer. |
Captain Nathan | Everyone, including Porthos, was dissapointed that Archer forgot to take his Viagra. |
Mikey | Suddenly, Porthos saw something off to the left worthy of his attention. |
bryonfogl | god i love interactive porn. |
AJ | Actually, the decrease of female clothing in earlier eras is the only real continuity point that Berman and Braga ever respected. |
FL | Hoshi: "Captain, do we really have to stay and watch?" |
ThomasJBryant | With a body like that, who needs Pon Farr? |
Tiberius | ... and when Archer bent over to pick up the decon gel, T'Pol discovered a moon the vulcans didn't know about... |
Bryan Moore | I am the very model of an Enterprising officer I've Vulcan babe on board, plus a world class decipherer Her abs are tight, her mind is bright; a logical philosopher But even my cute Beagle couldn't charm the clothes right off of her! |
mwhittington | T'Pol: What exactly is "Twister", captain? |
ZebulaNebula | Porthos: Woof arf arf. Hoshi: He wants some water Archer: How do you ... never mind. |
CaptnQuantum | Archer: Look - all I asked is whether you wanted to stroke my greased beagle. Now if you take that the wrong way, then you're the one with the dirty mind. |
silee | Who let the dogs out? |
Rat Boy | Rick Berman: "Honestly, I don't see how this scene looks forced at all." |
Wacky | "Great. I'm stuck in a room full of bitches." |
DBB | The new Mirror Universe uniforms. |
Silent Bob | Although Archer did love his dog, he sometimes thought he should have a little pussy, too. |
truevaliance | T'pol: "As vulcan tradition, punishment is death by snoo-snoo." |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 17,715 | Last updated : 4 Feb 2007 |