The new Doctor is...

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The new Doctor is...

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Peter Capaldi




Funny coincidence? He was in World War Z as a Doctor from the World Health Organization... credited as "WHO Doctor". :lol:
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Well, he's looking a might older than Matt Smith, that's for sure!
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Re: The new Doctor is...

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RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Well, he's looking a might older than Matt Smith, that's for sure!
It's about time too - while Tennant, and especially Smith have been good, it's always been a bit odd for the Doctor to be so young. On the other hand, it'll only be the third time the new Doctor's been older than his predecessor.

I'm curious to see what sort of dressing down the next companion to do something stupid will get. :lol:
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by Nutso »

This was leaked in the middle of last week. I wanted to post it on DITL but I didn't want to spoil things for anyone else. I loved him in "In The Loop." Malcolm Tucker Give 'em hell, Peter!
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by Graham Kennedy »

I always thought it made sense that the Doctor would regenerate young. The whole point of a regeneration is to give him a new life to live over, after all. Given that they're limited to 12 it makes sense that each life should be potentially as long as possible.
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Well, with the Doc, I'm not sure he's got much control over how he regenerates. Almost all of them have been 'regenerate or die!', and the other one was forced upon him by the Time Lords.
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Old interview with Capaldi... Part 1, Part 2
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

So, he's about three years younger than Hartnell when he started as the Doc. Isn't that nearly twice Smith's age?!
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by DarkMoineau »

An Older doc isn't a problem but... At least Karen Gillian had a strong make-up when in Pompei, when Capaldi was with his own face and no make-up. I think that BBC has a much higher number or great actors available.

It is , for me, a really lack of imagination for Moffat.
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Meh, I have no problem with it. Colin Baker was a guard in a Peter Davison serial. :D
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by DarkMoineau »

I didn't knew that... Does he had exactly the same head?

And well, a guard wasn't as proeminient as Capaldi ^^
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

No mask, no disguise. And he was a fairly prominent character in the serial IIRC.
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by Captain Seafort »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:So, he's about three years younger than Hartnell when he started as the Doc.
No. Given that the regeneration will be in the Christmas special, Capaldi will be 55 years 255 days old on the day his first appearance is broadcast. Hartnell was 55 years 319 days old on 23 November 1963, beating Capaldi by just 64 days. Smith will be 31 years 58 days old.
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Captain Seafort wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:So, he's about three years younger than Hartnell when he started as the Doc.
No. Given that the regeneration will be in the Christmas special, Capaldi will be 55 years 255 days old on the day his first appearance is broadcast. Hartnell was 55 years 319 days old on 23 November 1963, beating Capaldi by just 64 days. Smith will be 31 years 58 days old.
Good friggin... how in the blue hell did I write 'years'?! Okay, that was a horrid typo on my part. My bad! :bangwall: :bangwall: :bangwall:
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Re: The new Doctor is...

Post by Captain Seafort »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Good friggin... how in the blue hell did I write 'years'?!
Presumably by pressing the Y, E, A, R and S keys. :P
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