Dresden File Fan Fiction
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Dresden File Fan Fiction
I'm starting a piece of fan fiction based on the universe of "The Dresden Files" by Jim Butcher, but rather than a private investigator in Chicago I'm combining it with the Tom Clancy techno-thriller genre. Rather than a wizard detective working with the Chicago police department I have a wizard working with a government intelligence agency (CIA, or something like that) as the magical world becomes to manipulate the "real world" more and more. My question is: is anyone here knowledgeable enough about either series to make it worth posting here, or should I post anyway and hopefully get you all interested in "The Dresden Files" (which I highly recommend by the way

Last edited by Sonic Glitch on Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
- Lighthawk
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Re: Work of Fiction
I've read all the Dresden books save a few of the short stories, so I'll go ahead and claim to be knowledeable.Sonic Glitch wrote:I'm starting a piece of fan fiction based on the universe of "The Dresden Files" by Jim Butcher, but rather than a private investigator in Chicago I'm combining it with the Tom Clancy techno-thriller genre. Rather than a wizard detective working with the Chicago police department I have a wizard working with a government intelligence agency (CIA, or something like that) as the magical world becomes to manipulate the "real world" more and more. My question is: is anyone here knowledgeable enough about either series to make it worth posting here, or should I post anyway and hopefully get you all interested in "The Dresden Files" (which I highly recommend by the way)?

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Re: Work of Fiction
Ok. Thank you sir. This takes place a short time after "Turn Coat" but will more than likely be going in a different direction from "Changes" (which i haven't had the opportunity to read yet). I haven't read the beginning of the series, I saw the TV series on Syfy and then found "Dead Beat" (i think it was Dead Beat) at my local library, so I've been reading roughly since then. As this is incomplete, things in { } are things I intend to go back and correct. My premise is that this Black Council is manipulating affairs in the Wizards world as well as the "real" world (realm of politics and nation-states and military conflicts and such) I'm not entirely sure how to get where I want to go but it's basically global manipulations. Think of Harry working with the CIA instead (minus the whole Doom of Damocles hanging over his head and being a Warden). Here's my introduction.
The introduction is supposed to summarize the story so far and introduce the world to people who have never read the books before, but yet not bore series regulars. How'd I do?Humans, it turns out, are a remarkably ignorant race. Unfortunately, the blame lies squarely on them. There are any number of things in the world that humans walk right by and miss because they choose to. Man is unique among animals for its ability to ignore what is in front of its face by choice. Perhaps it is better that way, some days ignorance truly is bless. If man knew about half the stuff that's "out there" no one would leave their homes, they'd be too terrified. Heck, I'm terrified and I know all about it. I'm a wizard. Laugh if you will but it's true.
Imagine every fairy tale you've ever read; the evil witches, the heroic knights, the fair maidens languishing in distress, the wolves in the forest, the trolls under bridges, the billy goats, and think that somewhere at some time they existed and in many cases still exist. Now darken those memories by a factor of ten, that'll get you close to what's really out there. This is the world most humans go around willfully ignoring - and I can't say I blame them, it's some pretty scary stuff. Most of the time however, the supernatural is willing to stay in its realm and not intrude on mortal affairs; the Faerie Courts are locked in battle with themselves and with the occasional skirmish with the Vampire Courts, along with keeping reign on the various other denizens of the Nevernever. However there are some creatures who get their jollies off preying on humans, in fact there are other humans who get their jollies off by learning magic and manipulating their fellows. That's when the White Council steps in.
The White Council is the global wizarding governing body. Any wizard of any strength is automatically a member of, and monitored by, the Council. The Senior Council, nominally the five oldest, most powerful wizards on Earth, heads the Council. The Senior Council led by The Merlin - the oldest and most powerful wizard. He is the prime minister if you will, big cheese, head honcho whatever your preferred term is. The Senior Council itself had gone through a major shake-up with the assassination of one of its members, and the ousting of one of its senior clerks as a traitor. Currently the Council consists of Arthur Langtry (The Merlin), Ancient Mai, Ebenezer McCoy, Rashid, Martha Liberty, Joseph Listens-to-Wind and Gregory Cristo its newest member, viewed by some as concession to the minor powers after LaFortier's death.
Wizard Lafortier was murdered by the former clerk of the White Council. He had devised a way to exercise some measure control over council members and a select number of Wardens. The Wardens are the constabulary of the White Council, part law enforcement and part soldier. They are the Jedi to the White Councils Old Republic if you will. The recent vampire wars seriously thinned their ranks, leading to an increase in recruitment and a decrease in the average age of a warden. Heck, they had tried to draft me several times but each time I got out of it (I joined the national guard. I'm sorry did I say that?). The Clerk managed to manipulate some of the younger and weak-minded into carrying out his will. His actions resulted in serious upheaval among the Council and the death of one of our most senior and able-bodied Wardens. Unfortunately, he died before we could question him.
There are those on the Council who are beginning to suspect there is an outside force attempting to manipulate the Council, Faerie and Vampire Courts - to what end, we don't know. The official position of the Merlin (and therefore the Council) is this organization, which some refer to as the "Black Council" does not exist. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to explain away a seemingly unrelated chain of coincidences. These are becoming so prominent that even the humans are noticing.
Which is why I was not at all surprised to receive a call, one cloudy Monday morning, from {create job title} a friend in the Central Intelligence Agency. It just seemed like it was going to be one of those days.
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
Re: Dresden File Fan Fiction
I like the idea, I say run with it.
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
.................................................Billy Currington
.................................................Billy Currington
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Re: Dresden File Fan Fiction
Interesting. I must warn you. I have no clue about the Dresden Files. Not. A. Clue. Still, good setup here. High-powered masquerade going on, it seems? Interesting. Nice and descriptive without drowning in details.
- Lighthawk
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Re: Work of Fiction
Oh you poor soul.Sonic Glitch wrote:Ok. Thank you sir. This takes place a short time after "Turn Coat" but will more than likely be going in a different direction from "Changes" (which i haven't had the opportunity to read yet). I haven't read the beginning of the series, I saw the TV series on Syfy
and then found "Dead Beat" (i think it was Dead Beat)
Did it center around necromancers? If so, then yes, that is Dead Beat. It's also the best book of the series thus far in my opinion. Though if that's were you started, you've missed a great deal of build up, characterization, and just plain fun stuff. Go get the first book, Storm Front. And I would also recommend trying the audio books for the series. Its read by James Marsters, who does a fantastic job of presenting the feel of the books'.
It's a good start. Very nice summary, touches most of the important issues. I might recommend adding in something about the laws of magic with the bit about the Wardens, though it certainly doesn't suffer for not having it. It certainly has the feeling of the series. I'd call it a good hook.at my local library, so I've been reading roughly since then. As this is incomplete, things in { } are things I intend to go back and correct. My premise is that this Black Council is manipulating affairs in the Wizards world as well as the "real" world (realm of politics and nation-states and military conflicts and such) I'm not entirely sure how to get where I want to go but it's basically global manipulations. Think of Harry working with the CIA instead (minus the whole Doom of Damocles hanging over his head and being a Warden). Here's my introduction...The introduction is supposed to summarize the story so far and introduce the world to people who have never read the books before, but yet not bore series regulars. How'd I do?

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Re: Work of Fiction
I actually liked the series. I didn't find it so bad, and wished syfy had renewed it.Lighthawk wrote:Oh you poor soul.Sonic Glitch wrote:Ok. Thank you sir. This takes place a short time after "Turn Coat" but will more than likely be going in a different direction from "Changes" (which i haven't had the opportunity to read yet). I haven't read the beginning of the series, I saw the TV series on Syfy
I'm trying to track down the earlier ones. And I know "Dead Beat" is the necromancer one, the "i think..." was more "i think it was the first I read." One of the things I enjoy about the series is I could start reading from the "middle" if you will and not feel like I missed something. I.E. I jumped in with "Dead Beat" and have been more-or-less fine ever since.and then found "Dead Beat" (i think it was Dead Beat)
Did it center around necromancers? If so, then yes, that is Dead Beat. It's also the best book of the series thus far in my opinion. Though if that's were you started, you've missed a great deal of build up, characterization, and just plain fun stuff. Go get the first book, Storm Front. And I would also recommend trying the audio books for the series. Its read by James Marsters, who does a fantastic job of presenting the feel of the books'.
Thank you! That's all I'm trying to do write now is hook people. I think I'll throw things like the laws of magic in at some point in the course of the story. I'm trying to take the feel, but not blatantly copy. There will be subtle changes, and I think this character is going to be more sarcastic than Dresden (If I can manage thatIt's a good start. Very nice summary, touches most of the important issues. I might recommend adding in something about the laws of magic with the bit about the Wardens, though it certainly doesn't suffer for not having it. It certainly has the feeling of the series. I'd call it a good hook.at my local library, so I've been reading roughly since then. As this is incomplete, things in { } are things I intend to go back and correct. My premise is that this Black Council is manipulating affairs in the Wizards world as well as the "real" world (realm of politics and nation-states and military conflicts and such) I'm not entirely sure how to get where I want to go but it's basically global manipulations. Think of Harry working with the CIA instead (minus the whole Doom of Damocles hanging over his head and being a Warden). Here's my introduction...The introduction is supposed to summarize the story so far and introduce the world to people who have never read the books before, but yet not bore series regulars. How'd I do?

"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
- Rear Admiral
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Re: Dresden File Fan Fiction
Good news everyone![/professor farnsworth] I have a rough outline of the first installment and hope to write out the next segment in the next two weeks or so. Of course The Moderator Formerly Known as Rochey has also made such statements... and so have various RP participants.

"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
- Rear Admiral
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Re: Dresden File Fan Fiction
Here, finally, some continuation.
Which is why I was not at all surprised to receive a call, one cloudy Monday morning, from Agent Harris, a friend in the Central Intelligence Agency. It just seemed like it was going to be one of those days.
"John, can you come down to Langley? We may need you."
"Why hello Miss Harris, how nice to hear from you! I'm fine, thanks for asking, and how are you?" I do enjoy the governments blunt single-minded nature so I like to throw a wrench into it whenever possible. Unfortunately (or fortunately as the case may be) there was no humor in her reply.
"John, I'm quite serious. We may need you."
"Well, it's always nice to be needed" I replied, "I'll be there as soon as I can. I have some work to finish." I work as a paranormal/occult investigator on the side, as well as consulting with the Feds. Talk about hiding in plain site eh? However, cases have been a little sparse lately and the bills unfortunately haven't and say what you will about the intelligence establishment but, they pay.
"Whatever it is John, it can wait." Something in her tone made me pause.
"Is it that big?"
"Yes," she said quietly. It was the quietness that got me, "it is that big."
"Alright," I said, "I'll be there inside the hour."
"I'll be waiting." The line clicked signifying she had hung up. It didn't surprise me, we had had this dance before. I completed the page I was writing and removed it from the typewriter. My office was a technological nightmare. It contained a modern phone and a fax machine, which sometime worked, and an older-model computer which worked less than my fax machine. Wizards and technology are a poor mix, kind of like oil and water. When you're focusing and manipulating that much natural energy around you technology tends to go a little haywire. However, it's hard to be a paranormal investigator if people can't email you. I kept the computer mainly for the internet connection, I preferred to use the typewrite for any written work, at least a typewriter crash won't cause me to lose half a manuscript. I checked on Sherlock, my aquatic roommate and grabbed my bike to head out the door.
Washington is a funny city. We have a terribly screwed-up road system but we're surrounded by a network of highways and have public transportation systems rivaling any city, yet if you want to get anywhere quickly your best bet is to walk or ride yourself. The 10miles or so to CIA headquarters probably would've taken an hour and 15 minutes by car, by bike it took forty-five minutes. The guard waved me through with a quick glance at my ID and my bike. Agent Harris was waiting outside the building for me.
"Agent Harris" I said by way of greeting.
"John, I'm glad you could make it." We began walking toward the door, I taking a slightly longer stride to get their first. Chivalry isn't dead, merely dying. Unfortunately, my swipe card decided not to co-operate and all I received for my effort was a smirk as Ashleigh opened the door for me in an exaggerated impression of my manner.
"Mind telling me what's going on?" I asked after a few feet.
"Once we're past security." She answered and with that, we came to our usual inspect-the-newcomer stop at the security desk.
"Name?" asked the guard in an incredibly uninterested voice.
"John Mulrooney." "He should be in the system" interjected Harris. The guard entered some data into his computer.
"And so he is. 'Freelance Consultant'?" he asked. "What is that?" he muttered under his breath. He shook his head and resumed his procedure. "Card?" I handed him my card and he ran it under a scanner.
"And why can't I scan your card?"
"Magnets." I deadpanned.
"I'm sorry?"
"Magnets. I play with magnets in my spare time; my apartment is full of them."
He cast a glance at Harris who merely shook her head in an exasperated fashion and said, "Let him through. He's with me."
"Yes Ma'am." He said returning my card.
"Must you do that with every new guy?" she muttered as we walked away.
"Hey, they always think I'm nuts when they see me and then my title. I like to let 'em wonder. Now, why am I here?"
"I have some pictures to show you." She said as we entered the elevator, heading for the top floor. All of the governments super-duper, top, very most secret programs were run out of bunkers deep underground right? Nothing important could be kept that high above ground right? Yeah. Right.
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: Dresden File Fan Fiction
Still very good. I like this John guy.
Very droll, there. One thing I've never cottoned to was the whole 'magic cancels out tech', but that seems series-specific and isn't a knock to you. Nice relationship there, established quickly and naturally between John and Harris.

- Rear Admiral
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Re: Dresden File Fan Fiction
Why thank you sir. Yes, the magic cancels tech things seems to be series specific, and I debated putting it in but I decided to be true to the universe so I tried to explain it in a way that makes some sense. I'm thinking a wizards effect on technology is related to how much raw power he has, i.e. the more "powerful" per se, a wizard is the more technology fizzes out or something like that.RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Still very good. I like this John guy.Very droll, there. One thing I've never cottoned to was the whole 'magic cancels out tech', but that seems series-specific and isn't a knock to you. Nice relationship there, established quickly and naturally between John and Harris.
Questions, comments, critiques anyone?
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
- Lighthawk
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Re: Dresden File Fan Fiction
That is in fact how it works. I think it was outright stated in the book White Knight, a lesser practicioner of the arts doesn't screw with tech as bad, some of them can even keep a working cell phone.Sonic Glitch wrote:I'm thinking a wizards effect on technology is related to how much raw power he has, i.e. the more "powerful" per se, a wizard is the more technology fizzes out or something like that.
It seems to be coming along just fine. Setting up your own "Dresden and Murphy" type relationship with John and Harris?Questions, comments, critiques anyone?

- Rear Admiral
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Re: Dresden File Fan Fiction
Huh.. Interesting.Lighthawk wrote:That is in fact how it works. I think it was outright stated in the book White Knight, a lesser practicioner of the arts doesn't screw with tech as bad, some of them can even keep a working cell phone.Sonic Glitch wrote:I'm thinking a wizards effect on technology is related to how much raw power he has, i.e. the more "powerful" per se, a wizard is the more technology fizzes out or something like that.
[/quote]It seems to be coming along just fine. Setting up your own "Dresden and Murphy" type relationship with John and Harris?Questions, comments, critiques anyone?
A little bit. Similar idea but I want to see what I can do to make sure it's not just a blatant carbon copy. It's actually not that bad to write as I'm very sarcastic myself so I just exxagerate the sarcasm a bit and think "Ok, if I were in this situation, how would I respond?" (i.e. magnets joke), but I'm still trying to figure out how to demonstrate that this is not just a copy of the established books.
Any suggestions on how to do that?
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."