This is briliant!
Irish comedy at its best: making more fun of ourselves than anyone else

"When was the last time Ireland was at war?"
"Er, I think that was with yourselves (to an English guy)"
"You haven't had a war since then?"
"Yeah we're a peacefull people. *laughs* Sorry, I just felt for a second like I was in an episode of Star Trek: The New Generation. 'We are a peacefull people. Here on Candor seven, we have no weapons'."
"Yeah, I think that's what went wrong the first time, you mentioned you had no weapons and England went 'right, I'll take it, thanks very much.'"
"So, who could we invade?"
"The Isle of Man. We could probably take Wales, too."
"Yeah, but would we really want it?"
"We are completely Gung-Fo."
"Yeah, er...its a type of..er..martial arts."
"There's an Orange Order in Togu, you know."
"Yeah, there is."
"But who do they spend all their time annoying?"