This might be one of the few things on the site that doesnt' make sense to me.75 x Ambassadorial quarters at 250 square metres each.
2,250 x Staff quarters at 30 - 80 square metres each
4 x 2,500 square metre conference hall complexes for 600 guests each
75 x 150 square metre 40 seat briefing rooms
75 x Independant communications facilities
30% of all facilities, including interconnecting corridors, capable of supporting H, K, or L environments
Facilities for up to 400 members of the press
75 Ambasadorial quarters at 250 meters each would give 18,750 square meters of quarters reserved for ambassadors! Rounding down, thats 18 square km of quarters. That would be a room 100mx180m This does not even begin to count the 2250 staff quarters at 30-80 square meters each?! How is this possible? This seems absurdly high.\
*This is not to be an annoying nitpicking prick. I truly just am having trouble conceptualizing how this is possible.