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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:02 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Reliant121 wrote:High maker, this is escalating out of hand. A flippant comment is now a prelude to war?
Ambassador, the Klingon's statement was "fled into either neutral or Federation space". The Federation's name was mentioned, this I do not deny, but surely the Empire cannot know how well defended the border is. The Federation is vast, almost immeasurably so. Frankly, I find it hard to believe it impossible for a small group of Romulan ships to slip the border. Even if every ship in the Federation has the federation border sealed kilometre by kilometre from Sanvei Tor to the Gorn border, the Klingon ambassador also claimed it possible they hid in neutral space.
Do not let this war, that has nothing to do with you, escalate into a galactic conflict of mutual alliance annihilation.
First of all I was addressing the Klingon Empire, not the Turei, who have even less to do with this situation than I. Secondly since I closed the border no trade ship has passed through, I find it highly unlikely then that those border patrols would permit warships to pass by without notice, especially given my full border detection nets. Third we are not talking about a small group of Romulan ships, but the the vast remains of their Navy, being that which was not on their Border with the Klingons.
I do not wish war, but my demand stands for the KLINGON Chancellor to clarify his statement.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:08 pm
by Reliant121
It does become an international event when this warmongering from either side will drag two of the greatest interstellar alliances in the history of any race into a war of quadrant wide annihilation. Do not forget, ambassador, that it will not simply be a war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. It will be a war between the Federation, Cardassia and the Gorn against the Klingon Empire and the Breen. That level of destructive firepower will only mean that every race involved will be reduced to mere shadows of their former selves, that trillions if not more lives will be lost because you become oversensitive to a poorly worded communique from the empire regarding other nation's, including your own, security. It becomes my business when the Federation's sensitivity, whether it be due to a petulant foreign affairs minister or because they dislike the Klingon Empire it does not matter, has the potential to mean the doom of most of this quadrant.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:12 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Reliant121 wrote:It does become an international event when this warmongering from either side will drag two of the greatest interstellar alliances in the history of any race into a war of quadrant wide annihilation. Do not forget, ambassador, that it will not simply be a war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. It will be a war between the Federation, Cardassia and the Gorn against the Klingon Empire and the Breen. That level of destructive firepower will only mean that every race involved will be reduced to mere shadows of their former selves, that trillions if not more lives will be lost because you become oversensitive to a poorly worded communique from the empire regarding other nation's, including your own, security. It becomes my business when the Federation's sensitivity, whether it be due to a petulant foreign affairs minister or because they dislike the Klingon Empire it does not matter, has the potential to mean the doom of most of this quadrant.
I am not warmongering, nor being oversensitive. I have not declared war, nor have I participated in it. I have done nothing but ask for the Klingon Empire to clarify a remark which insinuates that I am actively aiding in the hiding of Romulan Forces. If you do not wish to see it that way, fine I can and will do little to convince you. I however await a reply from the Klingon Empire.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:13 pm
by Reliant121
As you wish. However, I would remind you of "retract the statement or declare war". I think perhaps both have suffered a poor choice of words.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:44 pm
by BigJKU316
Reliant121 wrote:As you wish. However, I would remind you of "retract the statement or declare war". I think perhaps both have suffered a poor choice of words.
The Federations position seems reasonable. Harboring a combatant fleet of another power invovled in a conflict would make one an active participant in a war. To make this accusation of another power is very serious indeed and would in fact be essentially a declaration of war given previous Klingon statements towards the Shelliak early in this crisis when they were threatened with war if they did not drop the issue publicly.
Asking for clarification on that statement is simply prudent and despite our good relations with the Klingons we hardly doubt their response to a similar insult to their honor would be replied to with half the restraint that was present here. One can hardly expect to be spoken to in a manner more refined than they speak to others.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:49 pm
by Reliant121
I disagree entirely, as the accusation was not that the "Federation was harbouring a combatant fleet". There was no accusation whatsoever as far as I can see. " we suspect they may have fled into either neutral or Federation space". This is not tantamount to saying "The Federation is harbouring a combatant fleet". If a romulan battle fleet flees into Federation space, it does not necessarily entail a Romulan battlefleet is being welcomed with open arms by the Federation and is being supported in its war. They are completely and totally different statements. I can agree however that clarification is wise, just that the Federation's responding statement was unnecessarily venomous.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:57 pm
by BigJKU316
Reliant121 wrote:I disagree entirely, as the accusation was not that the "Federation was harbouring a combatant fleet". There was no accusation whatsoever as far as I can see. " we suspect they may have fled into either neutral or Federation space". This is not tantamount to saying "The Federation is harbouring a combatant fleet". If a romulan battle fleet flees into Federation space, it does not necessarily entail a Romulan battlefleet is being welcomed with open arms by the Federation and is being supported in its war. They are completely and totally different statements. I can agree however that clarification is wise, just that the Federation's responding statement was unnecessarily venomous.
Indeed you may feel that way. Perhapse as you have pointed out before the FKI does not understand the finer points of neutrality as we feel a great many equally venomous statements have been directed from the Klingon Empire towards the Shelliak or FKI or Romulans at various times without so much as a hint of criticism from the Tueri. However we understand your close realtionship to, some would say dependence upon, the Klingons is something you hold dear. This is a point of neutrality upon which we await further enlightened instruction.
The FKI on the other hand stands ready to do business with anyone as an open and honest, well as honest as a Ferengi gets, neutral power. One can either purchase their ships and conduct their trade with us or expect the kind of support the Tueri have given their Romulan allies. Even we are impressed with this turn of events and hope the Tueri got an impressive price to sell their esterwhile companions down the road. We might make true Ferengi out of you yet.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:05 pm
by Reliant121
We transferred 300 of our ships at substantially reduced prices, IE given as a gift, to the Romulan Empire to aid them in their crisis. The Klingons and Breen are yet unaware, we have recently held talks to finance the creation of the Zealot class with the Cardassian Union. We have sent aid ships to the Romulan border to assist our allies in the crisis, and have even offered asylum although the Klingon empire' of Romulan space will not permit it.
Neutrality in your terms is somewhat cloudy isnt it? you who primarily supplies ISA nations, who has developed technology for and with them and yet ignored Coalition races?
As much as we may claim to be individuality, neutrality for us is flexible. We will supply those who buy from us most. In your case, your neutrality is compromised by your primary support of the ISA. Mine is compromised by Coalition coming to me for technology. I will happily trade and provide technology to the ISA nations, yet they do not come. The Gorn have so far ignored any attempt we have made, the Federation has little or no need for us. Only the Cardassians have even bothered to communicate.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:06 pm
by Deepcrush
Lt. Staplic wrote:Chancellor, perhaps you should clarify:
Are you currently insinuating that I am intentionally harboring Romulan Combatants in my sovereign space, which would be an act of war by your own announcements. Because that is how your last message reads. I find this to be an insult both to myself and to the Federation at large after we publicly closed our Border to both your nations. I suggest you clarify your meaning either by retracting that statement, or by declaring war.
Our statement means just as we have said. Romulan ships fled and by their direction last time we saw them. They were either heading towards neutral or Federation space. We were warning you as an act of good faith.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:38 pm
by Mark
With respect to the Klingon ambassador, you did not say "towards" neutral or Federation space, you specifically said "into" neutral or Federation space. Now, I'm not sure how you could reasonably think that hundreds or thousands of uncloaked Romulan ships could evade Federation detection and penetrate their boarders. Unless you are questioning the Gorn's compitance in removing the Romulans cloaking devices.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:49 pm
by Deepcrush
It would seem that both the Federation and Cardassian governments are to dull to understand such a simple thing as this. All is well though, you may consider the warning dropped if you wish. It is clear to us that this matter is far above your simple mind's abilities.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:59 am
by Deepcrush
The Klingon Empire has become aware that this time of conflict has greatly concerned the Federation. Such a struggle so close to their borders, it is understandable that stress and confusion would fall upon you. Your minds clouded in fear of a returned conflict between our own two peoples. To put to rest these worries and return us to the peace we have long enjoyed.
The Klingon Empire formally and publicly... forgives the Federation's leadership in this misunderstanding and we will hold no ill will to the matter. Klingons know well that tempers can flare when one least expects it. As such it is often best to just move one with life.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:06 am
by Lt. Staplic
My Translator must be broken. the Federation simply asked for you to clarify a statement you made about Romulan Forces being held inside of Federation Space. From our view that meant two things: either you called us incompetent in letting a Fleet of Romulan ships cross our border. Or you were calling us liars and openly allowing them into our space.
The Federation has not, nor will it, apologize for demanding this clarification.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:11 am
by Deepcrush
*The Klingon Ambassador laughs as though at a child*
Yes yes, we understand that you have troubles with simple things. Your childish attitudes are one of your more pleasant traits. But no matter how foolish you've been or how trapped you are by your pride. We have still forgiven you for this, and it shall stay that way.
Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:18 am
by Lt. Staplic
We asked for clarification of a perceived diplomatic insult, what we got were accusations of warmongering from some, and continued insults from the High Command. Therefore, the United Federation of Planets is publicly announcing that diplomatic relations with the Klingon Empire are being severed indefinitely. We hope for the day when we can again deal with an honorable Empire, but we will not continue relations with a power that continues these activities. We have already recalled the Federation Ambassador to the Empire and the Imperial Ambassador is en route to Qu'onoS under escort. The Federation border to the Klingon Empire will remain closed after this war is over, and shall remain so until diplomatic relations can and are resumed.