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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:31 pm
by Deepcrush
Reliant121 wrote:We would request of the empire permission for civilian Turei ships to allow small groups of Romulan citizens from their border worlds asylum in Turei space.
Once the KTC has set up transit services on the former Romulan worlds. We will begin to allow Romulan persons to depart Imperial Space. This will be dependant on how well things progress on the former Romulan worlds. The sooner their populations submit to Imperial Law and lay down arms, the sooner they may begin to depart.

Until peace is restored the borders must remain closed. Your request is acknowledged and will be authorized as soon as possible.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:33 pm
by Reliant121
As you wish. At this time the Turei borders will not allow transit without Klingon legal grants. In humanitarian circumstances, such as life threatening illness, individuals will be taken to a Turei military hospital ship.

All critically ill patients will be returned to Romulan space.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:36 pm
by Deepcrush
Reliant121 wrote:As you wish. At this time the Turei borders will not allow transit without Klingon legal grants. In humanitarian circumstances, such as life threatening illness, individuals will be taken to a Turei military hospital ship.

All critically ill patients will be returned to Romulan space.
Humanitarian services are acceptable with the Turei so long as those persons are returned within reasonable time. We are honored by your support in this crisis.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:39 pm
by Reliant121
Once patients are deemed as stable enough for transfer, they will be immediately returned via a Vanguard flotilla ship.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:43 pm
by Deepcrush
We consider this acceptable and concluded. The Turei will have first rights to transit authority from the former Romulan Empire.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:28 pm
by Reliant121
In response to the recent assault in Romulan space, we feel that in a humanitarian level we must denounce the sheer brutality of the assault by these new....Klinga-marines. While no doubt effective, these troops use fear and shock tactics that are fit only in the arsenal of the barbarians. As always, we will offer Klingon sanctioned humanitarian support.

We also bear an announcement. A case has been put forward to the High Republic senate, and has been approved. This notion is that the Turei High Republic, following the effective if not official take over of Romulan space, has put in the necessary 6 month notice to the other members of the NEA denoting our withdrawel. Our position as tied to an empire at war can only hurt profit and trade, and it cannot help but force an agenda and political position upon us.

This has been done with the requirement that the government show unilateral neutrality to both the Coalition and the ISA. This shall be done. We intend to adopt a policy of 30% trade to be dividable among the races of each alliance, with the remaining 40% free trade that can go to any power (this does include alliance nations).

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:39 pm
by Deepcrush
Reliant121 wrote:In response to the recent assault in Romulan space, we feel that in a humanitarian level we must denounce the sheer brutality of the assault by these new....Klinga-marines. While no doubt effective, these troops use fear and shock tactics that are fit only in the arsenal of the barbarians. As always, we will offer Klingon sanctioned humanitarian support.
The Klingon Defense Force deployed its new troops because of how effective they are. What you denounce is the very thing that saved billions of Romulan lives. Rather then the Romulan military drafting their population in mass suicide waves, they fled. In the last war three billion Romulans died in direct conflict alone, in this war... only two hundred million, made almost entirely of military personnel. The Romulan population knows it cannot stand up to the might of the Klingon Empire and as such, many worlds have surrendered without conflict. This means those worlds are saved from bloodshed in a hopeless cause.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:40 pm
by Reliant121
You're point is valid and conceded.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:29 pm
by Tsukiyumi
There is no dishonor in being stronger than your enemies. By sparing the lives of many Romulan civilians, the Klingon Empire has again proven that it has compassion and honor as well as strength.

We hope that the Romulan citizenry will be wise enough to accept mercy.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:22 pm
by Deepcrush
The civilian population has already accepted defeat. All that remains is the left overs of the Romulan military and government still bent on costing yet life. Their actions have gone from brave in defense to cowardly in defeat.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:36 am
by Deepcrush
Klingon Defense Force to remaining Romulan forces.

We know that the Romulan Navy fled with some ships, we know that they are in hiding. A false hope that if you wait long enough maybe someone will come to your aid. Someone will fight your war for you. This will not come to pass...

Your ships are without supply, without refuel, without aid and service. The Klingon Empire again calls for you to end this meaningless conflict. No further blood needs to be split and those who surrender without combat are still to be granted amnesty.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:01 pm
by Reliant121
The High Republic urges the Romulan government to submit based on the strength of Klingon arms deployed. It is safer for the future of your people to submit and live under klingon rule than to perpetuate a conflict that you can neither win, nor can your people afford.

In light of the current crisis, the fleet has been deployed into an alert status. A 150 ship fleet has been deployed to the extreme edge of the former Romulan border to assist in humanitarian efforts in the region. They will also serve as border control units for refugee ships.. These ships have been taken from the home defence fleet, which is reinforced from reserve ships.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:54 pm
by Deepcrush
*Warning in effect*

The former Romulan Empire, just prior to its fall, ordered the left overs of its fleet to flee. The Klingon Defense Force has not located these ships and we suspect they may have fled into either neutral or Federation space. These ships are likely to be carrying weapons of mass destruction and should be located with all possible speed. These ships should be either captured or destroyed and their crews, if alive, returned to the Klingon Empire for trial. To be charged with "Use of weapons of Terror and Genocide" under Klingon Imperial Law.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:36 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Chancellor, perhaps you should clarify:

Are you currently insinuating that I am intentionally harboring Romulan Combatants in my sovereign space, which would be an act of war by your own announcements. Because that is how your last message reads. I find this to be an insult both to myself and to the Federation at large after we publicly closed our Border to both your nations. I suggest you clarify your meaning either by retracting that statement, or by declaring war.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:44 pm
by Reliant121
High maker, this is escalating out of hand. A flippant comment is now a prelude to war?

Ambassador, the Klingon's statement was "fled into either neutral or Federation space". The Federation's name was mentioned, this I do not deny, but surely the Empire cannot know how well defended the border is. The Federation is vast, almost immeasurably so. Frankly, I find it hard to believe it impossible for a small group of Romulan ships to slip the border. Even if every ship in the Federation has the federation border sealed kilometre by kilometre from Sanvei Tor to the Gorn border, the Klingon ambassador also claimed it possible they hid in neutral space.

Do not let this war, that has nothing to do with you, escalate into a galactic conflict of mutual alliance annihilation.