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Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:46 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Deepcrush wrote:All of this sounds like nothing more then rebel nonsense, a sack of defeated money bigits looking to buy pity from everyone through propoganda. The House of Duras in the Klingon Empire was the same way and in the end suffered for their crimes as you have. You are fools, worse then that you are traitors to your race. You have abandoned your homes and fled whimpering to another power all the while pretending you want nothing while taking an entire world and now arming and denouncing your rightful leaders since they won't fill your pockets anymore. Even the Ferengi were willing to stand and fight which speaks only low of you.
I will point this out once again as I feel this point is being missed. The neo-assembly did not take a world from anyone. They came to me and asked for the Federation assistance, not in the overthrow of their former government, not in the seizing of power and planets from another race, but in finding a location where they could go to establish their own sovereign state. The Federation GAVE them a planet on which to re-establish their society. They are a sovereign state, not subjects of the Empire rebelling against masters. They have not taken any action against the Empire, except that of openly calling for an end to the Empire, and restoration of the democratic government that existed before hand.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:53 pm
by BigJKU316
Lt. Staplic wrote:Deepcrush wrote:All of this sounds like nothing more then rebel nonsense, a sack of defeated money bigits looking to buy pity from everyone through propoganda. The House of Duras in the Klingon Empire was the same way and in the end suffered for their crimes as you have. You are fools, worse then that you are traitors to your race. You have abandoned your homes and fled whimpering to another power all the while pretending you want nothing while taking an entire world and now arming and denouncing your rightful leaders since they won't fill your pockets anymore. Even the Ferengi were willing to stand and fight which speaks only low of you.
I will point this out once again as I feel this point is being missed. The neo-assembly did not take a world from anyone. They came to me and asked for the Federation assistance, not in the overthrow of their former government, not in the seizing of power and planets from another race, but in finding a location where they could go to establish their own sovereign state. The Federation GAVE them a planet on which to re-establish their society. They are a sovereign state, not subjects of the Empire rebelling against masters. They have not taken any action against the Empire, except that of openly calling for an end to the Empire, and restoration of the democratic government that existed before hand.
And we simply refuse to recognize the legitimacy of that empire. From our point of view they are illegitimatly holding the people, planets and territory that ought to comprise the Tueri Assembly under the old republic illegally and against their will. We asked for territory on which to seat our government which in our view is not only the rightful government of the territory granted but is the rightful government of the whole territory comprising the regime that has styled itself the Tueri Star Empire.
We are simply the portion of Tueri territory that has not fallen under the yoke of repression cast by the Praetor. There is one Tueri state, and its legitimate governing body is the Tueri Assembly, which is now constituted on system 313.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:16 pm
by Reliant121
The outside influences are frankly irrelavent. I have been given the mandate to rule, and I shall rule it as I whim. The same government exists. It has merely changed its formulation. You pine for a society that epitomizes decadent spending, and filthy excesses and it cannot be accepted back into our worlds. The new regime purges our society of unnecessary infestation.
Your nature is a disease. Your bureaucracy a plague. Your lavish wastes are an abomination.
We will treat the empire's infection like any anti-body and we will root out the disease.
Do not hide behind pretences outsiders. You know as well as I that this internal matter serves you well, as it serves to weaken the Empire due to infighting. You may operate under pretences of good intention, but you cannot help but love the benefit that it ties up one of the three coalition nations.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:20 am
by Deepcrush
The Klingon Empire has decided to announce the closing of the Khitomer Conference. While it was an honorable idea, the lack of interest has robbed this noble cause of any use. We regret this matter greatly, but there is little choice in the matter.
We are grateful to all who attended and wish you all glorious futures.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:02 pm
by stitch626
For the first time in many centuries, a new Praetor has emerged without an assassination of the previous one. With the complete removal of the Tal'Shiar, a true election was able to be held, per the wishes of the previous Praetor. The first step towards democracy was a success, at least in the eyes of the Romulan government.
The new Praetor has taken office, and diplomatic procedures have resumed.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:24 pm
by Deepcrush
It has been a long time since an honorable master led the Romulan government, we welcome your return.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:47 pm
by Mark
Congratulatons on your governmental reform. A democratic government has benifeted the people of Cardassia immensly.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:52 pm
by Reliant121
We wish to express our pleasure the the Romulan Star Empire is back on its feet, and free of a menace that has held it hostage for decades.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:24 pm
by Lt. Staplic
The Federation too applauds the Romulan Government in its progressive strides in demolishing the Tal'shiar and taking steps toward organizing a democratic government.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:55 pm
by Mark
:::Statment issued from the Office of the President of Cardassia:::
As was just made widely known, the Tauri Empire has massacered billions of innocent civillians attempting to make new lives for themselves on the colonly world of 313. This loss of life is unprecdented and action is completely reprehensible.
The Cardassian Union was able to evacuate several billion refugees from this doomed world, and resettle them on Cardassian worlds inside our space, well away from the depridations of the Tauri Empire.
This will be said once and only once. These people are now Cardassian citizens and as such are under the protection of the Cardassion Union. Any attack on them will be considered an attack on Cardassia, and will incure an immediete military response, without question.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:13 pm
by Deepcrush
This is a sour day for the Klingon Empire. Our Emperor, Kahless the Returned, has rejoined his spirit in the afterlife and now we must morn. For one year, no Klingon may take personal glory. For this year, all glory is in his name... THE NAME OF KAHLESS!
On another note. The Klingon Empire must, by all deeds of Honor, condemn the Turei in their actions. To kill so many and to do so in a manner to which they can not die honorably in battle is disgraceful! True warriors meet their enemies on the field of battle, level to level and not hiding safely aboard ship while attacking lowly peasants on a planet below!
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:17 pm
by Reliant121
We understand ambassador. Such is your right. We eliminated a threat to our government as we saw it.
We seek not redemption only understanding. The star empire will not tolerate dissidents or their influence on our empire. Internal matters shall be dealt with accordingly.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:20 pm
by Lt. Staplic
The Federation has never felt such disappointment and frustration with another Sovereign Power. That the Turei were not only willing but did kill almost three billion of their own citizens and leave an entire planet devoid of life is something that will haunt them and the rest of the Quadrant for years to come. It was an act of pure cowardice as they sent a Fleet of over two hundred warships to assault a defenseless planet and bombard civilian targets from orbit, destroying not just the planets political facilities and infrastructure but the hospitals, homes, and humanitarian facilities that aught not to be attacked, all from orbit without the care to look their comrades in the eyes as they slaughtered them.
The Federation has and will continue to support the Turei that have chosen to settle in the Federation, and they have been granted full Federation membership. This is truely a sad day in the history of the Turei People, and the Quadrant as a whole.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:28 pm
by stitch626
The last time something of this scale occurred, it lead to over a century of animosity between two powers that still exists today, no matter how hard we try to remove it.
The Romulan Empire finds these actions a distasteful reminder of our dishonorable past, actions we had hoped would never be seen again.
While we do find such actions deplorable, we will not interfere. This was an internal matter, and for us, shall remain one. We shall take no action against or for the Turei. We can only hope that the ghosts which haunted our people do not move on to them.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:13 am
by Mark
Deepcrush wrote:This is a sour day for the Klingon Empire. Our Emperor, Kahless the Returned, has rejoined his spirit in the afterlife and now we must morn. For one year, no Klingon may take personal glory. For this year, all glory is in his name... THE NAME OF KAHLESS!
On another note. The Klingon Empire must, by all deeds of Honor, condemn the Turei in their actions. To kill so many and to do so in a manner to which they can not die honorably in battle is disgraceful! True warriors meet their enemies on the field of battle, level to level and not hiding safely aboard ship while attacking lowly peasants on a planet below!
The Cardassian Union offers its condolances on the loss of the Klingon Emperer. We understand what effect such a figurehead can have on a people as a whole.