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Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:43 pm
by Nickswitz
If the Tal-Shiar do have ship and the Romulans are unable to apprehend or destroy them the Sheliak would like to donate a few ships to assist in the effort, if needed.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:30 pm
by Reliant121
We would also be willing to pull a small group of ships from reserve in order to assist in patrol duties.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:24 pm
by stitch626
Thank you. However, as this is currently an internal matter, we do not require assistance. We will keep everyone up to date on the matter.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:26 pm
by Reliant121
We will be awaiting further reports.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:12 pm
by Mark
With respect to our Romulan colleuge, I don't feel comfortable with that answer.

According to your reports, the Tal'Shiar have rebelled against your government, violated treaties, and brought this entire quadrant to the brink of war. It stopped being an "internal matter" the moment that it put the people of the Cardassian Union in jepordy.

We understand that your government at large was not responsible directly, and have completely cooperated with all of the sanctions imposed against them. We openly acknowledge this must have been a bitter pill to swallow for your government, and respect the integrity of your senate has shown.

However, you cannot reasonably say that you have everything under control when in fact you don't. I am not offering nor asking to put Cardassian military forces in your space. We are asking that we be made aware of information that could be a direct threat against this entire region of space.

Quite simply, if you have answers, share them. If you don't, get them.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:57 pm
by Deepcrush
The Klingon Empire agrees with the Cardassian Union. Not just in their words but with the heart that speaks them! If there is anything to be known about the Tal'Shiar, then everyone must be made aware of it.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:03 pm
by Reliant121
We have to admit, the Turei Assembly finds your reluctance to share information...disturbing.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:16 pm
by Deepcrush
*Announcement from the Klingon Empire*

With regards to the Federation's withdraw from the Khitomer Accords, the Romulan Empire's internal uprisings, the pending invasion from the Hurq and Rebellion within the former Ferengi Alliance. Travel of foreign ships within the Klingon Empire will be restricted. Only ships from allied powers and diplomatic envoys will have free access to our space. Governments who transit our space for trade or exploration or supply purposes must sign a non-aggression pact with the Klingon Empire.

We take these actions to secure our borders while we prepare our people for the coming battles against the Hurg and possibly the return of the Borg.

This decision however will have no effect on the Gorn Forces withing the Romulan Empire that are drawing supplies from our worlds. While they are invited to sign a non-aggression pact with the Empire. Their deployment and needs were agreed to before this decision and there for are not required to meet the same standards.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:19 am
by stitch626
I did not mean to insinuate that information will not be shared. I was simply stating that at this point in time we would rather not involve others' troops and warships within our space.

Right now, we have no definitive information. We've already spent millions trying to weed out the agents within our own government and intelligence network. This will take time. But as soon as any useful information becomes available, it will be publicly released, unless doing so endangers the Empire. Even then, if the information involves another party, we will inform them.

We currently do have this under control. Several arrests have been made, and so far none of the military is supporting the Tal'Shiar. If we do need assistance, we will ask.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:37 pm
by BigJKU316
FKI Announcement

After consultation with the current signatories of the General Treaty on Trade Rights and Rights in Neutral Space the following powers signatures have been accepted.

Romulan Star Empire
Cardassian Union

This is added to the following powers that have already signed the document.

Ferengi-Kazon Imperium
Teuri Assembly
Gorn Hegemony
United Federation of Planets

Begining next year those 7 powers will all have voting powers on the issues that necessitate such action.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:49 am
by Lt. Staplic
Due to the restriction of passage of crafts through the Klingon Empire, and the fact that they have refused to sign the neutral rights treaty, the Federation will be restricting all ships but registered trade ships from the Klingon Empire.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:12 am
by Deepcrush
So the Federation's stance to not getting its way is that it is cutting diplomatic relations. *The Klingon Ambassador laughes*

This is your PROUD Federation then. One who has to make back handed insults, like a child who can't have their way. Good to see you've grown so well. You complain about our ending hostilities with the Breen. How you declare them your mortal enemies. Yet they did what to you? You hardly even had to face them. During the Dominion War, it was our warriors who had to battle them in your place. We made peace with them, and you scorn us for peace. Then you turn about, make peace with the Cardassians. A race that killed your people by the millions for nothing but sport. Though somehow, our making peace and our not bending to your will must mean that we have offended you in some form. Because if this is the case, you should have told us before we made peace with the Breen. Not after, and not when you pretend to want peace while looking for wars of gain!

Other then your fits, what reason does the Klingon Empire have to sign anything with the Federation? You've shown you can't be trusted, even as allies. Why then would we value you anything you have to say? Ships have always passed freely in our space. No taxes, no escorts, no harm... Why then does the Federation have a right to try and force us to sign yet another treaty they are so likely to ignore once it no longer fits their wants?

The only restriction that the Klingon Empire has put in place is that if you want to trade with us. That a Non-Aggression Pact is required. Is that such a risk? Is peace really such a threat to the will of the Federation's future?

With all your passed actions which have failed you, if you believe that these childish responses of yours will swing our will. You are a greater fool then we gave you credit for.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:39 am
by Reliant121
I would have to agree with the Klingon ambassador. I see not why non-aggression treaties are in anyway a threat to the self-proclaimed explorers and peace searchers.

On another note, we have another 1 million trade units available for our existing trade partners.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:39 pm
by BigJKU316
Reliant121 wrote:I would have to agree with the Klingon ambassador. I see not why non-aggression treaties are in anyway a threat to the self-proclaimed explorers and peace searchers.

The FKI must say they are a bit baffled by this stance as we also fail to see how a treaty respecting neutral space and unarmed cargo ships could be considered any threat. In our view both positions are reasonable ones for sovereign powers to take.

The Klingon Empire says that to transit their space a power must sign a non-aggression treaty with them.

The Federation says they will not allow transit unless one signs the treaty governing the rules of neutral space and trade vessels and lifts the special restrictions it has put in place on travel.

In our view the stance of one side seem equally as grounded (or groundless depending on your point of view) as the others. We take no side at all in this debate but fail to see how this is the business of anyone but those powers. As sovereign entities they may allow or disallow transit of their space by any power they wish at any time and both may set whatever terms they wish for that transit. Neither is under an obligation to allow any transit at all.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:58 pm
by Reliant121
I will admit I had not considered the Federation's stance.