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Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:35 pm
by Nickswitz
Breaking News from the Ferengi Counsel
The Previous Nagus has died, it seems nothing suspicious was related to his death, but in the absence of a Nagus a counsel has been appointed to rule until the next of kin is old enough to rule. This will be in less than 5 years, we just believe it is in the best interest of the entire Ferengi people that the counsel rules until the Nagus' son is older than 20 years of age.
Once this occurs the counsel will again take their place below the Nagus as counselors for decisions.
As our first lone decision we are going to ask all foreigners besides our guests, the Kazon to leave our space, we wish to begin policing our space on our own, as well as to relieve some tension that seems to be going around due to the Breen especially in our space.
This is the only consensus that the counsel has come to regarding matters involving interspecies matters.
We thank you for your time. End of Transmission.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:47 pm
by Tsukiyumi
The Breen Confederacy has no wish to cause instability in the Ferengi government. Our forces will depart at once.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:37 am
by BigJKU316
The Tzenkethi Government sends the following request to the United Federation of Planets
We acknowledge that the Cardassian government has claimed hostility on the part of our forces. We deny that all together as a complete untruth. We do however acknowledge the military situation for our power is extremely adverse and that our people face destruction if we are forced to resist what we see as an unjust invasion of our space.
To that end we offer our surrender to your government under the following conditions.
1. Our military will stand down immediately and take no further action provided that Cardassian military agrees to the same.
2. Our government and military will agree to surrender on largely the same terms that the Cardassian Union surrendered in the recent war. We will allow the Federation to assist us in the construction of a democratic government and will stand down our military with the exception of a small number of system patrol craft and police forces. All other ships will be turned over to Starfleet upon their arrival.
3. In exchange we ask to be named a protectorate of the United Federation of Planets for the next 30 years. The Federation will provide us with protection via Starfleet and will have full basing and transit rights within our territory.
We believe this arrangement will satisfy the so called security concerns of the Cardassian Union and save the lives and culture of our people. Despite our differences in the past we, like all smaller powers of the galaxy, look to the Federation as a major power who is interested in justice rather than power. Your government remains our last hope for a just and lasting place in this galaxy.
If this proposal is rejected there will be little our people can do but fight to the end. We will resist the Cardassian menace to the utmost of our limited capacity with the hope that someone will take mercy on a small power fallen upon by a larger one.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:01 am
by Mark
It seems that the Tzenkathi government only now wishes to take part in these talks. Odd....your invitation must have gotten lost in subspace.
The Tzenkathi seem to have short memories, lest they themselves have forgotten THEIR war with the Federation. One that, at the time, was one they were able to prosecute without any allies to speak of, for all their talk of being a neutrel power.
The Cardassian Union has a counter offer for your government.
First, expecting the Federation to accept you as a protectrate for a temporary time while alienating its own allies doesn't seem like a well thought out proposition. When the Klingons invaded the Romulan Empire, did Starfleet stand against her allies? No, they did not. Nor did they take part either, which is a curtesy we expect no less of. What would you bring to an allience with the Federation that is more valuable than her close relationship with Cardassia?
Here, is the Cardassian offer.
You surrender one half of your space to the Cardassian Union, along with one half of your remaining fleet and a fully productive shipyard. By our estimation, this is only two small planets.
The citizens residing on those worlds may feel free to relocate ti another Tzinkathi world, with their security guaranteed by the Federation. Any citizens wishing to stay, may renounce their formar alliegence, and become citizens of the Cardassian Union, with all rights afforded to all worlds therein.
In return, the Cardassian Union will sign accords in front of all of the other major powers in the region, promising that your borders be secure from Cardassian incursion for no less than a century, barring military hostility on your part.
Now, what could be more fair than that?
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:29 pm
by BigJKU316
And now we come to the crux of the issue. This war was started based on supposed aggression by our people. We in turn have proposed a plan that would make such aggression impossible, and would reform our government in such a manner that we would likely be an ally of the Federation (and hence tied to the Cardassians) for years to come. We offer this with no further fighting as a means to spare both of our people.
However it is apparent you are using the excuse of our supposed aggression as a cloak behind which to hide. Your proposal speaks only of territory, shipyards and ships. You have not set out on a campaign for security and safety. You have set out to pillage a weaker people and rip their resources and homes from them by force.
Are you so afraid of what the Federation might say to you that you feel the need for such lies? You possess many times over our power and resources. An open campaign against us would have at least been honorable and honest. Instead you hide behind your veil of excuses like an adolescent afraid that your daddy (in this case the Federation) will come home and send you to the corner for time out.
The pitiful nature of your existance has been laid clear for all too see. As a servile cur you feel free to act only so long as your master is not paying attention to you. When called back to account you can be expected to resume your former subservient manner.
It is clear your government will not be content until you turn half of our territory into a new Bajor. Having seen your true goal, which we suspected all along, we reject your proposal and decline any further communication with you. We turn to the one true power in the region to deliver us from your evil. Failing that we pledge again to resist you to the last. You will reach out an arm to gather the prizes of your aggression and will pull back a bloody stump.
We invite the Federation's decision in this matter. Despite our differences they have treated us fairly and honorably and have shown no territorial ambition against our peoples. We will trade our full independence to them for security and survival. In turn the Federation will ensure peace, stability and justice in this region of space. If they spurn our offer than we promise to pull the Cardassian aggressors into a confligration that will make the occupation of Bajor look like a weekend at Risa by comparison.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:48 pm
by Nickswitz
As much as it pains the Ferengi alliance to let you all know, you all have heard of the news of the Ferengi alliance and the Kazon, we will have to cut down on trade to fit our allotment, we have overused our allotment by 1 million and need to cut back on some. Any who would like us to lower our export to you feel free to contact the alliance.
Also, we are not planning on attempting to retrieve the space that the Kazon has taken from us, and if they feel the want to be accepted back in then they will be accepted back in as citizens within our space without any punishment. However, let it be known, any Kazon ships that enter our space, will be destroyed on sight, and will not be given any chance to surrender, they will be treated as enemies of the state. We would like to ask for any assistance from any of our allies, if you would like to assist us in our patrols we would gladly take the assistance.
From the Ferengi Counsel, we thank you for your time. End transmission.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:58 am
by Nickswitz
Although not directly accusing the Klingon Empire of any wrongdoing, we would like to ask why you would allow a known hostile race access to weaponized ships, especially without informing the territory reigning over them. Although it is your own business what you provide to any group or any species, it would seem rather obvious what their intent was.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:50 am
by Deepcrush
Nickswitz wrote:Although not directly accusing the Klingon Empire of any wrongdoing, we would like to ask why you would allow a known hostile race access to weaponized ships, especially without informing the territory reigning over them. Although it is your own business what you provide to any group or any species, it would seem rather obvious what their intent was.
The intent of the Empire was to fill a contract that had been requested of us through Ferengi buyers. Perhaps the Ferengi Alliance should better care for their space and people. Since even the Federation feels free to sell arms at will. The Klingon Empire has no issue with who buys a few outdated scout vessels.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:31 am
by Lt. Staplic
The Federation has deliberated long and hard over the recent situation between the Tzenkethi and our allies the Cardassians. We do not doubt the Cardassians in their description of events that happened along their border; however, we cannot ignore a cry for help and peace either. After much deliberation we have decided to accept the Tzenkethi as a protectorate of the Federation. All military craft are to stand down and will be turned over to the Federation forces upon our arrival. We do not wish to anger our Cardassian allies in this move and welcome the Cardassian politicians to take part in the reconstruction of the Tzenkethi Government. After the thirty years the Federation will make a determination of the Tzenkethi situation, if we fear that this situation will resume after the Tzenkethi fleet is returned we will not allow the Tzenkethi to regain their full military.
The Federation would also like to take this time to address the troubles within the Ferangi Alliance. The Federation will continue to abide by it's policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other powers. The Federation therefore will not get involved in the Ferangi Civil War. However this warning goes out to the Kazon: We have delt with you before and any attempt at Conquest will not be tolerated. The Kazon have their state, but if they continue actions against any other power, or restrict any Ferangi from rejoining the Alliance, the Federation will take action against the Kazon.
We would also like to ask our honor full Klingon allies to be more cautious in their arms sails. We too became complacent with not watching the backgrounds of the various markets passing through our space, however I think this is a chance for us all to learn. Therefore as an honor bound race I know that there was no intent to allow this to happen, and I hope that my request of tighter regulation on arms sails to be weighed within the great chambers of the Klingon Council.
That is all I wish to address at this time.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:57 am
by Nickswitz
We apologize and will from now on make sure that no communiques go out for buying armed vessels without the counsels signature, and we thank the federation for their kind assistance if and when it is necessary.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:45 pm
by Nickswitz
In response to the recent Kazon attack the Breen are offering a sizable fleet to patrol the border of the planets that defected, if any Kazon ships attempt to pass they will be destroyed and if captured will be treated as prisoners of war, if any Ferengi wish to entire they must first hail the blockade, and offer their intentions, upon entry they will be escorted to a planet of their choice and released on that planet by the escort. For the well-being of all other nations we have required the knowledge of each of the ships and also to have a Ferengi representative aboard each of their ships.
At this point our citizens trust no one, therefore once the blockade is no longer needed we will ask for the Breen to leave. We thank all for their cooperation and for all assistance given.
Transmission ended.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:21 pm
by Nickswitz
Based on overwhelming request from the populace, we are planning on regaining the planets that the Kazon have annexed. If any Kazon survive the encounter they will be allowed stay in our space, as prisoners of war, if anyone else would like them, we would be more than happy to ship them to you. Until we get word back from the Breen confederacy we will not know what we have, but we do ask for any assistance possible from other fleets, as the Ferengi fleet is very small due to high costs of building ships. Due to this action we will be militarizing much more once we are stabilized.
If anyone would like to offer assistance or request information please contact us via private communique. We are sorry for any confusion but we did not realize until the public outcry just how much these planets meant to the people. We will fight to take them back until they are all back under Ferengi rule for our people's sake.
Thank you again for all the support we have attained during this time of difficulty.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:20 pm
by Deepcrush
Lt. Staplic wrote:We would also like to ask our honor full Klingon allies to be more cautious in their arms sails. We too became complacent with not watching the backgrounds of the various markets passing through our space, however I think this is a chance for us all to learn. Therefore as an honor bound race I know that there was no intent to allow this to happen, and I hope that my request of tighter regulation on arms sails to be weighed within the great chambers of the Klingon Council.
The Klingon Empire will agree to halt arms sales if the Federation agrees to remove any and all Federation warships and designs from the Cardassian Empire.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:17 am
by Lt. Staplic
While my comment was meant for more of a general precaution on future sails for all. I would be willing to host a conference discussion a restriction of Arms sails for the future. Any that wish to attend should please communicate such.
I also have this release from the President:
Due to our pledge of non-interference we will not allow passage of warships through our space to take part in the Ferangi Civil War which is beginning to bloom from the secession of planets.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:15 am
by Mark
My dear Klingon ambassador, how exactly do you suggest that designs that are bought and paid for, and now under Cardassian manufacture, with full liscensing, be revoked?