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Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:21 am
by Mikey
From Bad Religion's "Empty Causes" on the album The Gray Race

everwhere you looked there was confusion, violence, drama and drugs
so many righteous revolutionaries spouting utopian love
everyone shrouded in purple haze
then one day they woke up from their dream state
they found themselves no more at peace than before
older, meek, and conformed

empty causes
a bluster for the soul, a fix for their mind
empty causes
cling to everything you find

well, the shots rang out like popcorn
and the Chief was hit and rushed out of sight
the mohawk-chain, leather brigade rejoiced maliciously on that night
someone cried out "fuck the government"
his mates couldn't define what he meant
so no one gave him the time of day
and the scene died away

empty causes
a war for the body, an army in the mind
empty causes
losing steam as time goes by

could it be that everybody selfishly desires their own personal retinue
and that causes are just manifestations
of too much time and far to little to do

empty causes
direction for the soul, conviction for the mind
empty causes
cling to everything you find
empty causes
you've got yours and I've got mine

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:00 am
by stitch626
"Rule #1 is: young men die. Rule #2 is: doctors can't change rule #1." - Colonel Henry Blake, M*A*S*H

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:20 am
by Tsukiyumi
stitch626 wrote:"Rule #1 is: young men die. Rule #2 is: doctors can't change rule #1." - Colonel Henry Blake, M*A*S*H
Was that from the movie, or the show? I haven't seen the movie in a while.

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:22 am
by stitch626
The show. Can't remember which ep, but its one of my favorites.

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:46 pm
by Jabber Swarky
When in deadly danger
When beset by doubt
Run in little circles
Wave your arms and shout

-Commissar Ciaphas Cain, from Hero Of The Imperium

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:34 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Dr. House: [after seeing Dr. Chase walk past] Did you just see a blond guy with a pretentious accent?
Applicant #24: Can't see an accent.
Dr. House: Good point.

Dr. House: I fired you!
Applicant #6: [wearing his number upside down] No, you didn't.
Applicant #24: He fired you. You're number 6.
Applicant #6: No, I'm not. I'm number 9.
Dr. House: I approve of your shamelessness. You're still fired.


Dr. House: Vitamin D is metabolized by both the liver and kidneys, it wouldn't tells us which one screwed up
Applicant #6: We could get her wasted. Give her shots of tequila measure how long it takes her to pass out. If it's too fast it means her liver's not processing alcohol, means it's shot.
Dr. House: I like you number 9.

Dr. House: If you want to stop car accidents, take out air bags and put in three inch machete. Everyone will drive three miles an hour

Thirteen: We should have him spend a night in the sleep lab and see if he gets a reflex erection.
Dr. House: Confirmation is for wimps and altar boys! We don't need to wait for a reflex. If he can't get engorged the way god intended, he can't get engorged [looks at Cameron]
Dr. Cameron: I'm not showing him my boobs.
Dr. House: Lack of response to your chest tells us nothing. Thirteen, show him y - I gotta find a decent set of knockers around here.
Dr. Cameron: Your porn is in the second drawer

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:13 am
by Tsukiyumi
House has so many great lines. :D

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:29 pm
by Sonic Glitch
I really need to start watching that show...

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:08 pm
by Sonic Glitch
"The word is no. I am therefore going anyway."

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:40 pm
by JudgeKing
"Jesus can walk on water, but Chuck Norris can walk on Jesus"
~My Brother

"Prometheus is the name of the sole spaceship (with the exception of the others) built with the newly discovered technologies acquired by the team. It is made entirely out of recycled soft-drink cans, and has been known to exceed several thousand kilometres per second. This makes it the fastest Earth spaceship named Prometheus in existance, and is included in the 2007 Guinness book of Records. Prometheus is an armed ship, and maintains an active battery of guns, and several missiles, although it has been widely criticized due to its shields, which have been known to drop from 100% to 20% at the slightest hint of enemy fire. It was once rumoured that a new sonic weapon, Anya, would be deployed. Critics have pointed out that sound doesn't go anywhere in space. The US Military has yet to respond to these allegations, however, a leaked document has been sighted with the phrase "even in space, you can hear Anya scream". "
~Uncyclopedia on the BC-303 Prometheus

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:49 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
"In space no one can hear your mind snap." -Apollo 9(the comic) motto

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:02 pm
by Reliant121
"Mundian Te Bach Ke" - Punjabi MC

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:36 pm
by JudgeKing
Science is victory...

And victory is life!

Damn now i got an image of jem hadar in lab coats with beakers and pen guards...
~Grand Admiral Kharr (Spacebattles user)

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:05 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Speed Racer JR: It's fine just don't spy on me with a robot monkey again. There's something I never thought I'd say.

Re: Favorite Quotes

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:29 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
From my favorite movie, Short Circuit:

Ben Jabituya: I am thinking she is a virgin. Or at least she used to be

Ben Jabituya: Newton, we are wasting valueless time here

Ben Jabituya: I don't know about you, but I am planning to scream and run

Skroeder: What the hell does it need input for?
Newton Crosby: I don't know; I guess it can't triangulate its position.
Howard Marner: That's a simple function.
Newton Crosby: Can you triangulate YOUR position, Howard?
Howard Marner: No.
Newton Crosby: Well, then - there you go!

Howard Marner: Crosby, we're going to have to ask you to surrender the robot.
Newton Crosby: Stat?
Howard Marner: Stat!
Newton Crosby: What does that mean, anyway?
Howard Marner: I don't know. But that's not the point

Howard Marner: What if it goes out and melts down a bus load of nuns? How would you like to write the headline on that one?
Benjamin Jabituya: Nun soup?

Number 5: Hey Laserlips. Your mama was a snowblower

Number 5: Frankie, you broke the unwritten law. You ratted on your friends. When you do that Frankie, your enemies don't respect you. You got no friends no more. You got nobody, Frankie

Howard Marner: Great. Great. So, instead of 11 million dollars on the loose - we're gonna have twenty-two.
Ben Jabituya: And plus, we are needing gas money

Skroeder: Maybe it's pissed off.
Newton Crosby: It's a machine, Schroeder. It doesn't get pissed off, it doesn't get happy, it doesn't get sad, it doesn't laugh at your jokes...
Newton Crosby, Ben Jabituya: ...IT JUST RUNS PROGRAMS!

Newton Crosby: [makes a computer hand show its middle finger to Ben and chuckles very smugly]
Ben Jabituya: Is that a 'yes' or the number of your intelligence quotient, uh?

Frank: How, robot. Me - friend.
Stephanie Speck: Talk computer, not Apache

Newton Crosby: Howard, what's there safe about blowing people up?

Stephanie Speck: Life is NOT a malfunction

And from Short Circuit 2

Johnny Five: Doctor Ruth says, "Violence is an expression of sexual frustration".

Jones: Okay, Jerk-off. You're gonna get recycled.
Johnny Five: [imitating a Jewish man] Oh, yeah? Well, recycle this, you meshuggana schmuck!
[Brooklyn accent]
Johnny Five: Get outta my face, you ugly motha!
[Spanish accent]
Johnny Five: Tu mama hace el amor con mi perro!
[imitating Sylvester Stallone]
Johnny Five: Yo, come on, you bug-eyed geek.
[imitating Clint Eastwood]
Johnny Five: Do you feel lucky, punk?