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Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:26 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Clearly, the Federation's comments mean that they intend to dictate policy on the very survival of our civilizations rather than co-operate with other nations. The Breen Confederacy finds this extremely distasteful, but not unexpected.
If the Federation wishes to act unilaterally on this matter, we second the Cardassian Union in the call that other sovereign nations interested in their survival sign a mutual defense pact against the Borg. However, we will not agree to defend the Federation if they insist on following their current policies of belligerence toward other sovereign powers and aggressive expansion of power. If the Borg come through the anomaly the Federation insists is theirs, it should be their responsibility to defend the local region. Of course, as we of the Confederacy have stated, if the Borg are allowed to assimilate the Federation's phase cloaking technology, they will be unstoppable. Defense of the anomaly should fall to the Gorn Hegemony and the Klingon Empire, especially as the anomaly is in their territory. Federation vessels with phase cloaking technology should not be near the anomaly.
If a Borg attack comes from their traditional transwarp network, we will defend the local territory alongside our allies to the last of us. If the incursion comes through the anomaly, we will hold the Federation directly responsible, as we have stated earlier.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:31 pm
by stitch626
I also must ask, what other hostiles were encountered by the lost and found Voyager? Perhaps some of them (maybe one with cloak) could pose a small threat as well.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:05 am
by Mark
I'm afraid that I must validate the concerns of my estiemed Breen colleague. Were the Borg, or even any other hostile power in the Delta Quadrant aquire Starfleets phase cloak tech, that could indeed spell dire consequences for the rest of us. I propose a concession. Only standard cloaking devices be used in the Delta Quadrent for the time being. That shouldn't pose much of a risk, for as we all know at the engagement that the Federation has named The Battle of Wolf 359 the Borg were able to aquire Klingon cloaking tech and seem to have disguarded it for whatever reason.
I for one would not like to see a Borg cube fly THREW our re-emerging defenses only to appear in orbit over Cardassia.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:09 am
by Lt. Staplic
I'm sorry but I will not sign over the ability to make decisions for a fleet composed primarily of federation vessels. Unless my forces are matched by all powers it will not happen. I will not let my forces be the strength and numbers of a fleet under joint control and I will not sign a treaty that leaves anyone out to critisize or otherwise manipulate the situations that fleet may be subject to
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:19 am
by Nickswitz
I think that asking you not to use the phase cloaking is a fair request as the borg could acquire it and then they would be most certainly undefeatable.
Also, if someone happens to find a small Ferengi ship in the Delta Quadrant we would be very pleased to get it back. It was lost a while back when Voyager was still in the Delta Quadrant. Thank you very much.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:26 am
by Deepcrush
The Klingon Empire wishes to know what terms this conference is looking for. Is it for keeping the UFP from using Phase Cloak technology or just not using it in the Delta Quadrant?
Also, if there is a vote to form a joint fleet with the UFP in the form of an Anti-Borg Defense Force. Then gathering such a force from the combined might of all the lesser powers shouldn't be to difficult. What will be is selecting a single voice to command that fleet.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:51 am
by Nickswitz
I wish to hold the conference in an effort to create a dedicated force against the Borg in case of an incursion. The cloak we only wish not to be used in the Delta Quadrant, we do not care if they use it within the confines of their space.
And towards the Federation, were you interested in a force of us all to meat your fleet, or each individually. If as a joint fleet then I would be pleased to contribute 50 of our D'Kora class towards that.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:14 am
by Deepcrush
Nickswitz wrote:And towards the Federation, were you interested in a force of us all to meat your fleet, or each individually. If as a joint fleet then I would be pleased to contribute 50 of our D'Kora class towards that.
Our forces in the Delta Quadrant will inform the High Council if they find anything of value. From there, the information will be passed to those in need of it.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:31 am
by Sonic Glitch
For the record, our proposal was not to create a unified Borg Defense Command as some seem to have interpreted it, but a proposal to pool Borg-Related Intelligence and pool the monetary and research and development capabilities of all those who stand to lose to a Borg incursion.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:32 am
by Lt. Staplic
In light of the recent comments on the phase cloak and the security of the system, I have this to say on behalf of the Federation: of the present parties I have had the most contact with the Borg, I do not need to be lectured on the dangers of the Borg assimilating advanced technology. However with our experience it has been theorized that the Borg wouldn't care about the phase cloak. It is a known fact they have encountered cloaking tech before, but choose not to field it. Why they do this isn't known for sure, but it is likely due to the nature of the collective. I will also point out again, that I have no warships or any ship with a phase cloak within the Delta Quadrant, it is only the Klingons who have deployed their newest and most advanced starships to that region.
I would also like to state that I am currently drawing up plans for an Anti-Borg Defense treaty. When it is complete, I shall inform you all of the proposal.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:50 am
by Lt. Staplic
Anti-Borg Treaty:
The signers of this treaty do hereby acknowledge these three truths: The Borg represent a major threat to the sovereignty of all parties, all parties wish to take measures to ensure their safety against this threat, and all parties recognize the benefits of cooperating to achieve these aims.
In light of this we agree to establish a force that will respond to all threats against the Borg stationed at the Clok'cha system and will operate no more than three light years from either terminus of the wormhole, unless engaging the Borg from within the aforementioned territory. The forces assigned to the Joing Borg Task Force (JBTF) require six months of warning before entering or exiting the Task force at the Command Area so the Commander of the JBTF can make arrangements to include or exclude the ships involved. The Commander of these Forces will be selected based of the representation of the powers. Each power shall receive votes commensurate with the strength of their commitment on a one-to-one basis. The vote will last for a minimum of six months and a maximum of two years before another vote will be called.
Additionally, any attack by the Borg which does not originate in the Clok'Cha system will be discussed by the leaders of the parties involved and an action decided upon. Any aggression from a Delta Quadrant race that is NOT the Borg will be discussed by the leaders of the parties involved and an action decided upon.
==EDIT: Sorry forgot a clause==
At no time will the commander of the force be allowed to order any ship or party to divulge it's technology or other information to his or any other party. The function of the Commander is simply to direct the operation of the force quickly and efficiently.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:57 am
by Lt. Staplic
I also would like to state that the above is not a final copy, although I do believe it is a good starting point. I'm sure many minor revisions still need to be made.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:58 am
by Nickswitz
I will sign it and devote the 50 D'Kora's I promised before.
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:32 am
by Deepcrush
Instead of choosing by force, maybe it should be a vote. A vote by all to select a commander. One honorable voice that we all agree to follow into battle! As we must agree that this whole order is a matter of trust. We must start with trust. So I say that no one should vote for their own. That we must look to others in this time. Each power will have a single vote to cast.
From there we will select two who will aid the new "Supreme Commander" in his tasks. These secondary commanders will be drawn by nomination from any of the other powers.
(So, one Commander, two XO's, we all vote for the commander and then we nominate two leaders who are of a different faction then the Commander)
Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:55 am
by Lt. Staplic
I agree with the notion of trust that the Klingons speak of. I do think that the revision there is a bit excessive. I think that the number of votes per party should be related to the size of the force they put forth, otherwise we will loose our incentive to provide any ships at all.
I also believe that each power has the right to vote for whom ever they wish, to fully open up the ability of our parties to choose. Finally, the CO when elected will appoint his two XO's from two other parties who did not win.
In the end the CO will be elected and the two XO's appointed by the CO and neither of the three will be from the same party.