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Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:13 am
by Deepcrush
Lt. Staplic wrote:The Federation took action to determine what it was up against...unless you care to deny the purchase of cloaks from the Klingons during the negotiations of the Non-Proliferation treaty (which is not the same things as the Terrados Accords) which is a gross violation of the spirit of the treaty, the purchase of disruptor technology, and the construction of newer and larger warships.
Correction! The Klingon Empire never sold weapons to the Breen Confederacy! Also, the trade agreements between the Klingon Empire and the Breen Confederacy was signed BEFORE the Non-Proliferation treaty was even dreamed.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:36 am
by Lt. Staplic
Regardless.....I for one do not wish to go to war, but I will if you force me...I wish to again offer my compromise. I will maintain rights of the space I have claimed (a few thousand cubic kilometers). I will also pay to build two first line defensive stations to protect the Wormhole. The Gorn will then gain rights to station a defensive force at the Beta Quadrant station, and the Klingon's gain rights to station a defensive force at the Delta Quadrant station.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:47 am
by Tsukiyumi
Lt. Staplic wrote:The Federation took action to determine what it was up against...unless you care to deny the purchase of cloaks from the Klingons during the negotiations of the Non-Proliferation treaty (which is not the same things as the Terrados Accords) which is a gross violation of the spirit of the treaty, the purchase of disruptor technology, and the construction of newer and larger warships.

If you really want to start a war over a few thousand km of space so be it.
Our negotiations with the Klingon Empire are not Federation business, and we had developed cloaking devices years before any treaties were signed. Our development of Disruptor technology was gained by observation of other powers, not subterfuge. Your intel is as faulty as your fake overtures towards peace in this region. Peace under Federation rule is not peace, but indoctrination and subjugation. You are the power developing massive warships, and deploying advanced cloaking technology on one hand, while trying to reprimand other powers for doing the same.

You have openly flaunted your power, and used it to bully other sovereign nations into falling in line with your ideals, using veiled threats and open espionage. How else would you know about dealings between the mighty Klingon Empire and the colossal Breen Confederacy? Our government is as strong as ever, and we will not tolerate any further aggressive actions without regard to the other trillions of sapient beings in this region.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:25 pm
by Nickswitz
If I may interject, I think that since the Federation lays claim to that space, I believe that they should not only bow to the powers around them, but give up the space in total.

As foolish as this may sound to the Federation I will further explain. Instead of arguing about that space make it truly neutral space, make an outpost in the area, and allow all of the reiging powers to have representatives aboard this station. I will gladly pool some resources towards the construction of this station as well in order to see peace throughout the quadrant.

As well as this, I will take no sides on this matter, as many of you have seen, we have allowed for many of the powers to use our assets, and we are again ready to offer our assets to help introduce peace as well as encourage exploration of this wormhole. This station in the belief of the Ferengi should be that devoted to science and to exploration of the wormhole as well as the other side of the wormhole.

Is anyone interested in this idea?

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:45 pm
by Mark
:::grins mischeviously:::

If you'd like a neutrel party to run it, I'm sure that the Cardassia Defense Force would be willing to construct and man a NOR class station at the mouth of the wormhole.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:49 pm
by Lt. Staplic
I am already constructing my station in the area...I have offered my compromise, which will allow the Gorn, Klingon, and Federation fleets to defend the wormhole together, with each party having a degree of sovereignty in the defense of the wormhole, but the wormhole and space needed to guard it are to remain Federation space.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:54 pm
by Nickswitz
The problem with that is that you are laying claim to it. If instead we all agreed free usage of it, with some amount of restriction of course, then we will not have this issue.

But again, I am a neutral party, and for me, either is good for business, so it does not matter to me in the end.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:58 pm
by The piman
yo. As for the Tholian Assembly, we respect the right of the Fed to maintain its find of the wormhole and only the necessary space around it. It was their exploration team that discovered it. If we keep on having fiasco like this every time somebody discovers something outside their territory, then what exactly is the point of exploration?

Tholian Assembly

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:50 am
by Deepcrush
Lt. Staplic wrote:I am already constructing my station in the area...I have offered my compromise, which will allow the Gorn, Klingon, and Federation fleets to defend the wormhole together, with each party having a degree of sovereignty in the defense of the wormhole, but the wormhole and space needed to guard it are to remain Federation space.
The Klingon Empire will speak with the Gorn on this. If all is agreed, then it will be so.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:37 pm
by Deepcrush
After speaking with the Gorn. We have come to the agreement that this compromise is acceptable. By order of the Klingon Empire, the Klingon forces around the newly found wormhole will end their blockade.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:51 pm
by Tsukiyumi
We are reluctant to do so, but we will recall our task force as well. We believe further discussion on the matter of security in the region surrounding the anomaly is warranted.

To the Federation: we are aware of the extensive Borg presence in the Delta Quadrant, and we will consider your government directly responsible if the Borg launch an incursion against one of our allies via your anomaly.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:05 pm
by Mark see? We're all friends again.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:34 pm
by stitch626
That's a bit of a stretch, but at least the threat of war has been reduced.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:01 am
by Deepcrush
The Klingon Empire has selected a fleet to represent our interests in the Delta Quadrant. They well be deployed shortly and without cloak as to make no mistake of their purpose.

Re: SIM Galaxy IC Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:38 am
by Tsukiyumi
And now one of the Federation's founding members openly compares the Klingon Empire a group of star faring thugs. Very subtle.

While we are impressed with the Federation's handling of the Kazon nuisance, we are still wary of a possible Borg incursion through the Federation's anomaly, and are uneasy about their ability to contain such an event.

After all, we of the Breen Confederacy are confident that all major powers in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are aware of the repeated attempts by the Collective to assimilate Federation technology, and spread their plague through our space. With the Federation's implementation of phase cloaking technology on a large number of their combat vessels, it seems rather likely to us that such technology will fall into the possession of the Borg during the inevitable combat to ensue, and it will magnify their power drastically.

We believe the anomaly is a danger to the security of the entire region because of this, and are not confident of the ability of the Federation to prevent this. We propose that the anomaly be destroyed at once. At the least, the Federation should limit it's vessels in the Delta Quadrant to those without phase cloaking technology.