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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:27 pm
by Reliant121
Perhaps we are repentent...for a crime such as ours it is necessary. If you do not feel the need, then you prove your moral ineptitude. We have no business dealing with monstrosities.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:16 pm
by Tyyr

Ignorance? Once again we point out that you do not discuss diplomacy between border guards. Words of peace? Half-hearted complaining are not words of peace. Nothing in the words we suggested amounts to threats of force beyond those implied in the normal course of action of nation States. That you ignore an entire class of actions as possibilities in securing the peace goes beyond foolish into the idiotic and makes a mockery of your pursuit of "peace". Besides, your own actions belie your words. Or have you not maintained the peace many times through the deployment of warships to your enemy's borders, are you now not sending warships towards our border? You won't use threats of force to maintain the peace? Liar. You even say that as you declare war on another power? You either have no shame or no sense, perhaps both. You use force when it suits you and right now it suits you very well doesn't it? The Taiidan have no issue with the use of Force as a policy of the state, but we do take issue with cowards and hypocrites who cannot admit the reality of their actions.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:11 pm
by Tyyr

And so the allies begin their liberation of the Ferengi by... killing billions of Ferengi. We admit we find your methods... odd. We are however quite pleased to announce that Taiidan casualties in these attacks were zero. Actually that is incorrect. I've been informed that a filing clerk suffered a very nasty paper cut when collating the reports.

Ah, reports are now coming in. Total Ferengi casualties were approximately 27 billion dead with four Ferengi worlds now rendered uninhabitable. It would appear that the "allies" have managed to comfortably surpass the Turei's self immolation. Impressive. Oh, and another 52 billion dead Ferengi and three more worlds including their homeworld sterilized. Most impressive as the "allies" have now managed to inflict more casualties than even we did and in a most indiscriminate way that appears to only have been meant to slaughter civilians as no attempt was even made to impact military installations.

This does prompt an interesting question however. Your constant moralizing appeared to be an attempt to paint us as morally inferior to you in an effort to justify your war. Where precisely do we stand now?

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:47 pm
by Tyyr

The Taiidan Directorate has accepted the United Federation of Planets offer of humanitarian aid in the wake of the Cardassian attack on our citizens. We have a truce in effect with the UFP and will not take hostile action against them. Any other power wishing to offer aid may do so if they agree to a truce. The transfer point for aid ships is the border adjacent to system 181. Aid ships will be unarmed and carry only sufficient fuel to allow transit to a designated planet, conduct operations, and return. All ships will submit to inspection. Any ship attempting to enter Directorate space at any other point, any ship carrying weapons, any ship with excessive amount of antimatter, or any ship from a power that has not declared a truce will be destroyed and there will be no warnings.

Finally, to the allies, unless you condone the Cardassian's actions remove your ships from their space and close your borders with them immediately. We will not visit the wanton destruction upon their worlds that they inflicted upon ours but the deaths of 200 billion Directorate citizens and the destruction of 27 life bearing worlds will not go unpunished.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:15 pm
by Deepcrush
As the Union is a member of the ISA, the Imperium will support the ISA's actions in deciding a punishment for the Union's leadership. We will await response from the ISA on this matter before taking action.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:16 pm
by Mark
:::message from Cardassia:::

In response to the unprovoked invasion of Cardassia, and the wholesale slaughter of innocent Cardassian civillians, a retaliatory strike was launched, authorized by the office of the President of the Cardassian Union.

We were content to restrict our disagreement to military forces and targets until our invaders decided to set the rules of engagement.

This war was escelated not by us, but by this so called "Migrant Fleet". Our military forces were attempting to withdraw, when an invading fleet first threatened to, and then opened fire on the civilian population of Orias, killing in excess of one billion people. The Teuri witnesses this first hand and can verify this incident.

The targeting of our civillians will not and will never be tolerated in any way, shape, or form again. We regret the nessessity of this loss of life, and deeply regret the losses suffered by our Breen allies. Rest assured that reperations will be made.

This has happened to the Union before, and will never be tolerated again. It is the duty and responsibility of the Government and the Military to protect her citizens from said atrocities.

It is now clear to any and all that any attack against civillian Cardassian targets will be met with an overwhelming response. Remember this the next time any consideres harming a Cardassian civillian.

The President of Cardassia will not stand trial for any crimes unless the leader of this hostile force stands on trial next to him.

:::end transmission:::

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:21 pm
by Tyyr

You incomparable idiot. You claim our attack was unprovoked and yet you openly allowed forces that had declared war against us to stage in your space? You allow the Breen to launch attacks against our worlds from your space. You call our attack unprovoked? Are you so mentally deficient as to think we would allow you to harbor those attacking us without consequence?

"You regret this loss of life?" You simply "regret" killing 200 billion Ferengi civilians? You just "regret" rendering 27 worlds incapable of supporting life? You somehow pretend that your attempted genocide of the Ferengi has anything to do with the security of your worlds? Your overwhelming response resulted in the loss of a handful of militia troops for the Taiidan and the deaths of 200 billion of the people you were supposedly looking to liberate.

Do not worry about standing trial. There will be no trial. We will hunt you down, we will find you, and will drag you out of whatever hole you chose to hide in and we will peel the skin from your flesh before feeding your carcass to the scavengers.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:22 pm
by Deepcrush
As a public note, as of this date, the Tiidan leadership has refused the Imperium's offer of cease-fire.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:35 pm
by Sonic Glitch
On behalf of the United Federation of Planets and the Gorn/Tholian Hegemony we would like to announce the Cardassian Union is no longer a member of the Interstellar Security Alliance, nor is he a member of the Quadrant Alliance.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:52 pm
by Mark
Tyyr wrote:Image

You incomparable idiot. You claim our attack was unprovoked and yet you openly allowed forces that had declared war against us to stage in your space? You allow the Breen to launch attacks against our worlds from your space. You call our attack unprovoked? Are you so mentally deficient as to think we would allow you to harbor those attacking us without consequence?

"You regret this loss of life?" You simply "regret" killing 200 billion Ferengi civilians? You just "regret" rendering 27 worlds incapable of supporting life? You somehow pretend that your attempted genocide of the Ferengi has anything to do with the security of your worlds? Your overwhelming response resulted in the loss of a handful of militia troops for the Taiidan and the deaths of 200 billion of the people you were supposedly looking to liberate.

Do not worry about standing trial. There will be no trial. We will hunt you down, we will find you, and will drag you out of whatever hole you chose to hide in and we will peel the skin from your flesh before feeding your carcass to the scavengers.

200 billion of your citizens would be sleeping soundly in their beds tonight, if your military forces hadn't executed a billion innocent Cardassians. There was no invasion planned from our space, you baboon. Forces were "staging" for defensive measures. Had you bothered to use basic intelligence gathering techniques, you would have learned that.

And a question to our former "allies". When we notified you via subspace of the launch of the Dreadnaught strike, why did we not recieve a single abort request? You had days to respond, but did not.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:14 am
by Reliant121
Because you had specified military targets! Shipyards, orbital stations etc. Not an entire damn planet, let alone 20+ of them.

EDIT: From the position of my government, the Turei High Republic will no longer support the Cardassian Union in protest over the overwhelmingly abhorrent actions they have committed. They have managed to prove themselves more spiteful than either ourselves or the Taiidan today, and we will not support them. We are cutting off all diplomatic ties at this time to appease our people.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:11 pm
by Tyyr
Mark wrote:200 billion of your citizens would be sleeping soundly in their beds tonight, if your military forces hadn't executed a billion innocent Cardassians. There was no invasion planned from our space, you baboon. Forces were "staging" for defensive measures. Had you bothered to use basic intelligence gathering techniques, you would have learned that.

And a question to our former "allies". When we notified you via subspace of the launch of the Dreadnaught strike, why did we not recieve a single abort request? You had days to respond, but did not.
And a billion Cardassians would be sleeping soundly tonight if your military commanders weren't cowards. We can go round and round like this until the heat death of the universe but nothing changes the fact that you ordered the launch. You did. Not the Taiidan, not your allies, you did.

And an invasion of our space is not a "defensive measure." If you truly wanted to remain neutral you wouldn't have let those at war with us into your space. A simple declaration that you are remaining out of the conflict would have solved the issue entirely. Instead you ignore our inquiry as to your intentions, allow forces who have declared war on us to stage in your space, and then some of those forces attacked our space from yours. Trying to whitewash what you did as defensive measures rings a bit hollow when those half a million Breen soldiers you murdered originated from Cardassian space.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:17 pm
by Nickswitz
The Sheliak as well take the side of the Turei and wish to be neutral until the ISA has ruled on the Union's actions.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:18 pm
by Reliant121
We wish to clarify: At this time we have not left the war. The allies at large are still together. But the fate of the Union is separate from our own.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:37 pm
by Nickswitz
Seeing as a ruling has been reached the Sheliak council has decided that we will remain fighting on the side of the ISA.