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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:06 am
by Deepcrush
Nickswitz wrote:Because news services have never bent a story in order to make it sound more "juicy" as the humans like to say. And you've never jumped full force into something without a full investigation. And no, actually the only sources we have saying anything similar were you saying that you could not release that information, and the federation stating that the News Service is a non-government entity and is not obligated to reveal their sources and thus will not. So we have yet to receive any reports similar to yours.

As we stated previously, the other reports we received which seemed slightly less biased stated that there were 'heavy' casualties for civilians, and the other stating there were few civilian casualties. So we have no reports similar to yours given to us, only very vague reports that were recorded from those who were reportedly fairly close to the situation, and not fleeing in the opposite direction of the attacks.
Denial seems to run thick in your little alliance, but it doesn't matter. We'll be around to deal with you soon enough. You're not the only ones collecting reports and we know that you hid the Romulans, readied their ships and aided them in continuing a war that has now cost more lives then any in our recorded history.

No, no little ones... You like your Romulan friends can keep your lies and twisted tails flowing. Just know now that in the end, burying your heads in the sand won't save you from the waves of time.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:24 am
by Reliant121
We will collect as many sensor reports as is possible on the matter, but it may take some time.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:29 am
by Nickswitz
Deepcrush wrote: Denial seems to run thick in your little alliance, but it doesn't matter. We'll be around to deal with you soon enough. You're not the only ones collecting reports and we know that you hid the Romulans, readied their ships and aided them in continuing a war that has now cost more lives then any in our recorded history.

No, no little ones... You like your Romulan friends can keep your lies and twisted tails flowing. Just know now that in the end, burying your heads in the sand won't save you from the waves of time.
We only deny what cannot be proven. And that of which you will not allow to be proven. So if you would like to blame us for your own delusion that you not giving us a brief overview of what you happened to scan on something that has happened in the past and will not possibly effect the future of these things, then continue believing it is our delusion. You will continue to be wrong.

And we asked that until an investigation could be held you hold off on obliterating the Romulan government, you ignored our request, therefore we helped an ally the only way we could. A treaty had been signed, and we will follow this treaty to our death, it is the way of the Sheliak.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:48 pm
by Reliant121
So far as our sensors have determined, the Romulans did indeed send vessels into the atmosphere of several northwest contested worlds in the Romulan Frontier. The size was indeterminate as atmospheric interference scrambled our LR-sensors. It appears that the bombardment they utilized was aimed at the Klingon troops, but evidently it was haphazard and poorly aimed as the casualties were struck far more at the populace. Your intentions may well have been good, Romulan, but apparently you're crews aim is not.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:16 pm
by stitch626
Unfortunately, being short on crew we had only one person in each shuttle. They were forced to fly and fire at small targets themselves. However, the science ships helped to minimize civilian casualties, as much as possible.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:00 pm
by Lt. Staplic
As I speak, two warring fleets are preparing to deliver death blows to each other. These warriors have fought and died for their nations, and are even now those who survive are preparing to die as they close to take more of their enemy with them. No one can question the bravery or fortitude of these warriors.

But I now ask those who command them, to stop.

I will admit relations between the Federation and the two Empires on our borders have been better. In fact not so long ago they were much better, but we have been down this road before and come back from it, and today, I hope I take the first step to that recovery. Both of you have spilt blood, and both have lost many men and women. Stop this now before more are lost.

I emplore both sides to stop the violence and talk once again, it is time that the bloodshed stops. For the sake of your people, find peace.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:09 pm
by Reliant121
FROM: Office of council Elders
TO: Wider galactic public

We find ourselves in agreement with the Federation on this matter. This destructive apocalypse you have created for yourselves serves neither of your agendas. You will see yourselves weakened or utterly decimated for revenge. Stay this madness, and talk to one another. This violence will cause more damage than it ever needs to.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:47 pm
by Nickswitz
The Sheliak also agree with the Federation and Turei that this fighting should stop. Although we are sure that this request will pass just as the previous ones have, we deeply implore both powers to reevaluate the situation they are in. But if the war ends, it can be investigated and the true culprit can be detained or destroyed. If it turns out that it is the Romulans, then they will be duly punished for their transgression, however if they are not, then the attack by the Klingons is a truly dishonerable attack, attacking an innocent power in order to get revenge for an ill-investigated, if investigated at all case.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:22 pm
by Reliant121
We fear that the shockwave of this war has long since rippled across the stars. Romulan and Klingon Minnows alike will simply be swept into oblivion.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:38 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Please Hear our Call for Peace. No one can doubt that you have fought with honor and courage. But sometimes the bravest warrior is he who does not fight.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:57 pm
by Deepcrush
*Response from the Imperial Office of Foreign Affairs*

As the Federation abandoned diplomatic relations to the Klingon Empire. Your request cannot be forwarded to the High Council at this time.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:53 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Then Listen to the Tueri, we are not alone in this call.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:15 pm
by Deepcrush
Lt. Staplic wrote:Then Listen to the Tueri, we are not alone in this call.
Request Denied. Please apply again once relations are restored.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:11 am
by stitch626
* Representative of the Romulan Government *

At this point, the Romulan Government will accept a cease fire, until which time a surrender or mutual peace can be negotiated.

Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:18 am
by Deepcrush
stitch626 wrote:* Representative of the Romulan Government *

At this point, the Romulan Government will accept a cease fire, until which time a surrender or mutual peace can be negotiated.
A cease fire will be agreed upon when the Romulan Government accepts terms of surrender. We recommend moving such talks to private.