I'm almost embarassed to post this lol, but this is a starship i designed many moons ago... done with paint in Windows 3.1 The USS Michelangelo, purely an exploration vehicle. As i look at it now, i dont like the 3rd nacelle, so i may go back and revise it. maybe put an oberservation deck with labs and such suspended above the "saucer" where teh nacelle is now... dunno... Suggestions/comments?
That engineering hull seems inconsistent... the front view makes it look a lot shallower than the side view does. I like the front version of that better.
If it's a pure science ship, you might want to replace that third nacelle with some sort of big sensor pod perhaps?
Give a man a fire, and you keep him warm for a day. SET a man on fire, and you will keep him warm for the rest of his life...
Agreed, ditch the nacelle and add a science pod or something fun. I like the early looking design, and props to Windows 3.1 Paint =) I used to do all sorts of ugly ships in Paint as a kid. Yours by far beats mine.
Question, however: Where is the warp core? If it is in the secondary hull, then the nacelles off the saucer may not be the most logical place for them.
To this, I'm thinking: What if you kept it a short warp-core, in the rear of the saucer, and the secondary hull be an interchangeable science pod?
Either way, I like what it could look like, if rendered in more advanced digital graphics.
Don't you hear my call, though you're many years away, don't you hear me calling you?
I'd move the top nacelle backwards, considering it can be snapped off quite easily with one blast. Either blance ti by lengthening it more to the bck, thickening the pyon, or by moving the nacelle as a whole backwards.
What era is this intended for? To me it has a bit of a "tween" feel - somewhere between TOS and TNG styling. Also, is that arc I see on the dorsal saucer surface a phaser array, or a row of windows?
Certainly better than the crap I came up with in paint ;P
dbutler1986 wrote:What era is this intended for? To me it has a bit of a "tween" feel - somewhere between TOS and TNG styling. Also, is that arc I see on the dorsal saucer surface a phaser array, or a row of windows?
Certainly better than the crap I came up with in paint ;P
yeah thats what i was going for, maybe around the time when the ambassador class first came about. I think the registry number may be a little off for that, but oh well, i made this when i was like 13 lol...
and it's supposed to be a phaser array.
i think i will definitley change the nacelle into a science pod or something similar... thanks for the comments guys.
D. Sergez wrote:Much Nicer... BTW What Program Do you do that in..
Aslo Is it Free??
Thank you!!
I drew the schematic in AutoCAD 2008 which is definitley not free, in fact its more likely the most expensive program on the planet. One license of 2008 with Civil Design is $15,000. I have it because of my work, but its nice to have for this stuff too lol. Exported it to Photoshop to do the layout and stuff.
Why would you be embarrassed to post this? Its not like we're all gonna go
You obviously put quite a bit of work into that, and alot of thought too! I like it! the front view is ace, but one thing tho, exploration is a risky buisiness, so maybe a *slightly* heavier armament? Thats just a personal opinion.
so, in that case:
here's my opinion on the specs, based only on size and your desired role - exploration:
Impulse Speed: High
Maneuverability: Extreemely high
normal cruise: 7
maximum cruise: 8.75
maximum rated: 9.35 for 24 hours
Multiple advanced sensor systems
2, maybe 3 research labs in total (primary mission is exploration, not science is how I would justify that)
Combat Abilities:
Overall, this ship should be cabable of causing just enough damage to make tracks
I'd say 4 Type VII Phaser Arrays (2 fore dorsal/ventral, 2 aft dorsal/ventral)
One second class photon-torpedo tube designed more for launching probes than torpedoes, total rounds, say, 20
Also, I'd say perhaps a well equipped shuttle bay for planetary missions, etc.
"Beware what you intend to say, those words will always make you pay." - Soilwork
Bryan Moore wrote:I like it, though I do think the nacelles seem a tiny bit small. But good stuff.
Thank you for the comments guys and for the spec ideas MetalHead.
Im not sure ever about how long to make nacelles... compare the soverigns nacelles with voyagers or excelsior to galaxys..... there really seems to be no standard length of nacelle to ship ratio.