Type: Frigate/Fast interceptor.

Production run: 2247 - 2270. Final ship retired in 2279
Ships produced:
USS Newgrounds NCC-1770 - Retired
SS Kimiza NAR-1774 - Destroyed
USS Renegade - NCC-1888 - Retired, replaced by Akula Class Starship of the same name/registry
Plus 29 others built in total. 8 Have been lost in all. 24 have been retired from service.
Length: 210.5 m
Beam: 127.1 m
Height: 45 m
Decks: 10
Crew: 184
Armament: 3 x Type VI dual Phaser banks, total output 4,000 Terawatts
1 x 2nd class Photon Torpedo Launcher with 70 rounds.
Defence Systems: Standard shield system, total capacity 594,000 TeraJoules.
Standard Monotanium Double hull.
Standard level Structural Integrity Field.
Warp Speeds: Normal Cruise : 5.5
Maximum Cruise : 6.8
Maximum Rated : 8.2 for 3 hours.
Deck listing:
Deck 1: Dorsal sensor dome, main bridge, Nacelle control room (outboard).
Deck 2: Briefing room, senior staff Quarters.
Deck 3: Lateral Phaser banks (P/S), VIP quarters, Warp Nacelle Pylons.
Deck 4: Sickbay, Gym, crew quarters, Computer core (top level), Warp Nacelle Pylons.
Deck 5: Science labs, crew quarters, lateral sensor arrays, computer core (mid level), impulse reactors, Deuterium tanks, Shuttlecraft upper storage, Deflector array (internal).
Deck 6: Recreation rooms, Engineering, transporter rooms, computer core (lower level), Shuttlecraft Lower storage.
Deck 7: Crew quarters, Shuttlebay upper deck, antimatter generators.
Deck 8: Torpedo storage and prelaunch system, Shuttlebay mid deck.
Deck 9: Torpedo tube, Main phaser array. Shuttlebay floor.
Deck 10: Ventral sensor dome, tractor beam array.
The Newgrounds class was designed and built alongside several mid 23rd Century starships which shared a very similar design lineage. The nacelles on the Newgrounds are the same type as those used on the Heavy Cruiser Constitution class. The Saucer section is similar, but was heavily modified to incorporate systems normally stored in the secondary hull, such as the Warp core and deflector array. This reduced mass and sleek profile allows the Newgrounds to travel at higher speeds than its bulkier counterpart.
A striking difference to other ships of the time is the addition of a large shuttlebay directly under the Impulse engines. The 2 main impulse engines were also divided with shuttle storage compartments in the hull space between them.
The Class generally served as an interceptor/light carrier, as it has almost no cargo room, but alot of Shuttle/Fighter space and a high warp speed.
Despite being designed to catch up to fast moving enemy ships before additional support could arrive, these ships proved to have very limited combat capability. The weapons arrays were riddled with blind spots, and all the dangerous equipment usually kept in an Engineering hull were crammed into the saucer, making lucky shots a health hazard.
Despite that, the class was a moderate success, with 28 purchased by Starfleet and 4 made for civilian and scientific purposes. The last ship was eventually Mothballed on April 17th, 2279. None were refitted. The USS Caraya has become property of the Starfleet museum, and is permanently docked at the museum's orbital complex."
(Simple Kitbash design of mine, will Fireworks a better copy of that image and get a side view soon)