Video games I love to play!

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Video games I love to play!

Post by 00111010 01000100 »

I’m predominantly a Steam and (formerly) PS4 gamer.
But at present;

While typically bouncing back and forth between brawlhalla, tera, no man’s sky, I have a laundry list of playable games in my steam **library.

-no man’s sky
-portal knights
-Ark survival evolved
-subnautica below zero
-7 days to die
-Borderlands 1,2,3
-space engineers
-halo (master chief edition)
-eve online
-fallout 4
-Star Trek online
-Star conflict
-stars end
-gang beasts
-red dead redemption 2
-interstellar prime
-homeworld remastered collection
-dawn of man
-blender (although not a game)
-final fantasy 14
-beat saber
-red faction re-mars-tered
-Worms W.M.D.
-Black dessert
-Gary’s mod
-rage 2
-quest hunter
-tomb raider
-space engine
-blades and sorcery
-infinity: battlescape
-goats of duty
-planet base
-new world (coming soon but pre-purchased)
-scrap mechanic
-stick fighter
-the wizards

**consists of my steam list, my PS4 list is twice as large so I left it out
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by Nutso »

Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic
Dragon Age: Origins
Minecraft mods like Spacecraft or Fossils & Archeology.
Skyrim (heavily modded)
Fallout 4 (heavily modded). These Bethesda games are boring story wise, so mods give new things to do.
Fallout: New Vegas (lightly modded because it just needs mechanic, memory leak mods.) Great story driven game.
The Outer Worlds
GTA V/Online. I hate the Online part but, it's the only way to enjoy new shit. Haven't played in 2 years though. Right before the mobile club thing is when I uninstalled.
Cities: Skylines (modded)
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

What, no mass effect?
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by 00111010 01000100 »

AlexMcpherson79 wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:50 pm What, no mass effect?
I have them, just not through steam.
Mass effect 1, 2, 3.... and the fourth (andromeda) I preordered on PS4 back when it came out. Crashed twice within 10 minutes of playing. The first 3 games, I absolutely loved (even if I hit dry parts I had issues getting the story to progress ((or changed my mind about the decision I made in conversations)).
As sad as it is, getting PC games via digital copy is preferred and common now (heck, my PC I purchased last year in December didn’t even come with an optical drive). So my other games by Origin, Microsoft (Minecraft), and EA are standalone applications.

Also picked up Anthem -> Was super excited for it back when.. but waited until it was released. Watched with less-than-enthusiastic interest as it collapsed in less than a month of release. 👎🏻 But since it was on sale for like $10USD, figured why not?

As for any Dragon age games, I have Dragon Age: Inquisition for both PC and PS4.
Last edited by 00111010 01000100 on Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by 00111010 01000100 »

Nutso wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:45 pm Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic
Dragon Age: Origins
Minecraft mods like Spacecraft or Fossils & Archeology.
Skyrim (heavily modded)
Fallout 4 (heavily modded). These Bethesda games are boring story wise, so mods give new things to do.
Fallout: New Vegas (lightly modded because it just needs mechanic, memory leak mods.) Great story driven game.
The Outer Worlds
GTA V/Online. I hate the Online part but, it's the only way to enjoy new shit. Haven't played in 2 years though. Right before the mobile club thing is when I uninstalled.
Cities: Skylines (modded)
My youngest is a huge modder fan. I keep trying to get him to actually play a game first before modding it, lol. He doesn’t listen.
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by Nutso »

00111010 01000100 wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:04 pm
Nutso wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:45 pm Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic
Dragon Age: Origins
Minecraft mods like Spacecraft or Fossils & Archeology.
Skyrim (heavily modded)
Fallout 4 (heavily modded). These Bethesda games are boring story wise, so mods give new things to do.
Fallout: New Vegas (lightly modded because it just needs mechanic, memory leak mods.) Great story driven game.
The Outer Worlds
GTA V/Online. I hate the Online part but, it's the only way to enjoy new shit. Haven't played in 2 years though. Right before the mobile club thing is when I uninstalled.
Cities: Skylines (modded)
My youngest is a huge modder fan. I keep trying to get him to actually play a game first before modding it, lol. He doesn’t listen.
I fit's Bethesda games he's modding, it's understandable since those games come with glitches and bugs that are decades old at this point. More often than not, it is the independent modding community that ends up stabilizing the Bethesda gameplay experiences.
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by 00111010 01000100 »

Nutso wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:17 pm
00111010 01000100 wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:04 pm
Nutso wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:45 pm Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic
Dragon Age: Origins
Minecraft mods like Spacecraft or Fossils & Archeology.
Skyrim (heavily modded)
Fallout 4 (heavily modded). These Bethesda games are boring story wise, so mods give new things to do.
Fallout: New Vegas (lightly modded because it just needs mechanic, memory leak mods.) Great story driven game.
The Outer Worlds
GTA V/Online. I hate the Online part but, it's the only way to enjoy new shit. Haven't played in 2 years though. Right before the mobile club thing is when I uninstalled.
Cities: Skylines (modded)
My youngest is a huge modder fan. I keep trying to get him to actually play a game first before modding it, lol. He doesn’t listen.
I fit's Bethesda games he's modding, it's understandable since those games come with glitches and bugs that are decades old at this point. More often than not, it is the independent modding community that ends up stabilizing the Bethesda gameplay experiences.
Bethesda Bugs you say :) ... I avoided 76 like it was the devil in a blue dress but if you’ve played it or any fallout Bethesda games, this will crack you up. Just don’t get caught drinking anything as it may come out your nose!
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by Nutso »

I didn't want to play Fallout '76 because I am really not a fan of online MMO's. Bethesda's reputation for empty-headed, lackluster storytelling, the bugs/glitches, that online gameplay means there will be no modding, the reputation of these MMO's as games built around lootboxes/pay2win schemes just turned me away. Then I read the reviews, the shader issues, the vanishing/freezing enemies, the lack of NPC's in a Fallout game(!). I saw a review where the reviewer described his experience with another player as "I traveled on a bus with a stranger." I knew I didn't miss anything. Then the real trouble happened with the FAllout '76 canvas/not canvas bags, the helmet having dangerous molds (WTF!), the bottle of rum being a regular bottle in a plastic shell, the non-refunds-then refunds, the leak of credit card info, Todd Howard's soul leaking out his eyeballs...

Truth be told, the only games I listed that I actually bought as it was still new, were KoTOR, DA:O, GTA V, and The Outer Worlds. I had been checked out of gaming for a long time now as gaming moved more towards MMO style games, instead of single-player games. The fact that EA canceled the promising Star Wars 1313 project because EA can't make as much money of of single player games as they do off of MMO's still leaves a bitter tastes in my mouth. Now Bioware, an EA subsidiary, and responsible for two of the games I listed, might be going away because of this failed MMO, Anthem.
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by Coalition »

Fallout 76 could have at least had fun a couple weeks ago, with a special mission on April 1. Everyone paying for the online portion gets to play in this as their character, everyone playing for free gets to play as a Radroach.

Situation: Radroaches have taken over a multi-story motel, and the players are sent in to get rid of them. However, this is a game show, so they can't bring along their power armor, super weapons, etc. They all just get basic weapons and armor, and those weapons/armor will break down over time due to use. This clues the player that using weapons found on-site will be needed. Awards are ranked at the end of the day for highest level reached, radroaches killed, most loot picked up, etc.

The special: people who play online for free get to play as Radroaches. They spawn inside the hotel, have their own chat channel, and can be fairly easily killed by the characters. But if they can rush a character, they have a chance to kill them. Lots of small passageways to Radroaches can pop out anywhere.

The goal should be setting up the players to have a mindset of shoot fast and grab any loot they find onsite rapidly. Radroaches will spawn, coordinate, and strike, and in order to survive you have to loot the ammo/armor of previous contestants in order to survive. (This is why they provide cheap weapons/ammo/armor, and tell you to leave your good stuff at home). If a character dies, their body is removed, and only loot is left.

The catch: one of the rooms near the top contains an armed light grenade. So the players will pop in a room, grab everything as fast as they can, and suddenly die. Don't give any clue as to what killed the player, and see how long before people figure it out.
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by T'Pau »

I'm more of a hand held gaming fan (though I've spent some time with Xbox and Wii). That being said, on PSP I've enjoyed Patapon and Big Little World(?), on Nintendo Switch: all the varied Mario games and an odd game about a goose that annoys people to complete various tasks...makes me laugh and laugh. Speaking of laughing, the different Rabbids games on Wii and Switch can send me howling with laughter every time I play them. Perfect for recent lockdown time at home!
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by Tinadrin Chelnor »

I only generally play PC games, most of which are modded either. My favourites that I still play occasionally are:
Stellaris (My current game of choice).
Star Trek: Birth of the Federation (loved this game in its time).
Space Empires V (lots of people hate it, but I enjoy it).

Former favourites that I can't/don't play any longer:
Civilization series (I started on CivNet many aeons ago, and have had every one in the main series. Civilization III is by far my favourite).
Starfleet Command II (not for a long time, since switching to Windows 10).
Starfleet Command III (same as above).
Rome: Total War.
Command and Conquer Red Alert: Retaliation.
Final Fantasy VII.
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by T'Pau »

One PC game I played too much was Spore.
Loved the Wii version even more!
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by Tinadrin Chelnor »

T'Pau wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:00 am One PC game I played too much was Spore.
Loved the Wii version even more!
I also played Spore way too much when I first got it on my PC!

Also Populous (or something like that) many moons ago, which was a much earlier god-game.
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by Griffin »

It may not be anywhere near where Will Wright intended it to be, but I still played the shit out of Spore back when. I still fire it up every so often as a modelling tool to design alien races and creatures, and that'll usually end up with me getting distracted and starting a new playthrough.
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Re: Video games I love to play!

Post by 00111010 01000100 »

T'Pau wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:00 am One PC game I played too much was Spore.
Loved the Wii version even more!
My boys loved that one too.
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