SF Debris: The Inner Light.

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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by McAvoy »

Yes. They broadcasted a memory of a peaceful society into a single person's head.
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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by Sonic Glitch »

As the review said (compared to Voyagers obelisk), How dare they make him live a full happy life as a family man!

You know as opposed to dropping him in the middle of a giant, brutal war.
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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by Tholian_Avenger »

Right, a nice happy family.
He starts out being completely lost and bewildered. Thrown into someone else's life. Always living a lie, always being the intruder, the imposter, the voyeur, the liar.
A lifetime where he has to deal with the loss of his real friends, his real family. He is all alone, standing in the middle of a crowd. If he talks about it his fake friends think he is insane. Anyways, he slowly looses his real self and assumes the identity that they tell him he is. After several decades of seeing your life's work come to naught, making attachments to fake friends and fake family members, after watching those friends die, after knowing that your world will soon die, after growing old and feeling the infirmities of old age seize your body and mind as you slowly decay--well he leaves it all. No, screw that, screw those dumb ass aliens, and screw the script writers.
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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by McAvoy »

That is a different way of looking at it.
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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by Teaos »

I wouldnt want to live throught it.
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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by Nutso »

I understand what TA is talking about. It really is a gross violation of a person's mind and emotions. Even that, I really loved the episode. I already know I wouldn't like that to happen to me. It was nice to see how Picard handles it though.
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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by Tholian_Avenger »

Well that's a good point.
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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by McAvoy »

Well its not like Picard lived a life of torture and pain. Just a full life with a family.

I do wonder if the probe kinda forces the mind to accept the situation. I mean I don't see how Picard could give up his life for the new one. But we saw a tiny fraction of that lifetime.
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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by Teaos »

It didnt explaine how quickly he could slip back into his old life as well. If you stepped away from what you are doing now for 50 years could you come back and remember names, faces, places, your job?
What does defeat mean to you?

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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by McAvoy »

Its possibly similar to a realistic dream that he can remember.
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Re: SF Debris: The Inner Light.

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Maybe there was something more than the memory being beamed into his skull.
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