S32E5: The Rebel Flesh

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S32E5: The Rebel Flesh

Post by Captain Seafort »

Starts in five minutes.
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Re: S32E5: The Rebel Flesh

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Oh, man. I had a flashback to 'Rebel Yell' reading that title. :lol:
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Re: S32E5: The Rebel Flesh

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Loved this one. Excellent idea for an episode that toyed with philosophical issues of what self is and produced a conflict that happened not because either side was evil, but because both were horrified by and frightened of the other.

And Rory grew a bit of a backbone, too. The constant stream of abuse Pond sends his way is very cutsey and endearing in its comic way, but you just know some part of him believes her, and probably some part of her too. Nice to see him asserting himself for once, and nice to see a woman who treats him with respect.

Saw the twist at the end coming, though.
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Re: S32E5: The Rebel Flesh

Post by Griffin »

Brilliant episode. IMO there is yet to be a poor episode this series (Touch wood).

GrahamKennedy wrote:
And Rory grew a bit of a backbone, too. The constant stream of abuse Pond sends his way is very cutsey and endearing in its comic way, but you just know some part of him believes her, and probably some part of her too. Nice to see him asserting himself for once, and nice to see a woman who treats him with respect.
Totally agreed, and his sympathy for the gangers makes a lot of sense too, given he was a "copy" once.
Saw the twist at the end coming, though.
The Ganger!Doctor? I thought it was evident from the lips in the goo.
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Re: S32E5: The Rebel Flesh

Post by Mikey »

"Meh," at best. The whole thing was a pretty tired, mailed-in take on the classic Frankenstein theme. But wait! The TARDIS is unavailable because of plot necessity convenient fiat spilled acid which ate a hole in the soil (which acid doesn't do, BTW) ONLY directly underneath the TARDIS.
GrahamKennedy wrote:And Rory grew a bit of a backbone, too. The constant stream of abuse Pond sends his way is very cutsey and endearing in its comic way, but you just know some part of him believes her, and probably some part of her too. Nice to see him asserting himself for once, and nice to see a woman who treats him with respect.
I did like to see Rory's set finally descend, though I think the Jennifer-ganger's fawning over him was a very contrived way of presenting his sympathy for her and, by extension, the gangers in general. I was amused, after GK's comment on "The Doctor's Wife" regarding Rory's continual near-death or fake-death, to hear Rory make a sarcastic comment about dying.
GrahamKennedy wrote:Saw the twist at the end coming, though.
Condan1993 wrote:The Ganger!Doctor? I thought it was evident from the lips in the goo.
It was confirmed by the lips in the goo, when they uttered the same line that the Doctor had. I though it was evident from the moment the Doctor touched the goo in the vat, before the storm.

But, time will tell. It's a safe bet that they won't go the obvious way - two Doctors, no waiting, twice the help! - if for no other reason than that wouldn't fill up an hour's program.
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Re: S32E5: The Rebel Flesh

Post by Mikey »

Wait, June 4th for part 2? Does the Beeb have off for the ban holiday?
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