S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

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S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by Captain Seafort »

Magnificent. Absolutely magnificent. I particularly liked the old control rooms they brought back - both the 9/10 one and the tip of the hat to the classic one. I suspect we'll see more of the 9/10 one, given that I doubt they would have rebuilt the entire old set just for one brief scene.
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Outstanding episode.

The best stories have a great hook, and this one certainly did. Suranne Jones nailed her part and that relationship with the Doctor is absolutely something joyous for a Who fan to watch.
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

An awesome episode, there. Although now my mind's tingling about the Corsair. But Idris and the Doc... Da-yum!
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by Captain Seafort »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:But Idris and the Doc... Da-yum!
They have been a couple longer than any of his companions have lived.
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Good point. :lol:
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Moments I loved, having just seen it again...

The whole "giddy mad woman" phase of the Tardis finding herself in a Human body.

The idea that she chose him to borrow her because she wanted to go traveling.

"You're not very reliable! I don't always end up where I want to go!"
"No. But you do always end up where you need to go."

The junk Tardis. How cool was that!

Only on watching it the second time did I hear the soft whispered "I love you..." from the Tardis as her glowy form faded out. So sweet!

Rory and Amy wandering the Tardis. It was a shame, though, that we didn't get to see some rooms rather than just a bunch of corridors. I have this fantasy of somebody walking into a Tardis room and finding this vast space, miles and miles across. And it could be done, with today's FX.

They fake-killed Rory again! That's almost every episode in this series that they've done that. What's that about?

Who Confidential had Neil Gaiman reading sections of the script in the Tardis control room and talking about how he wrote it. It was pure geeky joy to watch... and wow, that man reads well.

Also from Confidential... House was voiced by Michael Sheen! I never spotted it, that man has quite a voice!
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by Foxfyre »

Loved this episode. When the 11th doc started I wasn't to sure about him, but this season I think he is better finally more sure of the roll I think a bit more the Doctor in my opinion. Matt Smith has become one of my favorite doctors (4th, 11th, 10th and 7th in that order).
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by Griffin »

Brilliant episode, just brilliant. At first i was worried, since the conept could easily have turned out crap, and I was slightly worried that the TARDIS would stay like that.
GrahamKennedy wrote: The junk Tardis. How cool was that!!
A fact which I've been enjoying pointing out to people who said that the influence of the younger people on DW will make it suck, is that the junk Tardis is the one desgined by the blue peter winner (Competition disscused here)

Also, I don't know how true this is, but apparantly Gaiman had wanted to use a classic-series-era console room for the sequences in the archived control room, but a set could not be reconstructed due to budgetary constraints.
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

I heard that too, Condan. So there mayhaps be some truth to it.
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by Graham Kennedy »

The Blue Peter thing got a bad name when the Abzorbaloff from "Love and Monsters" was the result of a similar competition - one of the worst monsters of the new series. It worked very well this time, though.

I can well believe he wanted the original control room, though!
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by colmquinn »

Gaiman said in an interview I read that he got to keep the eccelstone era one because it hadn't been taken down yet and they had to come up with excuses as to why it wasn't removed because they wanted to keep it secret for as long as possible.
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by Mikey »

Sorry to be late, but I've missed a few weekends and am now catching up (thank Gallifrey for OnDemand!)

Wow. The writing had Gaiman's stamp all over it... and that's a great thing. Jones was phenomenal, and gave the perfect personification of the TARDIS - both regarding her relationship with the Doctor, and with her multi-versal personality dealing with the niggling trifles of humanity (kissing, biting, etc.) Ex.: unspoken context, as in, "The pretty one?"

Eps like this are the reason why DW can be great even in relaunch, and also why I've grown fond of Smith. While he can show the dismissive sort of hypersensitized thinking of the most aloof of his predecessors, he also is tempered by phenomenally human quirks... even in his alien sensibilities (like not understanding why Rory and Amy don't want bunk-beds.) Did anyone notice in "Curse of the Black Spot" that he referred to Earth as "our planet?"
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Re: S32E4: The Doctor's Wife

Post by Reliant121 »

I had caught that as well and gave myself a little smile.
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