ToucheIanKennedy wrote:People said the same about the iPhone, including Graham.Nickswitz wrote:The only reason I can really see any use is as an ereader with some extra crap on it... Besides that it's really not that useful.GrahamKennedy wrote:Ian and I argued over the iPad. Personally I don't see much point to it. It's like an iPhone/iTouch... but way too big to fit in your pocket. So people aren't going to buy these instead of their phone.
So it's like a laptop... but it can only run one thing at once using iPhone-type apps. So it's like a particularly crappy laptop, then.
When I bought the iPhone I knew exactly what I wanted it for - I wanted to combine my phone and iPod into one so I could walk around listening to music and still hear the phone ring, without having to have two gadgets. The on the go web access, GPS, camera, etc, have all proven to be very useful extras.
With the iPad, if you handed me one for free right now I simply can't imagine what I would do with it. Who exactly will buy this and what exactly will they do with it once the novelty has worn off?
And I can see someone who's looking for an ebook reader as finding this useful, it also has more memory in the smallest one than any of the other ebook readers, as well as having a nice UI, being light, and one big thing, it's under a thousand dollars, the most expensive one is... That's a big thing for most people because they always look at Apple as being way too expensive, and yet they are cheaper than someone who entered the field before them, besides the fact that it has ten times as much usefulness as a Kindle.