You're hired to improve ENT

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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by thelordharry »

Mikey wrote:Dear Lord, I apologize for that one there.
S'ok :(
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by Bryan Moore »

No more anachronisms and develop lesser characters. Mayweather for one, but its not like Hoshi or Reed got a ton of development either.
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by Foxfyre »

Ok going to do this in three parts. ut first would RESTART the whole series season one would be out.

On the ship:

The Nacell design only change would be to get rid of the outter nacell grills (keep the inner ones) and they would only light while the ship is at warp. this way it fits in moe with TOS.

Letting and Markings on the hull - perfect keep as is

shuttle pods - nice design maybe make them slightly more primitive and a bit slower

Ship internals - passage ways are fine, crew quarters fine has a nice feel to it engine room is good as well looks industral and fits in with TOS rather well. Aslo the shuttle bay is fine

Grappler - PERFECT keep as is

Spacial Trops: good design all I would do is change the name to make is sound more missle like and more in keeping with the 22nd Century.

Plasma cannons: Right idea wrong name make these lazers. Other than that the effect is decent enough I think.


Hull Plating (not the defense system): wrong idea here, I would use the same level of detail as the CGI Connies with maybe a few highlights here and there to make the ship seem more primitive.

Ship design: since season one aired but is not cannon and not to piss off the true fans of enterprise I would keep the overall design but make it more TOS like, the nacell pylons would be Stright not angled, the raised sections of the saucer would be gone but the two extensions coming off the aft section of the ship would still be there. I would replace the thing in the senter of the roll bar with a secondary hull liek structure, here would be the Deflector and shuttle bay.

The Bridge: Ok whos bright idea was it to redress the Defiants bridge (I'm serious look closely at it it will slap you in the face the palcement of the dootr, stations and the after section plus captians chair. I would make the bridge slight more advanced than the Horizon's with a similar layout. The ship would not have an engineering station or a situation room or an MSD. The bridge would be fairly compact. Also no ready room, Kirk didn't have one so Archer doesn't get one either. Instead Archer uses his quarters as his office.

Phase Cannons: good bye thanks for the pew pew lasers are taking over.

Photonic Torpedoes: Sorry Captain that is just to cool and advanced for your wimpy ass.

Transporter: what was that again?

Ok part one done now characters:

Archer: Grows a pair and also doesn't follow a non existant prime directive. Instead he follows his gut and sometimes screws up. This results in tighter regulations as the show progresses.

T'Pol: not sure on this one, she was a bitch but became less of one as the show went on. Only real change would be one, no cat suit make the uniform look more vulcan she also doesn't resign from the high command.

Reed: Over all like him but would flesh his character out a bit more, make him less bland. I would also make him a MACO (would make more sense to me at this point in time)

Mayweather: Lots of work here, no transporter so he gets lots of away missions. As more than one line and plots involve him at times.

Hoshi: ok she would still be a good lingusit but not super ensign. Also both her and mayweather would get promotions mid way through. She would still be scared of space but would face it in a more digified manner.

Trip: Would be more of a Scotty in the sense that he gets in the captains ass when he stresses the ship to hard. Is mostly in the engine room or on the bridge rrarely planetside. As the ship gets further away he would be constantly trying to keep the ship flying. Would still have the relationship with T'Pol but it would be more mature and they would end up together.

Soval: Would keep the disaproving attitude but would be shown to defend Earth to his own government and shwo tha the does have earths best interest at Heart. Would show him as a more logical and honest ambassador. Would be a semi regular then a regular later on.

Shran: Love this character, would keep him and make him a regular.

Forrest: Semi regular would have a major back bone and would be the point man on Earth for the enterprise.

MACOs: would be on the ship from the get go as the ships main security force.

part 3: General plot

New Season one: Enterprise luanch, madien voyage first contact with kingons, first contact with romuians (but it woudl be unknown at the time). Relations with the Vulcans improve, first contact with Andorians goes sour but improves after a series of rescues by enterprise (the attackers would be romulains again it would be unknwon). Season two Enterprise starts to explorer farther away from Earth after recieving upgrades to defense systems. Warp speed would be increased to 5.5 with some changes to engineering and the warp nacells to show this. About mid season first contact with the tellarites, and the romulains are IDed. At this point the series would jump a couple of years (via a two part episode with flash backs for the back story), Columbia is out of space dock and two more NX class ships are lauching soon. romulains become mroe aggressive, Tellarites sign a non agression pact with them, Vulcans consider it as well. Season three first few episodes would lead up to the war, Vulcan and Andor have signed non agression pacts and declair themselves neutral. Romulains start the war by attackign Earth Shipping. Series would jump again with flash backs showing some of the darker moments of the war), at this time the Deadalus class would be reveailed (the spearical hull shape) and its design is revieled to be the easiest to build quickly and effectivly. Columbia is destroyed and one of the other NX ships are captured resulting in the Daedulas taking over. about 3 or 4 episodes before the series end woudl shwo the last battle and end of the war, with the remaining shows depeictign the start of the federation.

I know seems a bit run together but with only 3 years best I could think of.
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by SomosFuga »

USS Aeon wrote: T'Pol: not sure on this one, she was a bitch but became less of one as the show went on. Only real change would be one, no cat suit make the uniform look more vulcan she also doesn't resign from the high command.
No cat suit??? that makes the series for me. I only would chage the catsuit for the mirror universe uniform.
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by Foxfyre »

If you were going to do the series right the vulcans should be rather conservitive not HEY I HAVE TITS!
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by Tsukiyumi »

USS Aeon wrote:If you were going to do the series right the vulcans should be rather conservitive not HEY I HAVE TITS!
Fake ones at that.

I guess if you somehow find a logical reason to get implants, it'd be logical to show them off.
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by Foxfyre »


Ambassador in order to improve my relationship with human males I will have installed two silicone based implants that will upgrade my chest. Additionally it would be logical for me to show off those impants in order to ensure the max effect on the human male. I also understand that it might work on some human females but more research is required.


ok lost me mind
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by Vic »

:shock: :Drool1:

Wait, wait, I mean, Sir please control yourself!

Ah Heck with it.......... :Drool1:

:lol: :lol-flag: :lol:
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by Mithrandir »

USS Aeon wrote:LOL

Ambassador in order to improve my relationship with human males I will have installed two silicone based implants that will upgrade my chest. Additionally it would be logical for me to show off those impants in order to ensure the max effect on the human male. I also understand that it might work on some human females but more research is required.

LOL indeed! :laughroll:
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by thelordharry »

SomosFuga wrote:
USS Aeon wrote: T'Pol: not sure on this one, she was a bitch but became less of one as the show went on. Only real change would be one, no cat suit make the uniform look more vulcan she also doesn't resign from the high command.
No cat suit??? that makes the series for me. I only would chage the catsuit for the mirror universe uniform.
With you on that one. If anything, I'd make it even tighter :)
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by Foxfyre »

Well so much for conseravite Vulcans I can now so see Soval saying, "it is only logical for me to stare at your chest and make crude observations as to the proportions of your chest. Please stand at a slight angle so I can better observe the assets you bring to my office."
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Re: You're hired to improve ENT

Post by Mark »

Gentlemen please, use your other heads! Vulcan is a desert planet and Earth is a water world. The breast implant are issued to all Vulcan females as emergency flotation devices!!!
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