Crossover: The Reality Bomb

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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Aaron »

Phebes leaned over Ashok in the spartan quarters provided on the Asgard ship, unfortunately for the Astartes the beings in this universe seemed to lack the physical presence of him and his brother Marines and the accommodations where quite cramped. Swinging open the Librarians chest plate he plugged a lead from his Narthecium gauntlet into a chest plug and consulted a read out.

"Primary and secondary hearts are functioning correctly, lungs are good. Some minor swelling of the brain, likely over-extended himself on the surface." He spoke not only for himself but for the recording device in his helm, should they fall someone would at least know of the events leading up to it. As well for the benefit of the USCM medic at his side, should he come to harm, she would have to fill his place.

Selecting a needle and a vial from his pack, he slid it into one of his brothers chest sockets and injected it. "That will accelerate his healing and hopefully ease his awakening, his kind often have extended side effects after overusing their powers."

"Stay by near him and alert me when he awakes, Dietrich. I must see to my own armour and wounds now." Dietrich watched the Apothecary leave and settled onto a small Asgard seat nearby and started field stripping her flamer and pistol while she waited.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Mikey »

Ashok awoke in pieces; first his consciousness and eyes, followed by his trunk, then arms and legs. After simply orienting himself for a moment, he swung himself to a sitting position and noticed the human female medic - Dietrich, he thought he recalled - sitting on a small stool. She was eyeing him like a museum piece. He then noticed his armor stacked carefully in a corner, apparently repaired by some agency. He began to search out the rest of the unfamiliar room when Dietrich spoke.

"I'll let Phebes know you're awake."

"What did he say?" Ashok asked quietly, standing and securing his hood more deeply over his face.

"Something about some swelling of the brain, but he didn't appear too concerned."

"The Sus-An membrane," Ashok mused to himself.

"I can't say much more. This stuff is way beyond me," Dietrich shrugged.

"Don't sell yourself short. In any universe, someone who bears the title 'marine' is worthy of respect. And where I come from, being asked to bear the flamer for a squad is a mark of honor."

"Thanks," she answered. Without warning, the door slid open. Phebes stooped under the lintel and walked in.

"Very good," the Iron Snake said as he assessed Ashok's condition. "As Dietrich may have mentioned, the only lasting effect is some slight swelling of the brain. I'm no librarian, but I guess it has something to do with overuse of your abilities."

"What now, then?" The Angel Sanguine seemed to hunch a bit, and his face retreated even further into the shadows of his hood.

"Well, if it continues..."

"Let me guess," Ashok answered darkly. He was no apothecary, but was familiar enough with his own engineered organs. "Brain damage, or uncontrolled activation of the Sus-An membrane."

"That's about right, librarian. Possibly, you could immediately enter suspended animation, and it might not respond to me."

"Anytime I attempt to use my abilities?"

"Probably." Phebes' face was hard to read, even without his helmet on, but Ashok knew that the apothecary didn't consider it as much of a loss as he did. Phebes had probably stitched together men with no legs, arms, or eyes long enough to finish a battle.

"Then I am a liability to this team. I will inform the Commissar that I am temporarily unable to assist."

"You will do no such thing," Phebes said crisply, surprising Ashok. "You are an Adpetus Astartes, the tip of the Emperor's spear. You have a gun and you have a weapon arm - that is all you need to fulfill your duty."

The Angel Sanguine straightened at Phebes' clipped tone. "I beg your pardon, brother. You are right, of course." Ashok was somewhat chastened by Phebes' way of cutting clear through the matter, and bowed his head. "Thank you... for everything, brother. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to find the chapel on this ship."
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Rhinox wandered around the cavernous engine room of the O'Neill, optics wide with wonder. "This ship can cross the span of a galaxy in minutes, he said, vocalizers approximating a whisper.

The various Starfleet engineers moved about the room, taking in as much as they could. The chief engineer went up to Rhinox. "Sir, we can do repairs and diagnostics... but a lot of this is even beyond us," she admitted, hanging her head.

Rhinox shook his head. "Some of it's beyond me," he said. He motioned to the spacious room, the crystals humming and translucent machines working perfectly. "We've still got a long way to go, but with this ship and your crew, we can make it."

The engineer nodded, smiling. "Thanks," she said before moving to one of the stations.


"You wrecked my ship."

Primal stared down Janeway from across the force field separating him from her. "Actually, the six Ha'taks wrecked it. Cain salvaged what he could from the battle and faulty intelligence."

Janeway stood up from her bunk. "Blame Q!" she thundered. "I'm sick of being treated like a dog by you group of rejects!"

Primal's arm cannon extended and he pointed it at the Admiral. "And we both know why you're treated like that," he countered. He paced a bit. "We're moving on in six hours. After a brief memorial for the fallen and solemn planning. Hopefully this time we won't get led on by someone playing at being Primus."

Janeway crossed her arms, grinning wolfishly. "Pretty hard, isn't it tin man." She leaned forward. "I know your story, primal. On your first command, you got your entire crew stranded on some backwater planet. You don't know where or even when you are."

Primal' growled. "I've done everything I could to stop Megatron and end his plans. I'm dealing with one of the craftiest generals of the Predacons while you dealt with space trash and organ thieves!" He retracted his cannon and turned from Janeway. "But there are two things that separate us."

"And those are?"

Primal walked to the door of the brig. He waited until he was almost out before stopping and glancing back at Janeway. "I don't condone cold-blooded murder. And I don't compromise my principles."
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Aaron »

Phebes strode from the room, leaving Dietrich to watch over his slumbering brother. He intended to fix his armour and tend his wounds but there was one more important function for him to perform first. The crew had yet to see or hear from Huron-Fel since the transfer of kit and personnel from the foundering Federation craft, his beacon was inactive and he did not answer vox-hails.

The Apothecary spent over an hour scouring the lower decks, cargo bays and hanger facilities looking for the Dreadnought. Finally admitting defeat he found an unattended cogitator panel and simply asked the ship for Fel's location; lower hanger 6. To save time he simply had the ships machine spirit "beam" him to Fel's location.

Phebes found him slumbering in a corner of the bay, positioned so that he could cover both the void door and the access door into the hanger. A brief examine showed him no worse for wear from the battle at the mine, a few scorch marks and expended ammo. Using his vox, he detailed some of the surviving Federation crew to rearm him and polish the Dreadnoughts hide. Phebes then retired to the chamber he had claimed to fix his wargear and attend his wounds.

Some hours later, his gear repaired and his wounds tended, he received a brief hail from Dietrich. "He's awake."

A terse acknowledgement and Phebes was stooping to enter the Librarian's chamber in a manner of several minutes.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Monroe »

The Asgarde ship's new transdimensional drive hummed to life then opened a wormhole that the ship's thrusters sucked the ship into. The same swirl of multi-colored lights greeted the crew however this time the rate of Universal decay had accelerated. Large segments of the wormhole through realities lay bare. Blackened with lightning looking effects leaping off from the growing abysses catching new segments of the wormhole tunnel and creating new blackening marks signifying more universes which vanished into nothing.

"Sir computer estimates that the multiverse is breaking down at an accelerating rate. As of right now the Asgarde computer estimates 10 to the 127th power universes disappear every second and the number is growing." The new sensors officer said as he read the displays.

"With an infinite number of universes how much time does that leave us?" Cain asked as he watched the view of the wormhole.

"Computer needs more information to make an estimate but we don't have long. Couple of months; maybe a year." The officer replied.

A bright spark of lightning flung in front of the O'Neil narrowly missing the ship and sparking the opposite wall. A trillion trillion trillion lives vanished in an instant as an entire universe began to decay. "No pressure." Iceman asked as he marveled (:P) at the site.

"Sir, five seconds until we arrive at the designated Xen universe." The helms officer said as he turned around to Cain and Optimus Primal.

The Asgarde ship exited transdimensional warp creating a shockwave across the new cosmos. This universe was truly alien. A membrane of a reality stretched between multiple other universes. The laws of physics differ slightly in every universe and this one was no different. "Sir," The sensors officer reported, "We're detecting several million... floating islands ranging in size from small house size to starbase size." A holographic image of some of the islands was displayed as the computer automatically began to sort and catalog them.

Q flashed onto the bridge. "Ah, excellent. Good work Primus and Cain. I knew you two weren't mistakes." Q clapped his hands together.

"People are dying out there! At least pretend to act serious about it." Optimus yelled his voice raising in anger.

"Relax my mechanical man-beast. That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm serious about a lot of things," Q smiled in a response.

"That would be a first Mister Q." A stale voice replied. The bridge crew turned around to see what appeared to be a human in a business suit with a briefcase. "Well hello. What business does your Continuum have with the border world?"

"Ah the mysterious visitor." Q smiled and clapped his hands together. Snapping his fingers some fine wine appeared before the Gman.

"We have rules, Mister Q, as I am sure you are well aware of. My employers frown on my intervention in matters such as yours." He replied.

"Your employers are doomed as with the rest of the universe if we don't stop this Reality Bomb and now." Primus replied.

"Perhaps. However, there are so many teams willing to stop it they feel that neutrality is the best option." Gman replied.

"Look," Q said walking up to the Gman, "We all know different continuums have their own set of rules but all continuums and all realities are at risk. We need a better drive system. One that doesn't warn the entire universe that we arrived."

"Mister Q, surely you are aware that such a drive is... impossible under your universe's laws of physics."

"But quite easy to the boarder world. You outfit this craft and you'll have one more group to stop that bomb." Q replied.

"Mister Q, my hands are tied on the matter. My enforcer Mister Freeman has been... taken from me." Gman replied before taking a hissing intake of breath, "And I am unable to locate him. Your own powers are failing at such a rate you will be a mortal soon. What my employers would consider a fair trade for our technology based on our laws of physics is the capture of the Vortigaunt who helped plan the attack on my compound that freed Mister Freeman. If you are able and willing then..." He took another sharp intake of breath, "I might be able to persuade my employers to allow you access to our technology."

"Then we agree." Q answered.

"We do?" The sensors officer asked.

"Yes, now shut up." Q replied.

"Ah, I am glad we could come to an accord, Mister Q." The Gman nodded as he walked up to the interface the Asgarde had installed in the captain's chair. Typing in a few features a map appeared on the main holographic display.


"I have located the Vortigaunt leader to this city. Find him and we might have an agreement." A orangish sphere enveloped the Gman and he was gone.

Q nodded and snapped his fingers and left too. The next objective was clear.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Tsukiyumi »

Jack chuckled. Roland had a ponderous expression on his face, staring at the three plates in front of him in the O'Neill's makeshift mess hall. A half-eaten slice of pecan pie sat to his left, a small assortment of sushi rolls rested in front of him, and a plate of various barbecue fare on his right. He sipped one of the five drinks on the table, and seemed genuinely stuck on deciding which of the plates of food to go after first. His fork hovered over the barbecue, then back to the pie, then a glance back at the sushi. Jack walked up slowly; Roland looked somehow relieved to see him.

" I haven't seen this much food since the banquets in my father's hall when I was a child," Roland waved at the food, finally trading the fork for a pair of chopsticks, " Do you know what any of this is?"

Jack gestured at a softshell crab roll; Roland nodded, and Jack scooped it up, dipping it in the wasabi/soy sauce mixture before stuffing it in his mouth. The flavor was excellent, but the texture was a bit off. Jack shrugged, and sat across from the gunslinger, setting his satchel on the floor opposite Roland's, and placing a number of small packages on the table.

" The sushi is decent. That barbecue smells great, and you can never go wrong with pecan pie," Jack smiled, helping himself to a small bit of the smoked brisket on the barbecue plate, " Not bad at all."

Roland nodded, and deftly snatched a sausage from the plate with the chopsticks; his eyes closed as he chewed it, and a tiny smile actually broke out on his grizzled face, " Wondrous," he remarked, " This new talking machine cooks as good as the last one."

The gunslinger's faded blue eyes slowly opened at Jack's dry laugh, and he raised an eyebrow. Jack held up his hands, shaking his head, " I'm laughing with you," he said, to Roland's bemusement, " Where I come from, machines can't 'cook' anything. I'm starting to get an idea how they work, though. I wanted to thank you again for showing me how to work them."

Roland bowed slightly, before copying Jack's procedure with the sushi. He coughed a bit after he finished, sipping from a tall glass of milk to his left, " That opens the sinuses rather well. Have you glimpsed the maps of the Combine city?"

Jack nodded, gesturing to the packages he'd placed on the table, " That's what I wanted to talk about. I'm glad you insisted that the Starfleet people transfer their database to this ship. It made this a lot easier." Roland picked up the fork with his left hand, and scooped a piece of pie into his mouth as he made his rolling 'get-on-with-it' gesture with the chopsticks in his right. He proceeded to eat with both hands, spearing pieces of barbecued meat with one as he lightly grasped sushi rolls with the chopsticks in the other.

Jack opened one of the packages. Inside were a hundred rounds of Roland's pistol ammuntion, " I sized up those big guns of yours during the last mission. They're .45 caliber, right?" Roland nodded, and Jack removed one of the bullets, " I decided to see what that 'replicator' could do, and created some special ammo for us both."

He handed the round to Roland, who nimbly spun it across the knuckles of his outstretched hand. He noticed the extra weight immediately, his thin, graying eyebrow raising again. Jack opened two of the other boxes, and passed two more rounds to the gunslinger.

" The first one is made of depleted uranium; you'd use it to shoot through armor," Roland nodded approvingly as he inspected the other two. Jack continued, " The one with the red wax tip is an anti-personnel round I based on some ammo from my world. Even an inaccurate shot will put an unarmored hostile down. The third one, with the white band, is an incendiary round. It ignites after it hits, and burns as hot as a forge."

Both of Roland's eyebrows were up at this point; he looked at the new bullets, and glanced down at his crisscrossed gunbelts, " I'll need another belt... Thankee, Jack Bauer. From what I've seen of the Combine, we'll need every advantage we can get."

" Thank Ashok. His weapons gave me the idea. I've also 'replicated' a number of rounds for my rifle, and some extra in case you decided to bring one. You can use a rifle, right?"

Jack thought the look Roland gave him would melt the bulkhead behind him.

" Great. The Combine won't know what hit them." He snagged a spicy tuna roll from the plate, smiling as he chewed.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Primal studied the map of the city, his thoughts drifting to the planet. Earth, actually Earth. I never thought I'd see it. His musings were interrupted by a chime. "Come in."

Rhinox entered, ducking a bit and sliding slideways to fit through the portal into Primal's quarters. "You seem pensive," he stated.

Primal's optics blinked. "I've got a bad feeling in my spark, Rhinox. I wanna go down and liberate this city from the Combine... but if that happens, the retaliation would be... brutal."

Rhinox nodded. "We take one of the resistance leaders... while leaving the Combine in charge."

Primal turned to him and waved at the holographic map of Buenos Aires. "I know there's no chance in the Pit of liberating the planet, but there has to be some way of mitigating the damage done by taking the man. Some... reduction of the Combine's forces!"

Rhinox nodded. "When's the meeting?"

"Ten cycles-sorry, ten minutes," Primal corrected himself. He hung his head and shook it. "I only hope the others have some sort of idea what to do. I told Janeway I won't compromise my principles... but to save the entire multi-verse, must I become like her?"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Cain cleared his throat and stood up, looking around the spacious room they'd chosen for their discussion. Most of the opinions he'd heard so far had involved simply blasting their way through the city, which as far as he was concerned wasn't exactly a great plan.

"If I may have your attention." He called, pausing to make sure he had everyone's attention before continuing. "I believe we're going about this the wrong way. While it worked on the previous planet against the heretics, I doubt brute force will help us here. It's quite possible that the enemy, the 'Combine' has personel already infiltrating the resistance movements. If so, then any major moves against the Combine will simply result in them destroying the resistance cells. If that happens, then our contact will either be killed, captured, or driven underground."

"You have an alternate plan, Commissar?" The xeno-machine, Primal, asked.

"I do." Cain replied calmly, nodding. "A quiet infiltration mission by any of us who are human or who can pass for human." He turned and pointed at the map of the city. "The team can use the ship's teleporters to arrive here, along this coastal area near the sea. Orbital scans show that the region is lightly defended, so getting into the city from there probably won't be a problem. Once in, the team can try and contact members of the resistance movement, who can lead us to our contact. Once we find them, the rest of the team can teleport down to provide cover while we extract the contact. Not particularly fast, but it's our best chance of success."

"I'm inclined to agree." Ashok said, nodding along with a few others. "I presume you'll be leading this team of course, Commissar?" He asked expectantly.

Frak. Cain though, cursing himself for his own lack of foresight. He should have seen this coming. He kept his expression and manner calm and composed as he desperately tried to think of an excuse not to go.

"Of course." He said casually with a cocky expression, once he realised he had damn all excuses to stay. "After all, I missed out on all the fun on our last little jaunt. You can't expect me to let you have all the fun again this time around."

Why's it always me? He thought as he sat back down.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Monroe »

The injured Turok sat in a wheel chair nodded as he listened to the plan. "I'll come." He said as he begun to rise. A few surprise looks turned his direction before Turok fell back into the wheel chair again, "I'll be fine by then." He muttered as he winced.

Lieutiant Val'chav raised an eyebrow at the plan, "A bold plan. Many of the Starfleet personel are human or look similar to one. I can arrange a security team to accompany you, Commissar." The offered. The security chief had felt left out in the last mission claiming that her teams could have helped. But because of the narrow escape they probably would have only met their doom had they arrived.

Joshua Fireseed nodded, "That's not a bad plan, more teams the more ground we can cover."

Xan growled, "And what do we do who cannot pass as humans? I am the Alpha and the Omega I should be brought down."

Joshua reached over his back to the cane that had been placed there in case he did want to leave the wheel chair. Pulling it out he grabbed one end and tapped the other against Xan's plated leg. "We could store you in a box of peanuts until Christmas." The Turok smirked.

Doctor Turner was leaning against the wall of the conference room and snapped her fingers, "I got it." The Starfleet chief of medical said. "We offer him a trade for him to come with us in exchange for medical supplies... once we have found him."
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Primal nodded at Turner. "Good plan. We have to make it worth his while, beyond the esoteric 'end of the multi-verse' we've already got going."

There was quiet chuckling before Rhinox spoek up. "What about some of those phaser rifles from the database we downloaded? That'd make a difference, I'm sure."

Val'chav's eyebrow cocked. "That would be a violation of the Prime Directive."

Everyone turned to the Vulcan. "... And?" Cain asked, face a mask of incrdulity.

"Merely pointing it out," Val'chav continued. "I realize multiversal annihilation takes precedence."

Primal's optics dimmed. "Anyway... Rhinox, get a batch of rifles replicated. Cain, get your team together and go over the map and all the information we've got." He looked over the group. "We're not losing anyone this time. All of us are coming back."
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Deepcrush »

Huron-Fel's former human or Astartes image appeared in a hologram. "Hello my friends. You are all a lot taller then I remember."
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Mikey »

Arawden prowled the corridors of the unfamiliar ship, initially trying to locate the mon-keigh librarian and find out about his diminished psychic signature. Then, remembering the Space Marine's choleric nature, he thought better of that idea and began to head back towards the space that had been adopted as a briefing room. Turning, he was arrested by the appearance of a woman - she had the build and heavy features of a human and wore a Starfleet uniform trimmed in gold, but had finely pointed ears and the aura of control and self-assuredness of an Eldar. Further, Arawden could detect the faint aura of psychic potential emanating from her. Removing his helmet, he peered at her with puzzled violet eyes and gently pushed his thoughts into her consciousness. What are you? he asked, imparting the fact of his curiosity rather than condescension.

The woman obviously had experience with mental communication but years of socialization caused her to reply with simple spoken speech. "I am Lieutenant Val'chav, chief of security. And I am a Vulcan."

Vulcan, mused Arawden telepathically, confused by the completely unfamiliar concept of different races working together under the same government. You work for this... Starfleet, yet unlike many of them you have the gift. How does it come to be that you hold the mere rank of lieutenant?

Val'chav arched a characteristic eyebrow and replied, "There is nothing 'mere' about my rank. I have worked hard to become an officer of Starfleet, and continued to do so to acheive my current rank and position. If you mean by 'gift' my telepathic abilities, they are a skill set to be used in the pursuit of my duty; not a means to dominate my colleagues."

More's the pity, answered the Eldar. Your control is beyond that of the mon-keigh... the humans. Are you typical of your kind?

"Emotional control is a universally-practiced discipline among my people. It allows us to function within the guidelines of logic, without being distracted by the caprices of passion."

Excellent! Arawden's mental tone grew somber as he continued, The 'caprices of passion,' writ to an extreme degree, are what debased my people many millenia ago. Speaking aloud, he changed topic. "With such control, it must be a rarity indeed for your people to fall prey to the Warp."

Without a hint of self-consciousness the Vulcan answered, "I'm afraid I am less cosmopolitan than you give me credit for. I know nothing of this 'warp' to which you refer, save that of our faster-than-light travel. In any event, it is serendipitous that I've found you.

Indeed. Even telepathically, there was no mistaking Arawden's haughty air.

"I mean, found you now, specifically," Val'chav retorted dryly. "As you know, we are assembling teams to exfiltrate a target individual on the surface. I am attempting to find people to provide cover for our teams, but the big mechanical beings and the ones called 'Space Marines' are obviously unsuited to a covert mission."

Arawden executed a complex whole-body gesture, which may have been a bow or may have been a recognition of some inferred confirmation of his race's imagined superiority. "Of course. I am a... logical choice. As I have already given my word to assist this quest, I now agree to assist you on this particular mission."

Her face a stony mask, Val'chav said flatly, "I'm overjoyed."
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Aaron »

Dietrich inserted the disk the Starfleet crewmen had given her, according to the woman it contained the replicator patterns for her collection of Earth firearms up to the mid 21st century. As much as she hated to part with her incinerator, this mission would call for something a tad more concealable.

"Computer, show me concealable 12 gauge shotguns."

A list of cut-down and purpose built clandestine weapons appeared in the air before her, along with a list of ammunition.

"Hmm...replicate one Super Shorty and the following ammo" At this she rambled off a list of shells.

Satisfied, she gathered her newly acquired kit and headed to her quarters to change into the less then ideal outfit that had been provided for her. She managed to conceal the shotgun under the short work jacket and her pistol in a holster attached inside her waistband, stashing her shells in the pockets and a small multipurpose knife in her boot.

Content that she at least wouldn't blow her cover at a cursory inspection, she went to join the rest of the team and share the news of the newly available weapons.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Monroe »

Joshua pulled the jump suit that had been replicated over his shoulders and began to zip up the front. Fourteen others were doing likewise with three more being transported in. Two snipers to what seemed to be a secluded roof and a massive machine called Heron-Fel into the ocean. Enough for one group being dressed as Civil Protection. Joshua tried to glance to see what Master Chief looked like as he removed his helmet to equip the Civil Protection one but the warrior had turned away.

Xan looked jealously on at the group that prepared to go into battle. "How do I look tin man?" Turok asked Xan.

"Like a target." Xan replied.

"Cheer up Xan. Someone has to stay here and guard the ship after all." Turok shrugged a bit as he grinned.

Xan's hands balled into fists, "That is for the pajama targets to perform."

Turok laughed a bit and turned to walk to the group. He nodded to a middle aged man named Jack Bauer, "Looks like we're on the same team." Turok said as he looked over the special ops in front of him.

"No offense Joshua," Jack said as he eyed Turok, "But I work better alone, and with your condition..."

"We'll be on even ground?" Turok finished for Jack with a smile, "I heal fast. Besides, us twentieth century guys need to stick together."

"Twenty-first." Jack corrected him.

"Whatever, what changed since 98?"

"We've had two black presidents." Bauer replied as he knelt to conceal his pistol in an ankle hostler.

"Two?" Turok blinked, impressed.

Roland walked over to his new friend Jack and Turok, "I hope you're handy with a weapon."

"The first evil in my universe sure thought so." Turok replied crossing his arms. "My favorite is the tek bow."

Roland and Jack exchanged glances but nodded.

Two starfleet personel walked up to them. Crewman Cromwell and Ensign Thompson both of which fit humans in the security department of starfleet. Thompson having some medical experience. "Alright guys we've managed to outfit a few neat little toys for the away mission. We figure any backpacks or suit cases would be searched for weapons and Turok's cerebral bore isn't what you'd call small. So we've got a few comlinks here. Press it and the Asgarde ship will beam down heavy weapons to your location." Thompson said passing them out. "Remember we won't be able to beam them up and reset the device so only bring them out as a last resort."

The three travelers grabbed a few badges and stored them in their breast pockets. "Bauer," Thompson said turning to the slightly older man, "You have lead of our team. On Cain's orders we're beaming down."
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and never tell you why.

-Remain Star Trek-
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Primal paced on the O'Neill's bridge, hands clasped behind his back. "They're in," he announced. His circuits almost overheated from worry.

The conn officer turned to him. "Sir, are you all right?"

Primal paused and glanced at her. He dredged up her name from his files and nodded. "Fine, Ensign Outaj. I'm just..." He motioned a bit. "Worried," he admitted, head hanging.

Outaj smiled slightly, wrinkling her nose ridges even further. "That's a sign of a good commander from what I've seen, sir. They'll be fine."

The Maximal sighed, venting gas. "I hope so." He took his seat and lifted a cup of energon to his mouth. "ooh, this is the good stuff. My compliments to Lieutenant Commander Hudson for this."
Rhinox stood in main engineering, Hudson by his side. "Engines check out," Rhinox reported. "Shields?"

Hudson looked to him. "You think we might be in a firefight?"

Rhinox chuckled. "Always be prepared, my friend." He checked a scanner, upsized from standard and reinforced for his hands. "I might copy some of these designs for when I get back to the Axalon. We could use it to get the slag away from... wherever it is we landed."

"Where did you land?" Hudsaon asked, receiving a PADD and checking the report.

Rhinox's mighty shoulders heaved as he shrugged. "No slagging clue. There's two moons, odd alien artifacts..." He threw up his hands. "I'd give anything for a clue!"

Hudson half-smiled. "You'll find out," he said. "Andf the ship checks out. If there's a fight, we'll be ready."
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