Which is kinda undercut by the fact that the very pad Bones beamed in on caused two gruesome and horrifically painful deaths mere hours earlier.

And a quarter of a century later, Lord of the Rings uses the same trick - in reverse.GrahamKennedy wrote:Or the engineering room set... the people in the far background are midgets, there to make it look like they are much further back than the set goes!
kostmayer wrote:And a quarter of a century later, Lord of the Rings uses the same trick - in reverse.GrahamKennedy wrote:Or the engineering room set... the people in the far background are midgets, there to make it look like they are much further back than the set goes!
Way to go, 1970's Health and Safety!!!GrahamKennedy wrote:Lots of fun factoids in there and in the commentary, too. Like did you know Ilea was almost blinded making this movie? When she and Decker joined at the then, the light they threw on them was a drive in movie projector bulb - the single strongest light they could find. The actors had to close their eyes every time they were facing it, and one time Persis forgot..