Quote |
Picard : | "One more thing, I have a brain abnormality. I've known for years. I never had any symptoms, so I never thought much about it. However, just before we left the Earth, I learned that my condition was more acute. The prognosis was terminal, and there is no effective treatment. There will be no further discussion. Anyone who treats me like a dying man will run the risk of pissing me off. Is that clear?" | | to the crew of La Sirena |
Altan Soong : | "I take it my face looks familiar." |
Picard : | "I feel as if I'm looking at Data." |
Altan Soong : | "Data if he had gotten old and gone soft. Must be disturbing. I know it is for me. Doctor Altan Inigo Soong, mad scientist. My father had me, but he created Data... a fact he never let me forget." |
Altan Soong : | "What you did. Shame on you, Agnes. You put out a small, bright candle shedding its light in a vast darkness. You owe a great debt." | | to Agnes; talking about killing Bruce Maddox |
Raffi : | "After everything that you've done for me... I need to say... thank you. I love you, JL. Oh, you don't have to say it back to me. I just..." |
Picard : | "I don't?" |
Raffi : | "Not unless you want to. Oh, s... Yeah. No, it's fine. It's fine." |
Picard : | "Okay." |
Raffi : | "Okay." |
Picard : | "I love you too, Raffi." |