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Caption Competition

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1 Apr 2014

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Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Ass-less Chaps...

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Seven: "Neelix, please forgive me... I do not know a lot about fashion... But what does 'KICK ME!' mean?"
Frankie Chestnuts * SMACK!! *
Neelix: "Thank you, sir... May I have another?"
* SMACK!! *
Neelix: "Thank you, sir... May I have another?"
* SMACK!! *
Neelix: "Thank you, sir... May I have another?"
Frankie Chestnuts Twerking... IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
Frankie Chestnuts Unfortunately for EVERYONE on Voyager, twerking survived well into the 24th century.
Frankie Chestnuts Seven: "Tramp-stamp??? What is a Tramp-stamp???"
Frankie Chestnuts Seven: "Before I was assimilated, I was an expert in hair and makeup. I swear I was."
Neelix: "I'm not doubting that... It's just that you were SIX YEARS OLD!!!"
Frankie Chestnuts Neelix: "Is it possible that I could get a little privacy?"
Seven: "I am sorry Mr. Nelix. This is my 'Practice Human Interaction' day."
Neelix: "I've got to tell you... I'm not human... And I'm really not interacting with anyone right now."
Frankie Chestnuts Seven: "*jeez...* Have you tried to re-boot the system?"
Miss Marple Seven: Nelix, I am not sure why going to this meeting should be any cause for concern.
Nelix: Righhhhhhhhht ...let's seeeeee: ...Fridayyy, ...late in the dayyy, ...a brief meeting in the HR departmennnnnt, ... Uh, it could be ANYTHING!
C. W. Perkins Seven: I stand corrected. The spots on your butt do line up to form the constellation of Orion.
Bird of Prey Seven: ''Who is your tailor anyway? A blind Pakled?''
jg Neelix: That's horrible. Those poor security personnel. I can't believe wearing red could be so dangerous.
Seven of Nine: Yes it very dangerous. But not as dangerous as a former Borg who need to finish her work. So please leave.
Bird of Prey Neelix: ''I miss Kes. But I am happy for her having evolved into a superior life form.''
Seven: ''Do you actually still believe that? Captain Janeway just invented that story, so that you won't be upset upon learning that she actually threw Kes out of an airlock.''
Bird of Prey Neelix: ''I miss Kes. But I am happy for her having evolved into a superior life form.''
Seven: ''Do you actually still believe that? You know that Ocampa have a rather short lifespan, right? Captain Janeway just invented that story, in order to not make you sad. Kes died, and going to the pet shop in order to get you another one that looks exactly like her wasn't exactly a viable option.''
Frankie Chestnuts FOCUS:
If you stare at this photo long enough, you will see Neelix.
Frankie Chestnuts Neelix: "Seven, it's not just me... EVERYBODY looks stupid when they are playing Wii.
Seven of Nine: "I beg to differ, Mr. Neelix... YOU look particularly stupid when you play Wii."

Entries : 157People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 18,282 Last updated : 1 Apr 2014