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Name | Caption |
BC1 | lens flare in 5 .... 4 .... 3 ... |
Name | Caption |
McFortner | Sarek: I planned on naming him after my grandfather, Spoof... why are you laughing? |
OlderThanTOS | Amanda: No, no. Those mountains don't make your ears look too pointy. |
Mikey | "Indeed... Barry White is, in fact, an ancient Vulcan folk musician." |
Mikey | "So... wanna come back to my place and see my kir'shara?" |
Mikey | "Wanna see what I can do with my fingers?" |
Ish | Look into my eyes! The eyes! The eyes! Not around the eyes! Don't look around the eyes! Look into my eyes! *snap* You're under. You will no longer make fun of my pointy ears. Three two one *snap* you're back! |
Lancel | In the next scene, Sarek holds the newborn Spock on high to the calls and kneels of a hundred Sehlats singing the chorus from "Circle of Life". |
Mr. President | "My god, your breath smells." |
Mr. President | SAREK: "You've stolen my heart...and my wallet, my credit cards, my car keys, my collection of vintage Beach Boys albums, my lunch, my stuffed Sehlat, my washing machine, my entrance pass for the Vulcan Science Academy and my marriage to a princess. But mostly you've stolen my heart." |
Captain 8472 | On Vulcan, Macs and PCs love each other. |
Captain 8472 | Sarek: I have news that is most agreeable. Neither Berman or Bragga appeared to have had anything to do with the remake. |
D'deridex | Sarek: "Amanda, I must go. There is a Gorn nearby that I have fight in a stylized, over-the-top fashion." |
Brian G | Everything I learned I learned from watching Star Trek. #45 Women require no emotional display from men to be happy. |
The Geek | Amanda: "Smile, my dear!" Sarek: "I am smiling. Damn you, botox!" |
The Geek | Amanda: "Do I make you pointy, baby?" |
Guybrush | If only the planet Vulcan had indigenous birds and bees... |
jg | Serak: It has come to my attention that several items have turned up missing. Did you have anything to do with that. Amanda: God, get convicted of shoplifting one time and you never live it down. |
Cailus | Amanda: I have...news. I'm pregnant, Sarek. Sarek: If you will excuse me, I have a considerable amount of swearing and screaming to do. |
Cailus | Ah, Spock. Your conception gave rise to that immortal saying, "What happens on Vulcan, stays on Vulcan..." |
Ensign Lynch | Hey honey, would you mind if Sybok came to visit this weekened? |
HungryHungarian | Sarek, you won't charm me with this scenery. I... I mean, look at the sky! Isn't it supposed to be red? And those rocks also seem strangely familiar to me... |
HungryHungarian | Amanda: 'How long since your last pon farr kicked in?' Sarek: 'Six years, eleven months, thirty days, twenty-three hours, fifty-nine minutes, twelve seconds...' Amanda: 'Come ooooon...' |
nerd86 | My loins to your loins. |
Mr. President | "Look at it, Amanda. From horizon to horizon, one day it shall all be yours." |
Mr. President | T-minus twenty-five years and counting... |
Mr. President | "Once every seven years? Once every SEVEN YEARS??!! Please be joking..." |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 16,350 | Last updated : 14 Jun 2009 |