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The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future

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Sci-tech :Warp Scales - TNG Scale
Ship classes :Ambassador Class
Constitution Class
Galaxy Class
Intrepid Class
K'T'Inga Class
Olympic Class
Orbital Shuttle
Romulan Bird of Prey
Romulan Scout
The Phoenix
Travel Pod
Type 3 Shuttle
Type 8 Shuttle
Type 9 Shuttle
Warp Sled
Sagan Class
Excelsior II Class
Gagarin Class
Kaplan F17 Patrol Frigate
Phoenix Class
Reliant Class
Ross Class
Sutherland Class
Type 14 Shuttle
Ship images :New Orleans Class - Image 1
Ship names : :
NCC 501 USS Antares
Akira Class :
NCC 63549 USS Thunderchild
Ambassador Class :
NCC 26513 USS Exeter
NCC 26632 USS Gandhi
NCC 26849 USS Adelphi
NCC10532 USS Horatio
Andromeda Class :
NCC-70956 USS Drake
Apollo Class :
NCC 11574 Ajax
NCC 11638 Agamemnon
NCC 12537 Clement
Bradbury Class :
NX 72307 USS Bradbury
Challenger Class :
NCC 57537 USS Armstrong
NCC 57566 USS Kearsarge
NCC 57580 USS Buran
Cheyenne Class :
NCC 71620 USS Ahwahnee
Chimera Class :
NCC 57418 USS Portland
Constellation Class :
NCC 3069 USS Magellan
NCC 3890 USS Gettysburg
NCC 9754 USS Victory
Constitution Class :
NCC 1371 USS Republic
NCC 1647 USS Farragut
NCC 1657 USS Potemkin
NCC 1709 USS Lexington
NCC 1717 USS Yorktown
NCC 956 USS Eagle
Daedalus Class :
NCC 160 USS Carolina
NCC 176 USS Horizon
Danube Class :
NCC 72453 USS Yangtzee Kiang
NCC 72454 USS Ganges
NCC 72617 USS Mekong
NCC 72905 USS Orinoco
NCC 72936 USS Rubicon
NCC 73196 USS Volga
NCC 74602 USS Yukon
Deneva Class :
NCC 6203 USS La Salle
NCC 6237 USS Arcos
Excelsior Class :
NCC 13958 USS Okinawa
NCC 14232 USS Berlin
NCC 14598 USS Fearless
NCC 14934 USS Tecumseh
NCC 18253 USS Potemkin
NCC 2544 USS Repulse
NCC 2573 USS Roosevelt
NCC 34099 USS Livingston
NCC 38907 USS Intrepid
NCC 38955 USS Crockett
NCC 38997 USS Malinche
NCC 40521 USS Gorkon
NCC 42111 USS Fredrickson
NCC 42136 USS Cairo
NCC 42285 USS Charleston
NCC 42768 USS Lakota
NCC 42857 USS Grissom
NCC 42995 USS Al-Batani
NCC 43305 USS Valley Forge
NCC 50446 USS Crazy Horse
Freedom Class :
NCC 68711 USS Concorde
NCC 68723 USS Firebrand
Galaxy Class :
NCC 71099 USS Challenger
NCC 71807 USS Yamato
NCC 71832 USS Odyssey
NCC 71854 USS Venture
NCC 71867 USS Trinculo
Hokul'a Class :
NCC 19386 USS Tripoli
Istanbul Class :
NCC 34852 USS Constantinople
NCC 38529 USS Havanah
NCC 38529 USS Sarajevo
Korolev Class :
NCC 2014 USS Korolev
NCC 59621 USS Goddard
Mediterranean Class :
NCC 43730 USS Wyoming
NCC 43837 USS Lalo
Merced Class :
NCC 37124 USS Trieste
Miranda Refit :
USS Sitak
NCC 1837 USS Lantree
NCC 1864 USS Reliant
NCC 1867 USS Saratoga
NCC 21166 USS Brittain
NCC 21382 USS Tian An Men
NCC 31860 USS Majestic
NCC 31905 USS ShirKahr
NCC 31910 USS Nautilus
NCC 31911 USS Saratoga
Nebula Class :
NCC 60205 USS Honshu
NCC 61826 USS Monitor
NCC 61827 USS Merrimac
NCC 61832 USS Lexington
NCC 61952 USS Proxima
NCC 62006 USS Hera
NCC 62048 USS Bellerephon
NCC 65420 USS Phoenix
NCC 66808 USS Ulysses
NCC 71805 USS Endeavour
NCC 72015 USS Sutherland
New Orleans Class :
NCC 57295 USS Rutledge
NCC 63102 USS Renegade
NCC 65491 USS Kyushu
NCC 65530 USS Thomas Paine
Niagara Class :
NCC 28473 USS Wellington
NCC 59804 USS Princeton
Norway Class :
NCC 64923 USS Budapest
Oberth Class :
NAR 18834 SS Vico
NCC 19002 USS Yosemite
NCC 31600 USS Bonestell
NCC 50331 USS Biko
NCC 53911 USS Tsiolkovsky
NCC 59983 USS Raman
NCC 623 USS Copernicus
Olympic Class :
NCC 55012 USS Nobel
NCC 58928 USS Pasteur
Renaissance Class :
NCC 45109 USS Maryland
NCC 45167 USS Aries
NCC 45231 USS Hornet
Rigel Class :
NCC 62095 USS Tolstoy
NCC 62158 USS Akagi
Saber Class :
NCC 61947 USS Yeager
Sequoia Class :
NCC 70073 USS Yellowstone
Springfield Class :
NCC 57302 USS Chekov
Steamrunner Class :
USS Hiroshima
NCC 52136 USS Appalachia
Surak Class :
NCC 33184 USS Zapata
Sydney Class :
NCC 2010 USS Jenolin
Type 6 Shuttle :
NCC 1701-D/03 Justman
NCC 1701-D/06 Curie
NCC 1701-D/15 Galileo
NCC 1701-D/15 Goddard
NCC 1701-D/15 Magellan
NCC 1701-D/16 Fermi
NCC 74656/05 Sacajawea
RS-47 Verne
Type 7 Shuttle :
NCC 1701-D/01 Sakharov
NCC 1701-D/10 D'Alison
NCC 67016/07 Kotoi
Type 8 Shuttle :
NCC 74656/01 Tereshkova
Type 9 Shuttle :
Type 15 Shuttle :
NCC 1701-D/03 Voltaire
NCC 1701-D/05 El-Baz
NCC 1701-D/07 Onizuka
NCC 1701-D/09 Ley
NCC 1701-D/12 Pike
Wambundu Class :
NCC 20316 USS Fleming
NCC 20381 USS Drake
Yorkshire Class :
NCC 54927 USS DenverAkira Class :
NCC 63284 USS Helios
NCC 63887 USS Avalon
Excelsior II Class :
NCC 42023 USS Eureka
NCC 42037 USS Excelsior
Gagarin Class :
NCC 97930 USS Gagarin
Inquiry Class :
NCC 86501 USS Nathan Hale
NCC 86503 USS Rustazh
NCC 86509 USS Magellan
NCC 86517 USS Shackleton
Kaplan F17 Patrol Frigate :
NCC 93130 CSS Cestus
NCC 93131 CSS La Sirena
NCC 93135 CSS Hydra
NCC 93142 CSS Makara
NCC 93147 CSS Selkie
Phoenix Class :
NAR-59019 SS Eleos XII
Reliant Class :
NCC 90200 USS Reliant
NCC 90206 USS Clark
NCC 90214 USS Uhura
Ross Class :
NCC 75148 USS Vanguard
NCC 76545 USS Yi Sun-Sun
Sovereign Class :
NCC 74107 USS Okuda
NCC 74181 USS Patchacuti
NCC 74699 USS Gilgamesh
NCC 74877 USS Valkyrie
NCC 74957 USS Hutchinson
NCC 74975 USS Hrothgar
NCC 75304 USS Arsinoe
NCC 75306 USS Venture
Sutherland Class :
NCC 91800 USS Sutherland
NCC 91814 USS Huygens
NCC 91870 USS Almagest
NCC 91965 USS ibn Al-Haytham
Type 14 Shuttle :
USS Jemison

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 110,249 Last updated : 9 Nov 2014