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Y.A.T.I. List

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Discovery | Films

Y.A.T.I. Episode
Voyager is lost in the Delta Quadrant because Janeway decides that if they use the array to return instead of destroying it, the Kazon will then use it to destroy the Ocampa. Why not just put a few tri-cobalt torpedoes on the station with timers set to blow it up a few minutes after the ship returns? VOY : Caretaker
This episode is one of the biggest Bad Science eps, even by Trek standards. An event horizon is not a "powerful force field", but rather a dividing line drawn around a mass at the point where the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light. It's just as arbitrary as the international date line or the arctic circle on Earth's surface. And since Voyager can actually go faster than light, then there's no real reason why the ship couldn't expect to fly into and out of the event horizon of a black hole quite comfortably. VOY : Parallax
In this episode Kes and Neelix talk about strange Ocampan mental abilities and how nobody believes in them. Well, Kes talked telepathically to an Ocampan in "Caretaker", and made it seem like it was something they did all the time. How can people refuse to believe that a telepath has mental powers? VOY : Time and Again
The EMH says he will use Neelix's last transporter trace as a template to create holographic lungs for him. Unfortunately, the last time Neelix used the transporter was when he came back on board the ship after losing his lungs. So there was nothing there to serve as a template. VOY : Phage
Chakotay says that the ship has 38 photon torpedoes, and Janeway adds that they have no way to replace them once they are gone. Strangely, during the next seven years the ship will fire far more than this, even excluding those in alternate timelines and suchlike. VOY : The Cloud
When considering whether everybody can beam themselves home through the wormhole, Kes asks the EMH if his program can be downloaded and he says no. Yet he was downloaded to Starling's office in "Future's End", and across the galaxy in "Message in a Bottle" and "Lifeline", and is frequently downloaded into his mobile emitter in later seasons. VOY : Eye of the Needle
In this episode Paris claims that Humans gave up smoking centuries ago. So why did the transporter room have a "No Smoking" sign in "Star Trek III: The Search For Spock"? VOY : Ex Post Facto
Let's talk asteroids. Firstly, these things are orbiting a planet so they are not asteroids, they are moons. But these asteroids are a common type seen in Trek - class M 'roids, complete with breathable atmospheres and Earth normal gravity. To put this in perspective, a 1 km wide spherical asteroid with Earth gravity would average nine thousand times denser than Iron. How likely does this sound to you? VOY : Emanations
So Sikarian trajectors are identical to self sealing stem bolts, are they? VOY : Prime Factors
In this episode the crew discover that somebody has given the Kazon replicator technology. But in "Caretaker", Janeway told the Kazon that it was impossible to give them the tech because it was integrated into her ship. Not a very 'Starfleet' thing to do, flat out lying to them like that. VOY : State of Flux
The EMH tries the cooked Elk and claims that it tastes good. Yet in the much later episode "Body and Soul", he claims that he had no idea how great it was to eat stuff until he was downloaded into Seven of Nine's body. VOY : Heroes and Demons
This episode claims that a command level code is needed to eject the warp core. Yet in "Day of Honor", B'Elanna ejected the core on her own authority. VOY : Cathexis
B'Elanna whines and bitches so much about how much she hates to look Klingon, why hasn't she ever just had cosmetic surgery? This type of procedure is simple and quick in the Federation. VOY : Faces
In this episode Neelix's home world is called Talax. Usually it's called Talaxia. VOY : Jetrel
Tuvok claims that he cleared Deck 13 for their use, but at the end of their run a crewman walks past. VOY : Learning Curve
At one point we see Harry Kim slumped over an exploded console, apparently dead. When the camera changes angle, suddenly Harry has moved. VOY : Projections
Kes continually claims that this is her only chance to have "a child". Yet if the Ocampa females can only reproduce once in their lives, then multiple births would have to be the norm in order to keep the population stable. VOY : Elogium
If the spatial distortion around the ship is ring shaped, why can they not just fly straight up or down and escape it that way? VOY : Twisted
I find it real hard to believe that Amelia Earhart, a world famous pilot, would give up the chance to fly off with Voyager so that she could settle down on a planet for the rest of her life. VOY : The 37's
When Kar and Chakotay are fleeing the Kazon, Kar tells Chakotay that he will show him how to disable the weapon systems. Strangely, he makes this announcement in full view and hearing of all the other Kazon. Isn't this the kind of thing you would save until you were alone with Chakotay? VOY : Initiations
Starfleet security put a gadget on Kim and tell him that tampering means his immediate arrest. Naturally he tampers with it, triggering the alarm. Fortunately the designer of this gadget made it emit a beeping sound when the alarm is tripped, so that the wearer can tell security is on the way in plenty of time to escape. Worse, since the gadget must transmit Harry's position to security, why do they beam security to his position rather than simply beaming him into a cell? VOY : Non Sequitur
When Captain Janeway gets in the turbolift to get to engineering, she finds Chakotay standing there frozen. When she arrives at engineering she's standing there frozen and Chakotay is gone. I guess she must have stopped off on the way and shoved him out the door. VOY : Persistence of Vision
I find it hard to believe that a species which has galaxy-crossing warp technology lives in caves and hates the exploitation of natural resources. I mean what do they build their ships out of, wood? VOY : Tattoo
When Kes claims that she can see below the subatomic, Tuvok claims there is nothing below the subatomic. Well, quarks (the particles, not the DS9 bar) are smaller than subatomic particles in size, and have been well known for a long time. And there are theoretical structures even smaller than that. VOY : Cold Fire
When Janeway wants to get into the prison, she fools the guards into thinking she is there for (ahem) other reasons. Shouldn't they get suspicious because she doesn't have the same facial ridges as the other natives of the planet? Or are aliens so common on this world that they are accepted as trustworthy on sight? VOY : Resistance
When they first show Janeway on the Bridge, the first officer's chair is empty. But then after the captain goes to that upper center station, the camera changes angles and suddenly Chakotay is in his chair! VOY : Prototype
Why can't the Voyager crew go home at warp 10 and then use the EMH's anti-proton thingie to cure themselves of the mutations? At the very least, send one person home in the shuttle to tell Starfleet what happened to them! VOY : Threshold
When the EMH first diagnoses Tuvok, he picks up a PADD and then walks through the forcefield while holding it. Surely the PADD should have bounced off the field? VOY : Meld
B'Elanna claims that she has reprogrammed the Dreadnought to forget that it is Cardassian, but when it hails Voyager it immediately claims it is Cardassian in design. VOY : Dreadnought
Quinn claims to have been bottled up in the comet for 300 years. Yet he later says his death wish was inspired by the misbehaving of Q, which mostly seems to have happened within the last decade or so. I suppose there could be some kind of time travel aspect to Quinn's punishment, but why would they bother? VOY : Death Wish
The stardates of this episode have gone backwards compared to "Lifesigns", even though this is set afterwards. VOY : Investigations
So, are we supposed to believe that these people are adult sized when they are born? If so, how can anybody possibly give birth to a baby that is bigger than they are? Or do they start off small then grow to adult size before shrinking again? The whole thing was very poorly thought through. VOY : Innocence
When Harry complains that the acoustics on board are terrible, Tom replies that the ship was built for war, not for clarinet players. I thought Starships were ships of peace and exploration? VOY : The Thaw
If Tuvix is made of a combination of Tuvok and Neelix, does he weigh as much as the two put together? He sure doesn't seem to.

And isn't Janeway's action here murder? She told the Vidiians in "Phage" that her culture doesn't allow her to end one life to save another, what has changed this?
VOY : Tuvix
Why didn't the transporter's biofilter remove the virus from Janeway and Chakotay?

When the storm blows up on the planet, why don't Janeway and Chakotay just go hide out in the shuttle? Those things are pretty strong, and I imagine you could put the shields up and be even safer. For that matter you could just take off and fly somewhere sunny till things blow over.
VOY : Resolutions
Doesn't it seem strange that the auto destruct system can be damaged without anybody on board realising it? VOY : Basics, Part 1
Tuvok claims that the Khittomer conference led to the first peace treaty between the Federation and the Klingons. What about the Organian peace treaty? VOY : Flashback
So Taresian women reproduce by infecting alien males with a retrovirus that rewrites their DNA, effectively turning them ino Taresian males. The women then mate with them, a process that kills the male and presumably impregnates the woman.

So... why don't the Taresians have males of their own, exactly? Presume they give birth to an (almost) equal mix of males and females, just like we do. So wouldn't the natural pattern be that a male grows to adulthood, impregnates a female, and then he dies whilst she goes on to give birth to more males and females for the next generation? If so, why would then need outside males at all?

Or do they only give birth to females, thus having to capture and convert the males of other species to use in their reproduction, kind of like how a parasite uses a host? Only if that's so, how did such a form of reproduction evolve, exactly? Taresians must have evolved long before they developed space travel, right? So how does a species evolve to need alien males for reproduction, when there are no alien males to be had?
VOY : Favorite Son
The episode "The '37s" gave a crew count of 152. Since then twelve people have either been confirmed killed; Seska also left (and was later killed), so the crew should be down to 139 or less. Yet this episode claims that there are 148 people on the ship. So... is Voyager picking up new crewmembers? VOY : Distant Origin
In this episode our heroes improvise a couple of phaser weapons. When Tom and B'Elanna hide out in the Argala habitat, B'Elanna announces that they might get one more shot out of the weapon. A minute later one of the pursuing Nyrians collapses due to the cold, and she shoots another. Although both Nyrians are armed, neither Tom nor B'Elanna bother to pick up their weapons - instead they just run off with their own now non-functional weapon. VOY : Displaced
Seven of Nine declares of the Kazon "Their biological and technological distinctiveness was unremarkable. They were unworthy of assimilation." But in Best of Both Worlds, Part 2, Locutus claimed that "we only wish to raise quality of life for all species." And in First Contact the Queen herself claimed that she has encountered resistance from hundreds of species and now "they are all Borg." VOY : Mortal Coil
Why is it that Janeway doesn't ever talk to the aliens about the situation with Omega? Her only response is to charge in, guns blazing; isn't this a stupid plan? Say she's sucessful in destroying all the Omega molecules and leaves - won't the aliens simply rebuild and repeat their experiment, creating more Omega molecules? Which Voyager won't even know about since they'll be hundreds of light years away. But if they took the time to talk to the aliens and explain the problem to them, explain just how dangerous Omega is and what the consequenes of losing control of it are, it's entirely possible that they would give it up on their own and never try to make any again. Which is a much better solution, right? But Janeway, a Starfleet Captain of all things, never even thinks to try diplomacy.

Janeway claims one Omega molecule has "the same energy as a warp core". What is that supposed to mean, exactly? It's perfectly reasonable to say that an Omega molecule can release a given amount of energy, sure. But a warp core doesn't have a specific amount of energy - rather it produces a specific amount of energy per second, i.e. it has a given power rating. The line should have read something like "one Omega molecule produces as much energy s a warp core does in a year".

And if Omega is that powerful, why do the aliens produce 200,000,000 of them? I know they claim they are out of recources, but are they really in need of as much energy as two hundred million warp cores can produce? Bear in mind that the entire Federation probably only has something like 200,000 warp cores even counting all the starships, civilian ships, shuttles, etc. This pre-warp civilisation needs a thousand times as many?
VOY : The Omega Directive
The idea that you can poison a whole area of space is just plain silly. VOY : Night
Where does the mass for the mobile emitter's assimilation tubule come from? If it's made from parts of the emitter then surely the doctor wouldn't be able to use it again afterwards. If it's made from nanoprobes where does the material come from to make the nanoprobes. VOY : Drone
B'Elanna orders the computer to disengage the safety protocols on the holodeck, and after a "are you sure?" warning, it does so. Yet in TNG's "Descent", Part 1, Data orders the safety protocols disengaged and the computer refuses to do so until a second senior officer confirms the order. Whilst it's understandable that different classes of ship years apart might run different software with different requirements, is it really plausible that Starfleet would be lowering the safety requirements over time like this?

It seems completely out of place for B'Elanna to be depressed about the death of the Maquis at this stage. She has known about their death for fifteen episodes now, this episode would have been better placed in the second half of last series.
VOY : Extreme Risk
When the 8472 station arms its weapons Janeway orders the Delta Flyers weapons armed. However, she had already ordered them armed only moments before. VOY : In the Flesh
When the flyer sends it's distress call to Voyager they clearly say the impulse engines are down. However, when Voyager arrives at the planet they follow the impulse wake to find the crash site.

In early TNG, every time somebody went into the Holodecks for the first time they were awed by how amazing it was, commenting that they had never seen anything like it before. In "Encounter at Farpoint", Data even had to explain to Riker how a holodeck worked, with Riker stating that he had no idea such simulations could be so realistic. In "We'll Always Have Paris", Jenice couldn't even understand how recreating the Cafe des Artistes on the Enterprise-D was possible. It is heavily implied that holodeck technology is something new, or at least no more than a few years old. Yet now we find that not only have Holodecks have been in use since Janeway was a child, but that their use as a plaything for children was common even then.
VOY : Once Upon a Time
Chakotay says it looks like Voyager hit at half impulse. That's a sizeable fraction of lightspeed, an impact like that would have left a crater, not a wreck! VOY : Timeless
When Seven has her little flashes of memory they include at least a couple of Bajorans. These people are also wearing Bajoran uniforms. Where did these people get assimilated, any Bajorans at Wolf 359 would have been in Starfleet uniforms. VOY : Infinite Regress
The whole premise of this episode is somewhat flawed. Voyager finds it quite acceptable to use Borg technology and information whenever it likes without a thought for the method of acquisition. Now, all of a sudden it doesn't want to save B'Elanna with similarly acquired information. Worse still, the EMH uses Crell Mosset's knowledge to save B'Elanna, and then deletes him so nobody will benefit from the knowledge. So if his decision was that nobody should benefit from the knowledge, why did he not do it straight away and them leave B'Elanna to die? The moral of the episode seems honestly to be that "nobody should benefit from immorally obtained knowledge, except for B'Elanna Torres." VOY : Nothing Human
We have a direct statement in the episode that the pressure gets greater as you descend towards the centre of the sphere. However, when the Delta Flyer gets a puncture at the core of the ocean the water just dribbles in, whereas it should have been a high pressure jet. VOY : Thirty Days
It seems that Voyager was creeping past the array at impulse, not warp. But that makes little sense, impulse is far too slow to cross the 20 light year scan diameter of the array in any reasonable time. VOY : Counterpoint
Tom Paris's rank and hairstyle where incorrect in the flashback scenes.

Does it strike anybody else as odd that the EMH, a program intended specifically for emergency medical situations, is designed in such a way that performing triage creates severe mental impairments? Triage is a standard medical practice used in emergency situations where the resources available are not adequate to treat all victims; essentially it divides the victims into three groups - those who have injuries minor enough that they can wait for later treatment, those who have injuries serious enough that they need immediate treatment, and those who have injuries so serious that they are allowed to die without treatment. It's a brutal thing to have to do, but it's done because there is literally no other choice in the situation. Why on Earth would the EMH of all people be unable to do it?
VOY : Latent Image
I don't think that there is one. VOY : Bride of Chaotica!
Janeway tells Tuvok that there is a temporal difference of 0.4744 seconds per minute. He uses this to say that he has to 2 days, 11 hours and 47 seconds left. It's actually 2 days 15 hours 14.26 minutes. VOY : Gravity
At one point, Seven of Nine claims the 'wormhole' is three hundred million kilometres away. Just a few minutes later she contacts a ship inside the thing and says it's 3.2 light years away! VOY : Bliss
The Raven log entries quote two stardates, 32611 and 32623.5 and they claim that these are eight months apart, however, they are only 12.5 stardates apart! The Borg queen claims that Seven of Nine is the only Borg that has ever returned to a state of individuality, however Hugh and his entire ship did this in TNG episode "I, Borg". VOY : Dark Frontier, Part 1
The Raven log entries quote two stardates, 32611 and 32623.5 and they claim that these are eight months apart, however, they are only 12.5 stardates apart! The Borg queen claims that Seven of Nine is the only Borg that has ever returned to a state of individuality, however Hugh and his entire ship did this in TNG episode "I, Borg". VOY : Dark Frontier, Part 2
When Janeway orders Kim to break off his relationship, she sends him to inform Tal himself, on his own. Does this seem like a sensible action to you? Well it isn't, because Kim naturally falls straight into bed with her again. Janeway should know better. VOY : The Disease
As a sequel to "Demon", this episode makes little sense. In that episode Voyager left copies of it's crew behind on the Demon planet, copies who were desperate to remain behind and unable to live anywhere else. Now we're supposed to believe that not only did this all change for some reason, but they all forgot they were just copies and a fully functioning ship also appeared out of the silver stuff! VOY : Course: Oblivion
When the captain calls a red alert and orders Chakotay to the bridge he goes to his quarters and changes his clothes first. VOY : The Fight
When Voyager discovers bio readings in the messages sent to the Hazari, they image these in an attempt to find out who is after them. However, these readings also seem to contain information about clothing, thankfully. VOY : Think Tank
It seems almost unbelievable that they would let children play with a toy that, with a simple alteration, could spin you so fast that it could 'spin you apart'. VOY : Juggernaut
Doc tells Seven that he want's a full report of her date in the morning, however, he's going to be there, he plays the piano. VOY : Someone to Watch Over Me
Janeway's claim that Shannon O'Donnell was her main influence on her choice of career is a contradiction of previous episodes. VOY : 11:59
The EMH has previously claimed that he was first activated at the start of Voyager's first season, however, here we see him activated in space dock prior to it's initial launch. VOY : Relativity
In "Gravity", the EMH reveals that he can undestand foreign languages because he has a built in universal translator. In this episode he uses his translator to understand the warheads computer language. So how come the Human's translators don't also work on it? VOY : Warhead
Ransom claim's that 10 isograms of the aliens will boost the engines by 0.03% and yet later he claims that they've use it to go 10,000 light years in two weeks. Even flat out that's in excess of warp 9.9999, far more than a 0.03% increase. VOY : Equinox, Part 1
In this episode, Janeway says they are 50 light years from the planet where the Equinox encountered the aliens. Yet last episode, Ransom said his ship had travelled over ten thousand light years since he started using the aliens as fuel. VOY : Equinox, Part 2
If I understand this correctly, the three ex-drones have implants which connect them. All three sets of implants are shut down, letting them be free of one another's minds but with the side effect that this will kill them after a month or so. The question is, why shut all the implants down? Surely you could leave the implants in one person running, and when the other two die he or she would be free of their thoughts and still alive and healthy? They could have drawn straws or something to see who would get to survive. VOY : Survival Instinct
Couldn't find anything obviously wrong with this one. VOY : Barge of the Dead
When the Doctor was singing in Italian why didn't the universal translator convert it into English. Then again, it is a dream so maybe he just imagined it that way. VOY : Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy
The particle fountain seen in this episode appears to be a natural phenomenon, whereas the last time we saw something of that name it was a machine used in some sort of orbital mining. VOY : Alice
Tuvok draws the cloaking frequency on a cake. But he doesn't draw any scale, without which the whole thing is useless. VOY : Riddles
During the battle Tuvok reports that Voyager has disabled several Vaadwaur ships, whereas the special effect sequence shows the ships being utterly destroyed. VOY : Dragon's Teeth
On hearing that the Delta Flyer crew will be exposed to radiation, the EMH prepares to inoculate them against it. But an inoculation shouldn't be able to protect you from radiation... VOY : One Small Step
Kim says that if the catapult throws Voyager a thousand light years it will cut 'a few years' off their trip, but Voyager is supposed to average 1,000 light years per year so they would actually only save one year.

So whilst Seven of Nine's conclusions are revealed to be the result of simple paranoia, nothing in the episode invalidates the facts those conclusions were based on. So I have to ask... why exactly was Voyager carrying tri-cobalt devices? Subspace weapons are later revealed to be illegal in the Federation, so what is Voyager doing carrying them? And why did Tuvok use twice the yield he needed to blow up he Array? What was the blue energy beam linking Voyager with the Array's secondary power core? Why does nobody express the least conern or interest about the fact that a Cardassian warship is loose somewhere in the Delta Quadrant? Okay so it wasn't all part of a conspiracy... but what is the explanation?
VOY : The Voyager Conspiracy
Starfleet aims the transmission at Voyagers estimated position, however the ship has made jumps totalling about thirty thousand light years since their last contact with home. It should be nowhere near the position Starfleet has calculated! VOY : Pathfinder
Janeway says: "Then transfer all secondary power sources, transporters, replicators, holodecks.", however, in Parallax we're told that you cannot use holodeck power for any of the ships other systems. VOY : Fair Haven
A big problem for Voyager is that they can't communicate with the planet. But they are able to slow transmissions from the planet down and listen to them, so why can't they speed their own messages up? VOY : Blink of an Eye
When he wants to leave the ship, the EMH tells Janeway he is 'resigning his commission' - but he never went to the academy, doesn't have a rank and is not officially a Starfleet officer. He shouldn't have a commission to resign. VOY : Virtuoso
When Naomi burns herself, Neelix grabs her and hides behind a counter. In the next scene, he's waving a phaser around. Where did he get it from? Do they really store phasers in the kitchen? I suppose it's possible, after all they did it in ST VI, but it makes no sense. VOY : Memorial
The EMH calls boxing 'arguably the most barbaric sport in Earth's history'. What, so it's more barbaric than the Roman gladiatorial games in which people actually killed one another? VOY : Tsunkatse
Borg drones are supposed to come and deal with their dead comrades, not just abandon them.? VOY : Collective
When Harry and Kim are trying to fix the program, they claim that it is easier to do it from the holodeck itself than from the holo-lab. There's no reason this should be so, except that it gives the locals a chance to catch the two officers and so continue the story. VOY : Spirit Folk
Ballard says she died two years ago, and this makes sense if she was killed by a Hirogen. But then for the rest of the episode, everybody says she's been gone for three years. VOY : Ashes to Ashes
The EMH has performed extensive surgery on Icheb, yet he never noticed that he was designed to produce this pathogen before? VOY : Child's Play
They all act as if everything was just fine at the end of this episode, yet Harren murdered the alien - Janeway said as much herself. Isn't he going to face any disciplinary action? VOY : Good Shepherd
Janeway says "Any component connected to the integrated circuitry can spread a contaminant.", however it's hard to believe that the simple heating element would be able to affect the computer. VOY : Live Fast and Prosper
The Universal Translator allows B'Elanna to speak the local language, but how come she can read it as well? VOY : Muse
Janeway says Tuvok is near to the "big three digits" on his birthday. But "Flashback" establishes that he is already one hundred and twelve years old. VOY : Fury
Admiral Hayes claims that as Voyager gets closer to Earth their conversations will become more frequent. Why is this? The communication depends on the cycle of a pulsar - is this thing speeding up or something? VOY : Life Line
Tuvok tells Neelix to "envision your lungs filled with light", but Neelix has only had one lung since season one's "The Phage". The writers have been fairly careful about this since then, but I just knew they'd forget eventually! VOY : The Haunting of Deck Twelve
How come Paris goes from Ensign back to Lieutenant in well under two years, but Kim has been an Ensign for over six years now?

The Queen at one point announces to a Drone "I've disconnected you from the hive mind." But in TNG "Best of Both Worlds", Crusher surmises from studying Picard that "he's part of their collective consciousness now. Cutting him off would be like asking one of us to disconnect an arm of a foot, we can't do it!" And lest we think Crusher was simply mistaken, remember that they then used this weakness to defeat the entire Borg attack.
VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Part 1
Everywhere the Borg Queen goes in this episode, she is constantly lit by green lights. Even in Unimatrix Zero, where the lighting is completely natural, she has green lighting on her. Does she have a crew of drones who follow her about with green lamps or something? VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Part 2
Here we have yet another convenient Borg debris field, complete with dead drones. Whatever happened to the Borg coming after their dead? Even Voyager constantly says this will happen in the episodes, but so far I don't think we've ever seen the Borg come after their own dead in this series. VOY : Imperfection
This episode repeats a statement first made in "Fury", that ships at warp can only go in straight lines. Why the producers of Voyager have decided on this I can't imagine, but there are dozens - perhaps even hundreds - of examples of ships changing course whilst at warp. Indeed, "Encounter at Farpoint" shows the E-D doing a very tight 180 degree turn whilst at warp 9.7! VOY : Drive
When Tuvok walks into his quarters, he takes off his jacket and stares at himself in the mirror. He sees the Bajoran's face there and charges out of the room in a massive hurry - but when we see him in the corridor a moment later, his combadge has appeared on his shirt! VOY : Repression
The EMH is supposed to be qualified to do away missions, so why doesn't he have any problem with breaking the prime directive? VOY : Critical Care
Why exactly was the Reg hologram so nasty to the EMH about the golf game? From the Ferengi point of view it doesn't really matter what recreational activity he engages in so long as he doesn't raise suspicions. Shouting at the EMH did just that, without accomplishing anything so far as the mission was concerned. VOY : Inside Man
I can't think of a YATI for this one! VOY : Body and Soul
The Kraylor ship is a rebuild of the Federation fighter design which we have seen used a few times. VOY : Nightingale
The Hirogen station is claimed to use Tylium based power. Tylium is the fuel that the Battlestar Galactica used!

According to "Demon", class Y planets are so dangerous that you can't even take a starship into orbit of one safely. Now all of a sudden the Hirogen are running around without helmets, and Voyager is flying around without any trouble at all.
VOY : Flesh and Blood
The display of the different time zones we see in Astrometrics doesn't match what we see in the episode - according to the display, the whole area around the bridge is on the same zone as the bridge itself, yet we see when Chakotay kidnaps the Captain that there is a fracture just outside Janeway's ready room. VOY : Shattered
Genetic engineering is supposed to be illegal in the Federation, at least according to DS9. So how come it is the treatment of choice for a deviated spine? VOY : Lineage
Near the end of the episode when one of the other murderers asks Neelix why he can't have the same surgery, Neelix just acts disgusted. Well, why can't he? Okay he's a different species, but isn't it worth at least having the EMH examine him to see if it's possible? Surely all the murderers should have the same opportunity as the first. VOY : Repentance
Although not necessarily a YATI as such, the Klingon ship is called a D7 cruiser. The D7 is supposed to be the ship seen in TOS, and while it's not impossible that there are different versions of D7 which look different from one another, it would have been better to have given it a different class designation. VOY : Prophecy
In this episode Tom Paris wonders why people have to steal Deuterium when you can find it "anywhere". Hmm, back in the episode "Demon" Voyager had to land on a massively dangerous planet because they were running out of deuterium and couldn't find it anywhere! For those interested, deuterium is indeed very common and it is this episode which is correct. VOY : The Void
Neelix claims that Chakotay is a vegetarian in this episode. Yet at the beginning of the last episode, Neelix served him up a helping of Nubian Quail made by Seven of Nine and the Commander tucked in without hesitation. VOY : Workforce, Part 1
The reactors on the Quarren planet really are something. Not only do they use the Tylium fuel that the Battlestar Galactica uses, they also have Borg technology in them - the plasma screens from Borg alcoves are built into each reactor! VOY : Workforce, Part 2
Seven of nine has been through some very emotional moments in the last few years - "Infinite Regress" springs to mind. Yet strangely, this anti-emotion fail safe has never manifested itself before. Also, the supposedly vegetarian Chakotay is offered rack of Lamb to eat in this episode and makes no objection. True it's only a holo-Chakotay, but if everything else about him is so realistic why not a simple fact like this? VOY : Human Error
We're constantly told that the Q are omnipotent, yet this is clearly not the case. For example, if Q is omnipotent then why can't he do a finger snap and make Q2 have a more mature attitude to life? VOY : Q2
This episode offers an excuse for Kim's lack of promotion. In his talk with his mother he claims that there are only so many senior jobs on board the ship. But this makes no sense - Kim is already in a senior position, and has been since some of the senior officers were killed in the first episode. Sure Janeway can't go around giving everybody promotions or she'll end up with a ship full of Admirals, but Kim should have at least a Lieutenant or Lieutenant Commander rank to go with the position he holds. And in "Datalore" Data stated that he only spent three years as an Ensign, so really Kim should have been promoted long ago. VOY : Author, Author
In this episode, Janeway talks about Carey's death and makes the comment that exploration is not worth a single life. How can a Starship captain possibly believe this to be true? Every starship we've ever seen has lost crewmembers on a regular basis. We've been told often that you accept the risks that come with a Starfleet uniform. Yet now Janeway decides that Starfleet should pull back from exploration because of these deaths? VOY : Friendship One
When Chakotay is asking the primitives about Seven of Nine, he points at his eyebrow to refer to her implant. Unfortunately, he points at the wrong eye! VOY : Natural Law
Neelix claims it is the 315th anniversary of the Vulcan first contact with Earth. In fact, it should be the 314th. VOY : Homestead
When boasting about how he can do many things at once, the EMH claims to be taking holo images of the nebula. How is he doing this without using his camera? And if he doesn't need a camera, why has he always used one to take holo images with before? VOY : Renaissance Man
So how come we've never, ever heard of these transwarp hubs before? VOY : Endgame

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 126,183 Last updated : 13 Mar 2025