Top menus
We've moved the Links and Awards menu items to the Site Guide menu and removed the button from the top strip. This evens up the strip making it look more tidy.
Fixed an issue where the snow could cause the page to flicker every few of seconds.
More top menus
We've also made another change to the top menu strip. For the first time on the site we've been able to make the strip change to fit the size of your window. This has been possible because of some changes to css made recently. This allows us to correctly fit the buttons to the layout, while still maintaining the borders that make the buttons look 3D. You may need to force a reload on a page before you see the effect. There is a minimum size that the header can be so you will only see a difference if your window is larger than that size. To put it another way, if you used to see blank buttons at the end of the header rows then you should now see the buttons fill that entire space.
If your browser doesn't support the new tech you will see the old arrangement, however, the blank buttons will be missing. The only browser that doesn't currently support it is Opera, which doesn't seem to be that popular with our users.
Update: Made a small adjustment to make lesser browsers (including Opera) a little more compatible.
Main page
Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause the main page to stop half way through.
Battle galleries
Fixed an issue with the pagination on the Battle galleries.